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Collingwood Shipbuilding, Collingwood ON

The Collingwood Dry Dock, Shipbuilding and Foundry Company was organized in 1882 by J. D. Silcox and S. D. Andrews: the name was changed to Collingwood Shipbuilding in 1897.  It closed in 1986.  The yard was at the foot of Hurontario Street, where it meets what is now appropriately known as Side Launch Way: see the site from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 14 July 2021.

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Completed Disposition
    Reliance The Collingwood DD Wrecking Co Tug 311 1892 Scrapped 1949
    Majestic Great Northern Transit Co Pass./Freight 1,578 1895 Destroyed by fire at Sarnia 1915
    Germanic Great Northern Transit Co Pass./Freight 1,014 1899 Destroyed by fire at Collingwood 1917
1 107168 Huronic Great Northern Transit Co Pass./Freight 3,330 Mar-02 Scrapped 1950
2 111807 Agawa Algoma Central & Hudson Bay RW Bulk Cargo Barge 3,516 Jul-02 Robert P. Durham 1929, Heron Bay 1940, Federal Husky 1963, scrapped 1965
3 116264 W. D. Matthews St. Lawrence & Chicago SN Co. Bulk Carrier 3,959 1903 Brentwood 1926, scrapped 1937
4 116661 Midland King Midland Navigation Company Bulk Carrier 3,965 Nov-03 Scrapped 1938
5 116592 Emerson Montreal Transportation Company Tug 276 Apr-03 Peau Rouge 1917, Pellerossa 1925, Fratelli Neri 1930, Giulianova 1945, wrecked 1947
6 112336 Waubaushene Georgian Bay Lumber Company Tug 135 1904 Scrapped 1963
7   C.S.B.D.& C.Co. Drillboat No. 3 C. S. Boone Dredging & Const. Co. Drill Scow 148 1905  
8 122066 Ungava Montreal Transportation Company Bulk Cargo Barge 1,226 1906  
9 116669 Midland Prince  Midland Navigation Company Bulk Carrier 6,636 Apr-07 Scrapped 1969
10     C. S. Boone Dredging & Const. Co. Dump Scow 182 1906  
11     C. S. Boone Dredging & Const. Co. Dump Scow 182 1906  
12   Helena Public Works Department Tug 299 May-07  
13   P.W.D. No 101 Public Works Department Dump Scow 368 1906  
14   P.W.D. No.102 Public Works Department Dump Scow 368 1906  
15   P.W.D. No.14 Public Works Department Dump Scow 368 1907  
16   P.W.D. No.15 Public Works Department Dump Scow 368 1907  
17 117089 Collingwood Farrar Transportation Company Bulk Carrier 4,529 Nov-07 Scrapped 1968
18       Dump Scow 368 1907  
19       Dump Scow 292 1907  
20       Dump Scow 292 1908  
21       Dump Scow 368 1908  
22 122553 Hamonic The Northern Navigation Co Pass./Freight 5,265 May-09 Destroyed by fire at Sarnia 1945
23 122555 Waubic The Northern Navigation Co Pass./Freight 469 Sep-09 Erie Isle 1938, Prince Nova 1941, destroyed by fire at Pictou NS 1959
24       Dump Scow 288 1909  
25 126530 Hiram Robinson The Upper Ottawa Imp. Co. Tug 203 1910 Scuttled 1956
26   C. D. 103   Dump Scow 260 1909  
27   C. D. 104   Dump Scow 260 1910  
28 126654 Emperor Inland Lines Ltd. Bulk Carrier 7,031 May-11 Wrecked on Canoe Rocks, Isle Royale, 1947
29 111964 Geronia Ontario & Quebec Nav Company Pass./Freight 2,105 Jul-11 Syracuse 1915, Cape Trinity 1920, scrapped 1937
30 130312 Dalhousie City Niagara, St. Cath. & Toronto Nav. Pass./Freight 1,256 Sep-11 Island King II 1950, Bucknor 1961, destroyed by fire at Lachine 1960
31 131136 Estevan Dept. of Marine & Fisheries Lighthouse Tender 1,161 1912 Scrapped 1970
32 130431 John R. Stover Blind River Lumber Company Tug 94 1911  
33 130648 Hercules The Upper Ottawa Imp. Co Tug 30 1911 Hull only
34 130649 Samson The Upper Ottawa Imp. Co Tug 29 1911 Hull only
35 130644 Wabis The Upper Ottawa Imp. Co Tug 72 1911 Hull only
36   C.S.B.D.&C.Co. Drill Boat No. 4 C. S. Boone Dredging & Const. Co. Drill Scow 148 1911  
37 131111 Keybell Keystone Transportation Co Canaller 1,730 Oct-12 Scrapped 1961
38 131090 James Carruthers St. Lawrence & Chicago S.N. Co. Bulk Carrier 7,462 Jun-13 Foundered in Lake Huron 1913
39 134365 M.& F. Dredge No. 14 Dept. of Marine & Fisheries Bucket Dredger 888 Jan-14 M.& F. Dredge No. 14 1920, D.M. Dredge No. 14 1931, foundered near Batiscan 1937
40 134366 M.& F. Dredge No. 15 Dept. of Marine & Fisheries Bucket Dredger 888 Apr-14 M.& F. Dredge No. 15 1920, D.M. Dredge No. 15 1931
41 130388 Pelee Windsor & Pelee Island Shipping Passenger/Car Ferry 538 Apr-14 Scrapped 1966
42 134250 J. H. G. Hagarty St. Lawrence & Chicago S. N.. Co. Bulk Carrier 7,462 Jul-14 Hagarty 1926, scrapped 1968
43 130977 C.S.B.D.& C.Co. No. 8 C.S.Boone Dredging & Const.Co. Dump Scow 389 1914  
44 133952 M.& F. Hopper Barge No.2 Dept. of Marine & Fisheries Hopper Barge 743 Sep-15 D.M. Hopper Barge No. 2 1931, deleted 1958
45 134513 Royalite Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 2,052 Jun-16 Imperial Welland 1947, scrapped 1965
46 134514 Iocolite Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 2,060 Sep-16 Imperial Kingston 1947, Charles W. Johnson 1958, active
47 134515 Sarnolite Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 2,060 Nov-16 Imperial Sarnia 1947, Imperial Hamilton 1948, barge 1962, scrapped 1970
48 138232 Westmount Montreal Transportation Company Bulk Carrier 7,392 1917 Scrapped 1967
49 138372 Reginolite Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 2,631 Oct-17 Baytown 1920, Luisiano 1925, torpedoed off Navarino 1942
50 137907 Talaralite International Petroleum Co. Ltd. Tanker 2,631 Apr-18 Imperial Midland 1947, Willowdale 1953, scrapped 1963
51 142622 War Wizard Imperial Munitions Board Freighter 2,032 Jul-18 Citta di Lecce 1920, Bracciano 1926, Oddvar II 1930, Robell 1953, scrapped 1955
52 142759 War Witch Imperial Munitions Board Freighter 2,030 Oct-18 Ignazio 1921, Dina 1927, Palmaiola 1929, torpedoed 1942
53   T.R. 7 Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 27-May-18 Sold 1926 as Santander
54   T.R. 8 Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 26-Jun-18 Sold 1920 as Bonthorpe, to RAN 1940, sold 1945, wrecked 1959
55   T.R. 9 Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 16-May-18 Sold 1920 as Somersby
56   T.R. 10 Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 16-May-18 Sold 1920 as Vera Cruz
57   T.R. 11 Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 28-Jun-18 Sold 1926 as San Sebastian
58   T.R. 12 Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 25-Aug-18 Sold 1920
59   T.R. 13  Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 25-Aug-18 Transferred to Thor Iron Works
60   T.R. 14  Royal Navy Minesweeper 360 31-Aug-18 Transferred to Thor Iron Works
61 140960 Canadian Warrior Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,409 Apr-19 Emperor of St. John 1925, wrecked in Ballantyne's Cove NS, 1926
62 141366 Canadian Recruit Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,409 Jun-19 In collision and lost 45nm E Quebec, 1921
63 141479 Canadian Signaller Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,415 Aug-19 Emperor of Halifax 1925, Skjoldheim 1930, Polyana 1939, torpedoed 1941
64 141478 Canadian Gunner Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,415 Nov-19 Canatco 1927, wrecked 1942
65 141590 Canadian Farmer Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,410 Apr-20 Wester 1934, Shinkuang 1935, sunk by gunfire off Puri 1942
66 141761 Canadian Observer Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,410 Jun-20 Rosebank 1929, scrapped 1955
67 141856 Canadian Rover Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,422 Nov-20 Bornite 1929, Tung Sheng 1037, Tosei Maru 1938, torpedoed 1942
68 Argentina Transpet Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey Tanker 640 Sep-20 Esso Marino 1938, Esso Parana 1947, Parana 1963, deleted 1997
69 153355 Canadian Pathfinder Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,374 Jul-21 Dominion Hull 10, Norman M. Paterson 1925, Novadoc 1926, Holmewood 1927, Ara 1936, mined 1942
70 150367 Canadian Engineer Canadian Gov't Merchant Marine Freighter 2,281 Aug-21 Dominion Hull 11, Donald E. McKay 1925, Newbrundoc 1926, Ashington 1927, Sabine 1943, bombed 1944
71 141678 Charles Dick National Sand & Material Co. Ltd. Sand Dredger 2,015 Jul-22 Scrapped 1976
72 138187 Dalrymple Main Transit Company Ltd. Canaller 1,711 May-23 Kinmount 1927, scrapped 1960
73 151108 Royalton Mathews Steamship Company Bulk Carrier 7,164 Sep-24 Scrapped 1980
74 151043 Robert J. Buck George Hall Coal & Shipping Corp Canaller 1,824 May-25 Meaford 1926, scrapped 1959
75 151046 Walter B. Reynolds George Hall Coal & Shipping Corp Canaller 1,824 Jun-25 Penetang 1926, scrapped 1959
76 151045 Robert P. Kernan George Hall Coal & Shipping Corp Canaller 1,824 Jul-25 Barrie 1926, scrapped 1960
77 150338 Agoming International Transit Company Car Ferry 199 1926  
78 122618 Shirlohn Gidley Boat Company Yacht 177 1927 Steel frame for yacht
79 153443 Sand Merchant Interlake Transportation Co Sand Dredger 1,981 Sep-27 Capsized 16nm NW Cleveland 1936
80   Gatelifter Dept. of Railways & Canals Gatelifter Scow   1928  
81 157070 J. H. Carter   Brown Corporation Motor Launch 20 1928  
82 154773 Chesterfield Dept. of Railways & Canals Hopper Barge 734 Aug-28 Scrapped 1968
83 156648 Rouille The Toronto Harbour Commissioners Tug 214 1929 Sank 1954
84 156488 Bersimis Department of Public Works Tug 229 May-30 Scrapped 1975
85 156703 Pugwash Department of Public Works Tug 229 1930 Sank 1964
86 157003 Gate Lifter No. 1 Dept. of Railways & Canals Gatelifter Scow 1,002 1930 Scrapped 1983
87 157006 Wm. J. Stewart Dept. of Mines & Resources Survey Vessel 1,295 Jun-32 P.S.V. No. 1 1979, Canadian Princess 1982, active
88 J. 88 Fundy Royal Canadian Navy Minesweeper 460d 1-Sep-38 Sold 1947, Aigle Marin 1967, Anne R.D. 1977, scrapped 1987
89 171704 Imperial Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 1,512 Nov-38 Imperial Vancouver 1946, Esso Andina 1971, Acuario 1971, scrapped 1984
90 K 180 Collingwood Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 9-Nov-40 Scrapped 1950
91 K.119 Orillia Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 29-Apr-41 Scrapped 1951
92 K.138 Barrie Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 12-May-41 Gasestado 1947, Capitan Canepa 1957, scrapped 1972
93 K.163 Galt Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 15-May-41 Scrapped 1946
94 K.164 Moosejaw Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 19-Jun-41 Scrapped 1949
95 K.165 Battleford Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 31-Jul-41 Libertad 1946, wrecked 1949
96 K.167 Drumheller Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 13-Sep-41 Scrapped 1949
97 K.168 Le Pas Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 950d 21-Oct-41 Scrapped 1946
98 K.237 Halifax Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 1015d 26-Nov-41  
99 K.238 Woodstock Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 1015d 1-May-42 Olympic Winner 1951, Otori Maru No. 20 1956, Akitsu Maru 1957, scrapped 1975
100 T.274 Anticosti Royal Navy/RCN Minesweeper 545d 8-Aug-42 Sold 1946 as Guloy, Barbro 1948, Giuseppina 1953
101 T.275 Baffin Royal Navy/RCN Minesweeper 545d 20.Aug-42 Sold 1946 as Baffin, Niedermehnen 1952, Kellenhusen 1965, Kairos 1969, Theoxenia 1971
102 T.276 Cailiff Royal Navy/RCN Minesweeper 545d 16-Sep-42 Sold 1946 as Borgenes, scrapped 2012
103 T.277 Miscou Royal Navy/RCN Minesweeper 545d 20.Oct-42 Sold 1946 as Cleveland, Sigurd Hund 1950, scrapped 1974
104 T.278 Campobello Royal Navy/RCN Minesweeper 545d 21-Oct-42 Foundered in the North Atlantic 1943
105 K.277 Comfrey/Action Royal Navy/USN Corvette 970d 22-Nov-42 Scrapped 1972
106 K.278 Cornel/Alacrity Royal Navy/USN Corvette 970d 10-Dec-42 Scrapped 1971
107 K.279 Beacon/Dittany Royal Navy/USN Corvette 970d 31-May-43 Scrapped 1966
108 K.280 Tact/Smilax Royal Navy/USN Corvette 970d 21-Jun-43 Scrapped 1968
109 K.281 Vim/Statice Royal Navy/USN Corvette 970d 20.Sep-43 Scrapped 1961
110 K.339 North Bay Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 970d 25-Oct-43  
111 K.340 Owen Sound Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 970d 17-Nov-43  
112 K.687 Guelph Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 970d 9-May-44  
113 K.686 Fergus Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 970d 18-Nov-44 Sank 1949
114 CN 440   Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 970d   Cancelled
115 CN 504   Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 970d   Cancelled
116 CN 505 Bodiam Castle Royal Canadian Navy/Royal Navy Corvette 1010d   Cancelled
117 CN 506 Bolton Castle Royal Canadian Navy/Royal Navy Corvette 1010d   Cancelled
118 CN 507 Bramber Castle Royal Canadian Navy/Royal Navy Corvette 1010d   Cancelled
119 CN 508 Bridgenorth Castle Royal Canadian Navy/Royal Navy Corvette 1010d   Cancelled
120 CN 509 Brough Castle Royal Canadian Navy/Royal Navy Corvette 1010d   Cancelled
121 CN 510 Chepstow Castle Royal Canadian Navy/Royal Navy Corvette 1010d   Cancelled
122 CN 511 Chester Castle Royal Canadian Navy/Royal Navy Corvette 1010d   Cancelled
123 175359 Nipiwan Park Park Steamship Company Tanker 2,373 Dec-43 Irvinglake 1952, stranded 1963
124 175390 Norwood Park Park Steamship Company Tanker 2,381 Dec-43 Elmbranch 1945, Witsupply II 1980, stranded off St Maarten 1989 and scuttled
125 175591 Springbank Park Park Steamship Company Tanker 2,419 Oct-44 Poplarbranch 1946, Straits Conveyor 1957, stranded 3nm from Barranquilla 1963, scrapped 1980
126 175399 Otterburn Park Park Steamship Company Tanker 2,405   Cancelled
127 175579 Eglinton Park Park Steamship Company Tanker 2,404   Cancelled
128 175584 Millican Park Park Steamship Company Tanker 2,404   Cancelled
129 J.449 Romola Royal Navy Minesweeper 1010d 3-May-45 Scrapped 1957
130 J.439 Rosamund Royal Navy Minesweeper 1010d 10-Jul-45 To South Africa 1947 as Bloemfontein, sunk as a target off Simonstown 1967
131 J.440 Styx Royal Navy Minesweeper 1010d   Cancelled
132 177552 Ottawa Mayhill/C. P. Edwards Canadian Coast Guard Buoy Tender 338 Mar-47 Scrapped 1976
133 177333 Ottawa Mayrock/Keltic Breton Shipping Coaster 515 Oct-46 Caught fire and exploded 15nm Cape St Mary, Nfl., 1949
134 France Ottawa Maytor/Hibiscus French Ministry of Supply Coaster 520 1945 Volubilis 1958, scrapped 1976
135 157269 Ottawa Maybrook/Wolfe Islander Dept. of Highways Ferry 404 Oct-46 Scuttled 1985
136 176112 Norisle Owen Sound Transportation Co. Passenger/Car Ferry 1,668 Sep-46 Museum ship at Manitowoning, Ont. 1974
137 176114 Imperial Collingwood Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 2,128 Apr-48 Seaway Trader 1979, Patricia II 1987, Balboa Trader 1992, Rivas 1995, scrapped 1995
138 173214 Imperial London Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 2,130 Apr-48 Tegucigalpa 1979, Congar 1980, sold as a barge 1996, scrapped 2002
139 173217 Imperial Sarnia Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 4,580 Oct-48 Provmar Terminal II 1987, active
140 France Collingwood Government of France Hopper Barge 646 Sep-48 Last trace 1974
141 France Erable Government of France Hopper Barge 646 Apr-49 Last listed 1992
142 France Castor Government of France Hopper Barge 646 Apr-49  
143 176167 James W. Curran The International Transit Co. Ltd. Car Ferry 189 1947 Sank 1964
144 190479 Hochelaga Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 11,997 Oct-49 Scrapped 1993
145 190429 Norgoma Owen Sound Transportation Co. Passenger Car Ferry 1,435 May-50 Floating civic centre at Sault Ste Marie
146 176115 Imperial Leduc Pipeline Tankers Ltd. Tanker 12,595 Apr-51 Nipigon Bay 1955, scrapped 1989
147 193679 Imperial Woodbend Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 12,639 Apr-52 Golden Hind 1954, scrapped 1986
148 194747 B. A. Peerless British American Oil Company Tanker 12,638 Oct-52 Gulf Canada 1969, Coastal Canada 1984, Coastal I 1990, scrapped 1990
149 176116 Georgian Bay Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 11,392 Apr-54 Scrapped 1989
150 176118 Fort Henry Canada Steamship Lines Package Freighter 5,729 May-55 Scrapped 1984
151 192769 R. Bruce Angus Upper Lakes & St. Lawrence Transco. Bulk Carrier 11,816 1954 Conversion
152 176119 Iroquois Canada Steamship Lines Canaller 2,300 Jul-55 Troisdoc 1967, Koba 1983, foundered 1989
153 194591 John A. McPhail The International Transit Co. Car Ferry 214 1955 Sank 1964
154 188386 Montclair Montship Lines Ltd. Cargo Vessel 1,008 May-56 Pierre Radisson 1961, George Crosbie 1972, Edgar Jourdain 1976, wrecked 1980
155 188387 Sarniadoc N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Canaller 2,290 Jul-56 Coloradas 1976, scrapped 1988
156 198221 Mcnco. No. 21 McNamara Construction Company Dump Scow 319 1956  
157 198222 Mcnco. No. 22 McNamara Construction Company Dump Scow 319 1956  
158 188388 Calgadoc N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Canaller 2,293 Aug-56 El Salinero 1975, foundered 1982
159 188389 Senator of Canada N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Bulk Carrier 9,958 1957 Scrapped 1985
160 188391 Fort York Canada Steamship Lines Package Freighter 6,021 Apr-58 Scrapped 1988
161 188390 Imperial Quebec Imperial Oil Ltd. Tanker 4,680 1957 Sibyl W. 1987, Panama Trader 1992, deleted 1998
162 176115 Nipigon Bay  Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 13,274 1958 Conversion
163 188393 Menihek Lake Carryore Limited Bulk Carrier 17,023 May-59 Scrapped 1985
164 188394 Murray Bay Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 17,369 Apr-60 Comeaudoc 1963, scrapped 2002
165 188395 Carol Lake Carryore Limited Bulk Carrier 17,070 Aug-60 Algocape 1986, Mapleglen 1994, scrapped 2003
166 154474 Stadacona Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 9,486 1958 Conversion
167 188392 Tyee Shell Shell Canada Ltd. Tanker 1,599 Oct-58 Arctic Trader 1970, Rivershell 1983, Horizon Montreal 1995, Alycia S. 1 2004, New Horizons 2005, active (Guyana)
168 311861 Hopedale Department of Transport Pass./Cargo Vessel 1,106 Nov-60 Burnt in Port aux Basques and scuttled 1984
169 188396 Fort Chambly Canada Steamship Lines Package Freighter 5,852 Apr-61 Chambly Era 1976, Fort Chambly 1977, burnt at Windsor, Ont. 1988 and scrapped
170 188397 French River Canada Steamship Lines Package Freighter 6,637 Aug-61 Jensen Star 1971, Woodland 1986, Woodlands 1991, Lorena I 1998, scrapped
171 188398 English River Canada Steamship Lines Package Freighter 6,639 Oct-61 Scrapped 2018
172 318682 Black Bay Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 17,848 Apr-63 Canadian Voyager 1994, scrapped 2002
173 188399 Mondoc N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Bulk Carrier 2,497 Apr-62 Corah Ann 1979, sank 2000
174 188400 Lawrendoc N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Bulk Carrier 2,497 Apr-62 Contoy 1984, Leta 1993, active
175 318341 Taverner Department of Transport Pass./Cargo Vessel 1,135 Jul-62 Active
176 318681 W. Harold Rea Canadian Oil Companies Ltd. Tanker 4,009 Aug-62 Eastern Shell 1970, Le Cedre 1991, Colon Trader 1992, active
177 318684 Murray Bay Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 17,873 Jul-63 Canadian Provider 1994, Algoma Provider, scrapped 2014
178 318683 Yankcanuck Yankcanuck Steamship Company Steel Carrier 3,280 1963 Scrapped 2016
179 318686 Sir Denys Lowson Algoma Central Railway Company Bulk Carrier 10,239 Mar-64 Vandoc 1979, scrapped 2002
180 318685 Caribou Reefer Caribou Reefers Ltd. Reefer Cargo Vessel 490 Oct-63 Polar Queen 1979, Toma 1980, El Cancun 1988, Transcargo 1990, Caonabo I 1991, active
181 318688 Rimouski Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 18,473 May-65 Canadian Harvest 1994, broke in two 1995
182 325742 Simcoe Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 18,102 Jun-66 Algostream 1994, Simcoe 1996, scrapped 1996
183 320969 Nicolet Dept. of Transport Survey Vessel 887 1966 Later 650, now Echo des Mers
184 318687 Tarantau Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 19,494 Apr-65 Scrapped 1999
185 194458 E. B. Barber Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 10,420 1964 Conversion
186 318689 Roy A. Jodrey Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 16,154 Nov-65 Wrecked 1974
187 325744 Mantadoc N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Bulk Carrier 10,902 1967 Teakglen 2002, Maritime Trader, Manitoba, scrapped 2018
188 325746 Feux-Follets Papachristidis Comapny Bulk Carrier 18,045 Oct-67 Canadian Leader 1972, scrapped 2010
189 325747 Algorail Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 16,157 Apr-68 Scrapped 2018
190 325745 Bayshell Shell Canada Ltd. Bunker Tanker 1,072 Jul-67 Later Petropan I, Panabunker II, Intergod VII (Colombia), active
191 325748 Algocen Algoma Central Railway Company Bulk Carrier 18,089 Sep-68 Later J. W. Shelley, Phoenix Star, scrapped 2013
192 325750 Tadoussac Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 20,634 Oct-69 CSL Tadoussac 2001, active
193 325749 Texaco Chief Texaco Canada Ltd. Tanker 5,038 Apr-69 A. G. Farquharson 1986, Algonova 1998, scrapped
194 188392 Arctic Trader  Shell Canada Ltd. Tanker 2,701 1969 Forebody only
195 331081 Agawa Canyon Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 16,290 1970 Scrapped 2010
196 331082 Imperial Dartmouth Imperial Oil Ltd. Bunker Tanker 1,111 1970 Now N. T. Dartmouth
197 331086 J. W. McGiffin Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 22,716 1972 Active
198 331084 Harvey H. Simpson Simpson Boat Tours International Pass. Excursion Vessel 48 1971 Active
199 331085 Gladys M. Simpson Simpson Boat Tours International Pass. Excursion Vessel 48 1971 Active
200 331090 Algoway Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 16,187 Sep-72 Scrapped 2018
201 346831 Pointe Aux Basques Eastern Canada Towing Ltd.  Tug 396 30-Nov-72 Active
202 346832 Pointe Marguerite Eastern Canada Towing Ltd.  Tug 396 3-Apr-73 In collision and lost 1978
203 346833 H. M. Griffith Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 22,775 Oct-73 Rt. Hon. Paul J. Martin 2000, active
204 329342 Frontenac Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 17,808 1973 Conversion
205 346838 Chi-Cheemaun Ontario Dept. of Highways Car/ Passenger Ferry 6,991 Sep-74 Active
206 346839 Algosoo Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 21,716 Dec-74 Scrapped 2016
207 346840 Ontadoc N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Bulk Carrier 4,468 Apr-75 Melissa Desgagnes 1990, Ethan 2017, active
208 366014 Gypsum King Gypsum Transportation Company S/U Bulk Carrier 12,839 Dec-75 Scrapped 2003
209 366177 Gypsum Baron Gypsum Transportation Company S/U Bulk Carrier 12,839 Jun-76 Scrapped 2007
210 369043 Soodoc N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Bulk Carrier 4,490 Aug-76 Amelia Desgagnes 1990, scrapped 2017
211 318430 Algolake Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 22,852 Apr-77 Scrapped 2018
212 369048 Louis R. Desmarais Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 22,674 Nov-77 CSL Laurentien 2001, active
213     Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier     Cancelled but reinstated as Hull 222
214     Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier     Cancelled but reinstated as Hull 225
215 372053 Algobay Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 22,466 Oct-78 Atlantic Trader 1994, Algobay 1997, Radcliffe R. Latimer, active
216 383606 Canadian Argosy Pitts Engineering Construction Ltd. Dipper Dredge 951 1978 Active
217 372054 Algoport Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 20,223 Aug-79 Sank 2009
218 383534 Nanticoke Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 22,706 Jun-80 Later Salarium, active
219 372055 Algowood Algoma Central Railway Company S/U Bulk Carrier 22,558 Apr-81 Scrapped 2019
220 392670 Pointe Sept Iles Eastern Canada Towing Ltd.  Tug 424 24-Apr-80 Active
221 313963 Cartiercliffe Hall Hall Corp. of Canada S/U Bulk Carrier 18,883 1980 New superstructure
222 383533 Atlantic Superior Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 24,638 Jun-82 M. H. Baker III 1997, Atlantic Superior 2003, scrapped 2015
223 383539 Lake Wabush Nipigon Transport ltd. Bulk Carrier 19,699 Jul-81 Capt. Henry Jackman 1987, scrapped 2019
224 802923 John B. Aird Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 22,881 Jun-83 Scrapped 2017
225 800436 Hon. Paul Martin Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier 25,128 Apr-85 Atlantic Erie 1988, scrapped 2016
226 372057 Algowest Algoma Central Railway Company Bulk Carrier 20,310 Jul-82 Peter R. Cresswell 2001, scrapped 2016
227 800815 Prairie Harvest Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 23,263 Apr-84 Atlantic Huron 1989, Melvin H. Baker II 1994, Atlantic Huron 1997, scrapped 2009
228     Canada Steamship Lines S/U Bulk Carrier     Cancelled
229 323001 Stephen B. Roman  Lake Ontario Cement Co.Ltd. Cement Carrier 6,935 1983 Conversion, scrapped 2018
230 807038 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Dept. of Transport Icebreaker 3,812 15-Nov-86 Active
231 800816 Paterson N. M. Paterson & Sons Ltd. Bulk Carrier 20,370 Jun-85 Pineglen 2002, scrapped 2017


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023