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West Coast Shipbuilders, Vancouver BC

The original operator of this shipyard was J. Coughlan & Sons, who were primarily steel fabricators but who built 21 cargo ships during World War One.  The yard lay dormant between the wars but was revived by Hamilton Bridge Company as Hamilton Bridge (Western) Company.  Generally known as "Western Bridge", they changed the name to Western Bridge & Steel Fabrication in 1941 and began building cargo ships for the war effort, changing the name again to West Coast Shipbuilders.  The yard was at the foot of Columbia Street, where Crab Park is today: see the site from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 14 July 2021.

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Completed Disposition
Built by J. Coughlan & Sons,
1   Alaska D/S A/S Alaska (Chr. Haaland) Cargo Ship 5,825 Jul-18 1930 Peel County, 1933 Alaska, 1950 Reg III 1953 Ebba Blumenfeld, 1956 Manfred Stansfield, scrapped 1958
2   War Camp/Sierra Quemada Soc. Transoceanique de Transports Cargo Ship 5,818 Sep-18 1919 Sierra Quemada, 1924 Atlantis, 1929 Flint 2, 1930 Elgin County, 1930 Flint 2, 1951 Stella Azzurra, scrapped 1958
3   War Charger/Navarchos Koundouriotis The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 5,703 Nov-18 1920 Navarchos Koundouriotis, burnt 1921
4   War Chariot/Iocasti   Cargo Ship 5,747 Oct-19 1919 Iocasti, burnt 1921
5   War Chief/Alfonso Peres A. F. Peres Cargo Ship 5,743 Feb-19 1919 Alfonso Perez, 1937 Cantabria, sunk by gunfire off Cromer 1938
6   War Noble/Maryland Cie Générale Transatlantique Cargo Ship 5,446 Mar-19 1920 Maryland, 1935 Atlanticos, mined Barrow Deep 1942
7   War Cavalry/Silvia Victoria Forbes Cargo Ship 5,757 May-19 1919 Sylvia Victoria, 1922 Atlanticos, 1932 Mount Pentelikon, 1933 Kinshu Maru, torpedoed 1944
8   War Convoy/Willdomino Convoy SS Co., Cargo Ship 5,755 Apr-19 1919 Willdomino, 1922 Bencleuch, burnt 1941
9   War Column/Attivita Lloyd del Pacifico Cargo Ship 5,752 Jul-19 1920 Attivita, 1931 Valdarno, 1941 Rio Neuquen, 1957 Neuquen, scrapped 1957
10   War Company/Ontario Cie Générale Transatlantique Cargo Ship 5,476 Aug-19 1919 Ontario, 1934 Marpessa, scrapped 1954
11   Canadian Importer Canadian Importer Cargo Ship 5,465 Feb-20 1933 Brightstar, 1936 Chao Sing, 1938 Yamafuji Maru, torpedoed 1942
12   Canadian Exporter Canadian Exporter Cargo Ship 5,498 Mar-20 Wrecked Shoalwater Bay 1921
13   Canadian Inventor Canadian Inventor Cargo Ship 5,497 Jul-20 1933 Sekiho Maru, bombed 1944
14   Canadian Prospector Canadian Prospector Cargo Ship 5,492 Jun-20 1934 Prospector, 1935 Mitwo, 1937 Sheng Hwa, 1941 Kazan Maru, scuttled off Malacca 1946
15   Margaret Coughlan Canadian Western S S Cargo Ship 5,704 Jun-20 1925 Chilcop, 1936 Shun Hwa, 1938 Kyokusei Maru, bombed 1943
16   Indus Svenska Oostasiatiske Line Cargo Ship 5,772 Jul-20 1923 Indiano, 1925 Monrosa, torpedoed 1941
17   Braheholm Svenska Amerika Mexico Line Cargo Ship 5,778 Apr-20 1950 Sottern, 1954 Onorato, scrapped 1959
18   City of Vancouver Vancouver S S Co Cargo Ship 5,697 Oct-20 1936 Ven-Koh, 1941 Meizan Maru, torpedoed 1943
19   City of Victoria British Canadian Steamships Ltd Cargo Ship 5,698 Dec-20 Wrecked Cape Erimo 1935
20   Canadian Transporter Canadian Transporter Cargo Ship 5,458 Oct-21 1932 Cornwallis, torpedoed 1944
21   Canadian Freighter Canadian Freighter Cargo Ship 5,466 Nov-21 1927 Canadian Pathfinder, 1932 Chomedy, 1947 Chispa, 1951 Yoko Maru, scrapped 1965
Built by Western Bridge & Steel Fabricators,
    Pendozi B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry 191 1939  
  328874 HC 249 Royal Canadian Navy Ammo Lighter 80d 1944 Sold 1966 as I'm Alone III
    Louisa Dept. of Veterans Affairs Fire Barge 14 1944  
    Vancouver Fire Barge No. 1 Dept. of Veterans Affairs Fire Barge 14 1944  
    Vancouver Fire Barge No. 2 Dept. of Veterans Affairs Fire Barge 14 1944  
      B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry Pontoon   1947  
      B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry Pontoon   1947  
      B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry Pontoon   1947  
      B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry Pontoon   1947  
      B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry Pontoon   1948  
      B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry Pontoon   1948  
Built by West Coast Shipbuilders
101   Fort Chilcotin M O W T (H Hogarth) Cargo Ship 4,257 6-Jun-42 Torpedoed 1943
102   Fort Confidence M O W T Cargo Ship 4,257 27-Jul-42 Burnt Algiers 1943
103   Fort Chipewyan M O W T (Idwal Williams) Cargo Ship 4,258 9-Jul-42 1949 Bharatraja, scrapped 1962
104   Fort Carlton/Kootenay Park M O W T (McCowan & Gross) Cargo Ship 4,257 17-Aug-42 1944 Fort Nisqually, 1950 Kingsmount, 1957 Monteplata, 1961 Ekali, 1962 Ioannis Nomikos, scrapped 1974
105   Fort Maurepas M O W T (J Cory & Sons) Cargo Ship 4,256 4-Sep-42 1948 Rosa Corrado, 1964 Tindari, scrapped 1965
106   Fort Norman M O W T (Cockerline & Co) Cargo Ship 4,256 22-Sep-42 1948 Al Murtaza Ali, 1954 Anwarbaksh, 75 Banglar Mukti, scrapped 1981
107   Fort Slave M O W T (McCowan & Gross) Cargo Ship 4,256 10-Oct-42 Scrapped 1960
108   Fort Souris M O W T (B J Sutherland & Co.) Cargo Ship 4,244 27-Oct-42 Scrapped 1961
109   Fort Brule M O W T (Sir R Ropner & Co.) Cargo Ship 4,244 15-Nov-42 1948 Jalamoti, 1961 Adawind, 1964 Island Venture, scrapped 1967
110   Fort Franklin M O W T (Dodd, Thomson) Cargo Ship 4,244 1-Dec-42 Torpedoed 1943
111   Fort La Traite M O W T (Evan Thomas Radcliffe) Cargo Ship 4,244 18-Dec-42 1948 Italsole, 1965 Freeport, scrapped 1972
112   Fort Finlay M O W T (Sir R Ropner & Co.) Cargo Ship 4,244 6-Jan-43 Scrapped 1959
113   Fort Rampart M O W T Cargo Ship 4,244 23-Jan-43 Torpedoed 1943
114   Fort Stager M O W T (Sir R Ropner & Co.) Cargo Ship 4,244 17-Feb-43 Scrapped 1958
115   Fort Fitzgerald M O W T Cargo Ship 4,244 9-Mar-43 Torpedoed 1943
116   Fort Nakasley M O W T (J & J Denholm) Cargo Ship 4,247 23-Mar-43 1950 Argodon, 1956 Union Metropole, scrapped 1967
117   Fort Enterprise M O W T (Hall Bros.) Cargo Ship 4,248 6-Apr-43 1951 Tavistock, 1952 Southwick, 1956 Mahsud, 1961 Marine Traveller, 1962 Bandahara, 1964 Otone, scrapped 1966
118   Fort Glenlyon M O W T (H M Thomson) Cargo Ship 4,245 21-Apr-43 1950 Glenlyon, 1959 Soker, 1964 M.Eregli, scrapped 1967
119   Fort Glenora M O W T (Trader Navigation) Cargo Ship 4,247 4-May-43 1950 George K., 1956 African Marquis, wrecked 1958
120   Fort Gloucester M O W T (W A Souter & Co.) Cargo Ship 4,248 18-May-43 1950 Bedford Prince, wrecked Gulf of Paria 1953
121   Fort Grant M O W T (D Alexander & Sons) Cargo Ship 4,246 1-Jun-43 1950 Commodore Grant, 1961 Sidon, 1961 Sidon Star, 1963 Aethon, scrapped 1967
122   Fort Greene Lake/Mount Douglas Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,287 15-Jun-43 Wrecked 1946
123   Fort Astoria M O W T (Acadia Overseas) Cargo Ship 4,236 19-Jul-43 1946 Yarmouth County, 1948 Santa Despo, 1955 Mount Ithome, scrapped 1967
124   Fort Kullyspell M O W T (Hall Bros) Cargo Ship 4,248 2-Aug-43 1947 Westminster County, 1949 Yaffo, wrecked 1955
125   Fort Crevecoeur M O W T (H M Thomson) Cargo Ship 4,230 17-Aug-43 1946 Trimont, 1949 Eagle, 1957 Seacrow, scrapped 1968
126   Fort Kaskaskia M O W T (Acadia Overseas) Cargo Ship 4,229 3-Sep-43 1946 Hants County, 1949 Tel Aviv, 1961 Anatoli, 1965 Sunrise, scrapped 1970
127   Fort Boise M O W T (Hain S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,234 17-Sep-43 Wrecked Grand Shoal, E St Pierre Is 1946
128   Fort La Baye M O W T (Counties Ship Mngt) Cargo Ship 4,248 3-Oct-43 1947 Digby County, 1950 Travelstar, wrecked 1954
129   Fort St. Ignace/Tecumseh Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,321 23-Oct-43 1947 Argovan, 1959 Cardamilitis, scrapped 1967
130   Fort Miami/Windermere Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,314 12-Nov-43 1946 Lake Sumas, 1949 Katherine, 1961 Nagos, scrapped 1968
131   Mount Bruce Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Tanker 4,181 2-Dec-43 1946 Port Jerome, 1946 Mosna, 1954 Arlesiana, scrapped 1963
132   Silver Star Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Tanker 4,181 23-Decv-43 1945 Santa Cecilia, 1951 Ilha Grande, wrecked Manoel Luiz Reef 1962
133   Wildewood Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Tanker 4,183 12-Jan-44 1947 Irvingdale, scrapped 1961
134   Moose Mountain Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Tanker 4,183 1-Feb-44 1946 Benoil, 1951 Conqueror, 1953 Patria, 1954 Running Eagle, 1955 Patapsco River, scrapped 1963
135   Arlington Beach Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Tanker 4,181 20-Feb-44 1946 Ageroen, 1954 Mar Corrusco, 1959 Subicevac, 1965 Millstrader, scrapped 1967
136   Willowdale Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Tanker 4,163 11-Mar-44 1946 Georgia, 1957 San Polo, 1959 Matija Gubec, scrapped 1967
137   Quetico Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Tanker 4,167 31-Mar-44 1946 Donges, 1956 Azure Coast, scrapped 1962
138   Sunnyside Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,301 20-Apr-44 1946 Waitomo, 1963 Blue Shark, scrapped 1967
139   Parkdale Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,304 11-May-44 1946 Waikawa, 1959 Fulda, scrapped Kaohsiung 1969
140   Queens Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,237 2-Jun-44 1946 Seaboard Queen, 1950 Queen, 1960 Nimos, 1964 Mount Othrys, wrecked 1968
141   Atwater Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,303 23-Jun-44 1946 Lake Atlin, 1953 Halcyon, in collision Kanmon Strait and scrapped 1969
142   Tuxedo Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,302 19-Jul-44 1946 Angusdale, 1948 Point Aconi, 1965 Phopho Xila, scrapped 1968
143   Fort Mackinac/Dominion Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,304 13-Aug-44 1946 Waihemo, 1966 Maria Susana, scrapped 1972
144   Fort Miami/Mount Robson Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,303 7-Sep-44 1946 Lake Manitou, 1951 Cliffside, 1952 Niki, 1953 Star, 1964 Nalon, scrapped 1967
145   Weston Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,236 3-Oct-44 1946 Lake Sicamous, 1953 Archipelago, 1960 Silver Valley, wrecked River Douro bar, Oporto 1963
146   Fort Grand Rapids/Cornish Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,303 29-Oct-44 1945 Fort Beauharnois, scrapped 1962
147   Queensborough Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,304 25-Nov-44 1945 Fort Duquesne, scrapped Antwerp 1967
148   Winona Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,214 23-Dec-44 1946 Lake Tatla, 1950 Walvis Bay, 1957 Andros Halcyon, 1957 M.A.S.Primo, 1959 Kirlangiclar, scrapped 1973
149   Montebello Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,214 31-Jan-45 1946 Walton, 1955 Aci, scrapped 1965
150   Waverley Park Canadian Govn. (Park S S Co) Cargo Ship 4,216 9-Mar-45 1946 Dingwall, 1955 Rayo, 1960 Maripindo, scrapped 1969
151 na Buchan Ness (F 36 / A315) Royal Navy Landing Craft 8,580d 26-Jul-45 Scrapped 1959
152 na Dungeness (F 46) Royal Navy Landing Craft 8,580d 2-Oct-45 1947 Levuka, 1948 Triadic, scrapped 1977
153 na Orford Ness/Rabaud Royal Navy/W R Carpenter Ltd Landing Craft 8,580d Oct-46 1947 Dongola, 1961 Apj Ashwini, scrapped 1964
154 na Tarbat Ness/Lautoka Royal Navy/Lautoka S S Co Ltd Landing Craft 8,580d Jan-47 1947 Devanha, 1961 Fortune Canary, 1964 Wing An, scrapped 1972
155 na Cape Wrath Royal Navy Landing Craft 8,580d 5-Mar-46 Later 1951 Marine Fortune, 1954 Saint Marcos, 1955 Ditmar Koel, scrapped 1963
156   LST (3) 3546/Island Lugger Royal Navy /Island Tug & Barge Landing Craft   1946 Cancelled, converted to commercial use
157 na LST (3) 3547 Royal Navy  Landing Craft     Cancelled
158 na LST(3) 3562 Royal Navy  Landing Craft     Cancelled
159 na LST(3) 3563 Royal Navy  Landing Craft     Cancelled
160 na LST(3) 3564 Royal Navy  Landing Craft     Cancelled
161 na LST(3) 3565 Royal Navy  Landing Craft     Cancelled
162 na AFD 93 Royal Navy Floating Dock     Cancelled
163 177385 Anscomb B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry 628 1946 Sank 19?? in Lake Kootenay
164   Y.T.C. No. 101 Yellowknife Transportation Co. Barge 234 1946 Deleted
165   Y.T.C. No. 102 Yellowknife Transportation Co. Barge 234 1946 Deleted
166   Y.T.C. No. 103 Yellowknife Transportation Co. Barge 232 1946 Deleted
167   Canfors No. 2 Canadian Forest Products Ltd   Tug 6 1946 Deleted
168   Radium Gilbert Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Tug 174 1946 Deleted
169 177785 Radium No 405 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
170 177786 Radium No 406 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
171 177787 Radium No 407 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
172 177788 Radium No 408 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
173 177789 Radium No 409 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
174 177790 Radium No 410 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
175 178031 Radium No 411 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
176 178032 Radium No 412 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
177 178033 Radium No 413 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
178 178034 Radium No 414 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Deleted
179 178035 Radium No 415 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1946 Active
180   Nelson Ferry B.C. Dept of Public Works  Ferry   1947 Active
181   Harrop Ferry B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry   1947 Active
182 178049 S.M.S.B No. 6 Shell Canadian Tankers Ltd Barge 339 1947 Active
183   Finale W. D. McLaren Yacht 5 1947 Deleted
184 178045 Okanagan Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Tug 139 1947 Active
185 179095 R.B. 10 Red Barge Barge 272 1947 Now LGP No. 1
186 179422 Radium No 416 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Active
187 179423 Radium No 417 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Active
188 179424 Radium No 418 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Active
189 179425 Radium No 419 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Now The Bear
190 179426 Radium No 420 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Active
191 179427 Radium No 421 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Active
192 179428 Radium No 422 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Active
193 179429 Radium No 423 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1947 Active
194 190807 Radium No 424 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
195 190808 Radium No 425 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
196 190809 Radium No 426 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
197 190810 Radium No 427 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
198 190811 Radium No 428 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
199 190812 Radium No 429 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
200 190813 Radium No 430 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
201 190814 Radium No 431 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
202 190815 Radium No 432 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
203 190816 Radium No 433 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
204 190817 Radium No 434 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
205 190818 Radium No 435 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 221 1948 Deleted
206 190806 Radium No. 102 Northern Transp'n Co (1947) Barge 106 1948 Now Radium 102
207   Castlegar Ferry B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry   1948 Active
208   12 Mile Ferry B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry   1948 Active
209 190310 Canadian National No. 112 Canadian National Railway Co.  Lighter 672 1948 Now Arctic Star
210   Arrow Park Ferry   B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry   1949 Active
211 190591 R.B.14 Red Barge Barge 273 1949 Now Cogburn No. 1
212 192467 S.O.B.C. No. 2 Standard Oil Co. of B.C. Barge 377 1950 Now Pacific Bunker 1
213 192488 R.L.No. 19 Red Barge Barge 352 1950 Now Seaspan 110
214 192856 R.L.No. 20 Red Barge Barge 355 1950 Now V.T. 30
215 193522 C.P.R. Barge No.6 Canadian Pacific Railway Barge 622 1950 Active
216   Creston Ferry B.C. Dept of Public Works Ferry   1951 Active
217   C.P.R. Barge No. 7 Canadian Pacific Railway Barge 54 1951 Now M-344
218 194645 P.W.D. No. 252 Dept. of Public Works Dredge 76 1951 Later D-252, closed
219   C.P.R. Barge No. 8 Canadian Pacific Railway Barge 654 1951 Deleted
220 194887 Radium Franklin Northern Transportation Co Tug 102 1951 Active
221 194656 Tahtsa II Aluminum Co. of Canada Landing Craft 79 1951 Active
222 194657 Tahtsa III Aluminum Co. of Canada Landing Craft 79 1951 Later V.P.D. No. 29, now Dillingham No. 254
223 194888 Radium No. 76 Northern Transportation Co Barge 77 1951 Deleted
225 194889 Radium No. 77 Northern Transportation Co Barge 77 1951 Deleted
225 194890 Radium No. 78 Northern Transportation Co Barge 77 1951 Deleted
226 194891 Radium No. 103 Northern Transportation Co Barge 106 1951 Later Radium 103, closed
227   Sylvia Northern Transportation Co Dredge 98 1951 Deleted
228 195242 Radium No. 350 Northern Transportation Co Barge 213 1952 Deleted
229 195243 Radium No. 351 Northern Transportation Co Barge 213 1952 Deleted
2301 195244 Radium No. 352 Northern Transportation Co Barge 213 1952 Deleted
231 197409 Radium No. 500 Northern Transportation Co Barge 272 1954 Deleted
232 197411 Radium No. 501 Northern Transportation Co Barge 272 1954 Deleted
233 197415 Radium No. 502 Northern Transportation Co Barge 272 1954 Deleted
234 198137 Radium No. 600 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
235 198138 Radium No. 601 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
236 198617 Radium No. 602 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
237 198618 Radium No. 603 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
238 198623 Radium No. 604 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
239 198624 Radium No. 605 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Now Catherwood Transporter No. 3
240 198626 Radium No. 606 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
241 198640 Radium No. 607 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
242 198641 Radium No. 608 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
243 198655 Radium No. 609 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1955 Deleted
244 188571 Radium No. 610 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
245 188572 Radium No. 611 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
246 188573 Radium No. 612 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
247 188575 Radium No. 613 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
248 188576 Radium No. 614 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
249 188586 Radium No. 615 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
250 188587 Radium No. 616 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
251 188588 Radium No. 617 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
252 188592 Radium No. 618 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
253 188598 Radium No. 619 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
254 188601 Radium No. 620 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
255 188602 Radium No. 621 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
256 188607 Radium No. 622 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
257 188608 Radium No. 623 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
258 188612 Radium No. 624 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
259 188615 Radium No. 625 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
260 188621 Radium No. 626 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
261 188622 Radium No. 627 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Now Harken Transporter
262 188626 Radium No. 628 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
263 188629 Radium No. 629 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
264 188639 Radium No. 630 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
265 188643 Radium No. 631 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
266 188646 Radium No. 632 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
267 188651 Radium No. 633 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
268 188657 Radium No. 634 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted
269 188658 Radium No. 635 Northern Transportation Co Barge 320 1956 Deleted


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023