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Emergency Shipbuilders, Canada, World War I

In World War I, 19 emergency shipbuilders built 137 cargo ships and 15 trawler/minesweepers.  Some of these yards were purpose-built, others were repair yards that were converted to construction yards; seven were in BC, nine were in Ontario and Quebec, and three were in the Maritimes. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 21 July 2021.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Delivered Disposition
British American Shipbuilding, Welland ON was located at the west end of West Main Street: see the site from the air on Google here
1 143349 War Weasel The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,139 May-18 Orne 1919, Huo Fong 1947, An Hsing 1948, deleted 1956
2   War Badger The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,243 Aug-19 Ribeauville 1919, Zalla 1930, scrapped 1936
3 143939 War Raccoon The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 1,986 Oct-19 Shouragallus 1919, Prairial 1924, Sara 1929, Kamsa 1931, Mount Delphi 1957, wrecked off Mormugao 1958
4 141760 Canadian Otter Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 3,097 Aug-20 Chomedy 1929, Canadian Otter 1932, Otter 1934, Foo King 1935, Fukoku Maru 1938, bombed and sunk 1944
5 141853 Canadian Squatter Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 3,091 Nov-20 Boreas 1934, scrapped 1970
Cameron Genoa Mills Shipbuilders, Ltd., Victoria BC was formed by Cameron Lumber Co. and Genoa Bay Lumber Co., with a facility just to the south of the Foundation Company's yard on what is now Harbour Road: see the site from the air on Google here.
 1 138367 Laurel Whalen Canada West Coast Nav Cargo Ship 1,356 Mar-17 Aux. 5-mast schooner, scuttled after 1923
 2 138353 Margaret Haney Canada West Coast Nav Cargo Ship 1,372 Apr-17 Aux. 5-mast schooner, burnt 1920
 3   Esquimalt Govt of France Cargo Ship   Jun-17 Aux. 5-mast schooner, Mecktoub 1922, wrecked off Haiti 1923
 4 134655 Malahat Canada S.S. Lines Ltd Cargo Ship 1,550 Aug-17 Aux. 5-mast schooner, wrecked in tow off Cape Beale 1944
 5 134658 Jean Steedman Canada West Coast Nav Cargo Ship 1,577 Sep-17 Aux. 5-mast schooner, deleted 1927
 6   Beatrice Castle/Stasia Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,566 Nov-17 Aux. 5-mast schooner, scrapped 1925
7 142350 War Yukon The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,324 Jan-18 Ryckett 1919, Ragnhild Bryde 1923, Mexico 1925, Porvenir 1926, Coronado 1927, foundered off Point Firmon 1933
8 140940 War Haida The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,345 Apr-18 Rodosto 1919, wrecked Molara Is, Sardinia 1927
9 140942 War Skeena The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,342 Jun-18 Nipponier 1919, foundered 1920
10 140941 War Stikine The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,335 Jul-18 Scampolo 1919, scrapped 1925
Canadian Allis-Chalmers, Fort Erie ON was a subsidiary of Canadian General Electric Company and was primarily concerned with the manufacture of electrical machinery and equipment.  Their Fort Erie plant was huge and faced the water, so they built an emergency shipyard there.  It's impossible to find clear identification of the site: it seems to have been where Miller's Creek Marina was until recently.  See it from the air on Google here
300 144426 War Magic The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,324 Jan-20 Citta di Palermo 1920, Iside 1921, Siren 1929, Memphis 1935, missing 1941
301   War Vixen The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,165 Sep-19 Helengallus 1920, Fructidor 1927, Ioannis Lyras 1928, Thetis 1931, Agamemnon 1932, wrecked off Cape Shableh 1933
302 141841 War Wallaby/North American The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,280 Aug-20 Shuntai Maru 1924, torpedoed and sunk 1944
303 141857 War Wombat/South American The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,272 Oct-20 Chokyu Maru 1925, Hokusen Maru 1935, Shoryu Maru 1955, scrapped 1960
Canadian Car & Foundry Co., Fort William ON, was started in the 19th century and primarily built streetcars, buses and railcars.  In World War One they started an emergency yard in Fort William (now Thunder Bay) to build trawler/minesweepers for the French.  The yard was at 1001 Montreal Street: see the site from the air on Google here.
1   Navarin French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Sep-18 Hohenlinden 1925, Patco 1926, Beth Tank Ship No. 1 195, deleted 1965
2   Mantoue French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Sep-18 Gemma 1922, sold 1949
3   St. Georges French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Loubyrne 1925, Dorothy Duke 1937, deleted 1952
4   Leoben French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Deleted 1933
5   Palestro French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Oct-18 Pepe Caragol 1923, Bermec 1923, deleted 1936
6   Lutzen French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Wrecked Nauset Beach, Chatham, Cape Cod 1939
7   Bautzen French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Rowena 1923, Peary 1925, foundered 60nm NW St Pierre 1961
8   Inkerman French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Lost in Lake Superior
9   Cerisoles French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Lost in Lake Superior
10 142985 Sebastopol French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Wrecked on the Brandies, Cape St Francis 1933
11 142995 Malakoff French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Arctica 1951, Illex 1964, foundered Bay Roberts 1974
12 142980 Seneff French Navy Trawler (FV) 321 Nov-18 Neptus 1929, Seneff 1929, wrecked near Canso 1955
13 141544 E. D. Kingsley   Cargo Ship 1,029 Nov-19 Southholm 1930, barge Bulk Carrier No. 1 1951, scrapped 1957
The Foundation Company's West Coast shipyard was located at Point Hope, on the western shore of Victoria's upper harbour, on a site that had been a shipyard, off and on, since 1873.  Originally known as Colling and Cook's Ways, it became Clark and Turpel's Shipyard in 1888 and had several names thereafter.  It was leased to the Foundation Company in 1917 and produced the 25 wooden cargo ships listed below.  In 1928, the yard was sold to Captain W. E. Gardner and in 1938 it was taken over by Island Tug & Barge and Victoria Tug, which re-named it Point Hope Shipyards.  It is now a repair yard called Point Hope Marine and belongs to Seaspan.  You can see it from the air on Google here.
1  143089 War Songhee The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,325 1917 Zenson 1920, scrapped 1924
2 138788 War Masset The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,273 1918 Gallacier 1919, foundered 1920
3  140936 War Babine The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,342 1918 Volupia 1919,  Tullia 1920, scrapped 19'23
4  140939 War Camchin The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,339 1918 President Mithouard 1919, scrapped 1924
5  140949 War Nanoose The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,227 1918 Roumanier 1919, burnt and scrapped 1923
    Erie Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,708 1919 Scrapped 1925
    Trois Rivieres Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,704 1919 Scrapped 1925
    Hudson Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,708 1919 Calgary 1921, deleted 1933
    Alberta Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,706 1919 Ismir 1926, Izmir 1929, Trabzon 1939, bombed and lost at Laurium 1941
    Quebec Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,699 1919 Scrapped 1923
    Frontenac Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,624 1919 Deleted 1927
    Champlain Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,575 1919 Caribou 1920, scrapped 1926
    Vancouver Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,701 1919 Wrecked in tow near Paymezo, Peniche 1925
    Ontario Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,624 1919 Manitoba 1921, scrapped 1926
    La Salle Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,697 1919 Deleted 1929
    Victoria Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,701 1919 Toronto 1920, scrapped 1925
    Montcalm Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,701 1919 Deleted 1927
    Montmagny Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,704 1919 Deleted 1927
    Montreal Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,699 1919 Scrapped 1925
    Ottawa Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,700 1919 Scrapped 1922
    Acadie Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,706 1919 Scrapped 1925
    Canada Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,687 1919 Athabaska 1922, barge 1924
    Wilfrid Laurier Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,701 1919 Deleted 1929
    Nouvelle Ecosse Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,707 1919 Deleted 1927
    Winnipeg Govt of France Cargo Ship 2,624 1919 Scrapped 1925
Fraser, Brace & Company, Montreal QC was an engineering and construction company formed in 1908.  It started an emergency shipyard in 1917, on the south side of the Lachine Canal, at 4000 Rue St. Patrick: the yard was later used by the Canadian Power Boat Company.  The main building is still there: see it from the air on Google here
8   War Huron The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,284 Jul-18 Dina Accame 1920, burnt Genoa 1923
9 143052 War Erie The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,292 Jul-18 Sicilier 1919, Bacicin Serra 1920, foundered 25nm from Gozo LH 1925
10  143362 War Ottawa The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,306 Jul-18 Vibilia 1920, scrapped 1924
11   War Niagara The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,319 Sep-18 Haussmann 1920, scrapped 1923
    Colmar Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,149 Nov-19 Foundered off Sable Is 1919
    Chateau Salins Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,137 Nov-19 Deleted 1924
    Fenestrange Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,158 Nov-19 Scrapped 1923
    Dieuze Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,128 Nov-19 Burnt at Pictou NS 1925
    Delme Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,141 Nov-19 Scrapped 1923
    Forbach Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,155 Nov-19 Scrapped 1923
    Ferrette Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,157 Nov-19 Deleted 1926
    Faulquemont Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,157 Nov-19 Cartage 1923, scrapped 1923
18   N. H. Botsford   Cargo Ship 2,068 Aug-22 Knowlton 1926, scrapped 1951
19   Frank A. Augsbury   Cargo Ship 2,051 Oct-22 Granby 1926, Parita II 1948, Valbruna 1951, Lawrencecliffe Hall 1952, Federal Explorer 1955, Ithaka 1960, wrecked 1960
20   John C. Howard   Cargo Ship 2,053 May-23 Magog 1927, torpedoed and sunk 1940
21   Edward L. Strong   Cargo Ship 2,052 Dec-22 Sherbrooke 1926, Arosa 1946, Ida O. 1951, Wellandoc 1952, scrapped 1963
Grant & Horne, East Saint John NB was a general contractor, headquartered in Saint John, which developed a shipyard on Courtenay Bay, in East Saint John.  It closed in 1920, about the time that Saint John Shipbuilding, which was also on Courtenay Bay, was getting started, so it is possible, logical even, that the two companies were on the same site.  If anyone can confirm this, please e-mail your info to
1 143173 War Fundy The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,268 1918 Wrecked near Grundkallen 1920
2  144296 War Moncton The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,320 1919 Vacuna 1920, scrapped 1924
3   Marsh Bridge   Cargo Ship   1920  
Great Lakes Dredging Company, Fort William ON was owned by James Whalen, who was also involved in Western Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Company, which later became Port Arthur Shipbuilding.  Great Lakes Dredging later became Dominion Towing & Salvage.  The yard was on Water Street, but it is not clear exactly where.   If anyone can answer that question, please e-mail your info to
25 143117 War Sioux The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,312 May-18 Antioco Accame 1919, scrapped 1923
26  143275 War Nipigon The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,290 Sep-18 Quentin-Bauchart 1920, scrapped 1923
William Lyall Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., North Vancouver BC was located on the splendidly named "Fell Fill", at the foot of Fell Avenue, which puts it immediately to the east of where Vancouver Shipyards is today.  See the site from the air on Google here.
1  141038 War Puget The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,328 Feb-18 Paris 1919, Albert Hauet 1920, scrapped 1925
2  141036 War Cariboo The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,330 Apr-18 Cabira 1920, scrapped 1924
3  141037 War Cayuse The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,346 Apr-18 Nemi 1919, scrapped 1925
4  141127 War Atlin The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,338 May-18 Cernay 1920, scrapped 1924
5  141125 War Nicola The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,331 Jun-18 Ilaria 1920, scrapped 1924
6  141195 War Suquash The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,334 Jul-18 Capo Sile 1920, scrapped 1923
  141196 Cap Palos Lyall Shipbuilding Co Ltd Cargo Ship 1,468 Oct-18 Aux. 5-mast schooner, wrecked Robin Hood's Bay 1919
  141300 Cap Vincent Lyall Shipbuilding Co Ltd Cargo Ship 1,471 Dec-18 Aux. 5-mast schooner, burnt Alexandria 1922
  141220 Cap Vert Lyall Shipbuilding Co Ltd Cargo Ship 1,472 Dec-18 Aux. 5-mast schooner, Maria Brizollari 1922, Antinea 1926, I.S.A. 1928, Consoli V. 1928, scrapped 1929
  141210 Cap Horn Lyall Shipbuilding Co Ltd Cargo Ship 1,469 Nov-18 Aux. 5-mast schooner, Pietro Brizollari 1922, burnt Alexandria 1923
  141191 Cap Nord Lyall Shipbuilding Co Ltd Cargo Ship 1,468 Sep-18 Aux. 5-mast schooner, Elemka 1935, Andromeda 1938, Kapitan Hilgendorf 1939, Cornelia 1945, scrapped 1951
  141212 Cap Finisterre Lyall Shipbuilding Co Ltd Cargo Ship 1,471 Dec-18 Aux. 5-mast schooner, engines removed 1923
    Saverne Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,176 Oct-19 Scrapped 1924
    Rouffach Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,180 Sep-19 Deleted 1936
    Saar-Union Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,186 Sep-19 Scrapped 1924
    Saint Avold Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,174 Nov-19 Scrapped 1924
    Saint Amarin Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,076 Nov-19 Scrapped 1923
    Phalsbourg Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,082 Jul-19 Scrapped 1924
    Ribeauville Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,179 Aug-19 Gros Tenquin 1921, scrapped 1924
    Richecourt Govt. of France Cargo Ship 1,182 Aug-19 Scrapped 1923
New Westminster Shipbuilding & Engineering, New Westminster BC was on Poplar Island, opposite Mercer's Shipyard and Dawes' Shipyard.  See the site from the air on Google here: there are only trees on Poplar Island today.
1  140979 War Comox The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,337 Apr-18 Giuditta 1920, scrapped 1925
2  140987 War Edenshaw The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,336 Jun-18 Burnt 94nm E St Elmo Light 1919
3  141172 War Kitimat The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,336 Aug-18 Serbier 1919, foundered 1920
4  141174 War Ewen The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,344 Sep-18 Etienne Marcel 1920, scrapped 1924
    Sierck Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,210 Jul-19 Scrapped 1924
    Soultz Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,187 Jul-19 Scrapped 1923
    Strasbourg Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,178 Aug-19 Vic 1921, scrapped 1923
    Wasselonne Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,172 Sep-19 Scrapped 1924
    Thionville Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,171 Sep-19 Scrapped 1924
The Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Company, New Glasgow NS was a major mining and foundry business which started an emergency yard for the war effort, located in Trenton, just south of the locks where the Trenton Connector crosses the East River: see it from the air on Google here
2   War Wasp Wasis SS Co/Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 1,422 Nov-17 Capitaine Coulon 1919, scrapped 1936
3  142631 War Bee Wasis SS Co/Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 1,730 Jul-18 Mecanicien Moutte 1920, Cesena 1943,  Mecanicien Moutte 1945, Lamone 1949, Paoletto 1960, scrapped 1963
4  138653 Watuka Wasis SS Co Cargo Ship 1,621 Dec-18 Torpedoed and lost off Dartmouth NS 22-Mar-44
5  141581 Canadian Sealer Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 1,766 Dec-19 Bauta 1924, scrapped 1962
6  141598 Canadian Miner Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 1,766 May-20 Thyra 1924, in collision and lost 1941
7   Volunda   Cargo Ship 1,789 Sep-20 Wrecked Neils Harbour Ledges 1921
8  141859 Canadian Sapper Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 1,763 Dec-20 Connector 1929, Hwang Hai 1946, La Carmela 1950, last seen in China 1958
9   Sea King Baron Bliss Yacht      
Pacific Construction, Coquitlam BC took over Coquitlam Shipbuilding's yard and expanded its capabilities.  It is not clear exactly where this shipyard was located: if anyone can tell me its location, please e-mail your info to
5 140981 War Tyee The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,302 Apr-18 Cadmea 1920, scrapped 1924
6 140982 War Sumas The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,305 Jul-18 Casperia 1920, scrapped 1924
Quinlan & Robertson, Montreal QC were general contractors and bridge builders who started an emergency yard on the north side of the St. Charles river, at the foot of First Street, near the Samson bridge: see the site from the air on Google here.
1 143191 War Mohawk The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,266 May-18 Idra 1919, scrapped 1923
2 143319 War Seneca The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,284 Jun-18 Asiago 1920, scrapped 1924
3 143143 War Gaspe The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,269 Jul-18 Issoria 1919, Giulio 1922, burnt Venice 1922
4 143387 War Matane The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,259 Sep-18 Itonia 1920, scrapped 1924
Southern Salvage, Liverpool NS (formerly Barrington Salvage) was an existing shipyard, previously operated by Barrington Salvage.  If anyone can tell me its location, please e-mail your info to
    Deliverance Southern Salvage Salvage Vessel 280 1914 To RCN as a minesweeper, in collision and sank in Halifax Harbour 1917
  143288 War Halifax The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,335 1918 Burnt off Cardiff 1919 and hulked
Three Rivers Shipyard Company, Three Rivers QC (later National Shipbuilding Company) was established in 1917 but failed in 1919 and was taken over by New York investors and renamed National Shipbuilding Company.  This company, which also had a yard in Violet, Louisiana, failed in early 1922 and was taken over by Fraser, Brace & Co.  The yard was located on Rue Notre-Dame: if anyone can tell me where, please e-mail your info to
Built by Three Rivers Shipyard Company
1   War Mingan The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,217 Oct-18 Candiope 1919, scrapped 1924
2   War Radnor The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,318 Nov-18 Adele Accame 1920, scrapped 1923
    Bouxwiller Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,138 1919 Barge Andron L 1922., scrapped 1935
    Bouzonville Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,135 1919 Barge Bernon L. 1922, scrapped 1936
    Cattenon Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,131 1919 Barge Laureon L. 1922, wrecked near Morrisburg 1926
    Brumath Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,141 1919 Burnt Port Daniel QC 1922
Built by National Shipbuilding Company
    Altkirch Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,143 Nov-19 Scrapped 1923
    Bischwiller Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,139 Nov-19 Scrapped 1923
    Bitche Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,139 Nov-19 Burnt off Cape Tinoso 1920
    Boulay Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,134 Nov-19 Angeliki 1924, deleted 1931
    Barr Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,143 Nov-19 Scrapped 1924
    Cernay Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,083 1919 La Poutroye 1921, barge Fredon L. 1922, deleted 1936
15   Capitaine Damiani   Tanker 4,818 Nov-21 Torpedoed and scuttled Marseilles 1944
Tidewater Shipbuilding Company, Three Rivers QC was a subsidiary of Canada Steamship Lines.  The yard was located at the Cap-de-la-Madeleine end of the Pont Duplessis: you can see the site from the air on Google here but there's no sign of a shipyard there today.
1   TR-58 Royal Navy Trawler (FV) 274 Nov-18 Wrecked Barra Sound 1920
2   TR-59 Royal Navy Trawler (FV) 274 Nov-18 Gironde I 1920, captured 1940, designated FB-07, then V-1517, then M-3854, surrendered 1945, re-sold
3   TR-60 Royal Navy Trawler (FV) 274 Nov-18 David Haigh 1919
4 140953 T. P. Phelan Canada S.S. Lines Cargo Ship 1,320 Aug-18 Howard S. Gerken 1925, foundered off Erie PA 1926
5 141488 Canadian Settler Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 3,388 Dec-19 Portmore 1923, Canadian Settler 1925, Yendai Maru 1927, wrecked 1942
6 141489 Canadian Rancher Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 3,551 May-20 Santurce 1930, Widestone 1937, torpedoed and sunk 1942
7 150346 Canadian Fisher Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 3,687 Jan-21 Manu 1929, Marion 1937, Manu 1938, scrapped 1976
8 150347 Canadian Forester Govt. of Canada Cargo Ship 3,673 Feb-21 Josina 1929, Parayas 1973, scrapped 1980
Toronto Dry Dock Company, Toronto ON was a repair yard on the Keating Channel, in operation from 1917 through 1964.  It was located on Villiers Street: see the site from the air on Google here.
1 143035 War Ontario The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,293 Jun-18 Trasimeno 1919, scrapped 1925
2 143388 War Toronto The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,328 Oct-18 Wrecked off Agger, W Jutland 1919
    Helsea   Tug   1927  
    Atacas   Tug   1928  
    Ned Hanlon City of Toronto  Tug   1932  
    J. G. Langton   Recreational 15 1934 Now Arctic Blue
6   Sam McBride City of Toronto Ferry 412 1939 Active
7   T. D. D. No. 7 Toronto Dry Dock Barge 65 1941 Active
8   Thomas Rennie City of Toronto Ferry 424 1951 Active
9   T. D. D. No. 9 Toronto Dry Dock Tug 10 1954 Now The Barney Drake
10   T. D. D. No. 10 Toronto Dry Dock Barge     Suspended 2008
    Big Chief III   Tug 12 1958 Now Patricia D I
    Alison Lake Norman F. Rogers Recreational 189   Active
Western Canada Shipyards, Vancouver BC was a subsidiary of Northern Construction, best known for building railroads.  It was located on False Creek, at the southern end of Carrall Street: see the site from the air on Google here
  143053 War Nootka The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,332 Jan-18 Monfenera 1920, scrapped 1924
  141028 War Selkirk The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,318 Mar-18 Georges Clemenceau 1919, scrapped 1925
  141113 War Tatler The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,334 May-18 Le Poilu 1919, scrapped 1925
  141118 War Casco The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,319 Jul-18 Burnt 1920
  141205 War Chilkat The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,331 Aug-18 Charles Fillion 1920, scrapped 1924
  141208 War Tanoo The Shipping Controller Cargo Ship 2,326 Aug-18 Bailly 1920, scrapped 1923
    Sarralbe Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,076 Jul-19 Hulked 1922, sank Santander 1935
    Sarreguemines Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,076 Aug-19 Scrapped 1924
    Schirmeck Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,167 Sep-19 Scrapped 1928
    Sarrebourg Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,156 Sep-19 Benfeld 1921, scrapped 1924
    Schlestadt Govt of France Cargo Ship 1,076 Oct-19 Burnt River Elorn 1922


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023