Naval Marine Archive - The Canadian Collection
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Surface Combatants Built in Canada Since WWII

Surface Combatants (R, DDE, DDH, FFH) Built Since WWII

If anyone has any corrections or additions to this table, please send them to

Most recent update: 24 August 2017.

Shipbuilder Hull# Original Name Vessel Type Type Pennant Tons Completed Disposition
Halifax SY 12 Micmac Destroyer R 10 1,927 14-Sep-45 Scrapped 1964
Halifax SY 13 Nootka Destroyer R 96 1,927 9-Aug-46 Scrapped 1964
Halifax SY 14 Cayuga Destroyer R 04 1,927 20-Oct-47 Scrapped 1964
Halifax SY 15 Athabaskan Destroyer R 79 1,927 12-Jan-48 Scrapped 1969
Canadian Vickers 250 St Laurent Destroyer Escort DDE 205 2,265 29-Oct-55 Sank en route to breakers 1980
Halifax SY 19 Saguenay Destroyer Escort DDE 206 2,265 15-Dec-56 Reefed off Lunenburg NS 1994
Halifax SY 267 Skeena Destroyer Escort DDE 207 2,265 30-Mar-57 Scrapped 1996
Canadian Vickers 253 Ottawa Destroyer Escort DDE 229 2,265 10-Nov-56 Scrapped 1994
Halifax SY 20 Margaree Destroyer Escort DDE 230 2,265 5-Oct-57 Scrapped 1994
Halifax SY 268 Fraser Destroyer Escort DDE 233 2,265 28-Jun-57 Scrapped 2010
Marine Industries 194 Assiniboine Destroyer Escort DDE 234 2,265 16-Aug-56 Sank en route to breakers 1995
Halifax SY 21 Chaudiere Destroyer Escort DDE 235 2,265 14-Nov-59 Reefed off B.C. 1992
Davie SB 594 Gatineau   Destroyer Escort DDE 236 2,265 17-Feb-59 Scrapped 2010
Marine Industries 200 Ste Croix Destroyer Escort DDE 256 2,265 4-Oct-58 Scrapped 1991
Canadian Vickers 260 Restigouche Destroyer Escort DDE 257 2,265 7-Jun-58 Reefed off Acapulco 2001
Halifax SY 270 Kootenay Destroyer Escort DDE 258 2,265 7-Mar-59 Reefed off Mexico 2001
Victoria MD 58 Terra Nova Destroyer Escort DDE 259 2,265 12-May-05 Scrapped 2010
Halifax SY 271 Columbia Destroyer Escort DDE 260 2,265 7-Nov-59 Reefed off B.C. 1996
Canadian Vickers 273 Mackenzie Destroyer Escort DDE 261 2,265 6-Oct-62 Reefed off Isle-de-Lis 1995
Victoria MD 87 Saskatchewan Destroyer Escort DDE 262 2,265 16-Feb-63 Reefed off B.C. 1997
Halifax SY 310 Yukon Destroyer Escort DDE 263 2,265 25-May-63 Scuttled off San Diego 2000
Davie SB 622 Qu’Appelle  Destroyer Escort DDE 264 2,265 14-Sep-63 Scrapped 1994
Halifax SY 27 Annapolis Destroyer Escort DDE 265 2,265 19-Dec-64 Reefed off Gambier I. 2015
Marine Industries 266 Nipigon Destroyer Escort DDE 266 2,265 30-May-64 Reefed in the St. Lawrence 2003
Marine Industries 392 Iroquois Destroyer DDH 280 5,100 29-Jul-72 Scrapped 2017
Marine Industries 393 Huron Destroyer DDH 281 5,100 16-Dec-72 Sunk as target off Vancouver 2007
Davie SB 670 Athabaskan Destroyer DDH 282 5,100 30-Sep-72 Paid off 2017
Davie SB 671 Algonquin   Destroyer DDH 283 5,100 3-Nov-73 Paid off 2015, awaiting scrapping
Saint John SB 1139 Halifax Patrol Frigate FFH 330 5,235 29-Jun-92 Active
Saint John SB 1140 Vancouver Patrol Frigate FFH 331 5,235 23-Aug-93 Active
Davie SB 712 Ville de Quebec Patrol Frigate FFH 332 5,235 29-Mar-93 Active
Saint John SB 1141 Toronto Patrol Frigate FFH 333 5,235 29-Jul-93 Active
Davie SB 713 Regina Patrol Frigate FFH 334 5,235 29-Dec-93 Active
Davie SB 715 Calgary Patrol Frigate FFH 335 5,235 12-May-95 Active
Saint John SB 2222 Montreal Patrol Frigate FFH 336 5,235 21-Jul-94 Active
Saint John SB 2232 Fredericton Patrol Frigate FFH 337 5,235 10-Sep-94 Active
Saint John SB 2242 Winnipeg Patrol Frigate FFH 338 5,235 23-Jun-95 Active
Saint John SB 2252 Charlottetown Patrol Frigate FFH 339 5,235 9-Sep-95 Active
Saint John SB 2262 St.John's Patrol Frigate FFH 340 5,235 26-Jun-96 Active
Saint John SB 2272 Ottawa Patrol Frigate FFH 341 5,235 28-Sep-96 Active


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
E-mail: for comments, queries and suggestions.

Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023