Cristobal de las Casas

Vocabulario - Cristobal de las Casas
Christobal de las Casas, Vocabulario de las dos lenguas toscana y castellana. En que se contiene la delcaración de Toscano en Castellano, y de Castellano en Toscano. En dos partes. Con una Introducción para leer, y pronunciar bien entrambas Lenguas. First published Seville 1570, this is at least a third. Published 1583, Andrea Pescioni, Sevilla - original boards missing, last four pages (two printed, two endpapers) stuck by damp
This dictionary is really Toscano-Castellano. Cristobal de las Casas, was born in Seville, secretario del Duque de Alcalá, stayed extensvely in Italy and acquired an in depth knowledge of the language. Given that the "Spanish" language had moved much further away from Latin than had "Italian", this work is useful to researchers of 16th and 17th century Spanish texts. The first edition was published in his home town in 1570, and there were many reprints during the C16th and C17th. Palau 47001. Toda 1006. Simón Díaz, 6070.