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Tankers built in Canada since World War II

Since the end of World War II, Canadian shipyards have built 77 tankers, all product/chemical carriers: the last of these was delivered in 1982 and none are in Canadian-flag service today, although several are still operating under foreign flags.  If anyone has any corrections or additions to this table, please send them to

Most recent update: 15 August 2015.

Shipbuilder Location Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner GT Completed Disposition
Allied SB N. Vancouver BC 212 391372 Imperial Nootka Imperial Oil Ltd. 126 1978 Panama Star
Burrard DD N. Vancouver BC 344 331938 Imperial Skeena Imperial Oil Ltd. 3,047 Apr-70 Ocean Courier (Panama) 2000, active
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 137 176114 Imperial Collingwood Imperial Oil Ltd. 2,128 Apr-48 Seaway Trader 1979, Patricia II 1987, Balboa Trader (Panama) 1992, scrapped 1995
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 138 173214 Imperial London Imperial Oil Ltd. 2,130 Apr-48 Tegucigalpa (Honduras) 1979, Congar 1980, barge 1996, scrapped 2002
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 139 173217 Imperial Sarnia Imperial Oil Ltd. 4,580 Oct-48 Provmar Terminal II 1987, scrapped 2012
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 146 176115 Imperial Leduc Imperial Oil Ltd. 12,595 Apr-51 Nipigon Bay 1955, scrapped 1989
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 147 193679 Imperial Woodbend Imperial Oil Ltd. 12,639 Apr-52 Golden Hind 1954, scrapped 1986
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 148 194747 B. A. Peerless British American Oil 12,638 Oct-52 Gulf Canada 1969, Coastal Canada 1984, scrapped 1990
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 161 188390 Imperial Quebec Imperial Oil Ltd. 4,680 1957 Sibyl W. 1987, Panama Trader (Belize) 1992, active
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 167 188392 Tyee Shell Shell Canada Ltd. 1,599 Oct-58 Arctic Trader 1970, Rivershell 1983, Horizon Montreal 1995, Alycia 2004, New Horizons (Guyana) 2005, active
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 176 318681 W. Harold Rea Canadian Oil Cos. 4,009 Aug-62 Eastern Shell 1970, Le Cedre 1991, Colon Trader (Panama) 1992, Cypress Point 2003, scrapped 2014
Collingwood SB Collingwood ON 193 325749 Texaco Chief Texaco Canada Ltd. 5,038 Apr-69 A. G. Farquharson 1986, Algonova 1998, scrapped 2007
Davie SB Lauzon QC 595 194857 Andros Venture Andros Shipping 17,987 Nov-53 Ainos 1962, Continental I 1962, Conoco Seca 1968, Leprechaun Spirit 1970, scrapped 1974
Davie SB Lauzon QC 596 197519 Andros Fortune Andros Shipping 18,504 Aug-54 Vermion 1962, Continental IV 1963, Conoco Arrow 1967, L. W. Chemical 1970, Valiant King 1973, Hyacinth 1974, scrapped 1975
Davie SB Lauzon QC 616 300995 Federal Monarch Federal Petroleum 26,912 Sep-59 Oswego Unity 1965, scrapped 1976
Davie SB Lauzon QC 619 311777 Emerillon Papachristidis Tankers 26,968 Jul-60 Scrapped 1979
Davie SB Lauzon QC 629 314399 Hudson Transport Hall Corporation 4,076 Jun-62 Scrapped 1985
Davie SB Lauzon QC 653 323026 James Transport Hall Corporation 4,700 Jun-67 Enerchem Travailleur 1986, Enerchem Dolphin (Barbados) 1995, Dolphin 1995, scrapped 2010
Davie SB Lauzon QC 666 329352 Imperial Bedford Imperial Oil Ltd. 9,500 Aug-69 Algofax 1998, Halifax 2004, scrapped 2004
Davie SB Lauzon QC 668 329354 Chemical Transport Hall Corporation 4,981 Jul-69 Enerchem Fusion 1986, Real Progress (Liberia) 1991, total loss 2001
Davie SB Lauzon QC 669 329353 Industrial Transport Imperial Oil Ltd. 4,982 Aug-69 Enerchem Refiner 1986, Canal Trader (Panama) 1999, scrapped 2011
Davie SB Lauzon QC 676 Greece Kriti Star Varnicos Primero 42,470 Apr-73 Scrapped 2003
Davie SB Lauzon QC 677 Greece Kriti Land Varnicos Primero 42,470 Dec-73 Scrapped 2003
Davie SB Lauzon QC 678 Greece Kriti Wave Varnicos Primero 42,470 Apr-74 Scrapped 2003
Davie SB Lauzon QC 685 356290 Lucellum Cunard S.S. Co. Ltd. 23,736 Jul-75 Ciudad de Barrancabermeja 1978, Marvea 1987, Ravenna Trader 1989, Atlantic Sea 1991, Tn Topaz 1997, Quebec 1999, Slops X 2000, scrapped 2007
Davie SB Lauzon QC 686 356989 Lucerna Cunard S.S. Co. Ltd. 23,736 Nov-75 Al Arous 1988, Tank Queen 1989, Sitaxa 1991, Galea II 1996, Iona 2000, scrapped 2003
Davie SB Lauzon QC 687 U.K. Ogden Saguenay Ogden Transport 23,462 Mar-76 Saguenay 1984, Patricia 1988, Ocean Queen 1988, scrapped 2004
Davie SB Lauzon QC 688 U.K. Ogden Ottawa Ogden Transport 23,463 Oct-76 Ottawa 1984, Pamela 1988, Osco Chief 1988, Seaexplorer 1992, scrapped 2007
Davie SB Lauzon QC 689 377243 Athelmonarch Athel Regent Tankers 24,132 May-77 Alrai 1980, Baraka 1982, Lucerna 1983, Dakila 1986, Dagrun 1988, Quebec 1989, Silver Shing 1996, scrapped 1996
Davie SB Lauzon QC 690 377373 Athelqueen Athel Regent Tankers 24,132 Sep-77 Altanin 1980, trapped in the Shatt-Al-Arab 1980 and written off
Davie SB Lauzon QC 704 370449 L’Erable No. 1 Branch Lines Ltd. 7,743 Jul-82 Hubert Gaucher 1983, Rodin 1996, Olympic Pride (Nigeria) 2000, active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 185 192522 Willowbranch Branch Lines Ltd. 2,153 May-50 Scrapped 1978
Marine Industries Tracy QC 197 192529 Cedarbranch Branch Lines Ltd. 2,144 Sep-51 Secola 1979, Kito Maru 1980, scrapped 1985
Marine Industries Tracy QC 238 310914 Maplebranch Branch Lines Ltd. 4,463 Jul-58 L'Erable No. 1 1981, Tlatoani (Panama) 1982, scrapped 1988
Marine Industries Tracy QC 269 312958 J. Edouard Simard Branch Lines Ltd. 5,104 Aug-61 Edouard Simard 1967, Le Chene No. 1 1982, Enerchem Trader 1997, Silverhead 2000, scrapped 2003
Marine Industries Tracy QC 305 319729 Jos Simard Branch Lines Ltd. 5,102 Jul-64 Le Frene No. 1 1982, scrapped 1995
Marine Industries Tracy QC 389 330048 Lakeshell Shell Canada Ltd. 5,725 Apr-69 W. M. Vacy Ash 1987, Eltokaween 1997, scrapped 2003
Marine Industries Tracy QC 396 331741 Ludger Simard Branch Lines Ltd. 5,114 May-70 Le Saule No. 1 1982, Al Joul 1997, Navstar 3 2003, scrapped 2003
Marine Industries Tracy QC 404 331744 Arsene Simard Branch Lines Ltd. 5,844 May-72 Gaspe Transport 1979, Enerchem Avance 1986, Leona II 1993, Eringa (Nigeria) 1999, Lady Anna (St. Kitts) 2006, scrapped 2010
Marine Industries Tracy QC 413 331754 Leon Simard Branch Lines Ltd. 5,925 Oct-74 L'Orme No. 1 1982, Tradewind Ocean 1997, Amara 2001, Menna (Nigeria) 2008, active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 415 331747 Arthur Simard Branch Lines Ltd. 5,918 Sep-73 Le Cedre No. 1 1982, Cam Etinde 1987, Genesis Adventurer 2004, Venture (Eq. Guinea) 2010, scrapped 2011
Marine Industries Tracy QC 434 370929 Gulf Gatineau Gulf Oil Canada Ltd. 5,924 Jul-76 J. C. Phillips 1985, Tradewind Spirit 1995, Sir Michael (Nigeria) 2002, scrapped 2011
Marine Industries Tracy QC 435 371448 Gulf MacKenzie Gulf Oil Canada Ltd. 5,924 Mar-77 L. Rochette 1985, Tradewind Island 1995, Kemepade (Panama) 2003, active
Marine Industries Tracy QC 436 Cuba Primero de Mayo Empresa Nav Caribe 6,640 Jul-77 Sea Shell 1992, Broose 1995
Marine Industries Tracy QC 437 Cuba 24 de Febrero Empresa Nav Caribe 6,640 Dec-77 White Coast 1992, scrapped 2000
Marine Industries Tracy QC 438 Cuba 5 de Septiembre Empresa Nav Caribe 6,640 Jul-78 Coral Reef 1995
McKenzie Barge N. Vancouver BC   347185 Imperial Tofino Imperial Oil 650 1973 Later Sibyl W 1992
McKenzie Barge N. Vancouver BC   331306 F.N. No. 1   379 1969 Active
Northern SB Bronte ON   177636 Peerless II B-A Oil Co. 59 1946 Still active as a cruise boat in Muskoka ON
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 32 319263 Imperial Lachine Imperial Oil Ltd. 734 Jun-63 Josee M. 2003, Murex 2003, Arca 2003, Arca I (Panama) 2016, active
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 33 319264 Imperial Verdun Imperial Oil Ltd. 734 Aug-63 Sillery (St. Vincent) 1979, active
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 39 326037 Imperial Acadia Imperial Oil Ltd. 7,068 Apr-66 Algoscotia 1998, Ralph Tucker (St. Vincent) 2001, Capt. Ralph Tucker 2001, Ralph Tucker 2004, scrapped 2004
Port Weller DD St. Catherines ON 57 348195 Imperial St. Clair Imperial Oil Ltd. 7,964 Apr-74 Algosar 1998, Genesis Explorer 2005, scrapped 2011
Russel Brothers Owen Sound ON   318849 Imperial Temagami Imperial Oil     Suspended 2008
Russel Brothers Owen Sound ON   193602 Gary E Imperial Oil 13 1967  
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1061 319983 Irving Ours Polaire Engineering Cons. 4,944 Jan-64 Rexton Kent 1993, Rexton 1995, Nowrat Al Khalees 1998, Nada 1999, scrapped 2003
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1072 322550 Aime Gaudreau Engineering Cons. 1,903 Dec-64 Harcourt Kent 1993, Mor Blessing 1994, Zikko (Nigeria) 1997
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1104 na Irving Marigold Swim Bros. Fisheries 2,427 Feb-72 Popocatepetl (Mexico) 1978, Cora 2000, active
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1105 Liberia Esso Saint John Esso Tankers Inc. 18,781 1972 Amazon Prosperity 1983, Amazzone 1987, Kappa Due 1989, Apollinare 1990, Capo Nord 1994, Fabrizia Prima 1999, scrapped 2000
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1106 Liberia Esso Halifax Esso Tankers Inc. 18,798 1973 Endurance 1983, Endurance Glory 1986, Al Wataniah 1992, scrapped 1997
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1107 Liberia Esso Montreal Esso Tankers Inc. 18,798 Oct-73 Amazon Pioneer 1983, Mare Di Giava 1987, Umberto D'Amato 1991, Rosa D'Amato 1996, Margherita 1997, Liano 1997, scrapped 2006
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1110 345430 Irving Arctic Kent Line Ltd. 23,207 Oct-74 Arctica 2002, scrapped 2002
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1111 Liberia Esso Everett Esso Tankers Inc. 21,619 May-75 Globosa 1985, Gebze 1985, scrapped 2003
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1112 Liberia Esso Toronto Esso Tankers Inc. 21,619 Oct-75 Petromar Santa Cruz 1981, Esso Santa Cruz 1986, Ektor I 1995, scrapped 2003
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1113 Liberia Esso Providence Esso Tankers Inc. 21,619 Feb-76 Petromar San Sebastian 1983, Esso San Sebastian 1990, Enias 1995, scrapped 2003
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1114 Liberia Esso Saint Petersburg Esso Tankers Inc. 21,619 1976 Saint John 1984, Saint John II 1987, Oslo Lady 1990, Armonia 1994, Ariston 1994, scrapped 2002
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1115 369839 Irving Eskimo Irving Oil 23,377 Aug-80 Madonna 2005, scrapped 2007
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1117 na Dolores Swann Dolores Navigation 19,855 Dec-76 Bali Sky 1984, Thanassis A. 1989, broke in two 1994
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1118 Liberia Erinna Shell Bermuda Ltd. 19,656 Oct-77 White Star 1994, scrapped 2004
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1119 Liberia Etrema Shell Bermuda Ltd. 19,656 Mar-78 Rosa 1994, Rosa T. 1999, Pontos 2002, Atlantica I 2003, scrapped 2006
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1120 Liberia Entalina Shell Bermuda Ltd. 19,656 Jun-78 Amer Power 1997, Entalina 2001, scrapped 2007
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1121 Liberia Erodona Shell Bermuda Ltd. 19,656 Oct-78 Normar Sovereign 1995, Champion Trader 1996, scrapped 2006
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1122 Liberia Ensis Lepton Shipping  19,239 Jan-79 Fairplay 1996, scrapped 2002
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1123 Liberia Elona Lepton Shipping  19,239 Apr-79 Amber Energy 1995, Elona 2002, Ilona 2005, scrapped 2007
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1130 369846 Irving Nordic Irving Oil 7,745 Oct-80 Wellington Kent 1993, Beffen 2004, Zenon Conquest (Nigeria) 2005, total loss 2012
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1133 369854 Irving Ocean Irving Oil 23,555 May-81 Athenian Liberty 1996, Ocean Liberty 2003, scrapped 2005
Saint John SB Saint John NB 1134 369860 Irving Canada Irving Oil 23,555 Oct-81 Irina 2006, scrapped 2006


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023