Schooner Days, DXLV (545)

Good night, Scotch Bonnet, 11 July 1942

The reference to the ketch Scotch Bonnet by Mr Snider is at least misleading, if not erroneous. The yacht belonged to Angus Mowat (note spelling with a single 't'), who was serving locally here in Canada as a Major in the "Hasty P's" (Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment) as commanding officer of the Trenton Armoury at this time, and thus the statement the he "cannot be cross-examined" is an exageration. Mr Snider was perhaps thinking of Angus' son, Farley Mowat, who was indeed serving overseas, but was a Lieutenant (promoted a few years later to Captain, and declined a promotion to the rank of Major at the end of the Second World War.) For more details (and a photograph) of the Mowats, father and son, on board the Scotch Bonnet please see Farley Mowat, "My father's son", Toronto, 1992.

Mr Snider's interpretation of an "occulting white light, visible one second and eclipsed three" is also in error. It "occulted", or became invisible, for one second out of every four, thus was "visible" for three seconds.

We also hold the life-ring from the Scotch Bonnet.

For further information on the Scotch Bonnet lighthouse, please see our research notes.



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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 18 July 2015