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WWI Wooden Shipbuilders (multiple)

Builders of Wooden Ships and Barges

Towards the end of WWI, contracts were placed by the U.S.S.B. for over 1000 wooden ships and barges, but most of the contracts were cancelled and only 589 ships were completed. Many incomplete ships were converted to barges, but many more were scrapped on the ways and/or burnt. Most of those completed were sold for scrap after the war and many were, in fact, scrapped, but many were simply abandoned to rot. In addition, most of the shipyards involved in this program existed only for the emergency and some never finished a single ship. The yards listed here are those that built wooden ships and/or barges for the U.S.S.B. but not much else, and do not appear elsewhere on this web site. Some of them may merit tables of their own: one of these days I will work my way through the list and separate out any yards that had a more significant track record. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 2021-08-25.

Hull# USSB # O.N. Name Owner Type USSB Design Tons Delivery Disposition
Allen Shipbuilding (Seattle WA)
1228 217951 Bosworth U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1008 2,509 1919
2038 Allenhurst U. S. S. B. Barge 1115
2188 Ahmik U. S. S. B. Barge 1115
American Lumber (Millville FL)
American Shipbuilding (Brunswick GA)
187 217227 Alabat U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
188 217330 Casmalia U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
189 218834 Tenas U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
Benicia Shipbuilding (Benicia CA)
488 218061 Kimta U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,556 1919 Scrapped 1924
489 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,556 1919
2220 Koosawin U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Later Monitor
Chandler, Ralph J. (Wilmington CA)
484 216702 Bellota U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,610 1918
485 217077 Blythedale U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,612 1918
1035 217479 Buckhorn U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,590 1919
1036 217873 Redlands U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,574 1919
220128 Katherine MacKall Barkentine 2,262 1919
Coast Shipbuilding (Portland OR)
59 217798 Aspenhill U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1918
60 216886 Barabos U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1918
61 217025 Barrington U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1918
62 217797 Boxbutte U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1919
1031 217796 Boykin U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,564 1919
1032 217262 Cabeza U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,564 1919
1033 217364 Cabura U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,564 1919
1034 219687 Boynton U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,564 1920 Later barge
220478 Egeria Cargo Ship 2,360 1920
Coastwise Shipbuilding (Baltimore MD)
214936 Belmont Schooner 969 1917
215220 Glenside Schooner 974 1917
215480 Pennington Schooner 967 1917
215678 Pottstown Schooner 974 1917
215835 Trenton Schooner 1,013 1917
216477 Cohansey Schooner 807 1918
216211 Salem Schooner 801 1918
216038 Tioga Schooner 1,012 1918
216898 Tuckahoe Schooner 792 1918
217208 Westland Schooner 989 1918
217556 Octorare Schooner 807 1919
2141 218751 Sherwood U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,281 1919
2142 219152 Catonsville U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,281 1919
2143 219485 Carroll U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,281 1920
Continental Shipbuilding (Yonkers NY)
2049 219545 Hastnal U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1084 1,111 1919
Coos Bay Shipbuilding (Marshfield OR)
451 217021 Balliett U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,012 1918
452 217354 Marshfield U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 288 1918
453 216801 Coos Bay U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,011 1918
1286 218546 Burnside U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,548 1919
Crook, H. E. (Baltimore MD)
2594 219412 Druid Hill U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,281 1919
2595 219749 Ruxton U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,281 1920
223552 John Wanamaker 292 1924
Crosby Navigation (Richmond VA)
200572 Henry F. Krieger Schooner 1,250 1903
77588 John B. Biemiller Schooner 1,077 1903
201634 Mary L. Newhall Schooner 1,310 1904
202743 Helen B. Crosby Schooner 1,776 1906
217105 Jacob W. Hook Schooner 677 1918
14 2577 219172 Hallowell U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,327 1919
218901 Richmond Schooner 1,719 1919
220988 Phoebe Crosby Schooner 1,048 1921
Cumberland Shipbuilding (South Portland ME)
382 217178 Belgrade U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
383 217080 Cumberland U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
384 217081 Falmouth U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
385 217195 Lewiston U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
386 221657 Caroline U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,301 1921
387 221593 Frederick U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,301 1921
388 221160 Northern No. 41 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,233 1921
389 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
390 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
220645 James C. Hamlen Schooner 1,138 1920
Dantzler Shipbuilding (Moss Point MS)
637 217527 Boone U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
638 217565 Moss Point U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
220835 Aberfoyle Schooner 2,416 1919
Darien Shipbuilding (Darien GA)
Dierks-Blodgett Shipbuilding (Pascagoula MS)
279 217062 Belair U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
280 217468 Berela U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
281 217279 Cawker U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
282 217865 Panga U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
283 216991 Pascagoula U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
Feeney & Bremer (Tillamook OR)
Freeport Shipbuilding (South Freeport ME)
436 217534 Nemassa U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Scrapped 1923
220939 Sintram Schooner 2,259 1920
Fulton Shipbuilding (Wilmington CA)
Gilchrist, Geo. A. (Thomaston ME)
215129 Nancy Hanks Schooner 1,162 1917
346 217543 Utoka U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,599 1919 Scrapped 1922
Gildersleeve Shipbuilding (Gildersleeve CT)
YC 600 U. S. Navy Coal Barge 115 1918
YC 601 U. S. Navy Coal Barge 115 1918
YC 602 U. S. Navy Coal Barge 115 1918
262 217054 Battahatchee U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918 Scrapped 1923
221564 Alleganny Schooner 2,298 1921
Hammond Lumber (Fairhaven CA)
207985 Fort Bragg Higgins & Co. Cargo Ship 682 1910 Wrecked off Coos Bay 1932
209117 Willamette McCormick & Co. Cargo Ship 903 1911 Later California 1932, Susan Olson 1940, wrecked 1942
210392 Necanicum Hammond Lumber Cargo Ship 657 1912 Deleted 1939
Mary Olson Hammond Lumber Cargo Ship 848 1913 Burnt at Cienfuegos 1919
214512 Santiam Hammond Lumber Cargo Ship 946 1916 Burnt at Aberdeen 1936
214907 Flavel Hammond Lumber Cargo Ship 963 1917 Wrecked off Carmel 1923
215915 Trinidad Hammond Lumber Cargo Ship 974 1918 Wrecked off Willapa 1937
215998 Halco Hammond Lumber Cargo Ship 970 1918 Wrecked off Grays Harbor 1925
330 216970 Bloomington U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,575 1918 Scrapped 1923
331 217586 Darrah U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,575 1919 Scrapped 1924
647 216835 Keota U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,575 1919 Scrapped 1923
648 217321 Saris U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,575 1919 Scrapped 1924
Heldenfels Bros. (Rockport TX)
Hodge Ship (Moss Point MS)
347 217088 Alpaco U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
348 217680 Banaran U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
349 217514 Boonsborough U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
350 219267 Nika U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
Housatonic Shipbuilding (Stratford CT)
455 217899 Fairfield U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
456 217900 Ganeri U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
221405 Talbot Schooner 2,229 1921
222439 Charles J. Hooper Schooner 2,217 1922
Jahncke Shipbuilding (Madisonvrlle LA)
209 217388 Bahlabac U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918 Burnt in Port of Spain 1920
210 217320 Bayou Teche U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918 Scrapped 1923
211 217850 Abbeville U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Scrapped 1923
212 218352 Pontchartrain U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Scrapped 1923
Bonne Fortune 1937 To USN 1941 as YP 156, to MARAD 1947
Johnson Shipyards (Mariners Harbor NY)
276 217018 Aowa U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918 Scrapped 1924
277 Busunger U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
278 219484 Chenango U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Later Marie H. Brown
2305 219042 Tompkinsville U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,274 1919
220645 Charles W. Baird Schooner 2,625 1919
222347 Eastern Schooner 2,198 1922
Lake & Ocean Navigation (Sturgeon Bay WI)
191 216276 Sturgeon Bay U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1007 2,402 1918
Lone Star Shipbuilding (Beaumont TX)
264 217281 Arado U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
265 217444 Arambi U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
266 217650 Batanes U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
267 216843 Lone Star U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
Machias Shipbuilding (Machias ME)
1 2323 217963 Wellesley U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,306 1919
2 2324 Jonesport U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,306 1919
3 2325 U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,306 1919
Maryland Shipbuilding (Sollers Point MD)
99 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
100 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
101 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
102 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
103 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Cancelled
104 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Cancelled
McBride & Law (Beaumont TX)
169 217313 Beaumont U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
170 217446 Quapaw U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
171 Snogalme U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 Cancelled
172 Goliad U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 Cancelled
2733 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 Cancelled
2734 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 Cancelled
McCammon, J. N. (Beaumont TX)
McEachern Shipbuilding (Astoria OR)
214712 Astoria Cargo Ship 1,618 1917
214909 Madrugada Cargo Ship 1,613 1917
214908 Margaret Cargo Ship 1,613 1917
215625 May Cargo Ship 1,745 1917
215886 Pauline Cargo Ship 1,750 1917
215971 Carmen Cargo Ship 1,610 1918
216126 Evelyn Cargo Ship 1,584 1918
659 216985 Astoria U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1918
660 217013 Salmon U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1918
661 217325 Benvola U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1918
662 217038 Makanda U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1918
663 217576 Cotteral U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1919
664 217726 Klamath U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1919
665 217755 Flavel U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1919
666 217828 Mahanna U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1920
667 Alleben U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,020 1920
668 219811 Areturus U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 2,954 1920 Later Anson S. Brooks
2311 Cabria U. S. S. B. Barge
Meacham & Babcock (Seattle WA)
442 216819 Boulton U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,564 1918
443 217005 Daca U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,564 1918
951 217202 Wayucan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1918
952 217370 Toka U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1918
953 217432 Afalkey U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1918
954 217620 Ardena U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1918
2525 Capraria U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1919
2526 Cardia U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1919
2527 Corus U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1919
2528 Cenina U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,564 1919
2687 Chalois U. S. S. B. Barge 1001 2,564 1919
2688 Charnis U. S. S. B. Barge 1001 2,564 1919
Midland Bridge (Houston TX)
358 217428 Katonah U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
359 217429 Batino U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
360 217655 Cochin U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
2107 217753 Fort Worth U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
2108 218177 Wiscasta U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
2109 167645 Aransas U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,312 1919
2110 167646 Matagorda U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,312 1919
Morey & Thomas (Jacksonville FL)
378 217294 Bagoso U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
379 217001 Bedminster U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
380 218404 Kusdeca U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
381 217417 Tyee U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
J. M. Murdock (Jacksonville FL)
356 216908 Dancey U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
357 217707 Fort George U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
2045 217228 Harish U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
Murnan Shipbuilding (Mobile AL)
Newcastle Shipbuilding (Damariscotta ME)
Nilson & Kelez Shipbuilding (Seattle WA)
207529 Comet 100 1910
165171 Alaska 642 1913
165172 Yukon 642 1913
213935 Breaker 257 1916
465 216847 Bonnafon U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
466 216919 Forster U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
467 217231 Octorara U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
468 217221 Adway U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
North Carolina Shipbuilding (Wilmington NC)
Pacific American Fisheries (Bellingham WA)
214030 Modoc 119 1916
214997 Firwood Cargo Ship 1,782 1917
215900 Hollywood Cargo Ship 1,940 1917
214849 Redwood Cargo Ship 1,793 1917
215720 Rosewood Cargo Ship 1,929 1917
216590 Oakwood Cargo Ship 1,951 1918
216216 Catherine D Cargo Ship 2,224 1918
1201 216960 Cruso U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1065 2,455 1918
1202 217296 Bobring U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1065 2,455 1918
1203 217572 Bockonoff U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1065 2,455 1919
1204 217712 Bonneteere U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1065 2,455 1919
1205 218271 Bon Secour U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1065 2,455 1919
2064 218749 Clio U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1065 2,455 1919
2332 219065 Clodia U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1065 2,455 1919
217750 Minnehaha 150 1919 To USN 1942 as YP 576, returned 1943
Patterson McDonald (Seattle WA)
Peninsula Shipbuilding (Portland OR)
215899 Erris 1,582 1917
215701 Esperanca 1,601 1917
216712 Adrien Badin 1,622 1918
216464 Pechiney 1,586 1918
35 217275 Clackamas U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1918
36 217132 Bell Brook U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1918
37 216941 Anoka U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1918
38 217276 Cresap U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1918
1095 217732 Braeburn U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1919
1096 218714 Brentwood U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1919
1097 218300 Braxton U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1919
1098 218310 Corvallis U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1919
2165 219660 Cartona U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1919
2166 219661 Corone U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1004 2,922 1919
220005 Oregon Pine Schooner 2,526 1920 Later Dorothy H. Sterling
220032 Oregon Fir Schooner 2,526 1920 Later Helen B. Sterling
Rodgers Shipbuilding, G. F. (Astoria OR)
469 217181 Blue Eagle U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918 Scrapped 1923
470 217747 Capines U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Scrapped 1923
471 218367 Munra U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Scrapped 1923
472 218366 Wohnabe U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Burnt 1920 in the Thames (UK)
Rolph Shipbuilding (Rolph CA)
217255 Annette Rolph 2,261 1918
217442 Georgina Rolph 2,354 1918
217229 Hesperian 1,385 1918
216834 Joan of Arc 2,360 1918
219901 Anne Comyn 2,265 1919
217610 Annie M. Rolph 1,393 1919
219509 George U. Hind 1,386 1919
218534 Rolph 1,383 1919
219061 Storm King 527 1919
Russell Shipbuilding (Portland ME)
153 217194 Allison U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
154 217531 Andra U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Brevard?
155 217532 Basaan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919 Briarcliff?
156 Okesa U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
219494 Ruth Martin Schooner 875 1920
221386 Hartford Schooner 2,240 1921
Sanderson & Porter (Willapa Harbor WA)
89 217016 Fonduco U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,546 1918 Scrapped 1923
90 217190 Kenosha U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,548 1918 Scrapped 1922
91 Pezuta U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
92 Addis U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
93 Anthon U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
94 Bingamon U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
95 Biscayne U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
96 Kitan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
97 Black Wolf U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
98 Blandford U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Not completed
Sandy Point Shipbuilding (Sandy Point ME)
486 219001 Sandy Point U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 1,321 1919
487 219002 Searstown U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 1,321 1919
221678 Montgomery Cargo Ship 2,307 1921
2476 U. S. S. B. Barge 1067
2477 U. S. S. B. Barge 1067
Seaborn Shipyards (Tacoma WA)
215660 Betsey Ross Schooner 1,630 1917
215629 Levi W. Ostrander Schooner 1,638 1917
214751 Orcas Cargo Ship 567 1917
214692 Seaborn Cargo Ship 1,296 1917
473 216588 Quinault U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
474 216685 Wahkiakum U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
475 216797 Mojave U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
476 216828 Cheron U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
477 216955 Mazama U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
478 217067 Chimo U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
479 217162 Wakanna U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
480 217297 Dungeness U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
2135 217390 Fort Riley U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
2136 217711 Fort Russell U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
Ship Construction & Trading (Stonington CT)
137 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
138 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
Sloan Shipyards (Anacortes WA)
39 217702 Sewickley U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
40 217718 Mahnet U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
41 218422 Himoto U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
42 218423 Hyannis U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 1918
43 218449 Asotin U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
44 Leoti U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
45 Bertrand U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
46 Barden U. S. S. B. Barge 1001 2,551 1918
47 218750 Conewago U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
48 Cozian U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
49 Cabacan U. S. S. B. Barge 1001 2,551 1918
50 Dacula U. S. S. B. Barge 1001 2,551 1918
51 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 Cancelled
52 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 Cancelled
53 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 Cancelled
54 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,551 Cancelled
219330 Cethana Cargo Ship 1001 2,341 1918
219331 Challamba Cargo Ship 1001 2,400 1918
219279 Coolcha Cargo Ship 1001 2,403 1918
219543 Culburra Cargo Ship 1001 2,353 1918
Smith & Sons (Baltimore MD)
Sommerstrom Bros. (Columbia City OR)
437 217598 Maratanza U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,044 1918
438 217198 Mattapan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,044 1918
439 217199 Musketo U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,044 1918
440 217599 Wanzu U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1003 3,044 1918
2521 218761 Dardania U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,532 1919
2522 218762 Datis U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,532 1919
2523 Daulis U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,532 1919
2524 220285 Delos U. S. S. B. Barkentine 2,269 1920 Later Kate G. Pederson
Southern Shipbuilding (Charleston SC)
St. Helens Shipbuilding (St. Helens OR)
210854 Multnomah Cargo Ship 969 1912
214008 City of Portland Schooner 1,791 1916
214422 June Cargo Ship 484 1916
214528 Ruby Cargo Ship 557 1916
215674 City of St. Helens Cargo Ship 2,135 1917
215145 Frank D. Stout Schooner 1,226 1917
216901 John W. Wells Schooner 2,527 1918
216008 Thistle Schooner 1,586 1918
481 218951 Colindo U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,583 1919
482 217177 Issaquena U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,583 1918
2137 Fort Sheridan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Barge ?
2138 Fort Shaw U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 Barge ?
St. Johns River Shipyard Co. (Jacksonville FL)
139 218739 Caribou U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
140 218738 Wayhut U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
141 217410 Baxley U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
142 218465 Mayport U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
2099 220737 Fort Pierce U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,196 1919
2101 219004 Anastasia U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,313 1919
2102 219130 Daytona U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,313 1919
2103 219129 Ormond U. S. S. B. Barge 1067 1,313 1919
Sullivan, J. W. (Snug Harbor NY)
Tacoma Shipbuilding (Tacoma WA)
145916 Thos. P. Emigh Cargo Ship 1,040 1902
543 216894 Beloit U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,531 1918
544 217167 Coloma U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,531 1918
545 217801 Gassett U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,531 1918
546 217445 Fort Wright U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,531 1918
2221 Fort Harrison U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,531 1918
2222 Fort Jackson U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,531 1918
2223 Fort Union U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,531 1918
2224 Dione U. S. S. B. Barge 1001 2,531 1918
219135 Ambassador Cargo Ship 204 1919
Tampa Dock (Tampa FL)
200 217012 Agria U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,560 1918
201 218568 Coulter U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,560 1918
202 218947 Hoosac U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,560 1919
203 216873 Namecki U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,560 1919
Tenny, C. H. (Hampton VA)
Traylor Shipbuilding (Cornwell Heights PA)
177 216930 Alapaha U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,573 1918
178 216796 Alvada U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,573 1918
179 217036 Buhisan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,573 1918
180 217212 Bulana U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,573 1918
181 217213 Oraton U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,573 1918 Daram?
182 217866 Seypen U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,573 1918
183 217459 Tanka U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,573 1918
U.S. Maritime (Brunswick GA)
364 218351 Fernandina U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
365 218350 Euharlee U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1919
Union Bridge & Construction (Morgan City LA)
204 217193 Amoron U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,529 1918 Scrapped 1923
205 216791 La Forge U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,529 1918 Scrapped 1924
217426 Barugo Schooner 2,497 1918
217425 Boliko Schooner 2,551 1918
218602 Iberia Schooner 1,208 1919
218601 Ramos Schooner 1,208 1919
218386 Utina 2,384 1919
218603 Vermilion Schooner 1,208 1919
Universal Shipbuilding (Houston TX)
157 217430 Banicaa U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
158 216893 Basco U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
159 216401 Nacogdoches U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 1918
160 217427 Barias U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,561 1918
161 217656 Damacan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,556 1918
162 217653 Dardora U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001 2,556 1918
163-167 U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001 2,551 Cancelled
222887 Commander Cargo Ship 763 1919
222863 Commodore Cargo Ship 763 1919
222985 Lieutenant Cargo Ship 763 1919
Whitehaven Shipbuilding (Whitehaven MD)
Wilson Shipbuilding (Astoria OR)
444 216917 Quoque U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
445 217014 Lonoke U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
446 217037 Bonifay U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
1458 217496 Wakiki U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
1459 217497 Owatama U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
1460 Egeria U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
2291 Onetoro U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
2760 Meridan U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship Hull 1001
Wright Shipyards (Tacoma WA)
490 217249 Yakima U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
491 217393 Eyota U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
1363 Bourneville U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
1364 Bowesmont U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
2089 Elestra U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
2090 Elissa U. S. S. B. Cargo Ship 1001
2315 Endymeon U. S. S. B. Barge 1001
York River Shipbuilding (West Point VA)

These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023