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Walsh-Kaiser Shipbuilding, Providence RI

Walsh-Kaiser Company, Inc., was an emergency yard, originally Rheem Manufacturing, built with 6 ways in the fifth wave of shipbuilding expansion, with $26mm from the USMC. After Rheem had difficulty managing the yard, Kaiser was brought in to take over: this was Kaiser's only shipyard that was not on the West Coast. At its peak, the shipyard employed 21,000 people. The yard, which was at Field's Point in Providence, was closed after the war. See the site from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 2021-08-07.

Hull# Original Name Model MC # Way Keel Launch Delivery Days on Ways Days in Water Total Days Disposition
1 William Coddington EC2-S-C1 1457 1 27-Jun-42 27-Nov-42 13-Feb-43 153 78 231 Scrapped 1967
2 John Clarke EC2-S-C1 1458 2 11-Jul-42 25-Feb-43 12-Apr-43 229 46 275 Scrapped 1968
3 Samuel Gorton EC2-S-C1 1459 3 28-Jul-42 6-Apr-43 6-May-43 252 30 282 Scrapped 1968
4 James De Wolf EC2-S-C1 1460 4 15-Aug-42 29-Apr-43 9-Jun-43 257 41 298 Scrapped 1961
5 Lyman Abbot EC2-S-C1 1461 1 28-Nov-42 22-Apr-43 22-May-43 145 30 175 Scrapped 1970
6 Moses Brown EC2-S-C1 1462 2 26-Feb-43 10-May-43 30-Jun-43 73 51 124 Scrapped 1961
1654 Hallowel S2-S2-AQ1 1654 15-Oct-43 PF 72, to Britain 1944 as HMS Anguilla (K 500), returned 1946, scrapped 1949
1655 Hammond S2-S2-AQ1 1655 4-Nov-43 PF 73, to Britain 1944 as HMS Antigua (K 501), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1656 Hargood S2-S2-AQ1 1656 24-Nov-43 PF 74, to Britain 1944 as HMS Ascension (K 502), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1657 Hotham S2-S2-AQ1 1657 6-Dec-43 PF 75, to Britain 1944 as HMS Bahamas (K 503), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1658 Halsted S2-S2-AQ1 1658 18-Dec-43 PF 76, to Britain 1944 as HMS Barbados (K 504), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1659 Hannam S2-S2-AQ1 1659 31-Dec-43 PF 77, to Britain 1944 as HMS Caicos (K 505), to Argentina as Santisima Trinidad (P 34), scrapped 1970
1660 Harland S2-S2-AQ1 1660 20-Jan-44 PF 78, to Britain 1944 as HMS Cayman (K 506), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1661 Harnam S2-S2-AQ1 1661 25-Jan-44 PF 79, to Britain 1944 as HMS Dominica (K 507), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1662 Harvey S2-S2-AQ1 1662 5-Feb-44 PF 80, to Britain 1944 as HMS Gold Coast (K 584), renamed HMS Labuan, returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1663 Holmes S2-S2-AQ1 1663 12-Aug-44 PF 81, to Britain 1944 as HMS Hong Kong (K 585), renamed HMS Tobago, to Egypt 1947, scuttled in the Suez Canal 1956
1664 Hornby S2-S2-AQ1 1664 31-Aug-44 PF 82, to Britain 1944 as HMS Montserrat (K 586), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1665 Hoste S2-S2-AQ1 1665 31-Jul-44 PF 83, to Britain 1944 as HMS Nyasaland (K 587), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1666 Howett S2-S2-AQ1 1666 25-Jul-44 PF 84, to Britain 1944 as HMS Papua (K 588), to Egypt 1947, scuttled in the Suez Canal 1956
1667 Pilford S2-S2-AQ1 1667 6-Jul-44 PF 85, to Britain 1944 as HMS Pitcairn (K 589), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1668 Pasley S2-S2-AQ1 1668 19-Feb-44 PF 86, to Britain 1944 as HMS St. Helena (K 590), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1669 Patton S2-S2-AQ1 1669 18-Jul-44 PF 87, to Britain 1944 as HMS Sarawak (K 591), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1670 Pearl S2-S2-AQ1 1670 27-Jun-44 PF 88, to Britain 1944 as HMS Seychelles (K 592), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1671 Phillimore S2-S2-AQ1 1671 16-Mar-44 PF 89, to Britain 1944 as HMS Sierra Leone (K 593), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1672 Popham S2-S2-AQ1 1672 24-Jun-44 PF 90, to Britain 1944 as HMS Somaliland (K 594), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1673 Peyton S2-S2-AQ1 1673 15-May-44 PF 91, to Britain 1944 as HMS Tortola (K 595), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1674 Prowse S2-S2-AQ1 1674 21-Jun-44 PF 92, to Britain 1944 as HMS Zanzibar (K 596), returned 1946, scrapped 1947
1882 Artemis S4-SE2-BE1 1882 Aug-44 AKA 21, scrapped 1966
1883 Athene S4-SE2-BE1 1883 Sep-44 AKA 22, scrapped 1966
1884 Aurelia S4-SE2-BE1 1884 Oct-44 AKA 23, scrapped 1971
1885 Birgitt S4-SE2-BE1 1885 Oct-44 AKA 24, scrapped 1971
1886 Circe S4-SE2-BE1 1886 Nov-44 AKA 25, scrapped 1964
1887 Corvus S4-SE2-BE1 1887 Nov-44 AKA 26, scrapped 1964
1888 Devosa S4-SE2-BE1 1888 Nov-44 AKA 27, to USMMA 1946 as Kings Pointer, scrapped 1966
1889 Hydrus S4-SE2-BE1 1889 Dec-44 AKA 28, to NYSMA 1946 as Empire State II, scrapped 1964
1890 Lacerta S4-SE2-BE1 1890 Dec-44 AKA 29, scrapped 1966
1891 Lumen S4-SE2-BE1 1891 Dec-44 AKA 30, scrapped 1964
1892 Medea S4-SE2-BE1 1892 Jan-45 AKA 31, scrapped 1965
1893 Mellena S4-SE2-BE1 1893 Jan-45 AKA 32, to Cal MA 1946 as Golden Bear, scrapped 1971
1894 Ostara S4-SE2-BE1 1894 Jan-45 AKA 33, scrapped 1966
1895 Pamina S4-SE2-BE1 1895 Feb-45 AKA 34, later Tanner (AGS 15), scrapped 1970
1896 Polana S4-SE2-BE1 1896 Feb-45 AKA 35, scrapped 1966
1897 Renate S4-SE2-BE1 1897 Feb-45 AKA 36, later Maury (AGS 16), scrapped 1974
1898 Roxane S4-SE2-BE1 1898 Mar-45 AKA 37, scrapped 1966
1899 Sappho S4-SE2-BE1 1899 Mar-45 AKA 38, scrapped 1965
1900 Sarita S4-SE2-BE1 1900 Mar-45 AKA 39, scrapped 1966
1901 Scania S4-SE2-BE1 1901 Apr-45 AKA 40, scrapped 1965
1902 Selinur S4-SE2-BE1 1902 Apr-45 AKA 41, to Penn MA 1946 as Keystone State, scrapped 1968
1903 Sidonia S4-SE2-BE1 1903 Apr-45 AKA 42, scrapped 1965
1904 Sirona S4-SE2-BE1 1904 May-45 AKA 43, to Penn NS 1946 as Yankee States, scrapped 1966
1905 Sylvania S4-SE2-BE1 1905 May-45 AKA 44, scrapped 1964
1906 Tabora S4-SE2-BE1 1906 May-45 AKA 45, scrapped 1965
1907 Troilus S4-SE2-BE1 1907 Jun-45 AKA 46, scrapped 1967
1908 Turandot S4-SE2-BE1 1908 20-May-45 18-Jun-45 29 AKA 47, converted to Aeolus (ARC 3) 1954, scrapped 1987
1909 Valeria S4-SE2-BE1 1909 Jun-45 AKA 48, scrapped 1967
1910 Vandanis S4-SE2-BE1 1910 Jul-45 AKA 49, converted to Thor (ARC 4) 1954, scrapped 1977
1911 Veritas S4-SE2-BE1 1911 Jul-45 AKA 50, scrapped 1969
1912 Xenia S4-SE2-BE1 1912 Jul-45 AKA 51, to Chile 1946 as Presidente Errazuriz (APA 40), scrapped 1962
1913 Zenobia S4-SE2-BE1 1913 Aug-45 AKA 52, to Chile 1946 as Presidente Pinto (APA 41), scrapped 1974
3119 Melville Jacoby EC2-S-C1 3119 3 27-Oct-43 18-Jan-44 31-Mar-44 83 73 156 Sold private 1947, CTL 1961, scrapped
3120 Frank Gilbreth EC2-S-C1 3120 1 4-Nov-43 3-Feb-44 22-Apr-44 91 79 170 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1972
3121 Cornelius Ford EC2-S-C1 3121 2 7-Nov-43 19-Feb-44 22-May-44 104 93 197 Scrapped 1972
3122 Jesse H Metcalf EC2-S-C1 3122 6 13-Nov-43 3-Mar-44 31-May-44 111 89 200 Scrapped 1971
3123 Nelson Aldrich EC2-S-C1 3123 5 18-Nov-43 2-Apr-44 30-Apr-44 136 28 164 Scrapped 1968

These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
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Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023