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The steam paddlewheel Shannon (1874), ex- Greenway (1863)

1. General

Port of Picton Registry, Number : 47 of 1874.

Name: SHANNONType: steam paddlewheel
Official Number: 71201[sometimes given in error as 71001]
Tons (gross): 39 Tons (net):
Where Built: Picton Port of Registry / Hail: Picton
Build Year: 1874Value: $3,200
Builder’s Name & Date of Certification: John Allen. April 1874
Master’s Name: J. Dame Subscribing Owners: Thos. Shannon & J. Dame.
Length; 81 feetBreadth; 13 feet and 5/10ths
Depth of Hold; 5 feetMasts: none
Stern: squareBowsprit: none
How Built: carvelHow Rigged:
Figure-head: Decks: one
Engine: One High Pressure engine built 1868. Foreign make. 12" Diameter 3' stroke. 35 HP.

See also the entry for the paddlewheel Shannon in our ships Database.


  1. GREENWAY steamer 50 ton, built Oswego by Porter, belonging to Port of Montreal. Remarks — for harbor work. Underwriter Lake Vessel Register for 1869
  2. SHANNON Paddle 50 tons by Porter at Oswego -- Owners; Shannon & Company. Port of Hail, Picton; Value of $3200. Class A2, Date of Survey 2/74. General Remarks, Formerly GREENWAY. Thoroughly rebuilt in 1873 Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters. 1874 The Marine Register
  3. Steamer SHANNON [C] of 39 Tons; Built at Picton; Nov 1873 by Jeffers; owned by Thos. Shannon; Home Port – Picton; Value $3000; Class B1; Remarks – Bottom of steamer GREENWAY.National Board of Lake Underwriters, Lake Vessel Classifications for 1876.
  4. VESSEL WAS ABANDONED & BROKEN UP IN PICTON HARBOUR. REGISTER CLOSED DECEMBER 30, 1882. SHANNON steamer 50 tons, built Nov. 1874. Owned by Thos. Shannon, registered at Picton (class) B1, valued at $3000. Remarks—built on bottom of stmr. GREENWAY, River Boat. Marine Insurance Index for 1878
  5. Steamer JOHN GREENWAY. Canada, Official #51676. Built at Geneva N.Y. 1863. 45 Tons. Ex U.S. in 1866. Burnt at Picton, Ontario – Oct 1871 82 x 17 x 4 Preliminary List of Canadian Steamships 1801 – 1930. Research by Mr. W. McNeil, Toronto.
  6. 1882, December 30 Register closed, "vessel abandoned & broken up in Picton Harbor" Register

Newspaper transcriptions

  1. Daily News 18 Oct 1873 p.2. Marine News Launch – The well known steamer JOHN GREENWAY – having been rebuilt – was launched yesterday and a new name given her. She will hereafter be known as the steamer SHANNON, being named for the popular postmaster of this town. It is not expected that the SHANNON will be ready for business this season. Although she may make a trip or two preparatory to commencing success [Picton Gazette]
  2. Daily News March 23, 1874 p.4 Bay Steamers – It is stated that, in addition to the NORFOLK, the SHANNON (which is the JOHN GREENWAY rebuilt) will ply between Bay ports this season. We learn of this arrangement with satisfaction, as there is plenty of trade for both boats, which will form a daily line, thus affording Prince Edward farmers access to the Belleville market, undeniably the best in the district. Sellers will find comfortable accommodation in our splendid market house, and the demand is steady and sales certain of best prices. [Picton Gazette]
  3. Daily News April 1, 1874 p.1. The SHANNON – The old GREENWAY built – which was launched last fall and which has been in process of fitting during the winter, is rapidly approaching completion. The internal arrangements of this vessel have been in several respects changed from the original with a view to giving greater convenience and comfort. Her hull was remodeled in such a way as to cause her to be much steadier than formerly. The furnace has been lengthened in order to avoid the necessity of cutting the fuel less than cordwood measurement, and the engine and boiler has been thoroughly renovated and overhauled, which is thought will give her increased speed. She will be ready for business in about a fortnight, and will, in all probability, be under the command of Mr. G. Dame. We trust that George, who is a jolly, good-natured fellow may meet with that success which his pluck deserves in his first venture as captain. The SHANNON will run between Belleville, Napanee, and Picton, going to the former place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and latter on Tuesday, and Saturday.
  4. Daily News 16 April 1874 p.2. The steamer SHANNON, rebuilt from the wreck of the GREENWAY, is nearly ready to commence running. She will run between here Napanee and Belleville.
  5. Daily News April 25, 1874 p.2. The SHANNON is the JOHN GREENWAY, lengthened and repaired so that she is now just as good as new. We wish the SHANNON a prosperous season.
  6. Daily News May 12, 1874 p.1. The str. SHANNON is having some alterations made in her wheels and machinery with a view of giving her increased speed.
  7. Daily News June 22, 1874 p.1. The steamer SHANNON is now making her regular trips between Napanee, Picton, and Belleville. She is a neat little craft, and is said to be faster than the common run of steamers on the Bay.
  8. Daily News Nov 29, 1875 p.2. Marine Notes The steamer SHANNON, Captain Johnson, started for Belleville on Wednesday last, and having made North Port was compelled to return to Picton in consequence of floating ice and where she is laid up for the winter.
  9. Daily News April 20, 1876 p.2. Marine Notes The Bay – The ice is fast disappearing from the Bay of Quinte ……. It says the steamer SHANNON will be commanded by Capt. Johnson, and run between that place, Napanee, and Belleville.
  10. Daily News April 21, 1876 The steamers NORFOLK and SHANNON will ply between Napanee, Picton, and Belleville on alternate days during the season……The ice in Picton harbor is still solid, and there are no indications of an opening before the first of May.
  11. Daily News April 29, 1876 Marine Notes The SHANNON arrived here this morning from Picton, and left again in the afternoon, being her regular day. She will leave here on Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays of each week.
  12. Daily News 16 May 1876 p.1. The Bay – The str. SHANNON is making trips from Picton to Belleville and Napanee punctually on alternate days. She starts from Picton every morning at 6 o’clock, and is a useful means of communication between the different ports at the head of the Bay. A pleasant trip cannot be found anywhere in summer than by the SHANNON, who is commanded by Captain Johnson, whose care attention to the comfort and safety to his passengers is well known.
  13. Daily News May 18 1876 p.2. Str. SHANNON – The pretty little steamer SHANNON left Picton on Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock with the hull of the new steamer ARMENIA of Picton in tow for Kingston. The SHANNON, after leaving the hull at Portsmouth, returned immedialtely to Picton and proceeded on her usual trip to Belleville.
  14. Daily News Aug 28, 1876 p.2. A Quick Trip – The Picton Gazette says:”The str. SHANNON made the run from Belleville to Picton, on Friday last, calling at four ports in three hours and three-quarters. This is certainly making good time, and clearly entitles the SHANNON to be called a fast steamer.”
  15. Daily News Oct 17, 1876 p.3. The Storm on the Bay of Quinte – There was a heavy gale blowing on the Bay yesterday……. The steamer SHANNON, from Belleville to Picton, experienced the full force of the gale. She was over half and hour trying to get out from the wharf. But as the wind was blowing heavily from the West onto the land it was almost impossible to do so. On the passage the waves frequently swept the decks, but she proved herself, an admirable sea boat and arrived at Picton very little behind her usual time.
  16. Daily News Dec 4, 1876 p.3. Marine Notes The NORFOLK, SHANNON, AMERICA, and UTICA are still on their respective routes, and will probably continue running until the final closing up of Navigation.
  17. Daily News 5 April 1877 p.2. Navigation Items The SHANNON will be run on her old route; she has been repaired.
  18. Daily News May 12 1877 p.3. The steamer SHANNON is doing well on the Picton and Napanee route this season. She leaves Picton at 6 every morning for Napanee and arrives on her return at 6 in the evening. This is a pleasant route for tourists.
  19. Daily News March 25, 1878 p.3. Marine Notes Arrival of the SHANNON at Napanee - A telegram from Napanee says the steamer SHANNON, of Picton, arrived here at 12 o’clock, the first arrival of the season. She experienced some difficulty in breaking through the new ice which formed last night in coming out of the Picton Harbour.
  20. Daily News March 26 1878 p.3. Marine Notes - Picton March 25th. The steamers SHANNON and ARMENIA commenced running today, the SHANNON to Napanee and the ARMENIA to Kingston. Navigation is now open on the Bay of Quinte
  21. Daily News March 30, 1878 p.3. Marine Notes The Picton Gazette says that until further notice the steamer SHANNON will run alternate days to Napanee and Belleville viz:-On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, for Belleville at 6 a.m.; Napanee at 7a.m. The SHANNON was the first to reach Napanee and Belleville this season.
  22. Daily News April 6, 1878 p.3. The steamer SHANNON – The Napanee Beaver says:”The steamer SHANNON is doing a large freight business this season, so far. The storehouse of Bowey’s Wharf is crowded to the door with freight awaiting shipment by her”.
  23. Daily News June 5, 1878 p.3. Marine Notes The SHANNON is now making daily trips between Picton and Napanee, having until lately making trips between Picton and Belleville. [Express]
  24. Daily News Nov 22 1878 p.1. Picton Items The steamers PICTON, EMPRESS OF INDIA and ALEXANDRIA are laid up at Picton. The SHANNON is still running to Napanee, and receives a fair share of the trade. The ARMENIA and HASTINGS have a keen competition for the trade between Kingston and Picton, which is to be regretted, as there is not more than enough for one boat.
  25. Daily News 7 Dec 1878 Marine News p.3. The following schooners have gone into winter quarters in Picton Harbour; KATE of Oakville, E.HALL of Port Darlington, ST. CLAIR of Picton, J.N.CARTER of Picton, PEERLESS of Hamilton, EDITH of Hamilton, RAINBOW of Picton, BELLE CASE of Milford. The steamers PICTON and ALEXANDRIA have gone into winter quarters here. The steamers HASTINGS, ARMENIA, UTICA, SHANNON and CITY OF BELLEVILLE, continue to make their regular trips. [Picton Gazette]
  26. Daily News March 31, 1879 p.2. i> Steamer for Sale - The steamer SHANNON is offered for sale, for price and terms address or apply to Thomas Shannon, Picton, Ontario. Picton 29th March 1879.
  27. Daily News April 1, 1879 p.1. Prince Edward County – The steamer SHANNON is offered for sale.
  28. Daily News April 28, 1879 p.3. The steamer SHANNON arrived at Napanee today from Picton…..FLIGHT, and will continue their regular trips between Napanee, Belleville, and Picton.
  29. Daily News May 5, 1879 Marine News p.3. The Napanee Beaver says the SHANNON has been thoroughly repaired and repainted, and now looks as neat as a whole paper of new pins.
  30. Daily British Whig July 29, 1879 p.2. The str. SHANNON is now plying on the Rideau Canal between Kingston and Westport.
  31. Daily British Whig Aug 2, 1879 p.2. ---AD--- Rideau Canal – Kingston and Westport – str. SHANNON on route, with schedule; Captain E.W. Johnson
  32. Daily British Whig Oct 20, 1879 p.3. The str. SHANNON has retired for the season from the Rideau Canal, and been laid up at Picton.
  33. Daily British Whig Oct 31, 1879 p.3. Capt. E.W. Johnson, late of the SHANNON, which ran up the Canal a short time ago in opposition to the D.C. WEST, is now in command of the DESERONTO.
  34. British Whig Dec 17, 1880 p.3. The str. SHANNON is being hauled out at Picton to save her from being damaged by the ice as she lies on the bottom.
  35. British Whig, Kingston Jan 30, 1880 p.3. Again Afloat – Mr. Andrew Irving, says the Picton Times, who successfully raised the schooner F. HOWARD last summer has been equally successful in raising the SHANNON, which sank at her moorings about 2 weeks ago.
  36. British Whig April 24, 1883 p.2. Marine Intelligence The str. SHANNON, which as the JOHN GREENWAY, was the first boat to ply regularly between Napanee and Picton, now lying in Picton Harbour is to be raised and rebuilt. [Note: given the date 1883, it is highly unlikely that this ever took place; the Register had already been closed 31 Dcember 1882, and no further records of a "rebuild have been found.]
  37. One reference to the paddlewheel Shannon appears in C.H.J Snider's work:
    Schooner Days CCIX (209) Hard Times And Good Times In The Lives Of The Lakers, 12 Oct 1935

References and source notes

(1, 5) Shipping Register, Picton, 1851 TO 1882. Research by Mr. W. McNeil, Toronto.
(2) Underwriter Lake Vessel Register for 1869
(3) Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters. 1874 The Marine Register.
(4) National Board of Lake Underwriters, Lake Vessel Classifications for 1876.
(6) Preliminary List of Canadian Steamships 1801 – 1930. Research by Mr. W. McNeil, Toronto.
(8-43) Kingston newspaper research by Mr. Rick Neilson of Kingston, Ontario.
(44) C.H.J. Snider Schooner Days index, Naval Marine Archive.

Picton built ships

The research and preparation of many of these data sheets was carried out by K.C. We extend our thanks to him.

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