Celebrating Canadian Submariners 1914-2014
Sunday, 15th June 2014, 2 pm.
Julie H. Ferguson, noted author and speaker

The Naval Marine Archive The Canadian Collection is pleased that author Julie H. Ferguson, from British Columbia, will give a special presentation on the Canadian submarine service which is 100 years old this year. The talk and slide show celebrating the centenary of Canada's submarine service will be held on Sunday, 15th June 2014 at 2.00 pm at The Victory, 205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario.
Julie visited her first submarine as a naval reserve officer in 1979 in Halifax and fell in love with HMCS Okanagan and her captain, who later became her husband. Attempting at that time to learn more about the submariners, she could not find any books; this prompted her to begin the long journey of writing our Canadian story. The first edition was published in 1995 and became a standard reference for this area of our naval service. Julie has completed this year a revised and updated edition. She will be signing this new edition of her book Through A Canadian Periscope, published by Dundurn, 2014, ISBN: 9781459710559.
The book tells the how "the history of our submarine service unfolds from its creation at the beginning of World War I, and portraying the realities Canada's submarine force has overcome with repeated attempts to sink it since then. Surprise, controversy, political expediency, and naval manipulation flow through its one hundred year history."

The author's companion book Deeply Canadian: New Submarines for a New Millennium, Beacon, 2000 and 2014, will also be available for the author to sign.
The event is complemented by the three paintings of Canada's first submarines which are part of the current 31st Exhibition of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists painted by artists, John M. Horton, Marc Magee and Peter Rindlisbacher.