Our "Cruising World" collection

Cruising World.
Cruising World was founded in 1975 as a bi-monthly plus a September show issue, and is now published monthly by Miller Sports group. Our collection starts with Volume 1 Number 1 (February 1975), and is partly incomplete up to Volume 26 Number 12 (December 2000).
Left: from the first issue (February 1975) - the schooner SHEARWATER (University of Pensylvania cleaning topsides in Antigua. The inaugural issue contained articles by Allan Vaitses, Larry Pardy, Charles Vilas, John Letcher and others.
Collection: General
Availability: all boxed, single - no volumes
Indexing: please see our main catalogue entry.
We are actively collecting back issues of this magazine; if we already have, or receive more, doubles - we will gladly exchange with other collections. Please E-mail us.
Cruising World
5 John Clarke Road
P.O. Box 3400
Newport, RI 02840-0992
phone: (401) 845-5100 fax: (401) 845-5180
Website: www.cruisingworld.com
E-mail: editor@cruisingworld.com