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Hillstrom Shipbuilding, North Bend and Coos Bay OR

Hillstrom Shipbuilding Company was started in North Bend by Bill Hillstrom in 1940, moved to 912 N. Front Street in Coos Bay after the war and closed in 1979. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 2021-08-31.

Hull# O.N. Original Name or # Original Owner Ship Type GT Feet Delivery Disposition
Built at North Bend
P 218 US Army Patrol Boat 105 Jul-43
P 219 US Army Patrol Boat 105 Jul-43
251489 P 220 US Army Patrol Boat 105 Jul-43 Sold as Hattie D
251993 BSP 1777 US Army Barge, SP 70 Jul-43 Sold as Grampus
267981 BSP 1778 US Army Barge, SP 70 Aug-43 Sold as Alix
276382 BSP 1779 US Army Barge, SP 70 Aug-43 Sold as South Bay
250720 BSP 1780 US Army Barge, SP 70 Aug-43 Sold as Etolin
252305 BSP 1781 US Army Barge, SP 70 Aug-43 Sold as Beaver
ARB C 105362 ? US Navy Crash Boat 140 c100 1943 Later Norman D, Alan
LT 518 US Army Tug 282 127 Jun-44 Sold as Captain, abandoned in Vietnam
249867 LT 519 US Army Tug 282 127 Sep-44 Sold 1946 as Sea Fox, scrapped 1975
Kalama Corps of Engineers Survey Boat 79 1944
248586 Cygnet Fishing Vessel 45 57 1945 Active
249349 Nel Ron Dic Fishing Vessel 31 51 1946 Active
254486 The Goose Knutson Towboat Co Tug 16 36 1947 Active
Built at Coos Bay
274367 Kawliga Fishing Vessel 11 33 1952 Active
276650 Reef Fisher Fishing Vessel 12 31 1953 Active
285422 Captain Louie Knutson Towboat Co Tug 28 43 1961 Active
501228 Kangaroo Michael E Hodges Fishing Vessel 39 50 1965 Now Cape Alitak
298527 Rustler Tug 13 43 1965 Later Negotiator, now Dispatcher
504404 Renegade W S Construction Fishing Vessel 30 50 1966 Active
29 518969 Coos Bay Coos Bay Towboat Co Tug 85 71 1969 Active
30 526744 Betty A Yacht 118 70 1970 Active
31 Fishing Vessel 78 1970
32 553846 North Bend Coos Bay Towboat Co Tug 85 66 1973 Active
33 557771 Connie Fishing Vessel 41 44 1974 Now Ruby Lily
34 582900 Willamette Rebel Manson Construction Offshore Supply 28 41 1977 Now Rebel
35 591482 Sleep Robber Burns Enterprises Fishing Vessel 144 68 1978 Active
36 Elusive MacDonald T&K Fishing Vessel 143 c80 1979
37 609344 Norselander Fishing Vessel 145 71 1979 Now Let's Go
38 619796 Nordic Monarch Rasmussen & Ptnrs Fishing Vessel 989 162 1980 Later Yukon Princess, now Clipper Epic

These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023