Sir John George Bourinot, KCMG FRSC (24 October 1836 - 13 October 1902)
Bourinot became Clerk of the commons on 1 Dec. 1880, and served with distinction in this position until his death. Because Bourinot was an authority not only on parliamentary procedure but also on constitutional law and history, he was consulted by those prominent in public life on matters that would not normally be referred to the clerk of the commons, especially in the years of uncertainty following the death of Sir John A. Macdonald in 1891. (from: Margaret A. Banks, Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XIII, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 1994.)
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Brief bibliography
Canada as a home; London,Trubner, 1882.
The island of Cape Breton, the "long-wharf" of the Dominion; [Toronto?, s.n., 1882]
Parliamentary procedure and practice; with a review of the origin, growth and operation of parliamentary institution in the Dominion of Canada, and an appendix, containing the British North America act of 1867 and amending acts; 1st ed. Montreal, Dawson Brothers, 1884, xx, 785 p. -- 2nd ed. Montreal, Dawson Brothers, 1892, xx, 929 p. -- 3rd ed. (posthumous), edited by Thomas Barnard Flint, Toronto, Canada Law Book Co., 1903; xviii, 892 p. -- 4th ed. edited by Thomas Barnard Flint, Toronto, Canada Law Book, 1916 xx, 693 p. -- [4th ed. re-imp. Clark, N.J., Lawbook Exchange, 2008, xx, 693 p., ISBN 1584778814.] This work is often cited as an abridgement, but is more correctly a re-write, to become "A Canadian manual..." in 1894 (see below.)
The fishery question, its imperial importance; Ottawa, J. Durie, 1886
Local government in Canada, an historical study; Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, 1887.
Canada and the Federation of the Empire; Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1887.
Federal Government in Canada; Baltimore, N. Murray, publication agent, Johns Hopkins University, 1889.
The national sentiment in Canada; Toronto, [s.n.], 1890.
The federal constitution of Canada; Edinburgh, W. Green ; Boston, Boston Book Co., 1890.
Canadian studies in comparative politics; Montreal, Dawson Bros., 1890.
Canada and the United States, an historical retrospect; [S.l., s.n., 1891?]
Historical and descriptive account of the island of Cape Breton, and of its memorials of the French régime; Montreal, W.F. Brown & Co., 1892.
Our intellectual strength and weakness; a short historical and critical review of literature, art and education in Canada; Montreal, F. Brown, 1893.
A Canadian manual on the procedure at meetings of municipal councils, shareholders and directors of companies, synods, conventions, societies and public assemblies generally : with an introductory review of the rules and usages of Parliament that govern public assemblies in Canada; Toronto, Carswell, 1894, 1 p.l., [v]-viii, 444 p.; reprinted (posthumous), 2nd imp. 1911; 3rd imp. 1914; identical pagination. 4th imp. 1918 had title prefixed by "Rules of order, being... etc"; was abridged by dropping at least the "introductory review of the rules and usages of Parliament"; and was repaginated to iv, [2], 208 p. (see last para. below.)
Bibliography of the members of the Royal Society of Canada; [S.l., The Society], 1894.
The story of Canada; New York, Putnam, 1896.
Canada during the Victorian era, a historical review; Ottawa, J. Durie ; Toronto, Copp, Clark, 1897.
Canada under British rule, 1760-1900; Cambridge, University Press, 1900. Rev. ed. 1909
Builders of Nova Scotia, a historical review, with an appendix containing copies of rare documents relating to the early days of the province; Toronto, Copp-Clark Co., 1900.
Social and economic conditions of the British provinces after the Canadian rebellions 1838-1840; [S.l., s.n., 1900?]
Some memories of Dundurn and Burlington Heights; [S.l., s.n., 1900?]
How Canada is governed, a short account of its executive, legislative, judicial and municipal institutions, with an historical outline of their origin and development, with numerous illustrations; Toronto, Copp, Clark, 1902.
Rules of order, being a Canadian manual on the procedure at meetings of shareholders and directors of companies, conventions, societies and public assemblies generally, an abridgment of the author's larger work; Toronto, McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart, 1918. Re-printed 1924, McClelland and Stewart. N.B. Cover title: "Bourinot's Rules of Order."