Some Titles referring to the United States Navy

Please note that we are actively adding to this collection, and will be updating the titles on this page from time to time. If you have books, magazines, post cards, photographs etc, that you may be prepared to donate, please see our "Donations" page

Title Author Publisher ISBN Year
Nautilus 90 north Anderson, William R World Publishing 59-6656 1959
Around the World Submerged Beach, Captain Edward L. USN Holt, Rinehart and Winston 62-18406 1962
United States Navy 200 years, The Beach, Edward L. Henry Holt and Company 0-8050-0476-9 1986
Run silent, run deep Beach, Edward L. Henry Holt and Company 55-6416 1955
Titans of the Seas Belote, James H and William M Harper Row   1975
Webfoot Warriors, The Best, Herbert John Day Company   1962
Elmer Squee Brooks, Richard L. MacMillan Company   1942
United States Navy, The Carrison, Captain Daniel J. Frederick A, Praeger 68-16081 1968
Navy from wood to steel, 1860-1890, The Carrison, Captain Daniel J. Franklin Watts 65-11939 1965
Submarine Clancy, Tom Berkley books, NY 0-425-13873-9 1993
USS Seawolf Frank, Gerold and Horan, James D G.P. Putnam's Sons   1945
Rebels under sail Fowler, William M Jr Charles Scribner's Sons   1976
Splendid little war Freidel, Frank Bramhall House 58-10069 1958
Our Naval Heritage Green, Fitzhugh Century   1925
U. S. Army ships and watercraft of World War II Grover, David H. Naval Institute Press 0-87021-766-6 1987
Great White Fleet, The Hart, Robert A. Little, Brown 65-20742 1965
Lonely Ships, The Hoyt, Edwin P. David McKay Company Inc   1976
Queen of the flat-tops Johnston, Stanley E.P. Dutton   1942
Naval Genius of George Washington Knox, Dudley W Houghton Mifflin   1932
All the drowned sailors Lech, Raymond B Stein and Day 0-8128-2881-x 1982
Frigate Constitution and other historic ships, The Magoun, F. Alexander Dover Publications 0-486-25524-7 1987
From Sail to Steam Mahan, Captain Alfred Thayer Harper and Brothers   1907
Sand Pebbles, The McKenna, Richard Corgi Book 0 552 08701 7 1963
Hunters in the Shallows Nelson, Curtis L. Brassey's 1-57488-167-1 1998
Cindarellas of the Fleet, The Nutting, William Washburn Standard Motor Construction Co   1919
Joshua Barney Paine, Ralph D Century Company   1924
Narrative of the expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan Perry, Commodore M.C. Coward-McCann 52-11706 1856
United States and world sea power, the Potter, E.B. Pretice-hall, inc.   1955
Eminent Americans, namesakes of the Polaris fleet Rickover, H.G. US Government Printing Office 72-90503 1972
Confederate States Navy, History of the Scarf, J. Thomas Fairfax Press 77-79652 1977
Old Nameless Shalett, Sidney D. Appleton and Company   1943
Guadalcanal Diary Tregaskis, Richard Random House   1943

The above represents part of our holdings on this subject - these books are all available for consultation - some of the older titles may be handled only by a Curator, or by a Member who has received approved training in the handling of archival material. biographies, engravings, paintings, charts, etc are not listed.

We are continually expanding our collections - donations would be sincerely welcomed

More references to naval matters may be found in:


This is currently a work in progess, to rationalise, facilitate and expand our existing pages at the Naval Marine Archive. Some pages are very recent, some date back twenty years and may or may not have been reviewed and/or edited recently; we appreciate any suggestions for improvements.


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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 3 October 2006