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Ferries and Other Passenger Vessels Over 50 feet Built in Canada Since WWII

This table includes the ships and boats that are classified by Transport Canada as either "ferry" or "passenger", labels which tend to overlap, less those that appear to be tour boats or other types that are not technically ferries.  The cut-off value of 100 feet is a bit arbitrary - it's designed to allow the table to focus on those vessels built in traditional shipyards rather than manufacturing facilities: in addition, it's hard to track the smaller boats that are no longer operating.  If anyone has any corrections or additions to this table, which has many gaps, please send them to me at

Most recent update: 4 September 2017.

Shipbuilder Location Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner GT Ft. Built Disposition
Built in British Columbia
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 72 310431 Island Princess Gulf Islands Navigation Co. Ltd. 502 169 1958 North Island Princess 1974, active
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 108 312279 Quadra Queen BC Dept. of Highways 255 102 1960 Later Cortes Queen, Nicola
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 117 314008 Garibaldi BC Dept. of Highways 256 102 1961 Westwood 1964, Albert J. Savoie 1972, R. J. Breadner 2002, laid up in BC
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 142 323244 Greg Yorke F. M. Yorke & Sons Ltd. 2,443 304 1964 Seaspan Greg 1974, active
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 149 326618 Malibu Princess Young Life of Canada 505 125 1966 Active
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 162 329516 Haida Transporter Kingcome Navigation Co. 2,553 326 1968 Sold 2005, scrapped 2008?
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 163 329232 Galena BC Dept. of Highways 571 165 1968 Active
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 164 330601 Texada Queen BC Dept. of Highways 751 150 1969 Tachek 1977, active
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 165 330610 Quadra Queen II BC Dept. of Highways 752 150 1969 Active
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 193 370059 Omineca Princess BC Dept. of Highways 765 168 1976 Active
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 234 801531 Britannia III Harbour Ferries 668 126 1981 Now Britannia
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 254 815277 Spirit of British Columbia BC Ferry Services, Inc. 18,747 522 1993 Forebody only
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 255 816503 Spirit of Vancouver Island BC Ferry Services, Inc. 18,747 522 1994 Forebody only
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 257 819521 Skeena Queen BC Ferry Services, Inc. 2,653 346 1997 Active
B.C. Marine Vancouver BC 24 347770 Nimpkish BC Dept. of Highways 266 102 1973 Active
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 309 312277 Tsawwassen BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,127 323 May-60 Queen of Tsawwassen 1962, Inlet Explorer 2012, active
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 311 318636 City of Vancouver BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,541 426 Apr-62 Queen of Vancouver 1963, scrapped 2012
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 320 320045 Queen of the Islands BC Ferry Services, Inc. 1,717 223 Jun-63 Active
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 352 347756 Carrier Princess Canadian Pacific Ltd. 5,295 366 1973 Active
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 211 348515 Incan Superior Incan Marine Ltd. 3,838 372 May-74 Princess Superior 1993, active
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 212 369371 Incan St.Laurent Incan Marine Ltd. 7,892 373 May-75 Georges Alexandre Lebel 1977, active
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 219 370060 Queen of Coquitlam BC Ferry Services, Inc. 6,551 436 Jun-76 Active
Burrard Yarrows N. Vancouver BC 100 369048 Queen of Surrey BC Ferry Services, Inc. 6,969 416 May-81 Active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 10 344744 Prince Rupert Airport Ferry City of Prince Rupert 214 113 1970 Now Digby Island Ferry, active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 24 331716 Merv Hardie Min of North. & Ind. Affairs 263 134 1971 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 28 345956 Kulleet BC Dept. of Highways 347 156 1972 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 29 345961 Klatawa BC Dept. of Highways 347 156 1972 Active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 30 345965 Klitsa BC Dept. of Highways 347 156 1972 Active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 49 347780 Kahloke BC Dept. of Highways 466 179 1973 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 62 370066 Queen of Alberni BC Ferry Services, Inc. 5,279 438 1976 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 70 383249 Quinitsa BC Dept. of Highways 1,400 244 1977 Active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 82 391368 Downie No. 2 Downie Street Sawmills Ltd 147 90 1978 Active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 102 801691 Quinsam BC Dept. of Highways 1,458 285 1982 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 125 812626 Needles BC Dept. of Highways 572 164 1990 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 126 812656 Queen of Capilano BC Ferry Services, Inc. 2,855 315 1991 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 127 815254 Queen of Cumberland BC Ferry Services, Inc. 2,884 315 1992 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 135 820007 Pacificat Explorer BC Ferry Services, Inc. 9,022 402 1997 Hull only, sold 2009 Abu Dabhi, active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 136 821018 Pacificat Discovery BC Ferry Services, Inc. 9,022 402 1998 Hull only, sold 2009 Abu Dabhi, active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 137 821047 Pacificat Voyager BC Ferry Services, Inc. 9,022 402 1998 Hull only, sold 2009 Abu Dabhi, active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 142 821039 Osprey 2000 BC Ferry Services, Inc. 1,780 251 2000 Assembled at Nelson BC, active
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC 167 832720 Island Sky BC Ferry Services, Inc. 4,313 314 2008 Active.
Vancouver SY N. Vancouver BC   839270 Baynes Sound Connector BC Ferry Services, Inc. 753 247 2015 Cable ferry, active
Victoria MD Victoria BC 52 192296 Lloyd-Jones BC Dept. of Highways 277 136 1950 Later Vesuvius Queen, Eleupina 1998
Victoria MD Victoria BC 79 198842 Mill Bay Victoria Coast Ferries Ltd. 175 118 1956 Now Buttle Shuttle
Victoria MD Victoria BC 85 312273 Sidney BC Ferry Services, Inc. 2,976 323 1960 Queen of Sidney 1963, sold as Bad Adventure 2000
Victoria MD Victoria BC 94 314040 Queen of Victoria BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,541 426 1962 Queen of Ocoa 2000, Aan 2005, scrapped 2006
Victoria MD Victoria BC 99 318669 Queen of Saanich BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,547 426 1963 Owen Belle 2008, scrapped 2012
Victoria MD Victoria BC 100 318673 Queen of Esquimalt BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,547 426 1963 Princess Jacqueline 2008, scrapped 2011
Victoria MD Victoria BC 104 320068 Queen of Nanaimo BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,545 426 1964 Active
Victoria MD Victoria BC 105 322953 Queen of New Westminster BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,544 426 1964 Active
Victoria MD Victoria BC 107 322969 Comox Queen BC Ferry Services, Inc. 651 141 1965 Later Tenaka, now Alberni Legacy
Victoria MD Victoria BC 124 323870 Queen of Prince Rupert BC Ferry Services, Inc. 5,864 331 1966 Victoria Princess 1980, now Queen of Prince Rupert 1980, sold 2011
Victoria MD Victoria BC 125 322978 Queen of Burnaby BC Ferry Services, Inc. 3,542 426 1965 Royal Victorian 1994, Princess Marguerite III 1997, Queen of Burnaby 2000
Victoria MD Victoria BC 129 323841 Powell River Queen BC Ferry Services, Inc. 1,125 279 1965 Active
Victoria MD Victoria BC 130 323848 Mayne Queen BC Ferry Services, Inc. 1,477 279 1965 Active
Victoria MD Victoria BC 131 323854 Bowen Queen BC Ferry Services, Inc. 1,476 279 1965 Active
Victoria MD Victoria BC 145 328327 Doris Yorke F. M. Yorke & Sons Ltd. 2,612 303 1968 Now Seaspan Doris 1974
Victoria SY Esquimalt BC 41 833761 Burrard Pacific Breeze South Coast Transit 438 110 2009 Active
Waterbridge Steel Prince George BC   820154 Francois Forester BC Ferry Services, Inc. 861 211 2004 Active
Western Steel Vancouver BC 163 177385 Anscomb BC Dept. of Highways 628   1946 Sank 2004 in Lake Kootenay
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 103 177983 Lequime BC Dept. of Highways 248 131 Apr-47 Later Fintry, now Fintry Queen
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 112 190659 Jacob Henkel BC Dept. of Highways 181 105 May-49 Active
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 113 190667 Delta Princess BC Dept. of Highways 276 136 Jun-49 Later Salt Spring Queen, now Golden Queen
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 135 195808 Balfour BC Dept. of Highways 510 171 1954 Active
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 371 370065 Queen of Cowichan BC Ferry Services, Inc. 6,551 436 Jul-76 Active
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 373 368934 Kwuna BC Dept. of Highways 347 156 Jul-75 Active
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 375 370088 Burrard Beaver BC Dept. of Highways 506 113 Sep-76 Active
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 376 370089 Burrard Otter BC Dept. of Highways 506 113 Sep-76 Active
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 550 396065 Queen of Oak Bay BC Ferry Services, Inc. 6,969 416 Jun-81 Active
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 559 815277 Spirit of British Columbia BC Ferry Services, Inc. 18,747 522 1993 Stern only
Yarrows Esquimalt BC 560 816503 Spirit of Vancouver Island BC Ferry Services, Inc. 18,747 522 1994 Stern only
Built in Ontario
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 135 157269 Wolfe Islander II Dept. of Highways 404 164 Oct-46 Scuttled 1985
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 136 176112 Norisle Owen Sound Transportation Co. 1,668 203 Sep-46 Museum ship at Manitowoning ON 1974
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 143 176167 James W. Curran The International Transit Co. 189 115 1947 Sank 1964
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 145 190429 Norgoma Owen Sound Transportation Co. 1,435 180 May-50 Floating civic centre at Sault Ste Marie 1963
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 153 194591 John A. McPhail The International Transit Co. 214 115 1955 Sank 1964
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 205 346838 Chi-Cheemaun ON Dept. of Highways 6,991 346 Sep-74 Active
Erieau SB Erieau ON   194291 Daldean Blue Water Ferry Ltd. 145 63 1951 Active
Erieau SB Erieau ON 64 194753 The St. Joseph Islander ON Dept. of Highways 189 118 1952 Glenora 1997, active
Erieau SB Erieau ON 68 198141 Quinte Loyalist ON Dept. of Highways 204 109 1954 Active
Erieau SB Erieau ON 97 188097 Pelee Islander ON Dept. of Highways 334 136 1960 Active
Port Arthur SB Thunder Bay ON 128 197730 Wolfe Islander III Ministry of Transportation 985 169 Dec-75 Active
Port Arthur SB Thunder Bay ON 129 803289 The Richard George McKenzie Forest Products 284   Jun-93 Later Jimmy-G Jr.
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 53 344887 Thomas Haviland Ministry of Transport 3,038 323 1970 Later Vacationland, Fundy Paradise 2001, laid up 2010
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 54 344866 William Pope Ministry of Transport 3,037 323 Apr-71 Now Holiday Island
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 59 347522 Sir Robert Bond Nfld. Ministry of Transport 10,433 416 Oct-75 Active
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 75 803748 Northern Ranger Nfld. Ministry of Transport 2,565 225 Sep-86 Active
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 76 814082 Jiimaan Ministry of Transport 2,830 200 1992 Active
Built in Quebec
Canadian Vickers Montreal QC 251 323433 New Grand Haven West India Fruit S S Co Inc. 5,074 459 May-51 Patrick Morris 1965, foundered off Cape North, Cape Breton I 1970
Canadian Vickers Montreal QC 254 195992 William Carson Ministry of Transport 8,273 351 Aug-55 Foundered off E Square I, Labrador 1977
CM de St. Laurent St. Laurent QC   313948 Charlevoix ON Dept. of Highways 666 181 1962 Frontenac II 1993, active
CN Forillon Gaspe QC 131 833882 Henry Nase NB Dept. of Highways 304 138 2008 Active
CN Forillon Gaspe QC 136 835819 William Frankland NB Dept. of Highways 245 109 2011 Active
CN Forillon Gaspe QC 140 837555 Peter-Fraser Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 292 110 2013 Active
CN Matane Matane QC   819030 C. N. M. Evolution CN Matane 591 127 1997 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 598 198334 Bluenose Ministry of Transport 6,419 344 Dec-55 Marine Bluenose 1983, deleted 1989
Davie SB Lauzon QC 600 197518 Radisson Cite de Trois Rivieres 1,149 164 Jun-54 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 618 310478 Saguenay Gulf Ports S.S. Co. Ltd. 429 190 May-58 Tessa Kathleen 1990, active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 660 329073 Frederick Carter Ministry of Transport 12,221 485 Jan-68 Fred 1986, Flavia II 1987, Athenia 1097, Thenia 1988, Hansa Link 1990, Norse Lagan 1991, Moby Rider 1998, M River 2007, scrapped 2007
Davie SB Lauzon QC 674 329362 Lomer Gouin Quebec Government 1,741 200 Jun-71 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 675 329363 Alphonse Desjardins Quebec Government 1,741 200 Jun-71 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 705 803736 Caribou Marine Atlantic Ltd. 27,213 567 Mar-86 Scrapped 2011
Davie SB Lauzon QC 710 805332 Catherine-Le Gardeur  Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 1,335 182 Dec-85 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 711 806123 Joseph Savard Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 1,445 192 Nov-85 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 714 811386 Joseph and Clara Smallwood Marine Atlantic Ltd. 27,229 567 Dec-89 Scrapped 2011
Davie SB Lauzon QC 716 818533 Felix-Antoine -Savard Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 2,489 260 1996 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 722 841731 Armand-Imbeau II Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 2,867 302 Jun-18 Active
Davie SB Lauzon QC 723   Jos-Deschenes II Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 2,867 302 2018 Building
George T. Davie Lauzon QC 79 313966 Trans-St-Laurent Gulf Ports S.S. Co. Ltd. 2,173 250 Jun-63 Active
George T. Davie Lauzon QC 96 323014 Sieur d'Amours Traverse Matane Godbout Ltd 2,558   May-66 Northern Princess 1984, Caribbean Princess 2007, laid up 2012
Marine Industries Tracy QC 144 175450 Abegweit C.N. Marine 6,694 372 Aug-47 Abby 1981, floating clubhouse in Chicago 1983
Marine Industries Tracy QC 180 178703 Laviolette Cite de Trois Rivieres 887   Sep-47 Blue Water Belle 1980, Caledonia, Ville Marie II, scrapped 2001
Marine Industries Tracy QC 196 194532 Arthur Cardin Cie de Traverse du St Laurent Ltee. 466 161 1951 L'Escale 1966, floating theatre in Quebec, active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 237 189306 Pierre de Saurel Cie de Traverse du St Laurent Ltee. 538 149 1957 Dalmig 1987, active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 282 319611 Trois Rivieres Cite de Trois Rivieres 882   1962 Richelieu, scrapped 2005
Marine Industries Tracy QC 306 319730 Napoleon L Cie de Traverse du St Laurent Ltee. 795 207 1964 Howe Sound Queen 1972, active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 324 329072 Ambrose Shea Nfld. Ministry of Transport 9,465 396 Dec-67 Ambrose 1990, Queen Vergina 1991, Erg 2000, scrapped 2000
Marine Industries Tracy QC 376 319739 Lucien L Cie de Traverse du St Laurent Ltee. 867 210 1967 Active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 412 368318 Camille Marcoux Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 6,122 311 Dec-74 Scrapped 2017
Marine Industries Tracy QC 444 391570 Armand Imbeau Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 1,285 260 Apr-80 Active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 445 391571 Jos Deschenes Soc. des Traversiers du Quebec 1,285 260 May-80 Active
Verreault Navigation Les Mechins QC   329382 Lady Menane Cie. de Nav. Des Basques 456 174 1973 Now L'Heritage I
Built in the Atlantic Provinces
Custom Fabricators Saint John NB   816086 Deer Island Princess NB Dept. of Highways 313 125 1992 Now Peninsular Princess
Custom Fabricators Saint John NB   840217 Abnaki II NB Dept. of Highways 368 136 2014 Active
Ferguson (Pictou Fdry.) Pictou NS 101   Scotian NS Dept. of Highways 615   Aug-46 Smokwa 1956, sold 1966, closed 1991
Ferguson Industries Pictou NS 125 310181 Percy C Black NS Dept. of Highways 298   Oct-57 Later Zimdowney, closed 2003
Ferguson Industries Pictou NS 148 320804 Prince Nova Northumberland Ferries 1,765 238 May-64 Sold 1998 as Susan Anne (USA), active
Ferguson Industries Pictou NS 109 331725 Prince Edward Northumberland Ferries 1,772 231 Oct-72 Captain Earl W. Winsor 1998, active
Ferguson (Pictou Ind.) Pictou NS 226 815540 Confederation Northumberland Ferries 8,060 315 1993 Active
Georgetown SY Georgetown PEI 38   The Spray NS Dept. of Highways 220   1978 Unregistered vessel
Georgetown SY Georgetown PEI 43   William G. Ernest NS Dept. of Highways     Mar-82 Unregistered vessel
Georgetown SY Georgetown PEI 44 803712 Marine Courier C.N. Marine 316   1984 Esprit II 2000, Aqua Sante 2009, active
Halifax SY Halifax NS 28 318060 Confederation Canadian National RW 2,371   Apr-62 Nordik Passeur 1994, scrapped 2007
Halifax SY Halifax NS 60 Peru Manco Capac Government of Peru   935 1970 Train ferry, assembled at Lake Titicaca
Halifax SY Halifax NS 6090 828193 Petit Princess NS Dept. of Highways 328 132 2003 Active
Marystown SY Marystown NL 36 803729 Beaumont Hamel Ministry of Transportation 831 174 1985 Active
Marystown SY Marystown NL 38 803739 Gallipoli Ministry of Transportation 611 154 1986 Active
Marystown SY Marystown NL 51 813681 Flanders Ministry of Transportation 1,035 164 1990 Active
Marystown SY Marystown NL 57 835419 Grace Sparkes Ministry of Transportation 939 126 2011 Active
Marystown SY Marystown NL 58 835491 Hazel McIsaac Ministry of Transportation 939 126 2011 Active
Saint John SB East Saint John NB 1076 322563 Grand Manan J. D. Irving Ltd 1,443   Sep-65 Grand Manan IV 1991, Grand Manan 1993, closed 2013
Saint John SB East Saint John NB 1098 331571 Princess of New Nova Canadian Pacific Ltd. 10,109 459 May-71 Later Princess of Acadia, scrapped 2016
Saint John SB East Saint John NB 1136 801836 Abegweit C.N. Marine 13,483   Oct-82 Accrued Mariner 1999, Mariner 2004, scrapped 2004
Smith & Rhuland Lunenburg NS 243 189027 Dartmouth II City of Dartmouth 251 246 1956 Retired 1979, later Lobsters Ahoy, scrapped 1996
Smith & Rhuland Lunenburg NS 244 189028 Halifax II City of Dartmouth 252 246 1956 Retired 1979, later Labrador II, scrapped 2004
Theriault & Son Meteghan NS   322906 Cavalier No. 1 (The)   186   1964 Closed 2002
Theriault & Son Meteghan NS   840229 Margaret's Justice Min. of Infrastructure 295 113 2016 Active


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023