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Vancouver Shipyards, North Vancouver BC

Vancouver Shipyards Co., Ltd., was founded in 1902 in downtown Vancouver.  It was acquired by Vancouver Tug in 1954.  In 1968, both Vancouver Tug and Vancouver Shipyards were acquired by Dillingham Corporation and moved to their present site at the foot of Pemberton Avenue in North Vancouver.  Vancouver Tug subsequently became Seaspan International and is now part of the Washington Marine Group.  Visit the shipyard here and see it from the air on Google here.  If anyone can add to this table, please email

Most recent update: 7 May 2021.

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT m. Built Disposition
Built in Downtown Vancouver
    Addie Bert Austin Sloop   9 1902 .
  116788  Maple Leaf Alexander McLaren  Schooner 41 18 1904 Later Constance B, Parma, now Maple Leaf.
  121723  Amy Hugh McCartney  Tug 25  13 1906 Closed
  121742 Haidee William A. Bauer Sloop 14 11 1906  
  121768 Tilly Gustav Roedde   2 3 1905 Dismantled 1907
  122506 Alexandra Richard H. Alexander Sloop 7 12 1907 Closed 1938
  126209 Limit A. W. LePage Yacht 24 14 1908 Closed 2015
  126630 R. J. Skinner BC Forest Service Tug 27 17 1909 Later Annie Sophia, burnt and lost 1932
    Asthore William McDougall Sloop   10 1909 Closed
  126748 Ysidro Robert F. Marpole Power Cruiser 15 11 1909 Closed 2010
  126894 New Delta Gilbert W. Brewster Sloop 39 18 1909 Later Sea Crest II, closed 1979
  130457 Rhinegold Theo. M. Davies Power Cruiser 9 11 1910 Closed 2017
  130488 R.H.A. St. Mungo Canning Trawler 11 16 1911 Later Protoco, Atlas I, Westminster Prince, closed
  130553 I'Llaway William A Akhurst  Power Cruiser 11 11 1911 Closed 2010
  133719  Chief Zibassa Canadian Fish & Cold Storage  Trawler 92 24 1912 Later Western Star, active.
  133732 Shimoiget Packers SS Co. Fishboat 57 22 1913 Closed 2004
  133736  Chief Skugaid Canadian Fish & Cold Storage  Trawler 86 25 1913 Active
  134100 Fort McPherson Hudson's Bay Schooner 46 19 1914 Sank 1930 in Coronation Gulf
  134125 Black Raven Dept. of Marine & Fisheries Patrol Vessel 23   1913 Sold 19?? as ??
  134126 Heron Wing Dept. of Marine & Fisheries Patrol Vessel 23   1913 Sold 1930 as Silene, closed 2011
  137953 Aiolos Stathos D. Skoolarenos Tug 6 9 1915 Closed 1938
  138358  Chuckwalla Packers SS Co  Fishboat 56  22 1916 Later B.C.P. 46, closed 2008
  138370 Wawanesa Packers SS Co. Fishboat 66 22 1917 Later B.C.P. 44, closed 2010
  141299 Miike Acadia Sugar Refining Fish Packer 35 18 1919 Later Clara French, to Mexican interests 1929
  141307 Teco Dolly Varden Mines Freighter 237 39 1918 Later Seymour Prince, Seymour Princess, closed 1979
  141308 Fir Leaf Fish Packer Fish Packer 48 23 1919 Closed 1956
  141701 Cawarra A. L. Bell Power Cruiser 13 12 1912 Closed 1977
  141717 Cliffeleine Ellis and Robertson Tug 14 12 1920 Later Catala Chief, Nanaimo Brave, sank in the Fraser River 1969
  150554 Polar Forcite Canadian Explosives   Tug 19 13 1921 Now Polar Fury
  150743 The Sky Pilot Presb. Church in Canada Mission Boat 10 11 1922 Later Seaview, closed 2010
  150979 Sea Wave Young & Gore Tugboat Tug 80 24 1923 Later Seaspan Wave, Sea Wave,  closed 2000
  151171 P.F.P. No. 2 Pacific Fish Packing Scow 21 18 1923 Closed 2010
  151211 Broadcaster Presb. Church  in Canada Launch   9 1924  Closed 2010
  152540 La Reine Vancouver Tug Tug 56 23 1924 Later Ocean Tide, sank off Goose Island 1995
  152725 Zenardi Richard M. Gammon Seiner 46 17 1925 Closed 2007
  152730 A.B.C. No. 3 Bell-Irving & Co. Scow 3 16 1925 Closed 1978
  152731 A.B.C. No. 4 Bell-Irving & Co. Scow 22 16 1925 Closed 1969
  152735 P.S.S. XXVI Packers SS Co. Scow 23 18 1925 Closed 1965
  152803 G. H. French G. &A. French Tug 53 20 1925 Later Pacific Dawn, closed 1977
  152820 Goblin   Gulf of Georgia Towing  Tug    11 18 1925  Later R. B. Green, sank in Porpoise Bay 1997
  152892 Seiner Motokichi Tanaka  Seiner  44  17 1925  Later HMCS Seiner (FY 32), Seiner, closed 2010
  153040 Shucona III   Seiner 45 18 1926 Later B.C. Flyer, closed 1984
  153181 Nigalik Canalaska Trading Schooner 78 20 1926 Crushed in ice 1952
  153299 Cora May Thomas E Leigh  Power Cruiser 44 17 1926 Later Colonel Ogilvy (RCASC),  Wanderer., active
  154423 Seamark No. 1 W. F. Smeeth Seiner 38 17 1927 Later Norpack No. 1, closed 1992
  154541 Pine Leaf H Bell-Irving & Co  Fish Packer 52  21 1927  Closed 2008
  154920 J.F. No. 1 James Fitzsimmons Scow 61 18 1926 Closed 2008
  155259 Michael J Tayler Tayler Shipping Co Fishing 71 20 1929 Later Western Spirit, closed 2009
  156623 Saltpetre Ernest T. Rogers Power Cruiser 10 9 1930 Later HC 95, later Hope Point III, sank off Tofino 1967
  156889  Skeezix Pac. & Foreign Nav. Power Cruiser 31 17 1930 Later Fleetwood, active
  176234 Danae Massie Goolden Power Cruiser 15 13 1930 Later HMCS Danae, Danae, closed 1992, in Maritime Museum of BC
  171809 John Antle   Power Cruiser 17 8 1932 Later Laverock II, Panda, Goose (RCAF M 448), Western Hope II, closed 2011
  170944 Marnez  Marcus H Jackson Power Cruiser 15  10  1937 Closed 2011
  188317 Lamalchi   Fishboat 9 10 1937 Active
  171781 Pullaway Wyndham R. Madden Tug 9 10 1939 Burnt and lost 1968
  171804 Ronaldsway Albion Investments Power Cruiser 21 11 1939 Later HC 228, Wayward Girl, Manona, Rodmac, Gina II, closed 1989
  172309 Harris No. 8 Harris Towing Tug 26 14 1939 Later Pacific Pilot. burnt and sank in Doctor Bay 1971
    Monitor   Power Cruiser 27 17 1939 Active
  173378 Billy B William Baiki Tug 15 12 1940 Burnt and lost 1967
  172312 Yorkhome Roy Hyndman Work Boat 19 13 1940 Later HC 214, sold as El-Kar, closed 1977
  177782  John G Prentice  Canadian F. P. Co. Work Boat 9 11 1940 Later Trapshooter, closed 2008
    Bittern (M 196) RCAF Crash Boat 10 38ft 1940 Closed
    Grebe (M 198) RCAF Crash Boat 10 38ft 1940 Closed
  177610 Gadwall (M 199) RCAF Crash Boat 10 38ft 1940 To Vancouver PD 1946 as VPD 45, closed
  173412 Uchuck No. 1 Richard Porritt Power Cruiser 69 22 1941 To US interests 1962 as Luke Brown
  176481 ML 066 (Q 066) RCN Motor Launch 85 112ft 1942 Sold 1946 as Earlmar, closed 2010
  176672 ML 067 (Q 067) RCN Motor Launch 85 112ft 1942 Sold 1946 as Stranger II, burnt 1966
  179091 M 446 RCAF Refueling Launch 14 40ft 1942 Sold 1947 as Auklet, later Red Fir X, closed 2011
  177986 Manukai   Yacht 21 39 1943 Later Manukai III, closed 2011
  176472 ML 122 (Q 122) RCN Motor Launch 85 112ft 1944 Sold 1945 as Malibu Tyee, later Nancy N Seymour, Sogno d'Oro.  closed 2010
  176473 ML 123 (Q 123) RCN Motor Launch 85 112ft 1944 Sold 1945 as Malibu Marlin, later Toluca, closed 20??
  312819 ML 124 (Q 124) RCN Motor Launch 85 112ft 1944 Retained as HMS Elk (PTC 724), sold 1958 as Teirrah, later Pacific Gold, Zeus II
  177605 Daerwood (J 357) RCN Minesweeper 228 114ft 1944 Sold 1946 as Daerwood, burnt 1973
484  179470 Rossland (J 358) RCN Minesweeper 228 114ft 1944 Sold 1948 as La Verne, later Coquitlam, Cheater Five, La Verne, lost 2000
    DT 4 RCN Diving Tender   64ft 1944 Retained post-war as YMT 4
    DT 2 (EX HC 216) RCN Diving Tender   64ft 1944 Retained post-war as YMT 2, later Caribou
    HC 288 RCN Boom Boat 15 46ft 1944 Later YC 100, sold 1957, closed
  179096 HC 289 RCN Boom Boat 15 46ft 1944 Later YC 102, sold 1947 as Trojan IV, later Arctic Straits, Marjorie K, Drizzle, closed 1982
  189275 HC 310 RCN Harbour Craft 15 46ft 1944 Later YC 14, YFP 14, sold 1957 as Aceaway, closed 1980
  176754  Colonel Lawson RCASC Work Boat 51 16 1944 Sold 1946 as Robert Rachel, later Sea Mate II, now Okisollo
  176877  Colonel Greer RCASC Work Boat 51 16 1944 Sold as Cape Norman, foundered 1961
  177754  Arrow Post   Dept. of Marine & Fisheries Patrol Boat 46 17 1944 Later F.D.8, now Godfather.
  815282  Nimpkish (M 535) RCAF Supply Boat 65 17 1944 Later YMR 120, sold as Nimpkish II, active.
    Beech Lake (J 482) RCN Minesweeper  312 140ft 1946 To Soviet Union 1946 as T-200
  176871  Spirit Vancouver Cutter 19 17 1946 To US interests 1968
  176877  Keitha M Frederick Maier Fish Boat 15 12 1946 Closed 2004
  177756  Aries No. 1   Work Boat 10 11 1946 Closed 2010
  177768  Zingaro III Don Peck & Co. Work Boat 5 8 1946 Suspended 2008
  177773 Amber Jack II Temple H. Wright Sloop 3 25 1946 To US interests 1965
  178196  Blithe Spirit Florence Fenner Power Cruiser 37 15 1947 Active.
  178211 Thunderbird II James W. Cameron Work Boat 5 9 1947 Closed 1998
  190276 Phyak Philip Kostman Power Cruiser 10 9 1947 Closed 1977
  190330 Lady Harrison Walter J. Lakeberg Work Boat 10 10 1948 Closed 1980
  190614  Service VI  Canadian F. P. Co. Work Boat 9 11 1949  Later Standto, closed 2008
  322506  Topsy   Sloop 5 8 1949 Closed 2020
  194876 Kayross   Yacht 8 8 1952 Later Seaclan, closed 2010
  194905  Duz Best William Baird & Sons Tug 5 7 1952  Suspended 2008
  194936  Janel   Power Cruiser 8 8 1952 Active.
  197843  Coal Island  Coal Island Co. Freighter 29 19 1954 Later L.C.6., closed 2008
  198929  Summer Tan Arthur W. Way Power Cruiser 7 8 1955 Closed 2015
  188305 La Bette Vancouver Ship Tug 14 12 1956 Later Seaspan Rascal, Squamish Rascal,
  320174  Gundry Pacific Gundry Pacific Workboat 11 9 1961 Later Confido III., now Hula Moon III
    Stromboli Temple H. Wright Sloop   9 1961 To US interests 1964
Built in North Vancouver
1 330346 V. T. No. 186 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 856 55 1968 Later Seaspan 461, register closed
2 330387 V. T. No. 187 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 856 55 1968 Now Seaspan 459, active.
3 330421 V. T. No. 188 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 856 55 1968 Register closed pre 1972
4 330754 V. T. No. 189 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 856 55 1968 Now Seaspan 461, active.
5 330890 N.T. 1009 Northern Transportation River Barge 642 61 1969 Sub from Dominion Bridge, active
6 330833 Bute No. 6 Bute Towing Company Tank Barge 997 63 1969 Active.
7 331264 Pacific Barge 101 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 1,753 73 1969 Now Seaspan 821.
8 331830 V.T. No. 156 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 1,676 72 1969 Now Seaspan 191, active
9 345112 La Garde Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Tug 148 24 1970 Now Seaspan Navigator,Laid up 5/2012
10 344744 Prince Rupert Airport Ferry City of Prince Rupert Ferry 214 34 1970 Now Digby Island Ferry, active.
11 331305 V.P.D. No. 35 Vancouver Pile Driving Co Dump Scow 699 50 1969 Later Delcat 450, now Delta 218, active
12 331868 V. T. No. 196 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 881 55 1969 Later Seaspan 467, now Mindy 1, active
13               Not used
14 331888 V. T. No. 197 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 881 55 1969 Later Seaspan 468, now Sapperton Transporter, active
15 345249 Hecate Straits Rivtow Straits Ltd. Tug 147 21 1971 Later North Arm Furious, now Hecate Straits, active
16 319418 V.T. No. 150 Vancouver Tug Boat Co.  Barge 2,214 84 1970 Lengthened and extensively repaired, later Seaspan 201, now Evco 99, active
17 323296 Rivtow 104 Rivtow Straits Ltd. Barge 823 53 1970 New deckhouse added, active
18 344688 G. of G. 500 Gulf of Georgia Towing  Barge 1,624 63 1970 Later NA 194, now Hodder 194, active
19 345120 S. N. No. 2 Shields Navigation LTd. Tank Barge 720 52 1970 Now ITB 2, active.
20 198820 G. C. 26 North West Dredging Barge 382   1969 Widening, 53gt increase, later Miller 26, now PHIL 26, active
21 345188 Transporter 5 North Arm Tptn Co. Barge 1,155 58 1971 Active
22 345469 Seaspan 480 Seaspan International Barge 1,053 61 1971 Active.
23 345708 Seaspan 481 Seaspan International Barge 1,053 61 1971 Active.
24 331716 Merv Hardie Min of North. & Ind. Affairs Ferry 263 41 1971 Active.
25 318636 Queen of Vancouver B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry 4,901 120 1972 Lengthened by 84', active
26 345722 V.P.D. No. 32 Vancouver Pile Driving Barge 65 15 1971 Later Dillingham No.260,, now Delcat 260, active
27 331716 Merv Hardie Min of North. & Ind. Affairs Ferry 263 41 1972 Modifications, active
28 345956 Kulleet B. C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 347 47 1972 Active.
29 345961 Klatawa B. C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 347 47 1972 Active
30 345965 Denman Queen/Klitsa B. C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 347 45 1972 Active
31 346690 G. of G. 380 Gulf of Georgia Towing Barge 886 55 1972 Now Seaspan 470.
32 346705 G. of G. 381 Gulf of Georgia Towing Barge 885 55 1972 Now Seaspan 471.
33 347011 G. of G. 382 Gulf of Georgia Towing Barge 885 55 1972 Now Seaspan 472.
34 319730 Howe Sound Queen B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry 805 63 1972 Conversion, active
35 330401 Seaspan 822 Seaspan International Tank Barge 1,765 73 1972 Active.
36 330607 Peace Piper Seaspan International Tug  14 10 1973 Conversion, later Seaspan Piper, now Piper I, active
37 331169 Peace Prince Seaspan International Tug  15 11 1973 Conversion, later Seaspan Peace, Seaspan Rascal, now West Rascal, active
38 330883 Bute  No. 6 Bute Towing Company Barge 997 63 1973 Lengthened by 40', 206 gt increase, active
39 347141 L. Pacifica Dept. of the Environment Research Barge 324 27 1973 Active.
40 346528 NT 1515 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,252 76 1973 Active.
41 346529 NT 1516 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,252 76 1973 Active.
42 346530 NT 1517 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,252 76 1973 Active.
43 347531 NT 1518 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,252 76 1973 Laid up 5/2010
44 347532 NT 1519 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,252 76 1973 Active
45 347533 NT 1520 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,252 76 1973 Active
46 347534 NT 1521 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,252 76 1973 Active.
47 348499 Seaspan Crusader Seaspan International Tug 149 24 1974 Active.
48 369068 Seaspan Commodore Seaspan International Tug 149 40 1974 Active.
49 347780 Kahloke B. C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 466 55 1973 Active.
50 348431 Evco 70 Ocean Constn Supplies Barge 1,711 74 1973 Active.
51 348453 Evco 71 Ocean Constn Supplies Barge 1,712 74 1973 Now Seaspan 196, active.
52 368748 Sea Mark XV W. S. Brodie & Sons Ltd. Log Pontoon 49 12 1974 Active
53 369522 Seaspan Cavalier Seaspan International Tug 149 24 1975 Active.
54 329216 Gulf Horope Gulf of Georgia Towing Barge 2,945 95 1974 51' section added, 513gt increase, later Seaspan 210, active 
55 329223 Gulf Hathi Gulf of Georgia Towing Barge  2,945 95 1974 51' section added, 513gt increase, later Seaspan 870, register closed 1998 
56   Firebird (YFB 562) Dept. of National Defence Fireboat 118 23 1978 Active
57   Firebrand (YFB 562) Dept. of National Defence Fireboat 118 23 1978 Active
58 348875 S. N. No. 3 Egmont Towing & Salvage Barge 1,927 72 1974 Active.
59 348026 NT 1803 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,295 64 1974 Laid up 9/2010.
60 348027 NT 1804 Northern Transportation Tank Barge 1,295 64 1974 Laid up 9/2010.
61 347517 Pender Dept. of the Environment Support Barge 688 30 1975 For Pisces submersible, now 2008-1, active
62 370066 Queen of Alberni B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry 5,279 133 1976 Active.
63 370217 Seaspan Corsair Seaspan International Tug 149 24 1975 Active.
64 370250 Seaspan Cutlass Seaspan International Tug 149 24 1975 Active.
65 Export Seaspan Royal Seaspan International Tug 568 43 1976 Now Coba, active
66 Export Setal Eximbal (Guatemala) Barge 796 64 1976  
67 Export Boqueron Eximbal (Guatemala) Barge 796 64 1976  
68 371166 Seaspan 192 Seaspan International Barge 1,663 72 1976 Active.
69 371179 Seaspan 193 Seaspan International Barge 1,663 72 1976 Active.
70 383249 Quinitsa B. C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 1,400 75 1977 Active.
71 none unnamed  B. C. Dept. of Highways Tubular Float nm 27 1977  
72 none Caisson No. 1 Esquimalt Graving Dock Dock Gate nm 42 1978 Active
73 none Caisson No. 2 Esquimalt Graving Dock Dock Gate nm 42 1978 Active
74 383464 Seaspan 482 Seaspan International Barge 1,042 61 1978 Active.
75 383465 Seaspan 483 Seaspan International Barge 1,042 61 1978 Active.
76 383466 Seaspan 484 Seaspan International Barge 1,042 61 1978 Active.
77 391362 Seaspan 931 Seaspan International Barge 3,208 103 1978 Active.
78 314040 Queen of Victoria B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry  4,900 120 1978 Repowering, active
79 318636 Queen of Vancouver B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry  4,901 120 1978 Repowering, active
80 189270 Seaspan 621 Seaspan International Barge  1,054 72 1979 Addition of deckhouse to ex V.T. No. 60, now Norsk Pacific No. 66, active
81 Export Ultra Processor No.1  Norlympia Seafoods Factory Barge 3,970 62 1979 Later Neptune, now Atlantis, active
82 391368 Downie No. 2 Downie Street Sawmills Ltd Ferry 147 27 1978 Active.
83 392947 Free Enterprise No. 1 Phil Burgess Trawler 99 24 1979 Active.
84 331830 Seaspan 191 Seaspan International Barge  1,677 72 1979 Repairs to ex V.T. No. 156, Active
85 392181 Seaspan 485 Seaspan International Barge 1,046 61 1979 Active.
86 392234 Seaspan 486 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1979 Active.
87 392782 Seaspan 487 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1979 Active.
88 395390 Seaspan Rigger Seaspan International Barge 7,765 121 1980 Now Seaspan Phoenix, active.
89 393357 Sea Crest D. Knotts Trawler 147 24 1980 Active.
90 Export Satro 25 Astro Maritima Offshore Supply 662 55 1980 Scrapped 2012
91 369689 Swiftsure II Swiftsure Towing Tug 192 25 1979 Lengthening and repowering, now Pacific Ranger II, active
92 395919 Seaspan 488 Seaspan International Barge 1,046 61 1980 Active.
93 395920 Seaspan 489 Seaspan International Barge 1,046 61 1980 Active.
94 800111 Seaspan 490 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1981 Active.
95 800112 Seaspan 491 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1981 Active.
96 393934 Jennifer Gayle Banks Marine  Troller 55 16 1980 Outfitting of hull from Banks Marine, later Donna Marie No.1, now Lasquetti Fisher No.1 , active
97 348609 Ocean King Jake Egeland Fish Co. Ltd. Trawler 143 28 1980 Lengthened by 17', active
98 none unnamed Crown Zellerbach  Tubular Floats nm   1980  
99 368854 Queen of the North B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry  nm 125 1981 Car deck panels, vessel lost 2007
100 Export Ibis Mar Fishing Trawler 433 39 1982 Active 
101 Export Heron Mar Fishing Trawler 433 39 1982 Now Dolores 837
102 801691 Quinsam B. C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 1,458 87 1982 Active.
103 Export Western Aleutian Western Geophysical Co. Research Vessel 199 45 1982 Now Aleutian.
104 Export Western Polaris Western Geophysical Co. Research Vessel 199 45 1982 Now Polaris.
105 801807 Arctic Ublureak Arctic Transportation Co AHTS/Survey 610 42 1982 Sank 1983 in the Beaufort Sea
106 803537 Miscaroo Beaudril (Gulf Oil Canada) AHTS 3,254 79 1983 Later Canmar Miscaroo, Iscaroo, Smit Sakhalin (Russia), scrapped 2017
107 804174 Seaspan Discovery Seaspan International Tug 435 33 1984 Active.
108 804841 Seaspan 492 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1984 Active
109 804482 Seaspan 493 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1985 Active
110 804483 Seaspan 494 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1985 Active
111 805626 Seaspan 495 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1985 Active
112 805627 Seaspan 496 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1985 Active
113 805628 Seaspan 497 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1985 Active
114 372369 W.E. Ricker Dept .of Fisheries Research Trawler 1,105 54 1986 Conversion, active
115 331288 Evco 91 Ocean Const'n Supplies Barge  2,184 83 1986 Lengthened by 56', active
116 809691 Seaspan 498 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1987 Active.
117 809772 Eckaloo Canadian Coast Guard Buoy Tender 661 49 1988 Active.
118 811187 Seaspan 499 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1988 Active.
119 810111 Seaspan 500 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1989 Active.
120 810112 Seaspan 501 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1989 Active.
121 812761 Seaspan 502 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1989 Active.
122 812762 Seaspan 503 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1989 Active.
123 812795 Seaspan 504 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1989 Active.
124 812817 Seaspan 505 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1989 Active.
125 812626 Needles B. C. Dept. of Highways Ferry 572 50 1990 Active.
126 812656 Queen of Capilano B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry 2,855 96 1991 Active.
127 815254 Queen of Cumberland B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry 2,884 96 1992 Active.
128 814153 Seaspan 506 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1990 Active.
129 814185 Seaspan 507 Seaspan International Barge 1,062 61 1990 Active.
130 322953 Queen of New Westminster B.C. Ferry Corporation Ferry  8,786 120 1991 Rebuilding and repowering, active
131 Foreign Seaspan 271 Seaspan International Barge 7,692   1992 Conversion, active
132 816601 Seaspan Hawk Seaspan International Tug 188 22 1993 Active.
133 816602 Seaspan Falcon Seaspan International Tug 188 22 1993 Active.
134 818048 ITB Pioneer Island Tug & Barge Tank Barge 870 61 1994 Active.
135 820007 Pacificat Explorer B.C. Ferry Corporation High Speed Ferry 9,022 123 1997 Hull only, sold 2009 Abu Dabhi, active
136 821018 Pacificat Discovery B.C. Ferry Corporation High Speed Ferry 9,022 123 1998 Hull only, sold 2009 Abu Dabhi, active
137 821047 Pacificat Voyager B.C. Ferry Corporation High Speed Ferry 9,022 123 1998 Hull only, sold 2009 Abu Dabhi, active
138 820066 Seaspan 550 Seaspan International Barge 1,051 62 1998 Outfitting only, active
139 820067 Seaspan 551 Seaspan International Barge 1,051 62 1998 Outfitting only, active
140 820068 Seaspan 552 Seaspan International Barge 1,051 62 1998 Outfitting only, active
141 820069 Seaspan 553 Seaspan International Barge 1,051 62 1998 Outfitting only, active
142 821039 Osprey 2000 B.C. Min. of Highways Ferry 1,780 76 2000 Assembled at Nelson BC, active
143 822588 Seaspan 508 Seaspan International Barge 866 58 2000 Active.
144 822609 Seaspan 509 Seaspan International Barge 866 58 2000 Active.
145 822594 Coastal Express Seaspan International Barge 3,500   2001 Outfitting only, wrecked 2001
146 822730 Seaspan 510 Seaspan International Barge 866 58 2001 Active.
147 825259 Seaspan 523 Seaspan International Barge 866 58 2003 Active.
148 822731 Seaspan 641 Seaspan International Barge 3,549 65 2001 Active.
149 823140 GMS 620 Gemini Marine Services Barge 862 58 2001 Active.
150 823173 Coastal Spirit Seaspan International Barge 3,497   2002 Outfitting only, active
151 825124 Seaspan Tempest Seaspan International Tug 82   2003 Outfitting only, active
152 825125 Seaspan Venture Seaspan International Tug  82   2003 Outfitting only, active
153 822114 P.B. 32 Marine Petrobulk Tank Barge 2,710 80 2003 Active.
154 825380 Seaspan 524 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2003 Active.
155 825381 Seaspan 525 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2003 Active.
156 825614 Seaspan 526 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2003 Active.
157 825863 Seaspan 527 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2004 Active.
158 826091 Seaspan 528 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2004 Active.
159 826369 Seaspan 529 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2004 Active.
160 826370 Seaspan 530 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2004 Active.
161 826798 Seaspan 642 Seaspan International Barge 4,106 75 2004 Active.
162 827283 Seaspan 531 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2005 Active.
163 827539 Seaspan 532 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2005 Active.
164 827728 Seaspan 533 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2005 Active.
165 827776 Seaspan 534 Seaspan International Barge 866 59 2005 Later Smit 1210, now 534
166 828618 Smit MSG 2801 Smit Marine Canada Barge 1,046 59 2006 Now MSG 2801, active
167 832720 Island Sky B. C. Ferry Services Ferry 4,313 96 2008 Active.
168 828529 ITB Supplier Island Tug & Barge Tank Barge 2,129   2007 Reconstruction, active
169 832118 Smit MSG 2802 Smit Marine Canada Barge 1,045 58 2007 Now MSG 2802, active
170 833507 P.B. 34 Marine Petrobulk Tank Barge 2,682 70 2009 Active.
171 833151 Seaspan 827 Seaspan International Tank Barge 2,858 83 2008 Active.
174 836095 Petrobulker Marine Petrobulk Tank Barge 2,706 83 2011 Active.
175 836114 Seaspan 535 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2011 Active.
176 836325 Seaspan 536 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2012 Active.
177 836479 Seaspan 537 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2012 Active.
178 836635 Seaspan 538 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2012 Active.
179 836836 Seaspan 539 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2012 Active.
180 836998 Seaspan 540 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2012 Active.
181 837109 Seaspan 541 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2012 Active.
182 837267 Seaspan 3101 Seaspan International Barge 1,822 64 2013 Active.
183 837344 Seaspan 3102 Seaspan International Barge 1,822 64 2013 Active.
184 837501 Seaspan 542 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2013 Active.
185 837263 Seaspan 543 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2013 Active.
186 837843 Seaspan 544 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2013 Active.
187 837976 Seaspan 545 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2014 Active.
188 838170 Seaspan 546 Seaspan International Barge 2,166 59 2014 Active.
189 839270 Baynes Sound Connector B.C. Ferries Cable Ferry 753 75 2015 Active
190 OFSV 1 Sir John Franklin Canadian Coast Guard Fisheries Science Vsl. 2,975 58 2019 Active
191 OFSV 2 Capt Jacques Cartier Canadian Coast Guard Fisheries Science Vsl. 2,975 58 2019 Active
192 OFSV 3 John Cabot Canadian Coast Guard Fisheries Science Vsl. 2,975 58 2020 Building
  OOSV 1   Canadian Coast Guard Ocean Science Vsl.     2021 Building
  JSS 1 Protecteur Canadian Navy Joint Support Ship     2022 Building
  JSS 2 Preserver Canadian Navy Joint Support Ship     2023 Building
  MPV 1-16   Canadian Coast Guard Multi-Purpose Vsl.       16 planned
      Canadian Coast Guard Med. Endur. Cutter       5 planned
Canadian Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Vsl. 5 planned


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023