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Robert R. Todd (1910-1997)

Bob Todd

Bob Todd was born April 21, 1910 and spent his early years in a small town in Alabama later moved to Hamilton where he attended Westdale Collegiate he demonstrated outstanding qualities as a track and field athlete. He attended Royal Military College in 1928, graduating in 1932. He then worked for the Irvington Varnish Company, subsequently bought up by 3M prompting Bob to move to the company's headquarters in London, Ontario.

He retired to Prince Edward County in the early 70's, building a Ken Kearn designed home on the banks of Black Creek, where he could sit and watch his sailboat swinging on her mooring This was where he kept his Herreshoff designed Rozinante, Phalarope built in Mahone Bay, NS. They also enjoyed paddling kayaks or double-paddle canoes and found that the Black River was ideal for this.

"I love SAILING, and particularly cruising, which means exploring and poking about into wild or at least places unknown to me. My wife ... is a very fine sailor."

"I have a 'boatbuilder's eye' and a good sense of proportion." He had built a few small sailing dinghies and in his workshop at Black River he planned to build some double paddle canoes and really good rowing boats.

Bob was tremendously enthusiastic about all he touched; skiing, motor sports and boating. He and his wife Mildred were very keen on gardening and cooking. "Both of us have a great love of and interest in nature."

*Quotes are taken from his letter to the designer of his house at Black River.



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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 16 May 2020