Nautical Quarterly
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by Mon/Year, Number, Articles, Yachts.
Premier issue #01 Sir Thomas Lipton, 12-meter technology, America's cup, chronology America, Enterprise, Rainbow, Ranger, Gretel II #02 Dick Newick, offshore Powerboat Racing, roaring forties, howling fifties, Charles G. Davis, Tahiti Shenandoah, Windseeker 55, Grand Banks 42, Bertram 58, Rogue Wave, Egg Harbor 36 #03 SORC, Whales, cold molding, rumboats, Joshua Slocum, Alaska, Salmon Impetuous, Evergreen, Freedom 40, Cinco W #04 Italian style, Framk Samuelsen, George Harbo, rowing boats, Carl G. Evers, seafood Riva Superamerica, Wetsail 32, Penobscot 50, C&C Mega, Olin J. Stphens II, Privateer #05 Seagulls, lobster boats, Class C catamarans John F Leavitt, #06 Rocky Aoki, Clippers, Russell Hoyt Benihana, Destination, Mistral, Aeyrie #07 Bob Perry, cruising yachts, polynesian navigation, apprentices, fishermen's cup races, Chris-Craft, sandbaggers, singlehand, Slocum, Herman Goering, Bob Perry, North Shore Bluenose II, Chanticleer, Windsong, botterjacht, Lafitte 44, Cigarette 28 Fisherman #08 guajira navy, dolphins, Jim Wynne, fiberglass Hinckley, Sou'wester 50, Bermuda 40, tugs, Gulfstar 40, Avanzar, Wynwaed, Scout 30 #09 Admiral' s cup, L. Francis Herreshop, Newfoundland, Sam Abell, windsurfing, King Crab Fishery Nina, dories, Shorleave Spring 1980 #10 OSTAR, singlehand, Cape Stiff, Cape Horn, Summer 1980 #11 Muskoka, Mr. Grann, catboats, America's Cup Shahbaz, Halter 63+2, Stiletto Autumn 1980 #12 Viking ships, gear, modlelyachts, Ron Holland, Affjord boat, The Nortons, Gulf Stream, Bassboats Infinity, Mackenzie 32, Fortier 26, Encore III, Winter 1980 Not issued Spring 1981 #13 sharks, Don Aronow, Hooligan Navy, peniches de Paris, O.C. 40, Direction, Squadron 27, Blue Lion Summer 1981 #14 Hacker and his craft, Waterway, Kilroy, folding schooner, Gar Wood, Sea Cloud, Kialoa, Alerion, Thunderbird, Felicity Autumn 1981 #15 Hobie Alter - beachcomber, Winter 1981 #16 "The Woodenboat Revival" Peter Spectre; "German Frers, Jr.-A Second Generation of Genius" Michael Levitt; "Paintings by Mihanovic"'; "Jack London-Master of Marlinspike and Pen" Joseph E Brown; "The Inconceivable and Monstrous" Jack London; "Ceramco and the Whole Earth Race" Michael Levitt; surveys by John Atkin on "The Mariner 39", "The Baltic 42", and "The J/36"; "The Saveiro of Brazil" by Marco Kalisch; and "The Oil-Crew Boats" by Donald B Sharp.woodenboats, German Frers , Gear, Mihanovic, Jack London, Saviero Mariner 39, Baltic 42, J/36 Spring 1982 #17 Malcolm Forbes Show, Stock outboard racing, David Doubilet, Sherman Hoyt, marine art Cherubini 44 Summer 1982 #18 1981 Whitbread Part 1, Skip Novak, Rosenfeld, Mohawk - tragedy of 1876, Autumn 1982 #19 Whitbread Part 2, Jack Hargrave - floating cities, Bruce Kirby - Laser, Sequoia - presidential yacht, Alaska Eagle, Winter 1982 #20 early dutch and English yachts, RNLI, Nirvana, maxi, Spring 1983 #21 Cantieri Riva, Pan Am Clipper Ship, Phil Bolger, 100 years marine engines, Arthur Knapp part 1, Summer 1983 #22 "Racing Log Canoes on the Chesapeake" Roger Vaughn; "Commander Vanderbilt's Grand Tour" Rebecca Smith; "Concordia" Elizabeth Meyer; "Matinicus" Elizabeth Meyer; "Salt Wind"; "Welcome"; "Leda"; "Thunderboats" Christopher Shepherd; "72 Years of Yacht Racing" Arthur Knapp Jr; "Swallows of the Nile" Neil Hollander, "Intrepid 40-A Survey" Fraser and Fraser-Harris; "The Cruising Club" John Rousmaniere.Concordia, log canoes chesapeake, Thunderboats, Arthur Knapp Pt 2, CCA, Autumn 1983 #23 Antique powerboats, John Marshall - sailmaker, David Barker - NZ catamarans, Royal Yacht Squadron, Winter 1983 #24 1983 America's Cup, loss by USA, Mark Whitcombe, etchings, molinaris lake como, brazilian sailors, homer, francis stokes, F&C 44 Ketch, Dickerson 37, Spring 1984 #25 "The Maxi Circuit" Skip Novak; "Len Pearce: Painting the Last Century" Rebecca Smith; "Ray Hunt" J Patrick Gibbins; "Ben Lexcen-the Man Who won the America's Cup" Jay Broze; "Mashford's of Cornwall" Stephanie Hollyman; Chris-Craft replicas, maxi circuit, Ray Hunt, Ben Lexcen, Mashford brothers, Summer 1984 #26 Robby Naish, PT boats, Harry de Zitter, Don Shead - powerboats, floating palaces, Volador, Boomerang, pardon me, Autumn 1984 #27 "The Great Ocean Race of 1866" John Rousmaniere; "Norma Jay-West Coast Impressions" Rebecca Smith; "Huckins-Alive and Well at 56" Stanley Rosenfeld; ".And Not to Yield" Tristan Jones; "Yes, Mr. Loomis, There are Some Sailors in the Navy" Fraser-Harris; "A Diversity of Seals" Richard Ellis; "Centurian 47-A Survey" Fraser-Harris; "The Fifes of Fairlie" John Leather. Fifes of Fairlie, John Bertand, Olympic Finn, Frank Peembroke Huckins - motoryacht, Pardon me, Great Ocean Race of 1866, Winter 1984 #28 "Sea Turtles-Enigmatic and Endangered" Rebecca Smith; "The Gold Challenge Cup 1904-1940" D W Fostle; "The Hermit of the Sea" Hollander & Mertes; "An Alain Gerbault Reader" Alain Gerbault; "The Daring Captain Crowninshield" John Rousmaniere; "Life in the Fast Lane" Pete Smyth; three surveys "Hinckley 42", "Tempest Riviera 44", "Corbin 39" Fraser and Fraser Harris; "The Spanish Coast" Tristan Jones; "Frederick Cozzens Marine Painter and Illustrator" Rebecca Smith; "The Reapers of the Sea" Neil Hollander.Gold Challenge Cup - 1920s and 1930s, Spring 1985 #29 Spitsbergen, West Fraser, Arctic, Beals Island boatbuilders, Sardinia, Double ended yachts, 12-meter Worlds, Sardinia, PortoCervo, Quebec-St-Malo Grand Soleil 39 Summer 1985 #30 "The Storm Trysail Club" John Rousmaniere; "Elco" Bill Swanson; "Celebrating the Sport-Boating Magazine Covers from Yesteryear" Elias O'Reilly; "Frank MacLear-Discipline and Daring" Joseph Gribbins; ".The Amateur Yacht Research Society" Michael Badham; "The Sailing Canoes of Sri Lanka" Hollander & Mertes; "A Lap Joint in Time" Mason Smith; "LaFitte 44-A Survey" Fraser & Fraser-Harris, "Remembering Westy" David R Getchell Sr; "Halcyon Days" Weston Farmer., Frank MacLear - marine architect, old magazine covers, Storm Trysail Club, Elco -the Electric Llaunch company armoured cruisers, sailing canoes of Srilanka, LaFitte 44, Westy - E.Weton Farmer NA, Diana E. Banks, Speedwell, Tenango, Falcon II, Autumn 1985 #31 "Powerful in Every Way" Elizabeth Meyer; ".The Marine Paintings of Peter Egeli" Rebecca Smith; "Derektor's Way" Michael Levitt; "My Father Meets Mr. Wilbur Morse" John Garber; "Going to School in the Surf" Brooks Townes; "Commodore Morgan" John Rousmaniere; "The Oldest Boatshop in the Country" Stan Grayson; two surveys "Passport 51" & "Elite 45" Fraser & Fraser-Harris, "Jessica" Don Street; "Guy Goodbody's Model Yacht" Norris D Hoyt.J-boats, Bob Direcktor, Lowell's boatshop, Winter 1985 #32 Florence Arthaud, schooners, megayachts Sully G, Little Harbor 53, Hawk 50 Spring 1986 #33 "Lite Boats from California" Michael Levitt; "The Last Whalers" Thomas Gayle Johnston; "Tom Watson Jr-A Quintessential Yachtsman" Barbara Lloyd; "Cruising Antarctica" Warren Brown; "The Antique and Classic Boat Society" Joseph Gribbins; "In January" Joe Upton; "Mary Crowley-Sharing the Sea Experience" Matt Herron; "Antonio Martino" Rebecca Smith; "Grand Banks 49-A Survey" Hewitt Schlereth, "Gondola" Rosenfeld and Hanley, Lite boats ULDBs, whalers, Tom Watson JR., Antarctica, Antique & Classic Boat Society, gondolas, Mart Crowley Grand Bank 49, Blondie, Merlin, Palawan Summer 1986 #34 "Colin Archer-Legend and Legacy" Michael Crowley; "Boats Remembered" John Garber; "Chip Hanauer-Race Driver" Phil Haldeman; "Leo Hynes and Adventure" Joseph Garland; "Jim Sharp and Adventure" James P Brown; "David Barker's High-Risk Art" Rebecca Smith; "J Boats-In a World of Their Own" Barbara Lloyd; "Witte's Marine Salvage" Howard W Serig;, Chip Hanauer, Colin Archer, Leo Hynes, Jim Sharp, Daivd Baker's art, Rod and Bob Johstone - J boats 24, 36 40, Amel Mango 53, steam launch Adventure Autumn 1986 #35 Yachtswomen, replica ships, kayak off Greenland, Jon Bannenberg, Highlander, Mygail III, ice boats, Skutsiesilen - Dutch freight vessels now yachts Pride of Baltimore,Californian, Fredonia, Sea witch, Highlander, Winter 1986 #36 whitbread, galapagos, Vito Dumas, america's cup, wing keels, winged, Drum, centurion 40, aphrodite, stormvogel, Spring 1987 #37 "Elissa" Walter Rybka; "The 'New, Improved' Sailing" Michael Levitt; "Herreshoff Legacies" Maynard Bray; "Ray Hunt's Associates" Joseph Gribbins; "The Lumber Schooners of the Java Sea" Neil Hollander and Harold Mertes; "The Lizard's Last Adventure" Scott G Neil; "The Death and Rebirth of Lake Erie" Rick Lydeker; and "Drama on the Banks" George Roth. Ray Hunt, Herreshoff, Lumber schooners, lake erie, grand banks, Elissa, freedom 40, o'day 322, leaping lizard, Summer 1987 #38 "The Cup Runneth Over" Bob Ross; "Another Chance" Michael Levitt; "Pushing Speed, Pushing Limits" Dennis Caprio; "The Voluntary Castaways" Hollander & Mertes; "The Sixern on the Lofting Table" Stan Grayson; "The Century Club" Michael Levitt; "Atoll Against the World" John Mallory Bromage; "Island (and Other) Cruising" Stephanie Hollyman.America's cup, Britton ChanceJr. architect, Team Apache speed racing,Sixern lofting table, Century Club Stars and Stripes, Kookaburra, Sea Cloud, whirlwind XII, Garuda, Autumn 1987 #39 "Ted Hood Doesn't Live There Anymore" Michael Levitt; "Douarnenez '86" Rob Van Mesdag; "Lobsteryachts" James P Brown; "Keeping It Simple" deLancey Funsten; "Kiekhaefer" J B Swift; "The Brothers Peyron" Michael Levitt; "The Maximarans" Christian Fevrier; "Harry Spencer." Elizabeth Meyer; "Burger 86-A Survey" Hewitt Schlereth; "Centurion 38-A Survey" Fraser & Fraser-Harris; "East of Suez" Tristan Jones.Ted Hood, Douarnenez 86, lobsteryachts, Peyron, Harry Spencer, Burger 86, centurion 38, Winter 1987 #40 "Mike Worrell's Marathon" Bob Payne; "The Artful Dodge" Charles Barthold; "Psychological Portrait of a Solo-Circumnavigator" William Nasby & Randolph D Easton; "That Kid from Oakland" Frank Gudaitis; "Europe's Father of Fiberglass" Fraser & Jean Fraser-Harris; "Portraits of Leviathan" Joseph Gribbins; "Megadesign" Angus Lennox; "The Legacy of Howard Chapelle" Peter H Spectre;, Mike Worrell, Howard Chapelle, Dodge Morgan, Dan Arena Donzi Z-33 Crossbow, Alden 54 Spring 1988 #41 "Perspective: Since Fastnet" John Rousmaniere; "The $15,000 Whitehall" Peter H Spectre; "Starboats" Nancy Trimble; "Warbaby's Long Cruise: The Low Latitudes" Warren Brown; "Phil Wade-Collector of Stamps, Collector of Dreams" Skip Novak; "Bill Seebold Jr-Taking the Boat to the Limit" William T Sisson; "John McCray: A Shot from out of the Blue" Michael Levitt; "Across the Kra" Tristan Jones; "Sailing's Weather Guru" Barbara Lloyd;Fastnet, Willard Bond, Whitehall Warbaby Summer 1988 #42 "Perspective-Considerations at Oar" Milton Moore; "Tracking Tania" Michael Levitt; "America's Freshwater Museum" Joseph Gribbins; "'War Baby's' Long Cruise-The Chilean Channels" Warren Brown; "A Different Kind of Race" John Rousmaniere; ".The Marine Paintings of Loretta Krupinski" deLancey Funsten; "Superior" Rick Lydecker; "Neptune's Darlings-The Classic Boats of Cutts & Case" Roger Vaughan; "On Spectacle Island" Stan Grayson., Cutts & Case, Tania Aebi, Thousand Island Shipyard Museum, Loretta Krupinski Warbaby Autumn 1988 #43 "Perspective: On Romance" William Garden; "Farr Ahead" Michael Levitt; "Medea" Howard W Serig Jr; "The Lazzara Legacy" Mindy Leaf; "Three Islands-Catalina, Mackinac & Block Island"; "Baglietto and Rodriquez" Stanley Rosenfeld and Heather Hanley; "Documenting a Much Larger Vessel" Joseph Gribbins; "War Baby's Long Cruise: The Antarctic" Warren Brown; "I Know What a Sextant is." Ben Stewart; Winter 88 #44 50-knot sailboat, Benetti, Waldo Howland, Danube, Phil Steggall, Beken, Cowes, A&R, Baileys Gentry Turbo Eagle, Extra-Beat Spring 1989 #45 "Perspective: A Rowboat is Freedom" Peter H Spectre; "Base Camp Pelagic" Skip Novak; "Western Approaches" Tom Cunliffe; "Eurostyle" Evan Marshall; "Don Demers: Transcending Time" deLancey Funsten; "A Commodore Monroe Scrapbook" Steve Henkel; "Boats Remembered" John Garber; "'One of the Best Sailing Weeks Ever.'" Klare McNeil; "The Racing Bandleader" Frank Gudaitis; "Surf's Up" Michael Levitt;rowboat, Pelagic, eurostyle, Don Demers, surf, Bristol Channel Hirta, Egret Summer 1989 #46 6-meter, Farrell Grehan, barges, Uffa Fox, small craft, Fabio Buzzi Capriccio, Autumn 1989 #47 Rybovich, Frank Murdoch, sportfishing, coastal environment, Rocky Mountain, Giffy Full, Endeavour, Bravoura, kialoa, matador, boomerang, sovereign, Autumn 1989 #48 great white shark, outrigged canoes, Staudacher, Kashmir, Frank Hartman Wagner Winter 90 #49 Whitbread race, Odessa Yacht Club, David Schrader, megayachts, schooners Arizona, My Other Honey, Destiny, Discovery Spring 90 #50 Cowes Week, Marc Castelli, Mystic Marime Gallery, Ugashik, A.Cary Smith, Vendee Globe, Hodgdon Shipbuilders, Bisquine, Cancalaise, Spirit