Some Titles referring to the Royal Canadian Navy and similar
This document, first written in 2003, is reproduced for "historical purposes" only. For a much expanded section regarding the Royal Canadian Navy, please see our new research section on the RCN.
Title | Publisher | First | Last Name | ISBN | Year |
Black Ships, The | Little, Brown and Co | Everett S | Allen | 0-316-03258-1 | 1965 |
Ravenscrag | McClelland and Stewart | Thomas E. | Appleton | 0-7710-0720-5 | 1974 |
Usque ad mare | Dept of Transport, Ottawa | Thomas E. | Appleton | 1969 | |
Sea Passages | Cambridge University Press | Geoffrey | Calendar (Ed.) | 1943 | |
When laughter put to Sea | Langmar Studio | Langford | Dixon | 1968 | |
Schooners in Peril | Anchor Publications | James L. | Donahue | 0-9626947-2-x | 1995 |
Sea Wings | Methuen and Sons | J.A. | Foster | 0-458-80410-x | 1986 |
Jahrbuch der deutschen kriegsmarine | Berlag von Breikopf & Härtel in Leipzig | D.R. | Gadow (Ed.) | 1939 | |
Empire of the North Atlantic | University of Toronto Press | Gerald S | Graham | 1950 | |
Battle for the Falklands | W.W. Norton and Co | Max, Simon | Hastings, Jenkins | 0-393-01761-3 | 1983 |
Britain's Merchant Navy | Odhams Press | Sir Archibald | Hurd | 1944 | |
Adventure in depth | G.P. Putnam's Sons | Commander William | King | 399-11493-9 | 1975 |
Gunshield Graffiti | Nimbus Publication Ltd | James B | Lamb | 0-920852-27-0 | 1984 |
Corvette Navy, The | MacMillan Co | James B. | Lamb | 0-7705-1578-9 | 1971 |
History of the British Navy, The | George Allen &Unwin, Ltd | Michael | Lewis | 1957 | |
Naval yarns | Gibbings and Co | W.H. | Long | 1904 | |
Miracle of Dunkirk, The | Viking Penguin | Walter | Lord | 0-670-28630-3 | 1982 |
Formative Centuries, The | Little, Brown and Co | G.J. | Marcus | 1961 | |
Naval Heritage, the | Collins | David | Mathew | 1944 | |
Canada's Navy, the first century | University of Toronto Press | Marc | Milner | 0-8020-4281-3 | 1999 |
Atlantic Meeting | Methuen and Sons | H.V. | Morton | 1943 | |
Atlantic Rendezvous | Nautical Publishing Co Ltd | William | Murray | 245 59894 4 | 1970 |
Champagne Navy | Random House | Brian, Brian Jeffrey | Nolan, Street | 0-394-22141-9 | 1991 |
Running the Gauntlet | Nimbus Publication Ltd | Mike | Parker | 1-55109-068-6 | 1994 |
Royal Navy, The | MacMillan Co | Geoffrey | Parratt | 1930 | |
Gumboot Navy, The | Oolichan Books | Carol | Popp | 0-88982-091-0 | 1988 |
Saints, Devils and Ordinary Seamen | Collins | William H | Pugsley | 1945 | |
Sailor remember | Collins | William H | Pugsley | 1948 | |
Atlantic schooners | Brunswick Press | Rear Adm H.F. | Pullen | 1967 | |
With blood and iron | Hutchinson | Douglas | Reeman | 0-09-105660-8 | 1964 |
It's really quite safe! | Hangar Books | Capt G.A .Hank | Rotherham | 0-920497-07-1 | 1979 |
Who sank Surcouf? | Century | James | Rusbridger | 0-7126-3975-6 | 1991 |
Hands to Flying Stations Volume 1 1945-1954 | Neptune Developments | Stuart E | Soward | 0-9697229-0-7 | 1993 |
Hands to Flying Stations Volume 2 1955-1969 | Neptune Developments | Stuart E | Soward | 0-9697229-1-5 | 1995 |
Leaf upon the Sea, A | University of British Columbia | Gordon W | Stead | 0-7748-0299-5 | 1988 |
Andrew and the Onions, The | University of Toronto Press | Lt. Cdr. Ian | Stranach | 1990 | |
Naval Service of Canada, Volume I | Minister of National Defense | Gilbert Norman | Tucker | 1952 | |
Naval Service of Canada, Volume II | Minister of National Defense | Gilbert Norman | Tucker | 1952 | |
Royal Navy and the Slavers, The | Schoken Books | W.E.F. | Ward | 1970 | |
Iron Coffins | Holt, Rinehart and Winston | Herbert A | Werner | 03-081322-0 | 1969 |