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Midland Shipbuilding, Midland ON

The shipyard in Midland, on Georgian Bay, was started in 1910 by James Playfair, the lumber industry executive who was the central figure in the development of Midland.  It had an uneven existence, was sold to Canada Steamship Lines in 1926 and finally closed in 1954.  See the site from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 14 July 2021.

Hull # Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Delivered Disposition
Built by Midland Dry Dock
  126655 D. S. Pratt Canadian Dredging Tug 161 1911 1919 Strathmore, scrapped 1972
1   F. W. Grant Canadian Dredging Tug 119 1914 1948 Glenealy, 1958 Pierre Simard
2   S. L. Penhorwood S. L. Penhorwood Scow 542 1914  
3   J. C. Else Georgian Bay Lumber Tug 23 1915  
4 158480 C. D. 108 Canadian Dredging Scow 327 1915 Closed 1997
5   Glenshee Great Lakes Transportation Laker 5,667 1915 Reconstruction of Howard M. Hanna Jr.
Built by Midland Shipbuilding
6 143176 War Fiend Imperial Munitions Board Cargo Ship 2,129 1919 1919 Berenice, 1923 Clovelly, wrecked 1926
7   War Leveret Imperial Munitions Board Cargo Ship 2,057 1919 1919 Saverne, 1933 Arariba, scrapped 1965
8 144302 War Fury Imperial Munitions Board Cargo Ship 2,038 1919 1920 Sarrebourg, wrecked near Brest 1927
9 150232 Glenclova Great Lakes Transportation Cargo Ship 1,925 1921 1927 Anticosti, 1946 Risacua, 1953 George Hindman, 1962 Elizabeth Hindman, scrapped 1970
10 150354 Canadian Logger Canadian Govt. Cargo Ship 2,429 1921 1924 Torhamvan, wrecked Ferryland NL 1926
11 150237 Glenelg Great Lakes Transportation Cargo Ship 2,099 1923 Scrapped 1966
none na Glensannox Great Lakes Transportation Laker 3,193 1923 Conversion of barge to powered vessel
12 152641 Gleniffer Great Lakes Transportation Bulk Carrier 7,726 1925 1927 Ashcroft, scrapped 1969
13 na           Not used
14 152643 Gleneagles Great Lakes Transportation Bulk Carrier 8,233 1925 1978 Silverdale, scrapped 1984
15 152649 A. M. German Canadian Dredging Tug 156 1926 Scrapped 1972
16 152647 Glenmohr Great Lakes Transportation Bulk Carrier 10,480 1926 1927 Lemoyne, scrapped 1969
17 150339 T.J.S. No. 1 Thomas J. Scott Scow 267 1926 Later J.P.P. No. 524, now Albert B
18 153423 City of Hamilton Canada Steamship Lines Cargo Ship 1,665 1927 Scrapped 1961
19 153422 City of Montreal Canada Steamship Lines Cargo Ship 1,665 1927 Scrapped 1961
20 153436 Saskatoon Canada Steamship Lines Cargo Ship 2,412 1927 Sold 1961, scrapped 1974
21 153437 Weyburn Canada Steamship Lines Cargo Ship 2,408 1927 Scrapped 1966
22 153118 North Shore Supply North Shore Supply Supply Boat 33 1927 Now Kam
none na Hibou, ex Alice J. Tackaberry Sr. Passenger Vessel 559 1927 Conversion
23 154461 Fernie Canada Steamship Lines Cargo Ship 2,419 1929 Scrapped 1964
24 154474 Stadacona Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 9,181 1929 1969 Nordale, scrapped 1983
none na Midland Prince Canada Steamship Lines Self Unloader 6,339 1929 Conversion to self unloader
25   Blue Fin Alexander Purvis Fish Tug 97 1930  
Built by Midland Shipyards
1 CN 121 Midland (K 220) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 940 8-Nov-41 Scrapped 1946
2 CN 120 Brantford (K 218) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 940 15-May-42 1950 whaler Olympic Arrow, 1956 Otori Maru No. 11, 1961 Kyo Maru No. 21, 1972 tug Daito Maru No. 71, scrapped 1978
3 CN 293 Magdalen (T 279) Royal Canadian Navy Minesweeper 545 19-Aug-42 1946 Maroy, 1951 Cinzia, 1958 Sabrina, wrecked near Marsala 1960
4 CN 294 Manitoulin (T 280) Royal Canadian Navy Minesweeper 545 8-Aug-42 1946 Ran, 1951 Ran B, 1951 Blue Peter II, 1964 Blue Bay, 1965 William S. A. Rocha, 1973 Queen Patricia, 1974 Georges A. Rocha
5 CN 295 Porcher (T 281) Royal Navy Minesweeper 545 27-Oct-42 1951 Tulipglen, scrapped 1965
6 CN 296 Prospect (T 282) Royal Navy Minesweeper 545 4-Nov-42 1959 Tris Ierarchai II (Greece), 1962 Angelis S., 1975 Panagia, 1976 Capetan Michalis
7 CN 297 Texada (T 283) Royal Navy Minesweeper 545 17-Nov-42 Scrapped 1946
8 CN 309 Linaria (K 282) Royal Navy Corvette 976 22-Jun-43 Ordered by USN as USS Clash (PG 91), returned to USN 1946, sold 1948
9 CN 318 Willowherb (K 283) Royal Navy Corvette 976 1943 Ordered by USN as USS Vitality (PG 100), returned to USN 1946, sold 1948
10 CN 398 Lindsay (K 338) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980 15-Nov-43 1946 North Shore
11 CN 441 Cobourg (K 333) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980 11-May-44 1946 Camco, 1947 Dundas Kent, 1956 Puerto del Sol (Panama), burnt and sank 1971
12 CN 442 Whitby (K 346) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980 6-Jun-44 1946 Bengo
13 CN 512 Parry Sound (K 341) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980 30-Aug-44 1950 Olympic Champion, 1956 Otori Maru No. 15, 1961 Kyo Maru No. 21
14 CN 513 West York (K 369) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980 6-Oct-44 1945 West York, 1960 Federal Express, in collision and sank 1964
15 CN 514 Thorlock (K 394) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980 13-Nov-44 1946 Papudo
16 CN 515 Strathroy (K 455) Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980 20-Nov-44 1946 Chipana
17 CN 516 Meaford Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980   Cancelled
18 CN 695 Unnamed Royal Canadian Navy Corvette 980   Cancelled
19 CN 696 Canterbury Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
20 CN 697 Carew Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
21 CN 698 Christchurch Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
22 CN 699 Clun Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
23 CN 700 Colchester Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
24 CN 701 Cowling Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
25 CN 702 Cromer Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
26 CN 703 Dunster Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
27 CN 704 Wigmore Castle Royal Navy Corvette 1,010   Cancelled
17 180573 Rockwing British Govt. Tug 233 Apr-45 Sold 1948 as Tapline 2, 1949 Abqaiq 3 (Saudi), 1954 Fearless (Australia)
18 na Rockcliffe British Govt. Tug 233 May-45 Sold 1948 as Taikoo Cheong (HK), 1949 Taikoo Dock, Sold 1949 Taikoo Shun O
19   Rockmount British Govt. Tug 233 Jun-45 Sold 1948 as Sabre
20   Rockport British Govt. Tug 233 Jul-45 Sold 1948 as Tapline 1, 1949 Abqaiq 2 (Saudi)
21 na Rockland British Govt. Tug 233 Aug-45 Sold 1947 as Flare (UK), 1959 Hongkongdocks (HK), scrapped 1972
22 177717 Rockhill British Govt. Tug 233 Sep-45 Sold 1947 as Maritime Guardian, 1948 Foundation Vera
23 na Rockwood British Govt. Tug 233 Nov-45 Sold 1949 as Coolela (Portugal)
24 na Rockruby British Govt. Tug 233 Oct-45 Sold 1949 as Marracuene (Portugal)
25 na Rockhawk British Govt. Tug 233 Apr-46 To USSR 1947 as MB 57
26 na Rockthrush British Govt. Tug 233 Apr-46 To USSR 1947 as MB 56
27 na Rockcrystal British Govt. Tug 233 Jun-46 To USSR 1947 as MB 55
28 na Midland French Govt. Hopper Barge 645 May-48 No trace after 1992
29 na Algonquin French Govt. Hopper Barge 645 Jun-48 No trace after 1970
30 na Iroquois French Govt. Hopper Barge 645 Jul-48 No trace after 1992
31 na Esquimau French Govt. Hopper Barge 645 Aug-48 No trace
32 na Original French Govt. Hopper Barge 645 Sep-48 No trace after 1992
33 na Caribou French Govt. Hopper Barge 645 Oct-48 No trace after 1972
34 190493 Coverdale Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 11,996 May-50 1973 George Hindman, 1979 Meldrum Bay, scrapped 1987
35 178247 James Norris Upper Lakes Shipping Bulk Carrier 12,464 May-51 Scrapped 2014
36 178248 Gordon C. Leitch Upper Lakes Shipping Bulk Carrier 12,460 Nov-52 Scrapped 2012
37 195685 T. R. McLagan Canada Steamship Lines Bulk Carrier 15,500 Apr-54 1990 Oakglen, scrapped 2004


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023