Sponsor a shelving plaque
In honour of, or in memory of a person of your choice
An example ...
A fantastic way to support the Naval Marine Archive – The Canadian Collection, The Book Shelf Campaign offers donors the opportunity to make an enduring contribution to our building fund which allows us to display and make available our vast collections of materials at The Victory. Individual donations of $100 or more towards this campaign will be recognized by an engraved brass plaque in honour, or in memoriam, of the person of your choice. Corporate sponsorship plaques are also available to businesses and organizations ($500 or more.) The plaques will then be mounted on one of the shelves of the publicly displayed permanent collection; some choice of location could be offered.
A printable form for the shelving campaign is down-loadable; this is where you designate the name of your choice for the plaque on the shelf.

Donations by credit card can also be made, securely and conveniently, on our secure server which is available here or the PayPal link can be used. Simply specify the name to be engraved in the comments section, or call us at 613-476-1177.
All Charitable donations are, of course, tax receiptable.

For more information on how you can become a donor to our institution, please contact us at:
Naval Marine Archive – The Canadian Collection
The Victory, 205 Main Street,
Picton, ON, K0K 2T0
Telephone: 1-613-476-1177
E-mail: for more information.