Norie's Nautical Tables
Norie's Nautical Tables - With expalantions of their use. Rearranged and ... extended by a committee, Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson, 743pp, 1934; New Revised Edition, 664pp, Captain George P. Burris, Imray Laurie Norie And Wilson, 1947; Capt F. N. Hopkins (ed), Imray, 1956, 1970; Capn. A. G. Blance (ed), Imray Laurie Norie And Wilson Ltd, 1977, 547pp including index, etc. Also in Epitome, W.H. Rosser, Norie and Wilson, 1896, J.W. Saul, Imray, 1917 etc
Norie's cosine-haversine tables for solving the spherical triangle and ABC tables for azimuth. Norie's has five place natural/log haversine and log cosine functions tables that can be interpolated to the nearest 0.1 min of angle The ABC table can also be interpolated by eye to 0.1 deg in azimuth.
Norie's states pp13-14: "How far a Navigator is justified in working to tenths of a minute is a matter that can be argued about indefinitely, but since the nautical almanac gives hour angles and declinations to tenths of a minute and modern sextant with a decimal vernier enables readings to be taken to tenths of a minute as well, it would seem only logical to use navigation tables which, with the minimum of effort, provide for the same order of precision".
We hold several copies of Norie's Tables, dating from 1917 to 1983.