Our "Ports and Harbors" collection

Ports and Harbors

Ports and Harbors


Ports and Harbor Magazine is the official journal of the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), and provides actionable insight into port-related developments from security to software. The magazine has been published since the IAPH's inception in November 1955. The IAPH represents about 200 ports of nearly 90 maritime countries as well as 140 port-related public and private organizations. Together, member ports handle nearly 90% of the world's container traffic and some 60% of the world maritime trade. We hold a partially incomplete collection From August 1968 to December 1983

Cover showing Port of Lyttelton, in New Zealand.

Collection: General

Availability: all single - no volumes

Indexing: by NMA under way, see details; also please see our main catalogue entry.

We are actively collecting back issues of this magazine. Please E-mail us.


Head Office:
Kotohira-Kaikan Bldg. 2-8,
Toranomon 1-chome, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan
Tel.: TOKYO (591) 4261
Telex: 2222516 IAPH J

Update: The publisher's website appears (August 2013) to be Maritime Intelligence & Publications: IHS Fairplay



This is currently (January 2021) a work in progess, to rationalise, facilitate and expand our existing pages at the Naval Marine Archive. Some pages are very recent, some date back twenty years and may or may not have been reviewed and/or edited recently; we appreciate any suggestions for improvements.


Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
E-mail: for comments, queries and suggestions.

Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 3 October 2013