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Paspebiac Shipyard (Chantier Paspebiac), Paspebiac QC

There have been shipyards in Paspebiac, a tiny community on the south shore of the Gaspe Peninsula, since colonial times.  The yard documented here was started in 1961, under the management of Marine Industries Ltd., (MIL), and closed in 1969.  It was briefly revived from 1985 to 1988, under the management of West Coast Manly Shipyard.  You should be able to see it from the air on Google here but the picture is terrible. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 18 July 2021.

Hull # MIL Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Built Disposition
Built by Chantiers Maritimes de Paspebiac with Hulls built by M.I.L.
1 289 310508 Paspebiac Robin, Jones & Whitman Trawler 129 1963 Active
2 290 319722 Marc II C. Arseneau Trawler 129 1963 Now Western Flyer
3 291 319723 Flot Bleu A. LaPierre Trawler 129 1963 Later Stephan L 1978, Flot Bleu 1994, now Marie-Eve II
4 292 319724 Linda Luc R. Chevarie Trawler 129 1963 Later Paramount, now Red Sky I
5 295 310509 Doreen Elaine Robin, Jones & Whitman Trawler 129 1963 Later Zibet, suspended 2002
Built by Chantiers Maritimes de Paspebiac
6 298 310510 Joan Margaret Robin, Jones & Whitman Trawler 124 May-63 Later L'Albatros No. 1
7 296 320741 Cap David Marcel Hubert Trawler 124 Jun-63 Later Western Wind
8 299 320742 Reine de la Mer Fred Chevarie Trawler 124 Jul-63 Later Flot Bleu
9 302 320744 Enid Sharon Robin, Jones & Whitman Trawler 124 Nov-63 Later Zebu
10 303 320743 Havre aux Maisons II Gorton-Pew Trawler 124 Sep-63 Now Fran Dan
11 308 320745 Ponchon John Fred Richard Trawler 131 May-64 Later Marijo, now L'Eclipse des Mers
12 309 320746 Marie Carole Edmond Richard Trawler 131 1964  
13 na na Not used
14 332 320750 Mary Joanne Grindstone Fisheries Trawler 151 Dec-65 Later Offshore Diver
15 330 320748 Villmont No. 2 Grindstone Fisheries Trawler 135 Sep-65 Later Raymond Moore 1983, Alcide C. Horth 1990, now Dominion Victory
16 331 320749 Margie B. Grindstone Fisheries Trawler 151 Nov-65  
17 354 320752 Zulu Pecheprod Ltee Trawler 152 Jun-66 Later Techno-Quebec 1966, Lady Quebec 1975, now T. D. Enterprise
18 355 320753 Zouave Pecheprod Ltee Trawler 136 Aug-66 Later Techno-Rimouski 1975, Vicki & Brothers 1977, now Eastern Tugger 1993
19 363 320754 G. C. Colonial Canapro Ltd Trawler 151 1966  
20 364 320755 G. C. Jewel Canapro Ltd Trawler 152 Dec-66 Later Erin Colleen, now Serge-Luc
21 371 328381 G. C. Global Canapro Ltd Trawler 130 Apr-67 Now Julie-Antoine
22 372 328384 G. C. Macdonald Canapro Ltd Trawler 130 Jun-67 Active
23 386 328388 G. C. Gorton Canapro Ltd Trawler 197 Nov-68  
  374 328387 E. P. Le Quebecois Dept. of Fisheries Training Vessel 201 1968 Now 2012-03
  394 na CG 102 Canadian Coast Guard Life Boat   1969 Retired 1997
  395 na CG 103 Canadian Coast Guard Life Boat   1969 Retired 2004
Built by Chantiers Maritimes de Paspebiac (1985) Ltee
1   804269 Le Maxime C I Georges Huard Trawler 76 1986 Active
2   808193 Poisson d'Or Richard Desbois Trawler 96 1987 Active
3   808194 L'Otarie J. M. Marcoux Trawler 100 1987 Active
4   808195 Maree Haute I Douglas MacInnis Trawler 96 1987 Active
5   808198 Joneve Marcel Synott Trawler 77 1987 Active
6   809641 Suzie-Veronica Trawler 79 1988 Now Poisson Lune
7   809642 Lady Julie L. D. J. Turbide Trawler 100 1988 Active


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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023