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Bath Ironworks, Bath ME

Bath Iron Works (BIW) was established as an iron foundry in 1826 and expanded into shipbuilding by acquiring Goss Marine Iron Works in 1888. The yard was a major builder of destroyers in both wars and is now recognized as the world's leading builder of destroyers and similar surface combatants. Ownership has changed hands several times and it has now been part of General Dynamics since 1995. Visit the shipyard at and see it from the air on Google here. If anyone has any corrections or additions to this table, please send them to

Most recent update: 15 May 2021.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Ship Type GT/LDT Price $mm FY Contract Award Keel Laid Launched Del'd Days on Ways Days in Water Total Days Disposition
1 126613 Cottage City Maine Steamship Co. Psgr Steamer 1,885 31-May-90 Hull built by New England SB, wrecked off Willow Point BC 1911
2 PG 5 Machias US Navy Gunboat 1,177d 20-Jul-93 To Mexico 1920 as Agua Prieta, scrapped 1935
3 PG 6 Castine US Navy Gunboat 1,177d 22-Oct-94 Sold 1921 as Castine (ON 223167), foundered at mouth of Mississippi 1924
4 92280 Manhattan Maine Steamship Co. Psgr Steamer 1,892 15-Jun-91 Hull built by New England SB, burned and lost 1910
5 na Katahdin US Navy Harbor Ram 2,155d 1-Nov-95 Sunk as target off Rappahannock Spit 1916
6 120903 Frank Jones Portland & Machias Co. Psgr Steamer 1,634 9-Aug-92 Hull built by New England SB, destroyed by explosion 1918
7 Alleghany Pennsylvania RR Dredge 14-Apr-92
8 127035 City of Lowell Norwich & NY Trans. Co. Psgr Steamer 2,975 2-Jul-94 To USN 1942, scrapped 1947
9 136473 Eleanor Wm. A. Slater Yacht 968 6-Oct-94 Later Wacouta 1903, to USN 1917 as Harvard (SP 209), returned 1919, Athinai 1923, sunk 1941
10 150714 Peregrine R. H. White Yacht 246 28-Apr-96 Sold 1916 to Norwegian owners
11 116683 Salacia Maine Coast Navigation Psgr Steamer 322 20-Jul-95 Hull built by New England SB, later Norfolk-on-the-Roads
12 LV 66 Nantucket Shoal US Light House Service Lightship 590d 13-Jun-96 Sold 1934
13 na No name Bath Iron Works Cofferdam 29-Aug-95
14 100611 Illawarra E. Tompkins Yacht 118 3-Jun-96 To USN 1917 as Oneida, later Henry P. Williams (SP 509), returned 1918, abandoned
15 PG 11 Vicksburg US Navy Gunboat 1,010d 23-Oct-97 To USCG 1922 as Alexander Hamilton, sold 1936 as Beta, to USCG 1942 as WIX 272, scrapped 1946
16 PG 12 Newport US Navy Gunboat 1,010d 5-Oct-97 To City of Aberdeen WA 1935
17 TB 9 Dahlgren US Navy Torpedo Boat 146d 16-Jun-00 Redesignated Coast Torpedo Boat No. 4 1918, scrapped 1920
18 TB 10 Craven US Navy Torpedo Boat 146d 9-Jun-00 Sunk as target 1914
19 LV 68 Fire Island US Light House Service Lightship 590d 6-Aug-97 Sold 1934
20 LV 69 Diamond Shoal US Light House Service Lightship 590d 14-Aug-97 Retired 1937
21 WAGL 236 Mayflower US Light House Service Tender 650d 9-Oct-97 Later Hydrangea
22 LV 71 Five Fathom US Light House Service Lightship 590d 20-Feb-98 Sunk by U-boat 1918
23 WAGL Armeria US Light House Service Tender 15-Oct-97 Repairs only
24 81626 Winifred Hiller, Bull & Knowlton Freighter 2,456 1-Oct-98 To USN 1918 as ID 1319, returned 1919, scrapped 1935
25 107440 Aphrodite O. H. Payne Yacht 1,839 25-Mar-98 To USN 1917 as SP 135, returned 1919, Aetos 1930, Macedonia 1933, sunk off Patras 1941
26 na Chesapeake US Navy Training Bark 1,175 11-Jul-99 Later Severn 1905, sold 1916 as Severn (ON 217635), John J. Phillips 1919, scrapped 1934
27 na Grant US Army Troopship 31-Dec-98 Conversion
28 TB 24 Bagley US Navy Torpedo Boat 175d 18-Oct-01 Redesignated Coast Torpedo Boat No. 10 1918, scrapped 1920
29 TB 25 Barney US Navy Torpedo Boat 175d 21-Oct-01 Redesignated Coast Torpedo Boat No. 11 1918, scrapped 1920
30 TB 26 Biddle US Navy Torpedo Boat 175d 26-Oct-01 Redesignated Coast Torpedo Boat No. 12 1918, scrapped 1920
31 BM 8 Connecticut/Nevada US Navy Monitor 3,225d 5-Mar-03 Later Tonopah 1909, scrapped 1922
32 161849 Virginia Isaac Stern Yacht 441 23-Dec-99 Later Vedette, to USN 1917 as SP 163, returned 1919
33 145837 Transfer No. 13 NY, NH & H RR Tug 322 27-Mar-00 Later Transfer No. 15 1901, scrapped 1952
34 145839 Transfer No. 14 NY, NH & H RR Tug 322 17-Apr-00 Scrapped 1952
35 C 19 Cleveland US Navy Cruiser 3,200d 1-Jun-00 28-Sep-01 2-Nov-03 484 765 1249 Scrapped 1930
36 96539 Hockomock Peoples Ferry Co. Ferry 153 20-Apr-01 Hull built by William Donnell, abandoned 1932
37 127524 Cuba Staples Coal Co. Tug 594 2-May-01 To USAQD 1919, GEN Charles P. Krauthoff 1938, sold as Sea Giant 1947, scrapped 1950
38 na US Navy Caisson 2-May-01
39 BB 15 Georgia US Navy Battleship 15,000d 21-Sep-06 Scrapped 1923
40 na US Navy Caisson Cancelled
41 150946 Pantooset A. S. Bigelow Yacht 538 10-Jun-02 To Cuba 1907 as Hatooey (CG and Presidential Yacht)
42 117254 Shenango Duffey Petroleum Schooner Barge 2,365 17-Mar-02
43 na NY, NH & H RR Tug Cancelled
44 na NY, NH & H RR Tug Cancelled
45 na NY, NH & H RR Tug Cancelled
46 CL 1 Chester US Navy Cruiser 3,750d 26-Jun-07 25-Apr-08 304 Later York 1928, scrapped 1930
47 204087 Camden Eastern Steamship Co. Psgr Steamer 2,153 12-Mar-07 Later Comet 1936 and Ya Sung 1948, scrapped 1950
48 206266 Belfast Eastern Steamship Co. Psgr Steamer 2,153 22-Jun-09 Later Arrow 1936, wrecked while under tow off Ocean Park WA 1947
49 DD 20 Flusser US Navy Smith 700d 1908 3-Aug-08 20-Jul-09 28-Oct-09 351 100 451 Scrapped 1919
50 DD 21 Reid US Navy Smith 700d 1908 3-Aug-08 17-Aug-09 3-Dec-09 379 108 487 Scrapped 1919
51 206343 Ferdinando Gorges Maine Central RR Ferry 1,312 22-May-09 Later Pioneer 1927, converted to tug 1933, hulked 1950
52 DD 22 Paulding US Navy Paulding 742d 1909 24-Jul-09 12-Apr-10 23-Sep-10 262 164 426 To USCG 1924 as CG-17, scrapped 1934
53 DD 23 Drayton US Navy Paulding 742d 1909 19-Aug-09 22-Aug-10 17-Oct-10 368 56 424 Scrapped 1935
54 DD 33 Trippe US Navy Paulding 742d 1910 12-Apr-10 20-Dec-10 10-Feb-12 252 417 669 To USCG 1924 as CG-20, scrapped 1934
55 208616 Moosehead Maine Central RR Psgr Steamer 677 12-Jul-11 To USN 1917 as ID 2047, Porpoise (YFB 2047) 1921, Mayflower 1931, wrecked off Boston 1941
56 DD 41 Jouett US Navy Paulding 742d 1911 7-Mar-11 15-Apr-12 20-May-12 405 35 440 To USCG 1924 as CG-13, scrapped 1934
57 DD 42 Jenkins US Navy Paulding 742d 1911 24-Mar-11 29-Apr-12 22-May-12 402 23 425 Scrapped 1935
58 DD 43 Cassin US Navy Cassin 1,072d 1912 1-May-12 20-May-13 12-Jul-13 384 53 437 To USCG 1924 as CG-1, scrapped 1934
59 DD 44 Cummings US Navy Cassin 1,072d 1912 21-May-12 6-Aug-13 22-Sep-13 442 47 489 To USCG 1924 as CG-3, scrapped 1934
60 Goodridge Sebago Lake Co. Psgr Steamer 17-Jun-11 Assembled at Sebago Lake, burnt 1932
61 211290 Rangeley Maine Central RR Psgr Steamer 652 22-Mar-13 Later Chauncey M. Depew 1925, converted to restaurant in Secaucus NJ
62 DD 54 McDougal US Navy O'Brien 1,020d 1913 29-Jul-13 22-Apr-14 16-May-14 267 24 291 To USCG 1924 as CG-6, scrapped 1934
63 Katahdin Coburn Steamship Co. Psgr Steamer 20-Aug-14 Assembled in Greenville ME, still active as museum
64 DD 60 Wadsworth US Navy Tucker 1,060d 1914 23-Feb-14 29-Apr-15 14-Jun-15 430 46 476 Scrapped 1936
65 212195 Defiance G. Pynchon et. al. Racing Yacht 87 22-Jul-14 America's Cup defender, scrapped 1915
66 213089 Emblane E.W. Bliss & Co. Torp. Test Vsl. 471 10-Jun-15 Scrapped 1956
67 DD 65 Davis US Navy Sampson 1,071d 1915 7-May-15 15-Aug-16 5-Oct-16 466 51 517 To USCG 1924 as CG-21, scrapped 1934
68 DD 66 Allen US Navy Sampson 1,071d 1915 10-May-15 5-Dec-16 24-Jan-17 575 50 625 To USCG 1924 as CG-8, scrapped 1946
69 214038 Winchester W. P. Rousse/P. W. Rousse Steam Yacht 397 22-Apr-16 To USN 1917 as SP 156, sold 1921, to Canada 1940 as Renard (S 13/Z 13), returned 1944
70 DD 74 Manley US Navy Caldwell 1,125d 1916 22-Aug-16 23-Aug-17 15-Oct-17 366 53 419 Scrapped 1946
71 New York Central RR Carfloat 16-Aug-18
72 New York Central RR Carfloat 16-Aug-18
73 PY 10 Isabel J. N. Willys Yacht 790 11-Aug-17 To USN 1917 as SP 521, later PY 10, scrapped 1946
74 DD 75 Wickes US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1917 26-Jun-17 25-Jun-18 22-Jul-18 364 27 391 To Britain 1940 as HMS Montgomery (G 95), scrapped 1945
75 DD 76 Philip US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1917 1-Sep-17 25-Jul-18 15-Aug-18 327 21 348 To Britain 1940 as HMS Lancaster (G 05), scrapped 1947
76 DD 77 Woolsey US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1917 1-Nov-17 17-Sep-18 30-Sep-18 320 13 333 Sunk in collision 1921
77 DD 78 Evans US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1917 28-Dec-17 30-Oct-18 17-Nov-18 306 18 324 To Britain 1940 as HMS Mansfield (G 76), scrapped 1944
78 DD 131 Buchanan US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1918 29-Jun-18 2-Jan-19 23-Jan-19 187 21 208 To Britain 1940 as HMS Campbelltown (I 42), destroyed in the raid on St. Nazaire 1942
79 DD 132 Aaron Ward US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1918 1-Aug-18 10-Apr-19 12-Apr-19 252 2 254 To Britain 1940 as HMS Castleton (I 23), scrapped 1948
80 DD 133 Hale US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1918 7-Oct-18 29-May-19 20-Jun-19 234 22 256 To Britain 1940 as HMS Caldwell (I 20), scrapped 1945
81 DD 134 Crowninshield US Navy Wickes 1,154d 1918 5-Nov-18 24-Jul-19 22-Aug-19 261 29 290 To Britain 1940 as HMS Chelsea (I 35), to USSR 1944 as Dzerkiy, returned and scrapped 1949
82 DD 345 Preble US Navy Clemson 1,215d 1919 12-Apr-19 8-Mar-20 15-Mar-20 331 7 338 Scrapped 1946
83 DD 346 Sicard US Navy Clemson 1,215d 1919 18-Jun-19 20-Apr-20 12-May-20 307 22 329 Scrapped 1946
84 DD 347 Pruitt US Navy Clemson 1,215d 1919 25-Jun-19 2-Aug-20 7-Aug-20 404 5 409 Scrapped 1946
85 220873 A. L. Kent Crowell & Thurlow Collier 6,214 12-Dec-20 Scrapped 1958
86 221483 Thomas P. Beal Crowell & Thurlow Collier 5,818 22-Aug-21 Later Trinitas, scrapped 1954
87 LV 106 Nantucket Shoals US Light House Service Lightship 775d 16-May-23 Later WAL 528, to USAID 1969 for transfer to Surinam
88 LV 107 Cape Lookout Shoals US Light House Service Lightship 775d 22-Feb-24 Later WAL 529, floating restaurant at Liberty State Park NJ
89 LV 108 Five Fathom Bank US Light House Service Lightship 775d 17-Sep-23 Later WAL 530, scrapped 1975
90 LV 109 Relief LS US Light House Service Lightship 775d 10-Nov-23 Later WAL 531, to USAID 1967 for transfer to Uruguay
91 LV 110 Pollock Rip US Light House Service Lightship 775d 24-Jan-24 Later WAL 532, scrapped 1975
92 LV 111 Northeast End US Light House Service Lightship 775d 20-Dec-26 Later WAL 533, to US Navy 1969, scrapped 1984
93 223089 Islander New England SS Co. Psgr Steamer 1,089 17-Aug-23 Later Martha's Vineyard 1928, foundered off Boston 1990
94 na Eastern Steamship Co. 23-Dec-23 Machinery only
95 na Eastern Steamship Co. 29-Dec-23 Machinery only
96 223799 Aras H. J. Chisholm Yacht 184 3-Jun-24 Torpedoed and lost 1942
97 Romany F. Paine Yacht 1-Jul-24 Torpedoed and lost 1942
98 224501 Nobska New England SS Co. Psgr Steamer 1,082 9-Apr-25 Later Nantucket 1928 and Nobska 1956, preserved in Boston NSY
99 Fei-Seen I. Cox Schooner 20 May-25
100 224694 Saghaya H. G. Smith Schooner 20 May-25 Later Windflower
101 224765 Flying Fish W. F. Corey Schooner 20 May-25
102 224726 Margaret Mary J. Bossert Schooner 20 Jun-25 Later Cedee, Nebula
103 224744 Cygnet P. Hammond Schooner 20 Jun-25 Later Amorita
104 224731 Seven Seas V. S. Merle-Smith Schooner 20 Jun-25 Later Horizon
105 Sea Fox W. F. Whitehouse Schooner 20 12-Aug-25 Now Apache
106 224764 Diamond W C. E. F. McCann Schooner 20 8-Jul-25 Later Mariann
107 224693 Nokomis W. Stewart Schooner 20 16-Jul-25 Later Liliana
108 224827 Venturer H. Wesson Schooner 20 22-Jul-25
109 224868 Abyee D. H. Morris Schooner 20 3-Jul-25 Later Rexanne
110 224879 Acushla II G. M. Hechsher Schooner 20 8-Jul-25 Later Nadji, Nanland
111 224925 Seafarer P. Corning Schooner 20 15-Aug-25 Later Consuelo, Daiquiri
112 224938 Charmian N. Carleton Schooner 20 15-Aug-25
113 224970 Delfin F. L. Crocker Schooner 20 14-Aug-25 Later Shearwater
114 Calliope W. E. D. Stekes Schooner 20 15-Aug-25
115 224747 Yo Ho C. Brokow Yacht 15-Jun-25
116 Helene II C. E. F. McCann Yacht 19-Aug-25
117 228025 Vanda E. B. Dane Yacht 1,478 22-Apr-29 Later San Bernadino 1942 and Vanda 1946, scrapped 1968
118 Venezuela Don Jorge Venezuela Gulf Oil Co. Tug 18-Jul-28
119 228023 Boston College F. J. O'Hara & Sons Trawler 241 1-Nov-28 Lost 1951
120 228057 Holy Cross F. J. O'Hara & Sons Trawler 229 27-Nov-29
121 228098 Georgetown F. J. O'Hara & Sons Trawler 229 19-Dec-28
122 228665 Paragon C. J. Davol Yacht 176 2-Jan-30
123 228893 Hi-Esmaro H. E. Manville Yacht 1,333 20-Aug-29 Bombed and lost 1943
124 229693 Corsair IV J. P. Morgan Yacht 2,181 21-May-30 Wrecked off Acapulco 1949
125 Dorothy Brown Company Utility Boat 23-Mar-29
126 229195 Ebb Bay State Fishing Trawler 260 23-Nov-29 Sunk by gunfire 1942
127 229198 Flow Bay State Fishing Trawler 260 14-Dec-29
128 na Malaine G. F. Moffett Yacht Cancelled
129 229232 Notre Dame F. J. O'Hara & Sons Trawler 269 21-Dec-29
130 229261 Fordham F. J. O'Hara & Sons Trawler 269 14-Jan-30 To Norway 1946
131 229929 Black Douglas R. Roebling Schooner 397 29-Jul-30 Now Aquarius
132 230027 Althea C. H. Murphy Yacht 142 29-Jul-30 To USN 1942 as YP 249, to MARAD 1947
133 229980 Bidou J. A. Moffett Yacht 212 29-Jul-30
134 229867 Placida H. G. Haskell Yacht 502 1-Jul-30 To USN 1941 as Ruby (PY 21), sold as Placida 1945, scrapped 1957
135 229868 Sylvia L. G. Thompson Yacht 503 2-Jul-30 To USN 1941 as Tourmaline (PY 20), sold 1946 as Adelphic, later Kyknos 1948, scrapped 1979
136 230225 Gielow J. H. MacDonald Yacht 502 4-Oct-30 Later Kenkora II, Deborah B 1932, to RN 1941, foundered off Barahona 1960
137 230271 Trudione R. W. Judson Yacht 502 3-Dec-30 Later Seventeen 1936, to USN 1941 as Carnelian (PY 19), sold 1947 as William Johnson, scuttled 1965
138 na Aletes US Navy for Royal Navy Yacht 493 2-May-41 To RN 1941, scrapped 1964
139 230384 Aras II H. J. Chisholm Yacht 1,330 15-Jan-31 To USN 1941 as Williamsburg (PG 56), AGC 369 1945, Anton Bruun 1962, Williamsburg 1968, scrapped 1998
140 230716 Helene C. E. Sorensen Yacht 406 15-May-31
141 231135 Caroline E. H. Johnson Yacht 1,839 23-Sep-31 Later Moana 1940 and Hilo 1941, scrapped 1958
142 230576 Illinois Red Diamond Trawler Co. Trawler 299 30-Mar-31 To Norway 1946
143 230604 Maine Red Diamond Trawler Co. Trawler 256 18-Apr-31 Later Bluebird 1940, Rytter 1946, Trane 1952, Stokkvik 1955, Basto 1957, scrapped 1970
144 230819 Seapine F. H. Goodyear Yacht 486 14-Jul-31
145 231136 Felicia J. H. Metcalf Yacht 361 14-Sep-31 To Harvard University 1946
146 230851 Halonia C. A. Thorne Yacht 361 15-Jun-31 To Canada 1940 as HMCS Raccoon, sunk 1942
147 WPC 115 Thetis US Coast Guard Patrol Cutter 337d 1-Dec-31 Renamed Libertad, discarded 1993
148 WPC 103 Aurora US Coast Guard Patrol Cutter 337d 21-Dec-31 Scrapped 1968
149 WPC 104 Calypso US Coast Guard Patrol Cutter 337d 16-Jan-32 To USN 1931 as AG 35, sold 1955, now Circle Line XI
150 WPC 106 Daphne US Coast Guard Patrol Cutter 337d 12-Feb-32 Scrapped 1957
151 WPC 109 Hermes US Coast Guard Patrol Cutter 337d 7-Mar-32 Scrapped 1958
152 WPC 114 Perseus US Coast Guard Patrol Cutter 337d 27-Apr-32 Sold 1959, now Circle Line XV
153 WPC 110 Icarus US Coast Guard Patrol Cutter 337d 1-Apr-32 Rebuilt in 1975, discarded 1993
154 DD 349 Dewey US Navy Farragut 1,345d 1932 16-Dec-32 28-Jul-34 3-Oct-34 589 67 656 Scrapped 1946
155 na T. B. McClintic US Public Health Service Tug 10-Oct-32
156 WAGL 219 Hickory US Light House Service Light Tender 400d 8-Mar-33 Sold 1969
157 Freddie Mrs. F. W. Woolworth Fishing Launch 17-Jun-32
158 232297 Turecamo Girls Turecamo Towing Co. Tug 148 14-May-33
159 DD 366 Drayton US Navy Mahan 1,480d 1934 20-Mar-34 26-Mar-36 1-Sep-36 737 159 896 Scrapped 1946
160 DD 367 Lamson US Navy Mahan 1,480d 1934 20-Mar-34 17-Jun-36 21-Oct-36 820 126 946 Scuttled 1946
161 DD 394 Samson US Navy Somers 1,850d 1936 8-Apr-36 16-Apr-38 19-Aug-38 738 125 863 Scrapped 1946
162 DD 395 Davis US Navy Somers 1,850d 1936 28-Jul-36 30-Jul-38 9-Nov-38 732 102 834 Scrapped 1947
163 DD 396 Jouett US Navy Somers 1,850d 1936 26-Mar-36 24-Sep-38 24-Jan-39 912 122 1034 Scrapped 1946
164 235455 Storm Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 309 5-Sep-36 To USN 1942 as YP-423, sold 1945 as Storm, scrapped 1993
165 235513 Surf Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 309 26-Sep-36 To USN 1942 as YP-421, sold 1946 as Surf, scrapped 1993
166 235573 Swell Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 309 18-Oct-36 To USN 1942 as YP-415, sold 1945 as Swell, Deining 1955, scrapped 1970
167 YFB 14 Aquidneck US Navy Ferry 544d 22-May-37 To Pierce County WA 1975 as Steilacoom, sold private 2006
168 235728 Arlington Arlington Trawler Co. Trawler 243 6-Dec-36
169 Delaware Booth Fisheries Co. Trawler 303 20-Mar-37 Later Flicker 1940 and Delaware 1945, scrapped 1969
170 DD 409 Sims US Navy Sims 1,570d 1937 15-Jul-37 8-Apr-39 1-Aug-39 632 115 747 Sunk by aircraft in the Coral Sea 1942
171 DD 410 Hughes US Navy Sims 1,570d 1937 15-Sep-37 17-Jun-39 21-Sep-39 640 96 736 Sunk as target 1948
172 na Ranger H. S. Vanderbilt Racing Yacht 128 14-May-37 Scrapped 1941
173 236120 Winchester Usen Trawler Co. Trawler 241 16-May-37 Later Crystal and Katie 1980
174 Tide Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 311 10-Jul-37 To USN 1942 as YP-414, sold 1945 as Squall, scrapped 1977
175 Jeanne d'Arc F. J. O'Hara & Sons Trawler 262 23-Oct-37
176 Villanova F. J. O'Hara & Sons Trawler 262 1-Nov-37
177 DD 423 Gleaves US Navy Gleaves 2,395d 1938 16-May-38 9-Dec-39 14-Jun-40 572 188 760 Scrapped 1972
178 DD 424 Niblack US Navy Gleaves 2,395d 1938 8-Aug-38 18-May-40 1-Aug-40 649 75 724 Scrapped 1973
179 Thistle W. Milliken Launch 8-Mar-38
180 DD 429 Livermore US Navy Gleaves 2,395d 1938 6-Mar-39 3-Aug-40 7-Oct-40 516 65 581 Scrapped 1961
181 DD 430 Eberle US Navy Gleaves 2,395d 1938 12-Apr-39 14-Sep-40 4-Dec-40 521 81 602 To Greece as Niki (D 65) 1951, struck 1972
182 DD 437 Woolsey US Navy Gleaves 2,395d 1939 9-Oct-39 12-Feb-41 7-May-41 492 84 576 Scrapped 1974
183 DD 438 Ludlow US Navy Gleaves 2,395d 1939 18-Dec-39 11-Nov-40 5-Mar-41 329 114 443 To Greece as Doxa (D 20) 1951, scrapped 1972
184 240879 Exceller US Maritime Commission C2-S-A1 6,535 13-Aug-41 Deactivated 1962, scrapped 1974
185 241079 Extavia US Maritime Commission C2-S-A1 6,535 6-Oct-41 To Britain 1941 as Empire Oriole, returned 1942, scrapped 1968
186 241176 Exanthia US Maritime Commission C2-S-A1 6,535 21-Jan-42 Deactivated 1962, scrapped 1975
187 241356 Exiria US Maritime Commission C2-S-A1 6,535 13-Feb-42 Scrapped 1968
188 DD 449 Nicholas US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 3-Mar-41 19-Feb-42 4-Jun-42 353 105 458 Scrapped 1970
189 DD 450 O'Bannion US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 3-Mar-41 14-Mar-42 26-Jun-42 376 104 480 Scrapped 1972
190 DD 451 Chevalier US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 30-Apr-41 11-Apr-42 20-Jun-42 346 70 416 Damaged by Japanese destroyer off Solomon Islands and scuttled 1943
191 DD 457 Emmons US Navy Gleaves 2,924d 1940 14-Nov-40 23-Aug-41 5-Dec-41 282 104 386 DMS 22, lost 1945
192 DD 458 Macomb US Navy Gleaves 2,924d 1940 3-Sep-40 23-Sep-41 26-Jan-42 385 125 510 DMS 23, to Japan as Hatakaze 1954, to Taiwan as Hsuen Yang 1970, used for spares
193 DD 467 Strong US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 30-Apr-41 17-May-42 7-Aug-42 382 82 464 Sunk by Japanese destroyers off New Georgia 1943
194 DD 468 Taylor US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 28-Aug-41 7-Jun-42 20-Aug-42 283 74 357 To Italy as Lanciere 1969, used for spares
195 DD 469 Dehaven US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 27-Sep-41 28-Jun-42 20-Sep-42 274 84 358 Sunk by Japanese aircraft off Guadalcanal 1943
196 DD 507 Conway US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 5-Nov-41 16-Aug-42 9-Oct-42 284 54 338 Sunk as target 1970
197 DD 508 Cony US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 24-Dec-41 16-Aug-42 30-Oct-42 235 75 310 Sunk as target 1970
198 DD 509 Converse US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 23-Feb-42 30-Aug-42 20-Nov-42 188 82 270 To Spain as Almirante Valdes (D 23) 1959, scrapped 1988
199 DD 510 Eaton US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 17-Mar-42 20-Sep-42 4-Dec-42 187 75 262 Sunk as target 1970
200 DD 511 Foote US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 14-Apr-42 11-Oct-42 22-Dec-42 180 72 252 Scrapped 1974
201 DD 512 Spence US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 18-May-42 27-Oct-42 8-Jan-43 162 73 235 Foundered in typhoon east of Samar 1944
202 DD 513 Terry US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 8-Jun-42 22-Nov-42 26-Jan-43 167 65 232 To Peru for spares 1974
203 DD 514 Thatcher US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 29-Jun-42 6-Dec-42 10-Feb-43 160 66 226 Scrapped 1948
204 DD 515 Anthony US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 17-Aug-42 20-Dec-42 20-Feb-43 125 62 187 To Germany as Zerstorer 1 (D 170) 1958, sunk as target 1979
205 DD 516 Wadsworth US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 18-Aug-42 10-Jan-43 16-Mar-43 145 65 210 To Germany as Zerstorer 3 (D 172) 1958, to Greece as Nearchos (D 65) 1980, scrapped 1991
206 DD 517 Walker US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 31-Aug-42 31-Jan-43 3-Apr-43 153 62 215 To Italy as Fante (D 561) 1964, scrapped 1977
207 Vagrant Yacht 120 13-Sep-41 To USN 1942 as YP 258, later PYc 30, returned 1945, sold 1949
208 DD 629 Abbot US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 21-Sep-42 17-Feb-43 23-Apr-43 149 65 214 Scrapped 1975
209 DD 630 Braine US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 12-Oct-42 7-Mar-43 11-May-43 146 65 211 To Argentina as Almirante Domecq Garcia (D 23) 1971, sunk as target 1983
210 DD 631 Erben US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 28-Oct-42 21-Mar-43 28-May-43 144 68 212 To Korea as Chung Mu (D 911) 1963, training hulk 1989
211 DD 642 Hale US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 23-Nov-42 4-Apr-43 15-Jun-43 132 72 204 To Colombia as Antioquia (D 01) 1960, scrapped 1973
212 DD 643 Sigourney US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 7-Dec-42 24-Apr-43 29-Jun-43 138 66 204 Scrapped 1975
213 DD 644 Stembel US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1940 21-Dec-42 8-May-43 19-Jul-43 138 72 210 To Argentina as Rosales (D 22) 1961, scrapped 1982
214 na Not used
215 DD 650 Caperton US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1941 11-Jan-43 22-May-43 30-Jun-43 131 39 170 Scrapped 1974
216 DD 651 Cogswell US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1941 1-Feb-43 5-Jun-43 17-Aug-43 124 73 197 To Turkey as Izmit (D 342) 1969, scrapped 1980
217 DD 652 Ingersoll US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1941 18-Feb-43 28-Jun-43 31-Aug-43 130 64 194 Sunk as target 1974
218 DD 653 Knapp US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1941 8-Mar-43 10-Jul-43 16-Sep-43 124 68 192 Scrapped 1973
219 DD 688 Remey US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1942 22-Mar-43 25-Jul-43 30-Sep-43 125 67 192 Scrapped 1976
220 DD 689 Wadleigh US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1942 5-Apr-43 7-Aug-43 10-Oct-43 124 64 188 To Chile as Blanco Encalada (D 14) 1962, scrapped 1983
221 DD 690 Norman Scott US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1942 26-Apr-43 28-Aug-43 5-Nov-43 124 69 193 Scrapped 1973
222 DD 691 Mertz US Navy Fletcher 2,924d 1942 10-May-43 11-Sep-43 10-Nov-43 124 60 184 Scrapped 1971
223 DD 722 Barton US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 24-May-43 10-Oct-43 30-Dec-43 139 81 220 Sunk as target 1969
224 DD 723 Walke US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 7-Jun-43 27-Oct-43 21-Jan-44 142 86 228 Scrapped 1975
225 DD 724 Laffey US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 28-Jun-43 21-Nov-43 8-Feb-44 146 79 225 Memorial at Mount Pleasant SC 1975
226 DD 725 O'Brien US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 12-Jul-43 8-Dec-43 25-Feb-44 149 79 228 Sunk as target 1972
227 DD 726 Meredith US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 26-Jul-43 21-Dec-43 14-Mar-44 148 84 232 Damaged by mine and sunk by German aircraft off Utah Beach 1944
228 DD 727 Dehaven US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 9-Aug-43 9-Jan-44 31-Mar-44 153 82 235 To Korea as In Cheon (D 918) 1973, scrapped 1993
229 DD 728 Mansfield US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 28-Aug-43 29-Jan-44 14-Apr-44 154 76 230 To Argentina for spares 1974
230 DD 729 Lyman K. Swenson US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 11-Sep-43 12-Feb-44 2-May-44 154 80 234 To Taiwan for spares 1974
231 DD 730 Collett US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 11-Oct-43 5-Mar-44 16-May-44 146 72 218 To Argentina as Piedra Buena (D 29) 1974, scrapped 1984
232 DD 731 Maddox US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 28-Oct-43 19-Mar-44 2-Jun-44 143 75 218 To Taiwan as Po Yang (D 928) 1972, scrapped 1985
233 DD 732 Hyman US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 22-Nov-43 8-Apr-44 16-Jun-44 138 69 207 Scrapped 1970
234 DD 733 Mannert L. Abele US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 9-Dec-43 23-Apr-44 4-Jul-44 136 72 208 Sunk by kamikaze off Okinawa 1945
235 DD 734 Purdy US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 22-Dec-43 7-May-44 18-Jul-44 137 72 209 Scrapped 1974
236 DD 735 Robert H. Smith US Navy Smith 2,200d 1942 10-Jan-44 25-May-44 4-Aug-44 136 71 207 DM 23, scrapped 1973
237 DD 736 Thomas E. Fraser US Navy Smith 2,200d 1942 31-Jan-44 10-Jun-44 22-Aug-44 131 73 204 DM 24, scrapped 1974
238 DD 737 Shannon US Navy Smith 2,200d 1942 12-Feb-44 24-Jun-44 8-Sep-44 133 76 209 DM 25, scrapped 1973
239 DD 738 Harry F. Bauer US Navy Smith 2,200d 1942 6-Mar-44 9-Jul-44 22-Sep-44 125 75 200 DM 26, scrapped 1974
240 DD 739 Adams US Navy Smith 2,200d 1942 20-Mar-44 23-Jul-44 10-Oct-44 125 79 204 DM 27, scrapped 1971
241 DD 740 Tolman US Navy Smith 2,200d 1942 10-Apr-44 13-Aug-44 27-Oct-44 125 75 200 DM 28, test hulk 1973
242 DD 741 Drexler US Navy Sumner 2,200d 1942 24-Apr-44 3-Sep-44 14-Nov-44 132 72 204 Lost 1945
243 DD 742 Frank Knox US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1942 8-May-44 17-Sep-44 8-Dec-44 132 82 214 To Greece as Themistocles (D 210) 1971, scrapped 1992
244 DD 743 Southerland US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1942 27-May-44 5-Oct-44 22-Dec-44 131 78 209 Target hulk 1973
245 DD 805 Chevalier US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1942 12-Jun-44 29-Oct-44 9-Jan-45 139 72 211 To Korea as Chung Buk (D 915) 1972, active
246 DD 806 Higbee US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1942 26-Jun-44 12-Nov-44 26-Jan-45 139 75 214 Sunk as target 1983
247 DD 807 Benner US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1942 10-Jul-44 30-Nov-44 13-Feb-45 143 75 218 Scrapped 1975
248 DD 808 Dennis J. Buckley US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1942 24-Jul-44 30-Dec-44 2-Mar-45 159 62 221 Scrapped 1974
249 DD 829 Myles C.Fox US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 14-Aug-44 13-Jan-45 30-Mar-45 152 76 228 To Greece for spares 1980
250 DD 830 Everett F.Larson US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 4-Sep-44 28-Jan-45 6-Apr-45 146 68 214 To Korea as Jeong Buk (D 916) 1972, active
251 DD 831 Goodrich US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 18-Sep-44 25-Feb-45 24-Apr-45 160 58 218 Scrapped 1977
252 DD 832 Hanson US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 7-Oct-44 11-Mar-45 11-May-45 155 61 216 To Taiwan as Liao Yang (D 938) 1973, active
253 DD 833 Herbert J.Thomas US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 30-Oct-44 25-Mar-45 29-May-45 146 65 211 To Taiwan as Han Yang (D 978) 1974, scrapped 1999
254 DD 834 Turner US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 13-Nov-44 8-Apr-45 12-Jun-45 146 65 211 Scrapped 1970
255 DD 835 Charles P. Cecil US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 2-Dec-44 22-Apr-45 29-Jun-45 141 68 209 To Greece as Apostolis (D 216) 1979, scrapped 1993
256 DD 836 George K. MacKenzie US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 21-Dec-44 13-May-45 3-Jul-45 143 51 194 Sunk as target 1976
257 DD 837 Sarsfield US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 15-Jan-45 27-May-45 31-Jul-45 132 65 197 To Taiwan as Te Yang (D 925) 1977, active
258 DD 838 Ernest G. Small US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 30-Jan-45 14-Jun-45 21-Aug-45 135 68 203 To Taiwan as Fu Yang (D 963) 1970, active
259 DD 839 Power US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 26-Feb-45 30-Jun-45 13-Sep-45 124 75 199 To Taiwan as Shen Yang (D 932) 1977, active
260 DD 840 Glennon US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 12-Mar-45 14-Jul-45 4-Oct-45 124 82 206 Sunk as target 1981
261 DD 841 Noa US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 26-Mar-45 30-Jul-45 1-Nov-45 126 94 220 To Spain as Blas de Lezo (D 65) 1973, scrapped 1991
262 DD 842 Fiske US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 9-Apr-45 8-Sep-45 28-Nov-45 152 81 233 To Turkey as Piyale Pasa (D 350) 1980, scrapped 1999
263 DD 843 Warrington US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 23-Apr-45 27-Sep-45 20-Dec-45 157 84 241 To Taiwan for spares 1973
264 DD 844 Perry US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 14-May-45 25-Oct-45 17-Jan-46 164 84 248 Scrapped 1974
265 DD 845 Bausell US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 28-May-45 19-Nov-45 7-Feb-46 175 80 255 Scrapped 1978
266 DD 846 Ozbourn US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 16-Jun-45 22-Dec-45 5-Mar-46 189 73 262 Scrapped 1975
267 DD 847 Robert L.Wilson US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 2-Jul-45 5-Jan-46 28-Mar-46 187 82 269 Sunk as target 1980
268 DD 848 Witek US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 16-Jul-45 2-Feb-46 25-Apr-46 201 82 283 Sunk as target 1969
269 DD 849 Richard E. Kraus US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 31-Jul-45 2-Mar-46 23-May-46 214 82 296 To Korea as Kwang Ju (D 921) 1977, active
270 DD 826 Agerholm US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 10-Sep-45 30-Mar-46 20-Jun-46 201 82 283 Sunk as target 1982
271 DD 827 Robert A. Owens US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 29-Oct-45 15-Jul-46 18-Sep-49 259 1161 1420 To Turkey as Alcitepe (D 346) 1982, scrapped 1998
272 DD 828 Timmerman US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 1-Oct-45 19-May-51 23-Sep-52 2056 493 2549 AG 152, scrapped 1959
273 DD 809 US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 Cancelled 1945
274 DD 810 US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 Cancelled 1945
275 DD 811 US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 Cancelled 1945
276 DD 812 US Navy Gearing 2,616d 1943 Cancelled 1945
277 251944 Elda M. C. Fleischman Yacht 403 1947 Now Haida
278 France Colonel Pleven Victor Pleven Trawler 1,662 Sep-47 Later Pierre Vidal, Annita, Saukko IV, barge 1975
279 France Bassilour Arm. Francais Coloniaux Trawler 1,662 Jan-48 Later Islande, San Andres, scrapped 1974
280 France Ginette Le Borgne Soc. Fecampoise de Peche Trawler 1,662 Feb-48 In collision and sank 1951
281 France Heureux Soc. des Pech. Industrielles Trawler 1,662 Apr-48 Later Joseph Roty, scrapped 1973
282 France Finlande Pech. de Bordeaux-Bassans Trawler 1,662 May-48 Scrapped 1973
283 France Minerva Soc. Havraise de Peche Trawler 1,662 Jun-48 Later Discovery II, scrapped 1975
284 France Etoile du Sud Malfoy et Cie. Trawler 446 Sep-47 Scrapped 1970
285 France Clair de Lune Lepine-Pollet Trawler 393 Oct-47 Later Otter Bank, Petrel, scrapped 1975
286 France Fortis Merrienne Frères Trawler 393 Nov-47 Later Philip I, converted to restaurant, scuttled 1993
287 France Taldir Piet Lataundry Trawler 393 Dec-47 Later Dannido, scrapped 1959
288 France Godefroy de Bouillon Pêch. Françaises du Nord Trawler 392 Dec-47 Later Peter M, Quicksilver
289 France Saint Patrick Frederic Altazin Trawler 392 Sep-47 Scrapped 1993
290 France Charles Massot E. Domissey Trawler 222 Dec-47
291 France Gris Brumaire S.A. d'Arm Mallet Des. Trawler 222 Dec-47
292 France Jean-Pierre Robert Corouge Scaviner Trawler 222 Feb-48
293 France Lucien Marie Vie Calamel Trawler 222 Feb-48
294 France Lucien Gougy J. Le Bouder Trawler 222 May-48
295 France Marcel-Peyronnie Dubourg & Audouin Trawler 222 May-48
296 France Jean-Marthe Soc. Les Doris Trawler 222 Jun-48
297 France Massabielle Vue Bourgain Huret Trawler 222 Jun-48
298 France Kerolay Jego Malet Quere Tonnere Trawler 222 Jun-48
299 France Steyr Emile Avry Trawler 222 Jul-48
300 France St. Pierre Eglise Vue Henri Altazin Trawler 222 Jul-48
301 France Edouard Goughy Gougy Frère Trawler 222 Jul-48
302 France Men Gwen Lemoigne Jego Malet Trawler 222 Oct-48
303 France Laita Vve Cuissad Trawler 222 Oct-48
304 France Pierre Descelliers Dieppoise de Pêche Trawler 222 Dec-48
305 France Armand Crespin Ste. des Pêcheries du Nord Trawler 222 Dec-48
306 France Ker-Ysa Scaviner & Consorts Trawler 222 Dec-48
307 France Saint Joachim Deconink & Cie Trawler 222 Feb-49
308 France Doux Frimaire Ste d'Armenent Mallet Trawler 222 Feb-49
309 France Patron Roger Dupuy Nouvelle de Gerance Trawler 222 Feb-49
310 DD 827 Robert A. Owens US Navy Destroyer 2,246d 5-Nov-49 Built as Hull 271, modifications?
311 DD 719 Epperson US Navy Destroyer 2,246d Mar-49 Built by Federal SB, modifications by BIW?
312 PT 810 No name US Navy Torpedo Boat 95d 1-Dec-48 2-Jun-50 24-Nov-51 548 540 1088 Later PTF 1, sunk as target 1966
313 DD 927 Mitscher US Navy Mitscher 3,331d 1949 3-Aug-48 3-Oct-49 26-Jan-52 15-May-53 845 475 1320 Reclassified DL 2, later DDG 35, scrapped 1980
314 DD 928 John S. McCain US Navy Mitscher 3,331d 1949 3-Aug-48 24-Oct-49 23-Apr-52 12-Oct-53 912 537 1449 Reclassified DL 3, later DDG 36, scrapped 1980
315 DDX Unnamed US Navy Destroyer Cancelled
316 LST 1156 Terrebonne Parish US Navy Landing Ship 2,590d 52 2-Jan-52 9-Aug-52 21-Nov-52 220 104 324 To Spain 1971 as Velasco (L 11), scrapped 1994
317 LST 1157 Terrell County US Navy Landing Ship 2,590d 52 3-Mar-52 6-Dec-52 14-Mar-53 278 98 376 To Greece 1977 as Oinoussai (L 104), sunk as target 2007
318 LST 1158 Tioga County US Navy Landing Ship 2,590d 52 16-Jun-52 11-Apr-53 20-Jun-53 299 70 369 Scrapped 2005
319 LST 1159 Tom Green County US Navy Landing Ship 2,590d 52 2-Sep-52 2-Jul-53 12-Sep-53 303 72 375 To Spain 1972 as Conde de Venadito (L 13), struck 1990
320 LST 1160 Traverse County US Navy Landing Ship 2,590d 52 18-Dec-52 3-Oct-53 19-Dec-53 289 77 366 To Peru 1984 as Eten (DT 144), active
321 FF 1006 Dealey US Navy Frigate 1,877d 52 15-Dec-52 8-Nov-53 28-May-54 328 201 529 Scrapped 1991
322 FF 1014 Cromwell US Navy Frigate 1,877d 53 3-Aug-53 4-Jun-54 19-Nov-54 305 168 473 Scrapped 1973
323 FF 1015 Hammerberg US Navy Frigate 1,877d 53 12-Nov-53 20-Aug-54 25-Feb-55 281 189 470 Scrapped 1974
324 DD 931 Forrest Sherman US Navy Sherman 2,734d 51 10-Mar-51 27-Oct-53 5-Feb-55 4-Nov-55 466 272 738 To Baltimore MD 2006 as museum, scrapped 2014
325 DD 932 John Paul Jones US Navy Sherman 2,734d 51 10-Mar-51 18-Jan-54 7-May-55 30-Mar-56 474 328 802 Later DDG 32: sunk as target 2001
326 DD 933 Barry US Navy Sherman 2,734d 51 10-Mar-51 15-Mar-54 1-Oct-55 31-Aug-56 565 335 900 To Washington DC 1983 as museum, to be scrapped
327 DD 940 Manley US Navy Sherman 2,734d 54 30-Jul-54 10-Feb-55 12-Apr-56 25-Jan-57 427 288 715 Scrapped 1994
328 DD 941 Dupont US Navy Sherman 2,734d 54 30-Jul-54 11-May-55 8-Sep-56 21-Jun-57 486 286 772 Scrapped 1992
329 DD 942 Bigelow US Navy Sherman 2,734d 54 30-Jul-54 6-Jul-55 2-Feb-57 1-Nov-57 577 272 849 Sunk as target 2003
330 DD 945 Hull US Navy Sherman 2,734d 56 27-Jan-56 12-Sep-56 10-Aug-57 25-Jun-58 332 319 651 Sunk as target 1998
331 DD 946 Edson US Navy Sherman 2,734d 56 27-Jan-56 3-Dec-56 4-Jan-58 31-Oct-58 397 300 697 To New York NY 1989 as museum, returned to Navy 2004, now museum in Bay City MI
332 DD 947 Somers US Navy Sherman 2,734d 56 27-Jan-56 4-Mar-57 30-May-58 1-Apr-59 452 306 758 Later DDG 34: sunk as target 1998
333 DLG 14 Dewey US Navy Farragut 4,167d 57 23-Jul-56 10-Aug-57 30-Nov-58 2-Dec-59 477 367 844 Later DDG 45: scrapped 1995
334 DLG 15 Preble US Navy Farragut 4,167d 57 23-Jul-56 16-Dec-57 23-May-59 28-Apr-60 523 341 864 Later DDG 46: scrapped 2003
335 DD 952 Charles F. Adams US Navy Adams 3,277d 57 28-Mar-57 16-Jun-58 8-Sep-59 31-Aug-60 449 358 807 To Jacksonville FL 2015 as museum
336 DD 953 John King US Navy Adams 3,277d 57 28-Mar-57 25-Aug-58 30-Jan-60 27-Jan-61 523 363 886 Scrapped 1999
337 DDG 10 Sampson US Navy Adams 3,277d 58 17-Jan-58 2-Mar-59 21-May-60 16-Jun-61 446 391 837 Scrapped 2003
338 DDG 11 Sellars US Navy Adams 3,277d 58 17-Jan-58 3-Aug-59 9-Sep-60 20-Oct-61 403 406 809 Scrapped 2004
339 CG 16 Leahy US Navy Cruiser 7,590d 58 7-Nov-58 3-Dec-59 1-Jul-61 27-Jul-62 576 391 967 Scrapped 2003
340 CG 17 Harry E. Yarnell US Navy Cruiser 7,590d 58 7-Nov-58 31-May-60 9-Dec-61 2-Feb-63 557 420 977 Scrapped 2002
341 CG 18 Worden US Navy Cruiser 7,590d 58 7-Nov-58 19-Sep-60 22-Jun-62 3-Aug-63 641 407 1048 Sunk as target 2000
342 CG 26 Belknap US Navy Cruiser 7,890d 61 18-May-61 5-Feb-62 20-Jul-63 4-Nov-64 530 473 1003 Sunk as target 1998
343 CG 27 Josephus Daniels US Navy Cruiser 7,890d 61 18-May-61 23-Apr-62 2-Dec-63 4-May-65 588 519 1107 Scrapped 1999
344 CG 28 Wainwright US Navy Cruiser 7,890d 61 18-May-61 2-Jul-62 25-Apr-64 29-Dec-65 663 613 1276 Sunk as target 2002
345 AGDE 1 Glover US Navy Frigate 3,426d 61 28-Jun-61 29-Jul-63 17-Apr-65 22-Oct-65 628 188 816 Later AGFF 1, DE 1098, FF 1098, scrapped 1994
346 CG 32 William H. Standley US Navy Cruiser 7,890d 62 16-Jan-62 29-Jul-63 19-Dec-64 28-Jun-66 509 556 1065 Struck 1994, sunk as target 2005
347 CG 34 Biddle US Navy Cruiser 7,890d 62 16-Jan-62 9-Dec-63 2-Jul-65 10-Jan-67 571 557 1128 Scrapped 2002
348 DEG 4 Talbot US Navy Frigate 3,426d 63 24-May-63 4-May-64 6-Jan-66 14-Apr-67 612 463 1075 Later FFG 4, to Pakistan 1989 as Hunain (D-164), returned 1993, scrapped 1994
349 DEG 5 Richard L. Page US Navy Frigate 3,426d 63 24-May-63 4-Jan-65 4-Apr-66 27-Jul-67 455 479 934 Later FFG 5, to Pakistan 1989 as Tabuk (D-163), returned 1993, scrapped 1994
350 DEG 6 Julius A. Furer US Navy Frigate 3,426d 63 24-May-63 12-Jul-65 22-Jul-66 3-Nov-67 375 469 844 Later FFG 6, to Pakistan 1989 as Badr (D-161), returned 1993, scrapped 1994
351 DDG 28 DMS Lutjens German Navy Adams 3,370d 14.6 65 3-Mar-65 1-Mar-66 11-Aug-67 22-Mar-69 528 589 1117 German Navy D 185: scrapped 2003
352 DDG 29 DMS Molders German Navy Adams 3,370d 14.6 65 3-Mar-65 12-Apr-66 13-Apr-67 20-Sep-69 366 891 1257 German Navy D 186: to Wilhelmshaven 2003 as museum
353 DDG 30 DMS Rommel German Navy Adams 3,370d 14.6 65 3-Mar-65 22-Aug-66 1-Feb-68 24-Apr-70 528 813 1341 German Navy D 187: scrapped 2004
354 Sea Witch Am. Ex. Isbrandtsen Line Containership 17,900 13.4 4-Sep-68 Wrecked 1974, now Chemical Pioneer (661060)
355 518063 Lightning Am. Ex. Isbrandtsen Line Containership 17,900 13.4 1-Jan-67 21-Feb-69 782 To RRF 1988 as Flickertail State
356 520743 Staghound Am. Ex. Isbrandtsen Line Containership 17,900 13.4 1-Jan-67 20-Jun-69 901 To RRF 1988 as Cornhusker State
357 541414 Export Freedom Am. Ex. Isbrandtsen Line Containership 17,900 17.0 7-Aug-72 Scrapped
358 545126 Export Leader Am. Ex. Isbrandtsen Line Containership 17,900 17.0 26-Jul-71 22-Jan-73 546 To RRF 1988 as Gopher State
359 548442 Export Patriot Am. Ex. Isbrandtsen Line Containership 17,900 17.0 2-Jul-73 Scrapped
360 AOT 173 Sealift Mediterranean Sea Marine Transport Lines Tanker 15,979 16.0 26-Aug-74 Sold 1995 as San Marco, scrapped 1999
361 AOT 172 Sealift Atlantic Ocean Marine Transport Lines Tanker 15,979 16.0 6-Nov-74 Sold 1995 as Mavra, scrapped 2000
362 AOT 174 Sealift Caribbean Sea Marine Transport Lines Tanker 15,979 16.0 10-Feb-75 Sold 1995 as ______, scrapped
363 AOT 175 Sealift Arctic Ocean Marine Transport Lines Tanker 15,979 16.0 22-May-75 Sold 1995 as Vandou, scrapped 2000
364 AOT 176 Sealift Antarctic Ocean Marine Transport Lines Tanker 15,979 16.0 15-Aug-75 Sold 1995 as Renata II, scrapped 2000
365 na Electron General Electric Power Barge 3,700 May-73 To Brazil, active
366 569400 Maine States Line Ro-Ro Ship 15,000 38.0 7-Jul-74 27-Apr-76 660 Later Tyson Lykes 1979, to RRF 1986 as Cape Inscription
367 573093 Arizona States Line Ro-Ro Ship 15,000 38.0 1-Jan-75 8-Jun-76 524 Later Lipscomb Lykes 1979, Jupiter 1980, to RRF 1986 as Cape Intrepid
368 577636 Nevada States Line Ro-Ro Ship 15,000 38.0 28-Jul-75 11-Nov-76 472 Later Charles Lykes 1979, to RRF 1986 as Cape Isabel
369 581745 Illinois States Line Ro-Ro Ship 15,000 38.0 16-Feb-76 2-Jun-77 472 Later Mercury 1980, to RRF 1986 as Cape Island
370 FFG 7 Oliver Hazard Perry US Navy Frigate 3,144d 92.4 73 30-Oct-73 12-Jun-75 25-Sep-76 17-Dec-77 471 448 919 Scrapped 2006
371 591709 Maui Matson Navigation Containership 23,800 50.7 11-Jan-77 1-May-78 475 Active
372 na Matson Navigation Containership 23,800 Cancelled
373 FFG 8 McInerney US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 75 27-Feb-76 16-Jan-78 4-Nov-78 15-Dec-79 292 406 698 To Pakistan 2010 as Alamgir (F 260): active
374 FFG 11 Clark US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 76 27-Feb-76 17-Jul-78 24-Mar-79 9-May-80 250 412 662 To Poland 2000 as General K. Pulaski (F 272): active
375 FFG 13 Samuel Eliot Morison US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 76 27-Feb-76 4-Dec-78 14-Jul-79 10-Oct-80 222 454 676 To Turkey 2002 as Gorkova (F 496): active
376 FFG 15 Estocin US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 76 27-Feb-76 2-Apr-79 3-Nov-79 10-Jan-81 215 434 649 To Turkey 2003 as Gosku (F 497): active
377 FFG 16 Clifton Sprague US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 76 27-Feb-76 30-Jul-79 16-Feb-80 21-Mar-81 201 399 600 To Turkey 1997 as Gaziantep (F 490): active
378 FFG 21 Flatley US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 77 28-Feb-77 13-Nov-79 15-May-80 20-Jun-81 184 401 585 To Turkey 1998 as Gemlik (F 492): active
379 FFG 24 Jack Williams US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 77 28-Feb-77 25-Feb-80 30-Aug-80 19-Sep-81 187 385 572 To Bahrain 1996 as Sabha (F 90): active
380 FFG 26 Gallery US Navy Frigate 3,144d 59.4 77 28-Feb-77 17-May-79 20-Dec-80 5-Dec-81 583 350 933 To Egypt 1996 as Taba (F 916): active
381 FFG 29 Stephen W. Groves US Navy Frigate 3,144d 49.0 78 23-Jan-78 16-Sep-80 4-Apr-81 17-Apr-82 200 378 578 To NISMF Philadelphia 2012
382 FFG 32 John L. Hall US Navy Frigate 3,144d 49.0 78 23-Jan-78 5-Jan-81 24-Jul-81 26-Jun-82 200 337 537 To NISMF Philadelphia 2012
383 FFG 34 Aubrey Fitch US Navy Frigate 3,144d 49.0 78 23-Jan-78 10-Apr-81 17-Oct-81 9-Oct-82 190 357 547 Scrapped 2005
384 FFG 36 Underwood US Navy Frigate 3,144d 70.0 79 27-Apr-79 30-Jul-81 6-Feb-82 29-Jan-83 191 357 548 To NISMF Philadelphia 2013
385 FFG 39 Doyle US Navy Frigate 3,144d 70.0 79 27-Apr-79 23-Oct-81 22-May-82 21-May-83 211 364 575 To NISMF Philadelphia 2013
386 FFG 42 Klakring US Navy Frigate 3,144d 70.0 79 27-Apr-79 19-Feb-82 18-Sep-82 20-Aug-83 211 336 547 Struck 2013
387 FFG 45 Dewert US Navy Frigate 3,144d 65.1 80 28-Apr-80 14-Jun-82 18-Dec-82 19-Nov-83 187 336 523 Decommissioned 2014
388 FFG 47 Nicholas US Navy Frigate 3,144d 65.1 80 28-Apr-80 27-Sep-82 23-Apr-83 10-Mar-84 208 322 530 Decommissioned 2014
389 FFG 49 Robert G. Bradley US Navy Frigate 3,144d 65.1 80 28-Apr-80 28-Dec-82 13-Aug-83 11-Aug-84 228 364 592 Decommissioned 2014
390 FFG 50 Taylor US Navy Frigate 3,144d 82.3 81 22-May-81 5-May-83 5-Nov-83 1-Dec-84 184 392 576 To Taiwan 2015
391 FFG 53 Hawes US Navy Frigate 3,144d 82.3 81 22-May-81 26-Aug-83 18-Feb-84 9-Feb-85 176 357 533 To NISMF Philadelphia 2010
392 FFG 55 Elrod US Navy Frigate 3,144d 82.3 81 22-May-81 21-Nov-83 12-May-84 6-Jul-85 173 420 593 To Taiwan 2015
393 FFG 56 Simpson US Navy Frigate 3,144d 84.9 82 22-Mar-82 27-Feb-84 31-Aug-84 9-Nov-85 186 435 621 Active
394 FFG 58 Samuel B. Roberts US Navy Frigate 3,144d 84.9 82 22-Mar-82 21-May-84 8-Dec-84 12-Apr-86 201 490 691 Active
395 FFG 59 Kauffmann US Navy Frigate 3,144d 89.3 83 28-Oct-82 8-Apr-85 29-Mar-86 21-Feb-87 355 329 684 Active
396-399 na US Navy Frigate 3,144d Cancelled
400 601377 Argonaut U.S. Lines Containership 17,600 43.1 7-Jun-79 Scrapped 2004
401 612715 Resolute U.S. Lines Containership 17,600 43.1 22-Feb-80 Later American Resolute 1992, scrapped 2001
402 na Essayons Corps of Engineers Dredge 7,250 65.0 Nov-82 Subcontract from Sun Ship, active
404 658555 Falcon Leader Falcon Tankers Tanker 28,200 71.0 7-Aug-83 Later Sabine Eagle 1992, Seabrook 2005, scrapped 2007
405 663105 Falcon Champion Falcon Tankers Tanker 28,200 71.0 21-Jan-84 Sold 2003 as Asphalt Commander, scrapped 2008
406-407 na Falcon Tankers Tanker 28,200 Cancelled
408 644925 HSTC-1 Hawaiian Sugar Tpt. Sugar Barge 18,750 45.7 4-May-81 1-Mar-82 301 Subcontract from Sun Ship, active
409-419 na Not used
420 CG 51 Gates US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 305.2 1982 20-May-82 31-Aug-84 14-Dec-85 22-Jun-87 470 555 1025 Active
421 CG 58 Philippine Sea US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 252.8 1983 27-Dec-83 8-May-86 12-Jul-87 27-Jan-89 430 565 995 Active
422 CG 60 Normandy US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 191.8 1984 26-Nov-84 7-Apr-87 19-Mar-88 18-Oct-89 347 578 925 Active
423 CG 61 Monterrey US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 191.8 1984 26-Nov-84 19-Aug-87 23-Oct-88 25-Mar-90 431 518 949 Active
424 CG 63 Cowpens US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 193.3 1986 8-Jan-86 23-Dec-87 11-Mar-89 16-Nov-90 444 615 1059 Active
425 CG 64 Gettysburg US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 193.3 1986 8-Jan-86 17-Aug-88 22-Jul-89 5-Apr-91 339 622 961 Active
426 CG 67 Shiloh US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 236.0 1987 16-Apr-87 1-Aug-89 8-Sep-90 24-Apr-92 403 594 997 Active
427 CG 70 Lake Erie US Navy Cruiser 7,271d 226.1 1988 25-Feb-88 6-Mar-90 13-Jul-91 12-Mar-93 494 608 1102 Active
428-449 na Not used
450 DDG 51 Arleigh Burke US Navy Burke 8,315d 317.6 1985 2-Apr-85 6-Dec-88 16-Sep-89 29-Apr-91 284 590 874 Active
451 DDG 53 John Paul Jones US Navy Burke 8,850d 189.9 1987 25-Sep-87 8-Aug-90 26-Oct-91 20-Aug-93 444 664 1108 Active
452 DDG 54 Curtis Wilbur US Navy Burke 8,850d 203.3 1989 13-Dec-88 12-Mar-91 16-May-92 5-Nov-93 431 538 969 Active
453 DDG 56 John S. McCain US Navy Burke 8,850d 203.3 1989 13-Dec-88 3-Sep-91 26-Sep-92 25-Mar-94 389 545 934 Active
454 DDG 58 Laboon US Navy Burke 8,850d 203.3 1989 13-Dec-88 23-Mar-92 20-Feb-93 1-Jul-94 334 496 830 Active
455 DDG 60 Paul Hamilton US Navy Burke 8,850d 255.5 1990 22-Feb-90 24-Aug-92 24-Jul-93 30-Oct-94 334 463 797 Active
456 DDG 62 Fitzgerald US Navy Burke 8,850d 255.5 1990 22-Feb-90 9-Feb-93 29-Jan-94 28-Jul-95 354 545 899 Active
457 DDG 64 Carney US Navy Burke 8,850d 256.7 1991 16-Jan-91 3-Aug-93 23-Jul-94 1-Dec-95 354 496 850 Active
458 DDG 66 Gonzalez US Navy Burke 8,850d 256.7 1991 16-Jan-91 3-Feb-94 18-Feb-95 21-May-96 380 458 838 Active
459 DDG 68 The Sullivans US Navy Burke 8,850d 250.0 1992 8-Apr-92 27-Jul-94 12-Aug-95 29-Oct-96 381 444 825 Active
460 DDG 70 Hopper US Navy Burke 8,850d 250.0 1992 8-Apr-92 26-Feb-95 3-Feb-96 22-Apr-97 342 444 786 Active
461 DDG 72 Mahan US Navy Burke 9,033d 250.0 1992 19-Jan-93 18-Jun-95 29-Jun-96 15-Aug-97 377 412 789 Active
462 DDG 73 Decatur US Navy Burke 9,033d 248.7 1993 19-Jan-93 15-Jan-96 9-Nov-96 12-Jan-98 299 429 728 Active
463 DDG 75 Donald Cook US Navy Burke 9,033d 248.7 1993 19-Jan-93 7-Jul-96 3-May-97 21-Aug-98 300 475 775 Active
464 DDG 76 Higgins US Navy Burke 9,033d 248.7 1993 19-Jan-93 17-Nov-96 4-Oct-97 14-Jan-99 321 467 788 Active
465 DDG 77 O'Kane US Navy Burke 9,033d 323.7 1994 20-Jul-94 11-May-97 23-Mar-98 19-May-99 316 422 738 Active
466 DDG 79 Oscar Austin US Navy Burke 9,238d 323.7 1994 20-Jul-94 9-Oct-97 7-Nov-98 11-May-00 394 551 945 Active
467 DDG 81 Winston S. Churchill US Navy Burke 9,238d 367.6 1995 6-Jan-95 7-May-98 17-Apr-99 13-Oct-00 345 545 890 Active
468 DDG 83 Howard US Navy Burke 9,238d 340.0 1996 20-Jun-96 9-Dec-98 20-Nov-99 22-Jun-01 346 580 926 Active
469 DDG 85 McCampbell US Navy Burke 9,238d 337.8 1997 13-Dec-96 15-Jul-99 2-Jul-00 8-Mar-02 353 614 967 Active
470 DDG 87 Mason US Navy Burke 9,238d 337.8 1997 13-Dec-96 20-Jan-00 23-Jun-01 22-Nov-02 520 517 1037 Active
471-473 na Not used
474 DDG 90 Chafee US Navy Burke 9,238d 355.5 1998 6-Mar-98 12-Apr-01 9-Nov-02 25-Jul-03 576 258 834 Active
475 DDG 92 Momsen US Navy Burke 9,238d 355.5 1998 6-Mar-98 16-Nov-01 19-Jul-03 6-May-04 610 292 902 Active
476 DDG 94 Nitze US Navy Burke 9,238d 365.5 1999 6-Mar-98 20-Sep-02 3-Apr-04 29-Oct-04 561 209 770 Active
477 DDG 96 Bainbridge US Navy Burke 9,238d 324.0 2000 6-Mar-98 7-May-03 30-Oct-04 10-Jun-05 542 223 765 Active
478 DDG 99 Farragut US Navy Burke 9,238d 330.4 2001 6-Mar-98 7-Jan-04 9-Jul-05 6-Jan-06 549 181 730 Active
479 DDG 101 Gridley US Navy Burke 9,238d 330.4 2001 6-Mar-98 30-Jul-04 28-Dec-05 25-Aug-06 516 240 756 Active
480-499 na Not used
500 DDG 102 Sampson US Navy Burke 9,238d 464.4 2002 13-Sep-02 14-Mar-05 17-Sep-06 25-May-07 552 250 802 Active
501 DDG 104 Sterett US Navy Burke 9,238d 464.4 2002 13-Sep-02 17-Nov-05 20-May-07 29-Feb-08 549 285 834 Active
502 DDG 106 Stockdale US Navy Burke 9,238d 409.1 2003 13-Sep-02 10-Aug-06 24-Feb-08 30-Nov-08 563 280 843 Active
503 DDG 108 Wayne E. Meyer US Navy Burke 9,238d 485.0 2004 13-Sep-02 18-May-07 19-Oct-08 10-Jul-09 520 264 784 Active
504 DDG 109 Jason Dunham US Navy Burke 9,238d 524.7 2004 13-Sep-02 11-Apr-08 2-Aug-09 2-Jun-10 478 304 782 Active
505 DDG 111 Spruance US Navy Burke 9,238d 488.6 2005 13-Sep-02 14-May-09 6-Jun-10 15-Apr-11 388 313 701 Active
506 DDG 112 Michael Murphy US Navy Burke 9,238d 562.1 2006 13-Sep-02 12-Jun-10 8-May-11 4-May-12 330 362 692 Active
507 DDG 115 Rafael Peralta US Navy Burke 9,238d 679.6 2010 26-Sep-11 30-Oct-14 1-Nov-15 3-Feb-17 367 460 827 Active
508 DDG 116 Thomas Hudner US Navy Burke 9,238d 662.9 2011 28-Feb-12 16-Nov-15 23-Apr-17 15-Jun-18 523 418 941 Active
509 DDG 118 Daniel Inouye US Navy Burke 9,238d 711.0 2013 3-Jun-13 14-May-18 26-Oct-19 8-Mar-21 528 505 1,033 Active
510 DDG 120 Carl M. Levin US Navy Burke 9,238d 711.0 2014 17-Mar-14 1-Feb-19 16-May-21 Building
511 DDG 122 John Basilone US Navy Burke 9,238d 711.0 2015 30-Mar-15 10-Jan-20 Building
512 DDG 124 Harvey C. Barnum, Jr. US Navy Burke 9,238d 711.0 2016 30-Mar-16 21-May-21 Building
513 DDG 126 Louis H. Wilson Jr. US Navy Burke 9,238d 643.0 2017 28-Sep-17 Building
514 DDG 127 Patrick Gallagher US Navy Burke 9,238d 602.0 2017 28-Sep-17 Building
515 DDG 130 William Charette US Navy Burke 9,238d 976.2 2018 27-Sep-18 Building
516 DDG 132 Quentin Walsh US Navy Burke 9,238d 910.7 2018 23-Dec-18 Building
517 DDG 134 John E. Kilmer US Navy Burke 9,238d 976.2 2018 27-Sep-18 Building
518 DDG 136 US Navy Burke 9,238d 976.2 2018 27-Sep-18 Building
519 DDG 138 US Navy Burke 9,238d 976.2 2018 27-Sep-18 Building
5??-599 na Not used
601 DDG 1000 Zumwalt US Navy Zumwalt 13,539d ~2,500 2007 14-Feb-07 17-Nov-11 28-Oct-13 20-May-16 711 935 1,646 Active
602 DDG 1001 Michael Monsoor US Navy Zumwalt ~1,500 2010 15-Sep-11 23-May-13 21-Jun-16 24-Apr-18 1,125 1,229 2,354 Active
603 DDG 1002 Lyndon B. Johnson US Navy Zumwalt ~1,500 2010 15-Sep-11 30-Jan-17 9-Dec-18 678 Building


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The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023