For over a decade, starting in 2008, the Victory Kids summer program took place on Saturday mornings for children aged 7-11. The program typically ran for 5-6 weeks, each session 2-3 hours long. Each week covered a different topic, like discovering what it was like to be a pirate or investigating famous shipwrecks and the importance of lighthouses, equipping young people with knowledge while they were getting the chance to show their creative side through fun and educational crafts and activities. The participants were proud of their accomplishments and shared with their parents the acquired knowledge about Vikings, Sailing ships, First Nations, and more!
Now for the Spring/Summer of 2022, thanks to funding received from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, we are working on a virtual iteration of the Victory Kids Program. We envision having several virtual modules available weekly to local and global attendees. We plan on having each session dedicated to one topic, while at the same time weaving past teachings throughout the program.

Learning the use of a sextant
We believe that the outcome of this program will continue the success of our past model where young people having fun and learning new information, events of the past and developing new skills . This Virtual Victory Kids program is set up to engage, challenge ideas and provide a means to create mementos through the crafts, painting or writing and providing unique, innovative learning experiences.
The Naval Marine Archive - The Canadian Collection's mission is to create for people of all backgrounds the most comprehensive Canadian centre for knowledge and archival research in maritime and aeronautical history. This treasure of information is based on the holdings in the collections and is shared by those who visit in person but also on-line. The Virtual Victory Kids program uses this solid base to create a new avenue of accessibility and also inviting experts to share their knowledge and skills expanding the experience and information for the young people.
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