The Arctic collection
Arctic magazine.
The Arctic is the Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America, and is published quarterly by the University of Calgary Press.
The photograph on the cover of the March 1986 issue is of a right whale taken at Akutan whaling station, early 1900s (courtesy W. Lagen) and illustrates an article on the catch records of the Twenty North Pacific Right Whales from two whaling stations by J.J. Brueggeman, T. Newby and R.A. Grotefendt.
Our collection includes Vol. 1 no.1 (loose issue), no.2 (pdf), both 1948, then is complete from 1949 (volume 2), to 1996 (volume 49) in bound volumes (some individual issues); donations of missing volumes would be greatly appreciated.
Collection: Stormy Weather
Availability: as above
Indexing: by NMA, started, incomplete, available here.
The Arctic's website:
Arctic Institute of North America
The University of Calgary
2500 University Drive N.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Telephone: (403) 220-4035
Fax: (403) 282-4609