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Aeroplane Magazine

Aeroplane Magazine

Early cover - January 18th, 1912 (issue No. 33).


The Aeroplane, was first published in June 1911 by The Aeroplane and General Publishing Co., 166, Picadilly, London, W. Charles D. Grey was the editor. Each weekly issue cost 1d. (one penny). The title was changed to "The Aeroplane and Astronautics", starting with the 28 August 1959, Vol. 97, no. 2497, under the editorship of Thurstan James.

The January 18th, 1912 (issue No. 33) cover shows the publisher's banner and a photograph of "The |lttle| Vendôme monoplane flying at Issy with a Viale engine. The chassis, wing form, fuselage and empennage are all quite distinctive."

Our collection is partially complete from February 1912 to 1959, mostly loose issues, with some bound volumes which unfortunately had the front covers removed during the binding process. Catalogue entry here.

1959 : Starting with Vol. 96 (April 24, 1959) and ending with Vol. 102 (March 8, 1962), the title was changed to "Aeroplane and Astronautics"; these are catalogued here.

1962 : The name was agin changed to "The Aeroplane and commercial aviation news" with Vol. 102 (March 15, 1962); these are cataloged here.

1966 : In 1966, a further name change to "Aeroplane : The international air transport journal" took place, please see the catalogue here.

There is (or was until at least 2013) another publication "Aeroplane Monthly" (web reference from which "traces its lineage back to the weekly The Aeroplane launched in June 1911." Our catalogue entry can be found here.

Collection: Ross Richardson
Availability: as above
Indexing: by NMA, started, incomplete




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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 16 May 2015