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Ferguson Industries, Pictou NS

The shipyard in Pictou was originally called Pictou Iron Foundry & Machine Shop and dated from the establishment of a marine railway at this site in 1851.  A World War II emergency shipyard was initially started under their management, but Foundation Maritime took over almost immediately and operated the yard until the end of the war.  This allowed Pictou to concentrate on urgent repair work.  Pictou Foundry took over the yard at the end of the war and continued shipbuilding, starting a new hull list at #101.  The firm was renamed Ferguson Industries Ltd in 1952, Pictou Industries Ltd in 1986 and continued to operate until 1993.  It was acquired by Aecon in 2008 and reactivated, with considerable capital investment, as Aecon Atlantic Industrial, Inc.  Visit the company at and see the site from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 17 July 2021.

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Completed Disposition
Built by Pictou Iron Foundry & Machine Shop
    Elk (Z 27) Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Boat   10-Sep-40 Sold 1947 as Grand Manan III, scrapped 1968
    Vison (Z 30) Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Boat   5-Oct-40 Sold post-war, fate unknown
    Raccoon (Z ??) Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Boat   1-Dec-40 Torpedoed 1942 in the Gulf of St. Lawerence
Built by Foundation Maritime Ltd.
1   Victoria Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,875 27-Apr-43 1946 Tatuk, 1948 Kalo, 1957 Ester, 1964 San John P., 1965 Ramsdal I, 1966 Rio Atrato, scrapped 1982
2   Camp Debert/Crescent Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,873 2-Jun-43 1945 Julia, 1951 Lona, 1957 Senator Hagelstein, 1962 Agia Sophia, 1967 Manos Lemos, wrecked Kusadasi 1969
3   Camp Aldershot/Rockcliffe Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,875 8-Jul-43 1947 Brigus, 1955 Olcat, 1962 Bay Bengal, scrapped 1972
4   Camp Petawawa/Montmorency Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,875 11-Aug-43 1946 Auguste Pavie, 1948 Docteur Angier, wrecked 1949
5   Kensington Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 6-Oct-43 1945 Yersin, 1948 Docteur Yersin, wrecked 1953
6   Manitou Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 21-Oct-43 1946 Albert Calmette, 1950 Darlac, 1955 Hong Kong Trader, 1958 Batu Pahat, 1962 Sandakan Bay, 1965 Luen Tung, 1969 Yue San, scrapped 1971
7   Woodland Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 7-Dec-43 1946 Huynh Khuong An, 1948 Docteur Pham Huu Chi, 1952 Vimy, 1955 Dimitris, 1957 Dimitrakis P., 1960 Elli, 1964 Aspasia, scrapped 1967
8   Ainslie Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 13-Dec-43 1946 Henri Mouhot, 1950 Tran Ninh, 1955 Woodlock, 1964 Loong An, 1966 Dong San, wrecked 1972
9   Hector Park/Camp Debert   Ministry of War Tpt Cargo Ship 2,878 19-Jan-44 1946 Capitaine Do Huu Vi, 1950 Kontum, 1955 Lyngheim, 1956 South Hope, 1957 Takashima Maru, 1967 Golden Island, scrapped 1969
10   Chignecto Park Ministry of War Tpt Cargo Ship 2,878 29-Mar-44 1946 Alexandre De Rhodes, 1956 Tadjouri, scrapped 1969
11   Beresford Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 24-Apr-44 1947 Federal Ambassador, 1948 Gerda Toft, foundered 1954
12   Avondale Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 13-May-44 Torpedoed and lost 1945
13   Confederation Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 3-Jun-44 1946 Gialong, 1956 Obokil, 1961 Tawau Bay, 1966 Shin Chong, scrapped 1970
14   Cataraqui Park Ministry of War Tpt Cargo Ship 2,877 30-Jun-44 1946 Pigneau De Behaine, 1955 Ambouli, 1958 Mukali, 1963 Waywind, scrapped 1969
15   Kelowna Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 25-Jul-44 1948 La Petite Hermine, 1952 Dharini, scrapped 1988
16   Taber Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,878 28-Aug-44 Torpedoed and lost 1945
17   Liscomb Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,877 26-Sep-44 1948 Saint Malo, 1951 Tapajos, 1955 Orland, 1964 Sagitta, 1967 Sfinge, 1969 Sirio, 1970 Suerte, scrapped 1972
18   Wentworth Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,877 25-Oct-44 1948 Sundial, 1958 Celeste, 1961 Nadine, 1965 Azar, wrecked off West Punta Bravo, Cuba 1968
19   Sunset Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,895 24-Nov-44 1945 Siderurgica Cinco, scrapped 1965
20   Ashby Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,894 22-Dec-44 1945 Siderurgica Tres, scrapped 1971
21   Evangeline Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,895 13-Apr-45 1947 Federal Mariner, 1950 Santa Monica, 1954 Navem Monica, scrapped 1972
22   Mulgrave Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,895 17-Apr-45 1946 Dun Yu, 1951 Nan Hai 157, 1967 Hong Qi 157, scrapped 1983
23   Sutherland Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,885 31-May-45 1947 Canadian Conqueror, scrapped 1965
24   Lorne Park Govt of Canada Cargo Ship 2,930 5-Jul-45 1947 Canadian Leader, scrapped 1965
Built by Pictou Foundry & Machine Co.
101   Scotian NS Dept of Highways Ferry 615 Aug-46 Later Smokwa 1956, closed 1991
102   Nipiwan Park Irving Oil Co. Ltd. Tanker 1,547 Nov-46 Forebody only
103 192307 P.W.D. No. 120 Dept. of Public Works Dredge 383 Dec-50 Later Nova Scotia, scrapped
104 na Porte Dauphine (YMG/YNG 186) Royal Canadian Navy Gate Vessel 429d 10-Dec-52 Retired 1996, now Salmon Transporter
Built by Ferguson Industries Ltd.
105 na YC 253 Royal Canadian Navy Lighter 650d Dec-57  
106 na P.W.D. No. 22 Dept. of Public Works Dredge 532 Nov-54  
107 197916 Pilot Boat No.4 Dept. of Transport Pilot Boat 25 Dec-54 Later Gallix, closed 2011
108 310063 Lord Selkirk Dept. of Transport Ferry 1,834 Dec-57 Later Hull 108 1992, Lord Selkirk 1995, closed 1996
109 na YBY 401 Royal Canadian Navy Barge   Feb-57  
110 198481 Caraquet Dept of Public Works Tug 11 Aug-55 Later HD 10, closed 2010
111 198482 Tracadie Dept of Public Works Tug 11 Sep-55 Now Pictar
112 198700 Morell Dept of Public Works Tug 11 May-55 Closed 1987
113 320940 DOT 41 Dept. of Transport Tug 11 Jul-55 Sold as Chambly, active
114 na DOT 29 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft   Jun-55  
115 na DOT 30 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft   Jun-55  
116 na DOT 31 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft   Jun-55  
117 na DOT 32 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft   Jun-55  
118 na DOT 33 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft   Jun-55  
119 na DOT 34 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft   Jun-55  
120     Fergouson Industries Tug     Cancelled
121 188074 Laniel Dept of Public Works Tug 11 Nov-55 Suspended 2003
122   Barbara W L. E. Wellner Jr. Dredge 28 Oct-55 Lost 1955
123 188503 Rebecca W Maritime Dredging Dredge 23 Mar-56 Active
124     Ellicott Marine Dredge    Jul-56 Hull only
125 310181 Percy C Black NS Dept. of Highways  Ferry 298 Oct-57 Later Zimdowney, closed 2003
126 310127 Gerald Millar Dept of Public Works Tug 11 May-57 Later T.2, now Grizzli 6
127 310080 Northumberland II Dept of Public Works Tug 15 Aug-58 Later Northumberland Meg, closed 1996
128 na DOT 97 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft 38 Aug-58  
129 na DOT 98 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft 38 Aug-58 Later S.L. 98, now J.H. 98 
130 311108 G.S. 130 Maritime Dredging Barge 87 May-59 Active
131 311109 G.S. 131 Maritime Dredging Barge 87 May-59 Active
132 311110 Gulf Spray Maritime Dredging Tug 15 May-59 Active
133 311846 John Guy Dept. of Transport Ferry 590 May-60 Active
134 312646 G.S. 134 Maritime Dredging Barge 150 May-59 Closed 1987
135 311991 DPW No. 150 Dept of Public Works Barge 62 May-60 Now S.A. 1
136 311992 DPW No. 151 Dept of Public Works Barge 62 May-60 Later S.1, suspended 2008
137   DOT No. 135 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft 30 Jul-60  
138 329546 DOT No. 136 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft 30 Oct-60 Closed 2006
139 318522 DOT No. 137 Dept. of Transport Land'g Craft 30 Oct-60 Later G.C. 137, suspended 2008
140   DPW No. 12 Dept of Public Works Barge   Jun-60 Reconstruction
141 313405 Brudenell Dept of Public Works Launch 15 Dec-60 Suspended 2002
142 na YDT 11 Royal Canadian Navy Dive Tender 123 Jan-62  
143 318514 Canada Pilot No. 10 Dept. of Transport Pilot Boat 67 Dec-61 Later Le Bic, now Josee H
144 313951 DPW No. 125 Dept of Public Works Dredge 45 Jul-62 Now D.3
145 318540 Rapid Dept. of Transport Patrol Boat 140 Jul-63 Closed 1984
146 na YDT 12 Royal Canadian Navy Dive Tender 123 Aug-63  
147 na YBD 2 Royal Canadian Navy Dep. Barge   Aug-63  
148 320804 Prince Nova Northumberland Fys Ferry 1,765 May-64 Closed 1998
149 322778 Grande Entrée Dept of Public Works Tug 21 Jul-64 Now T. 5
150 322298 Blue Crest Job Brothers & Co. Ltd Trawler 331 Oct-64 Later Matthew Atlantic, closed 2001
151 322303 Pennypride John Penny & Sons Trawler 285 Nov-64 Closed 1995
152   Burwolf Burgeo Trawlers Ltd Trawler 282 May-65  
153 323526 Hermitage II Gaultois Fisheries Ltd Trawler 282 Jul-65 Closed 1985
154 323528 Burhound Burgeo Fish Industries Trawler 283 Sep-65 Later Donegal 1982, closed 2014
155 323529 Bickerton Pride Bickerton Co-op Ltd Trawler 283 Dec-65 Active
156   G.S.135 Gulf Services Ltd. Barge 150 Aug-65  
157 323535 Blue Sea II North Atlantic Trawl'g Trawler 324 Apr-66 Later Atlantic Grace 1968, Burfox 1970, Invictus I 1990, closed 1997
158 326072 Chebucto Dept. of Fisheries Patrol Boat 751 Dec-66 Later 1998-03, closed 1998
159 323542 Eastpack  I Eastern Fisheries Ltd Trawler 170 Jul-66 Closed 1998
160 323544 Amy Usen Usen Fisheries Ltd Trawler 170 Aug-66 Active
161 323545 Charlotte A Finn Usen Fisheries Ltd Trawler 170 Oct-66 Active
162 323547 Eastpack II Eastern Fisheries Ltd Trawler 170 Nov-66 Now Baffin Bay
163 na YLP 465 Royal Canadian Navy Float   Dec-66  
164 328023 Usen No. 1 Usen Fisheries Ltd Trawler 171 May-67 Now Baffin Run
165 328024 Usen II Usen Fisheries Ltd Trawler 171 May-67 Later Michael  J. Simmonds, closed 2007
166 328041 Acadia Thunderbird Acadia Fisheries Ltd Trawler 683 Dec-67 Later M13, closed 1991
167 328044 Acadia Gannet Acadia Fisheries Ltd Trawler 683 Feb-68 Later Canso Dart 1973, closed 1984
168 328049 Acadia Condor Acadia Fisheries Ltd Trawler 683 May-68 Later Canso Condor 1973, M14, closed 1991
169   Acadia Tern Acadia Fisheries Ltd Trawler 683 Aug-68  
170 328032 Pennyfair John Penny & Sons Trawler 287 Jul-67 Closed 1989
171 329242 Port Alfred II Saguenay Terminals Tug 164 May-69 Now Omni-Richelieu
172 329546 G.S. 136 Gulf Services Ltd. Barge 142 May-68 Closed 2006
173 329349 DPW No. 75 Dept of Public Works Barge 55 Dec-68 Now S. 15
174   CG 112 Canadian Coast Guard Patrol Boat 9 Jan-70 Active
175 na   Peruvian Owners Trawler     Cancelled
176 na   Peruvian Owners Trawler     Cancelled
177 na   Peruvian Owners Trawler     Cancelled
178 330133 Canada Park Martin Seafoods Ltd. Seiner 477 Nov-69 Closed 1996 
179 330134 Canada Club Martin Seafoods Ltd Seiner 477 Jan-70 Closed 1996
180 370522 CG 113 Canadian Coast Guard Patrol Boat 9 Jul-70 Sold as Point Vanguard, active
181 322535 Nelson River  Hudson's Bay Co Tug 78 Aug-69 Active
182 330142 Mattuna Mariner Mattuna Fisheries Ltd Seiner 369 Jun-70 Closed 2011
183 330143 Mattuna Maid Mattuna Fisheries Ltd Seiner 369 Aug-70 Later Gemini No. 1 1976, closed 2014
184 330144 Sealife I Sealife Fisheries Ltd Seiner 286 Jun-70 Later Mari-Lynne Anita 1977, now Lady Janice II
185 323540 Sealife II Sealife Fisheries Ltd Seiner 286 Jun-70 Active
186 344952 Sealife III Sealife Fisheries Ltd Seiner 286 Jun-70 Closed 2007
187 344954 Apollo III Les Pêcheries Acadian Seiner 369 Apr-71 Closed 2008
188 344955 Nicole Daniel Gauvin & Noel Co. Seiner 369 May-71 Active
189 344957 Margaret Elizabeth No. 1 Vondel II Fisheries Ltd. Seiner 369 Jun-71 Active
190 344959 Pennyluck II John Penny & Sons Trawler 292 Nov-71 Suspended 2012
191 344973 Cape Neddick National Sea Products Trawler 749 Nov-72 Later Omega Runner 1998, Gulf Spirit I 2001, closed 2015
192 344974 Cape Farewell National Sea Products Trawler 749 Nov-72 Later Atlantic King 1994, Orca 1 1997, V O S Eastwind 2004, scrapped 2007
193 331725 Prince Edward Northumberland Fys Ferry 1,772 Oct-72 Later Hull 109 1997, Captain Earl W. Winsor 1998, active
194 330137 Scotian Shore Can. Offshore Marine Supply Boat 821 Jul-73 Later Fred J. Agnich 1980, Western Crest 1994, Western Salvor 1996, Scotian Shore 1997, active (Spain)
195 329550 Breton Shore Can. Offshore Marine Supply Boat 819 Jan-74 Later Edward O. Vetter 1980, Cabot Sea 1995, Oceanua 1 2005, Mabisel Oceanus 1 2006, active (Nigeria)
196 348224 Haida Warrior Kingcome Navigation Tug 141 Aug-74 Later Haida Warrior II 1978, closed 2011
197 348233 A. W. Henricksen Canso Sea Foods Ltd Trawler 789 Jul-75 Later Cape Hood 1987, scrapped 2008
198 348236 W. R. Ritcey Canso Sea Foods Ltd Trawler 791 Nov-75 Later Cape Fortune 1987, closed 2012
199 370541 Barbara N Canso Sea Foods Ltd Trawler 796 Apr-76 Later Cape Roseway 1987, closed 1999
200 370542 Esther Boyd Canso Sea Foods Ltd Trawler 792 Jun-76 Later Cape Chidley 1987, closed 2007
201 371732 Cape Roger Dept. of Fisheries Patrol Boat 1,255 Aug-77 Active
202   Miscou Island NB Dept. of Highway Ferry   Nov-75  
203 383355 G. S. Mersey Riverport Seafoods Ltd Trawler 279 Jun-78 Active
204 383358 L. P. MacDonald Riverport Seafoods Ltd Trawler 279 Jun-78 Closed 2008
205 372300 Dartmouth III City of Dartmouth Ferry 256 May-79 Active
206 372301 Halifax III City of Dartmouth Ferry 256 May-79 Active
207 392022 Clouston Riverport Seafoods Ltd Trawler 278 Aug-79 Closed 2009
208 383208 T. K. Pierce Pierce Fisheries Ltd Trawler 289 Aug-79 Closed 2005
209 392029 A. F. Pierce Pierce Fisheries Ltd Trawler 294 Oct-79 Closed 2007
210 800741 Wilfred Templeman Dept. of Fisheries Trawler 925 Mar-82 Later 2011-01, sold as Blain M, active
211 800746 Alfred Needler Dept. of Fisheries Trawler 925 Mar-82 Active
212 392030 Ruby Elaine Riverport Seafoods Ltd Trawler 277 Dec-79 Closed 2005
213 395652 Lady Melissa Comeau Seafoods Ltd Seiner 368 Jan-81 Active
214 395650 Jennifer Jean No. 1 Scotia Point Fisheries Seiner 368 Dec-80 Later Ocean Lady, closed 2007
215 395655 Ernest E. Pierce Pierce Fisheries Ltd Trawler 294 Jun-81 Closed 2013
903 836500 Stormont II Dept. of Tptn. Passenger 84 1980 Sub-contract from Sydney Engineering, active
904 800451 Island Princess IV   Trawler 263 1980 Sub-contract from Sydney Engineering, now Knight-Dragon
216 330484 F. T. Hewlett Ferguson Industries Trawler 780 1983 Reconstruction, closed 1986
217 836499 Scotian NS Dept. of Highways Ferry 110 Aug-83 Active
Built by Pictou Industries Ltd.
218 807033 Earl Grey Canadian Coast Guard Icebreaker 1,972 May-86 Active
219 805152 Cachalot I Adams & Knickle Ltd Trawler 284 May-86 Active
220 805165 Woodside I City of Dartmouth Ferry 256 1986 Active
221 804249 Atlantic Optimist McLeod Fisheries Trawler 346 Jun-87 Active
222 804248 Atlantic Odyssey McLeod Fisheries Trawler 346 Jun-87 Active
223 808324 Genny and Doug Jonathan & Amy Fish Trawler 346 Jun-87 Now Suvak
224 808647 Atlantic Prospect Pierce Fisheries Ltd Trawler 346 Jun-87 Later Tulugarnaq, now Kiviuq I
225 811456 Richmond Odyssey Richmond Fisheries Trawler 563 Aug-89 Active
226 815540 Confederation Northumberland Fys Ferry 8,060 1993 Active


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
E-mail: for comments, queries and suggestions.

Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023