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Bethlehem Quincy, Fore River Shipbuilding - Quincy MA

Bethlehem Steel's shipyard in Quincy MA was started by Alexander Graham Bell's famous assistant, Thomas A. Watson, in 1886, as The Fore River Engine Company. It was originally located in East Braintree but soon moved to Quincy and became The Fore River Ship & Engine Company. It was one of the world's great shipbuilders. The company was sold to Bethlehem Steel in 1913 and in World War One operated an emergency facility at Squantum Point to build destroyers. Along with only a handful of other large yards, it remained in full operation between the wars. Its capabilities were expanded at the start of the World War Two emergency, with an injection of $21mm from the Navy. It operated an emergency facility in World War Two as well: this one, at Hingham, built landing craft, DEs and LSTs - see its table here. At its peak, the yard employed 32,000 people. It continued as both a merchant and a naval shipbuilder after the war, with an astonishing record of building tankers for the big Greek shipowners, but couldn't make money, even when Bethlehem's other yards were doing well, and Bethlehem sold it to General Dynamics in 1963. (Note that Bethlehem's last hull number was 1691: GD started again at hull #1, always an unlucky thing to do.) GD invested heavily and concentrated on naval shipbuilding, but they couldn't make money there either: they closed the yard in 1986 and sold the property to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A start-up company called Massachusetts Heavy Industries bought it in 1997 and partially modernized it, with the aid of Title XI financing rammed down MARAD's throat by the Massachusetts congressional delegation. This company, which had no idea what it was doing, went bankrupt in 1999 before it could complete the modernization and the yard became MARAD's. It was sold at auction in January 2003 to a used-car dealer for $9 million and has now been liquidated. See the Quincy shipyard from the air on Google here and the site of the Squantum shipyard here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 14 July 2021.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Ship Type GT (d=LDT) Ft. Delivered Disposition
Built by Fore River Engine Company in East Braintree MA
100 116768 Sally Lyman Yacht 9 1897
101 127247 Caprice Robinson Yacht 9 1898
102 Eleanor Clapp Yacht
103 DD 8 Lawrence U. S. Navy Destroyer 400d 246 7-Apr-03 Scrapped 1920
104 DD 9 MacDonough U. S. Navy Destroyer 400d 246 3-Jul-03 Scrapped 1920
105 77364 Jule Julia Arthur Yacht 19 12-Jun-99
106 LV 72 Diamond Shoals U. S. Coast Guard Light Vessel 616d 13-Feb-01 Sold 1937
Built by Fore River Shipbuilding Company in Quincy MA
107 C 15 Des Moines U. S. Navy Cruiser 3,200d 310 5-Mar-04 Later PG 29, CL 17, scrapped 1930
108 BB 16 New Jersey U. S. Navy Battleship 14,680d 441 12-May-06 Sunk as target 1922
109 BB 17 Rhode Island U. S. Navy Battleship 14,680d 441 12-Feb-06 Scrapped 1924
110 145943 Thomas W. Lawson Coastwise Tptn. Schooner 5,218 10-Sep-02 Wrecked 1907
111 162247 No 40 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 954 6-Dec-02
112 162248 No 41 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 954 6-Dec-02
113 200428 William L. Douglas Coastwise Tptn. Bulk Carrier 3,708 11-Nov-03 Six-masted schooner
114 200941 Boston N.E. Nav Co. Cargo Ship 3,626 293 16-Jul-04 Scrapped 1934
115 201723 Providence N.E. Nav Co. Psgr./Cargo 4,365 379 21-Mar-05 Scrapped 1938
116 162251 No 44 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 954 17-Nov-03
117 162252 No 45 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 954 12-Dec-03
118 162253 No 46 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 954 10-Feb-04
119 162254 No 47 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 954 10-Feb-04
120 BB 20 Vermont U. S. Navy Battleship 16,040d 456 11-Feb-07 Scrapped 1924
121 162345 S. O. Co. No 3 S.O. Co. of NY Tank Barge 509 23-Nov-04
122 162366 S. O. Co. No 4 S.O. Co. of NY Tank Barge 509 16-Dec-04
123 Japan No 1 Japanese Navy Submarine 105d 16-Oct-05 Scrapped 1921
124 Japan No 2 Japanese Navy Submarine 105d 5-Sep-05 Scrapped 1921
125 Japan No 3 Japanese Navy Submarine 105d 5-Sep-05 Scrapped 1921
126 Japan No 4 Japanese Navy Submarine 105d 1-Oct-05 Scrapped 1921
127 Japan No 5 Japanese Navy Submarine 105d 1-Oct-05 Scrapped 1921
128 SS 9 Octopus (C 1) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 16-May-08 Scrapped 1922
129 SS 10 Viper (B 1) U. S. Navy Submarine 145d 82 16-Oct-07 Sunk as target 1922
130 SS 11 Cuttlefish (B 2) U. S. Navy Submarine 145d 82 16-Oct-07 Sunk as target 1922
131 SS 12 Tarantula (B 3) U. S. Navy Submarine 145d 82 29-Nov-07 Sunk as target 1922
132 CS 2 Birmingham U. S. Navy Cruiser 3,750d 423 10-Apr-08 Later CL 2, scrapped 1930
133 CS 3 Salem U. S. Navy Cruiser 3,750d 423 27-Jul-08 Later CL 3, scrapped 1930
134 202668 Spray Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 283 127 6-Dec-05 To USN 1917 as ID 2491 1917, returned 1919, Patrick J. O'Hara 1929, scrapped 1952
135 204256 Creole Southern Pacific Co. Psgr. Ship 6,754 407 22-Dec-07 Scrapped 1934
136 203001 South Shore Nantasket Beach SB Psgr. Ship 874 200 16-Jun-06 Wrecked 1928
137 203621 Satilla Brunswick S S Co. Cargo Ship 2,667 300 10-Nov-06 Hans Kinck 1916, torpedoed and lost 1917
138 203770 Ogeechee Brunswick S S Co. Cargo Ship 2,667 300 4-Apr-07 Gyldenpris 1917, sunk by gunfire 1917
139 203953 Ocmulgee Brunswick S S Co. Cargo Ship 2,667 300 29-Dec-06 Scrapped 1929
140 203856 Ossabaw Brunswick S S Co. Cargo Ship 2,667 300 24-Feb-07 Scrapped 1933
141 204579 Everett N.E. Coal & Coke Collier 5,103 373 19-Oct-07 Scrapped 1948
142 204744 Malden N.E. Coal & Coke Collier 5,103 373 2-Dec-07 In collision off Montauk Point and sank 1921
143 204848 Melrose N.E. Coal & Coke Collier 5,103 373 11-Jan-08 Scrapped 1947
144 204866 Altamaha Brunswick S S Co. Cargo Ship 2,667 300 30-Dec-07 Wrecked 1923 but cut down to a barge, abandoned 1933
145 204647 N.E. N.E. Nav Co. Tank Barge 417 168 2-Dec-07 Tanker Sarah Pinser 1944, scrapped 1951
146 204859 Transfer No 21 NY, NH & H RR Tug 268 111 19-Jan-08 Tigre 1920, Molosse 1922, Transfer No. 21 1926, scrapped 1960
147 LV 90 Hedge Fence U. S. Coast Guard Light Vessel 478 14-May-08 Later WAL 514, sold 1955
148 LV 91 Relief No 1 U. S. Coast Guard Light Vessel 478 29-May-08 Later WAL 515, sold 1963
149 LV 92 Relief No 2 U. S. Coast Guard Light Vessel 478 15-Jun-08 Later WAL 516, sold 1954, hulked in Tacoma
150 LV 93 Swiftsure U. S. Coast Guard Light Vessel 478 6-Jul-08 Later WAL 517, sold 1955
151 BB 29 North Dakota U. S. Navy Battleship 20,000d 519 10-Apr-10 Scrapped 1931
152 SS 13 Stingray (C 2) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 16-Oct-09 Scrapped 1922
153 SS 14 Tarpon (C 3) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 14-Oct-09 Scrapped 1922
154 SS 15 Bonita (C 4 ) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 20-Oct-09 Scrapped 1922
155 SS 16 Snapper (C 5) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 22-Oct-09 Scrapped 1922
156 SS 17 Narwhal (D 1 ) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 7-Oct-09 Scrapped 1922
157 SS 18 Grayling (D 2) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 11-Oct-09 Scrapped 1922
158 SS 19 Salmon (D 3) U. S. Navy Submarine 238d 105 1-Sep-10 Scrapped 1922
159 General Robert Anderson U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 25-Jan-09 Presumed scrapped after WWII
160 General Richard Arnold U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 29-Jan-09 Lost 1942
161 General R. B. Ayers U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 9-Feb-09 H R Carter 1932, General Patrick W Guiney 1938, scrapped 1955
162 239135 General J. M. Brannan U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 13-Feb-09 Frank W Spencer, Charles H Harper, abandoned 1979
163 223781 General H. Brown U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 20-Feb-09 Vulcan 1923, Vivian Powell 1942
164 General G. B. Getty U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 1-Mar-09 Deleted before WWII
165 237482 General R. H. Jackson U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 8-Mar-09 Three Bros 1938, Fort Sumter 194x
166 General A. M. Randol U. S. Army Tug/JMP 153 92 19-Mar-09 Presumed scrapped after WWII
167 No 54 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 21-Nov-08
168 No 55 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 5-Dec-08
169 No 56 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 22-Dec-08
170 No 57 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 2-Jan-09
171 No 58 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 20-Jan-09
172 No 59 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 13-Feb-09
173 No 60 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 18-Feb-09
174 206133 Transfer No 22 NY, NH & H RR Tug 268 294 4-May-09
175 DD 26 Perkins U. S. Navy Destroyer 742d 294 15-Nov-10 Scrapped 1935
176 DD 27 Sterett U. S. Navy Destroyer 742d 294 12-Dec-10 Scrapped 1935
177 207367 Aloha Arthur C James Yacht 659 180 11-May-10 To USN 1917 as Aloha (SP 317), sold 1919 as Aloha, scrapped 1938
178 207246 Herman Frasch Union Sulphur Co Bulk Carrier 3,803 345 5-Apr-10 To US Army, to USN 1917 as ID 1617, in collision and sank 1918
179 SS 24 Skipjack (E 1) U. S. Navy Submarine 287d 135 13-Feb-12 Scrapped 1922
180 SS 25 Sturgeon (E 2) U. S. Navy Submarine 287d 135 14-Feb-12 Scrapped 1925
181 DD34 Walke U. S. Navy Destroyer 742d 294 18-Jul-11 Scrapped 1935
182 YE 13 No 13 U. S. Navy Ammo Lighter 50d 126 19-Jan-10 YCF 4, scrapped 1947
183 207082 Miguelito Porto Rico Mercantile Tanker 276 126 29-Jan-10 Scrapped 1970
184 207083 Fifi Cuba Distilling Co Molasses Bge. 368 31-Jan-10
185 207084 Graziela Cuba Distilling Co Molasses Bge. 368 31-Jan-10
186 164014 Santa Maria II Columbus Dis Tank Barge 265 5-Feb-10
187 Argentina Rivadavia Argentine Navy Battleship 27,566d 27-Aug-14 Scrapped 1956
188 208114 Currier Cuba Distilling Co Tanker 4,711 370 15-Dec-10 Victory Sword 1941, scuttled as breakwater at Normandy 1944
189 207916 Foam Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 244 126 14-Sep-10 To USN 1917 as ID 2496, returned 1919, scrapped 1927
190 Pennsylvania R R Co. Car Float 28-Dec-10
191 Pennsylvania R R Co. Car Float 17-Dec-10
192 208399 Sankaty New Bedford S S Co. Psgr. Ship 678 187 14-Apr-11 Charles A. Dunning 1947, sank 1964
193 208239 Ripple Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 244 126 23-Dec-10 To USN 1910 as Faithful (YFB 5), to Russia 1917 as T 44, Boston 1927, scrapped 1949
194 New Orleans Corps of Engineers Dredge 4,425d 4-Apr-12
195 208553 Crest Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 244 126 1-May-11 To USN 1917 as Crest (SP 339), returned 1919
196 DD 39 Henley U. S. Navy Destroyer 742d 294 5-May-12 Scrapped 1934
197 209388 Newton N.E. Coal & Coke Cargo Ship 5,194 389 20-Nov-11 Scrapped 1948
198 SS 32 Haddock (K 1) U. S. Navy Submarine 392d 154 17-Apr-14 Scrapped 1931
199 SS 33 Cachalot (K 2) U. S. Navy Submarine 392d 154 28-Jan-14 Scrapped 1931
200 209181 Swell Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 253 118 29-Dec-11 To USN 1917 as Surf (SP 341), returned 1919
305 209480 Surf Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 253 118 4-Jan-12
202 DD 46 Duncan U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,071d 305 30-Aug-13 Scrapped 1935
203 SS 36 K 5 U. S. Navy Submarine 392d 154 19-Aug-14 Scrapped 1931
204 SS 37 K 6 U. S. Navy Submarine 392d 154 5-Sep-14 Scrapped 1931
205 BB 36 Nevada U. S. Navy Battleship 27,500d 583 11-Mar-16 Sunk as target 1948
206 AS 1 Niagara/Fulton U. S. Navy Sub Tender 1,190 221 2-Dec-14 Later PG 49, scrapped 1934
207 210617 Nelson Cuba Distilling Co Tanker 4,747 370 17-Nov-12 Stanley Hiller 1936, American Fisher 1936, Futa 1948, Righi 1949, scrapped 1958
208 210837 Frieda Union Sulphur Co Bulk Carrier 2,994 349 19-Feb-13 Peh Shan 1937, Norse Carrier 1937, Sana Maru 1941, torpedoed and lost 1943
209 211443 Richmond S.O. Co of Cal. Tanker 6,563 419 23-Sep-13 Scrapped 1947
210 No 61 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 14-Jun-13
211 No 62 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 9-Jul-13
212 211544 Wave Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 253 118 2-Sep-13 Intended for USN as SP 1706 but not taken up
213 211541 Billow Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 253 118 15-Aug-13 To USN 1918 as Billow (ID 1704), returned 1918
214 211543 Breaker Bay State Fishing Co. Trawler 253 118 26-Aug-13 To USN 1918 as Breaker (ID 1707), returned 1919
215 DD 55 Cushing U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,015d 305 21-Aug-15 Scrapped 1936
216 No 63 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 12-Aug-13
217 No 64 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 1-Sep-13
218 211906 Amolco Boston Molasses Co Tanker 3,074 317 25-Jan-14 Cuauhtemoc 1938, wrecked 1951, scrapped 1953
219 SS 40 L 1 U. S. Navy Submarine 450d 167 11-Apr-16 Scrapped 1922
220 SS 41 L 2 U. S. Navy Submarine 450d 167 11-Apr-16 Scrapped 1933
221 SS 42 L 3 U. S. Navy Submarine 450d 167 21-Apr-16 Scrapped 1933
222 SS 43 L 4 U. S. Navy Submarine 450d 167 4-May-16 Scrapped 1922
223 SS 47 M 1 U. S. Navy Submarine 675d 196 16-Feb-16 Scrapped 1922
224 212387 Atlantic Emery S S Co Cargo Ship 5,399 388 22-Jul-14 Wilmore 1917, torpedoed and lost 1917
225 212560 Pacific Emery S S Co Cargo Ship 5,399 388 29-Sep-14 Hewitt 1915, missing 1921
226 DD 57 Tucker U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,090d 315 10-Apr-16 Scrapped 1937
227 SS 49 L 9 U. S. Navy Submarine 450d 167 4-Aug-16 Scrapped 1934
228 SS 50 L 10 U. S. Navy Submarine 450d 167 2-Aug-16 Scrapped 1922
229 SS 51 L 11 U. S. Navy Submarine 450d 167 15-Aug-16 Scrapped 1933
230 U.K. H 11 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 2-Dec-15 Discarded 1921
231 U.K. H 12 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 2-Dec-15 Discarded 1922
232 U.K. H 13 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 2-Dec-15 Discarded 1949
233 U.K. H 14 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 2-Dec-15 Discarded 1925
234 U.K. H 15 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 2-Dec-15 Discarded 1925
235 U.K. H 16 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 7-Dec-15 Discarded 1945
236 U.K. H 17 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 7-Dec-15 Discarded 1945
237 U.K. H 18 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 7-Dec-15 Discarded 1945
238 U.K. H 19 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 9-Dec-15 Discarded 1953
239 U.K. H 20 Royal Navy Submarine 364d 9-Dec-15 Discarded 1953
240 U.K. Royal Navy Submarine Cancelled (built by Can. Vickers)
241 U.K. Royal Navy Submarine Cancelled (built by Can. Vickers)
242 DD 63 Sampson U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,110d 315 27-Jun-16 Scrapped 1936
243 DD 64 Rowan U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,110d 315 22-Aug-16 Scrapped 1939
244 213878 Texas Texas Oil Co Tanker 6,678 416 18-Feb-16 Apsheron 1943, Kenwood (IX 179) 1944, Johren 1946, scrapped 1950
245 213937 NY Texas Oil Co Tanker 6,678 416 9-Apr-16 Scrapped 1950
246 SS 52 Schley (T 1/AA 1) U. S. Navy Submarine 1,107d 269 30-Jan-20 Later SF 1, scrapped 1930
247 214053 Cubadist Cuba Distilling Co Tanker 5,788 389 26-May-06 Missing 1920
248 214560 Edward Luckenbach Luckenbach S S Co Cargo Ship 8,151 437 28-Nov-16 Hit mine and lost 1939
249 214190 Sucrosa Cuba Distilling Co Tanker 5,788 389 30-Jun-16 Cities Service Fuel 1926, scrapped 1946
250 Spain Isaac Peral Spanish Navy Submarine 488d 25-Jan-17 Laid up 1930
251 214677 Julia Luckenbach Luckenbach S S Co Cargo Ship 7,943 437 25-Jan-17 In collision and lost 1943
252 214740 Mielero Cuba Distilling Co Tanker 5,853 389 14-Feb-17 Foundered 1920
253 215286 Pennsylvania Texas Oil Co Tanker 6,666 417 30-Jun-17 To USN 1945 as Sea Foam (IX 210), Pennsylvania 1946, scrapped 1948
254 215371 Virginia Texas Oil Co Tanker 6,666 417 29-Jul-17 Scrapped 1947
255 Argentina Ing. Luis A. Huergo Argentine Navy Tanker 3,327 Apr-17 Scrapped 1960
256 SS 64 O 3 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 13-Jun-18 Scrapped 1946
257 SS 65 O 4 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 28-May-18 Scrapped 1946
258 SS 66 O 5 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 8-Jun-18 Sunk in collision off Panama 1923
259 SS 67 O 6 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 12-Jun-18 Scrapped 1946
260 SS 68 O 7 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 4-Jul-18 Scrapped 1946
261 SS 69 O 8 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 11-Jul-18 Scrapped 1946
262 SS 70 O 9 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 27-Jul-18 Foundered off Maine 1941
263 SS 71 O 10 U. S. Navy Submarine 520d 175 17-Aug-18 Scrapped 1946
Built by Bethlehem Steel
264 215800 K. I. Luckenbach Luckenbach S S Co Cargo Ship 7,882 446 3-Feb-18 Stocksun 1951, scrapped 1954
265 215668 F. J. Luckenbach Luckenbach S S Co Cargo Ship 7,821 446 28-Nov-17 Comptroller 1947, scrapped 1951
267 216090 Katrina Luckenbach Luckenbach S S Co Cargo Ship 7,882 446 18-May-18 Stockstar 1951, scrapped 1953
268 216388 George W. Barnes Pan Am Pet.Tpt Co Tanker 6,531 417 5-Jun-18 Scrapped 1948
269 216877 W. L. Steed Pan Am Pet Tpt Co Tanker 6,451 417 9-Sep-18 Torpedoed and lost 1942
270 SS 2 T 2 (AA 2) U. S. Navy Submarine 1,107d 269 7-Jan-21 Later SF 2, scrapped 1930
271 SS 3 T 3 (AA 3) U. S. Navy Submarine 1,107d 269 7-Dec-20 Later SF 3, scrapped 1930
272 216977 War Crest USSB Cargo Ship 5,769 390 16-Oct-18 Nantasket, scrapped 1937
273 217211 War Crown USSB Cargo Ship 5,770 390 30-Nov-18 Cohasset, scrapped 1935
274 DD 79 Little U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 5-Apr-18 Later APD 4, sunk 1942
275 DD 80 Kimberly U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 27-Apr-18 Scrapped 1922
276 DD 81 Sigourney U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 14-May-18 To Britain 1940 as HMS Newport, scrapped 1947
277 DD 82 Gregory U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 31-May-18 Later APD 3, sunk off Guadalcanal 1942
278 DD 83 Stringham U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 2-Jul-18 Later APD 6, scrapped 1946
279 DD 84 Dyer U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 2-Jul-18 Scrapped 1936
280 DD 85 Colhoun U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 12-Jun-18 Later APD 2, sunk off Guadalcanal 1942
281 DD 86 Stevens U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 23-May-18 Scrapped 1936
282 SS 78 R 1 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 16-Dec-18 Scrapped 1946
283 SS 79 R 2 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 24-Jan-19 Scrapped 1946
284 SS 80 R 3 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 17-Apr-19 To Britain 1941 as P-511, scrapped 1948
285 SS 81 R 4 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 28-Mar-19 Scrapped 1946
286 SS 82 R 5 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 15-Apr-19 Scrapped 1946
287 SS 83 R 6 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 1-May-19 Scrapped 1946
288 SS 84 R 7 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 12-Jun-19 Scrapped 1946
289 SS 85 R 8 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 21-Jul-19 Foundered 1936
290 SS 86 R 9 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 30-Jul-19 Scrapped 1946
291 SS 87 R 10 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 20-Aug-19 Scrapped 1946
292 SS 88 R 11 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 5-Sep-19 Scrapped 1948
293 SS 89 R 12 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 23-Sep-19 Foundered 1943
294 SS 90 R 13 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 17-Oct-19 Scrapped 1946
295 SS 91 R 14 U. S. Navy Submarine 569d 186 24-Dec-19 Scrapped 1946
296 SS 105 S 1 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 5-Jun-20 To Britain 1942 as P-552, scrapped 1946
297 217883 Lewis Luckenbach Luckenbach S S Co Cargo Ship 10,662 496 8-May-19 Hospital Ship Louis A. Milne 1944, scrapped 1957
298 218007 Andrea Luckenbach Luckenbach S S Co Cargo Ship 10,725 496 12-Jun-19 Torpedoed and lost 1943
300 CC 1 Lexington U. S. Navy Cruiser 38,957d 874 14-Dec-27 Completed as CV 2, scuttled in Battle of the Coral Sea
301 DD 95 Bell U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 1-Aug-18 Scrapped 1936
302 DD 96 Stribling U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 10-Aug-18 Later DM 1, sunk as target 1936
303 DD 97 Murray U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 20-Aug-18 Later DM 2, scrapped 1936
304 DD 98 Israel U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 20-Aug-18 Later DM 3, scrapped 1939
305 DD 99 Schley/Luce U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 11-Sep-18 Later DM 4, scrapped 1936
306 DD 100 Maury U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 23-Sep-18 Later DM 5, scrapped 1934
307 DD 101 Lansdale U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 26-Oct-18 Later DM 6, scrapped 1939
308 DD 102 Mahan U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 24-Oct-18 Later DM 7, scrapped 1931
309 SS 123 S 19 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 16-Aug-22 Scuttled 1938
310 SS 124 S 18 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 17-May-22 Sunk off Pearl Harbor 1938
311 SS 125 S 20 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 25-Mar-22 Scrapped 1946
312 SS 126 S 21 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 6-Sep-22 To Britain 1942 as P-553, sunk as target 1945
313 SS 127 S 22 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 4-Apr-22 To Britain 1942 as P-554, scrapped 1945
314 SS 128 S 23 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 2-May-22 Scrapped 1947
315 SS 129 S 24 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 3-Aug-22 To Britain 1942 as P-555, sunk as target 1947
316 SS 130 S 25 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 24-Jun-22 To Britain 1941 as P-551, to Poland 1941 as Jastrzab, lost 1942
317 SS 131 S 26 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 18-Sep-22 In collision and lost off Panama 1942
318 SS 132 S 27 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 29-Nov-22 Wrecked in the Aleutians 1942
319 SS 133 S 28 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 14-Oct-22 Foundered off Oahu 1944
320 SS 134 S 29 U. S. Navy Submarine 854d 219 11-Dec-22 To Britain 1942 as P-556, scrapped 1956
321 DD 161 Palmer U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 22-Nov-18 Later DMS 5, sunk by Japanese aircraft in Lingayen Gulf 1945
322 DD 162 Thatcher U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 14-Jan-19 To Canada 1940 as HMCS Niagara, scrapped 1947
323 DD 163 Walker U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 31-Jan-19 Later YW 57, IX 44, scuttled off Hawaii 1941
324 DD 164 Crosby U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 24-Jan-19 Later APD 17, scrapped 1946
325 DD 165 Meredith U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 29-Jan-19 Scrapped 1936
326 DD 166 Bush U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 19-Feb-19 Scrapped 1936
327 DD 167 Cowell U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 17-Mar-19 To Britain 1940 as HMS Brighton (I 08), to USSR 1944 as Zharkiy, returned and scrapped 1949
328 DD 168 Maddox U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 10-Mar-19 To Britain 1940 as HMS Georgetown (I 40), to USSR 1944 as Zhostki, returned and scrapped 1949
329 DD 169 Foote U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 21-Mar-19 To Britain 1940 as HMS Roxborough (I 07), to USSR 1944 as Doblesnyi, returned and scrapped 1952
330 DD 170 Rodgers/Kalk U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 29-Mar-19 To Canada 1940 as HMCS Hamilton (I 24), wrecked and lost 1945
331 DD 251 Belknap U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 18-Apr-19 Later AVD 8 and APD 34, scrapped 1946
332 DD 252 McCook U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 19-May-19 To Canada 1940 as HMCS St. Croix (I 81), sunk by u-boat 1943
333 DD 253 McCalla U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 30-Apr-19 To Britain 1940 as HMS Stanley (I 73), sunk by u-boat 1941
334 DD 254 Kalk/Rodgers U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 22-Jul-19 To Britain 1940 as HMS Sherwood (I 80), beached and destroyed as target 1943
335 DD 255 Ingram/Osmond U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 27-Jun-09 Later AVD 9 and APD 35, scrapped 1946
336 DD 256 Bancroft U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 30-Jun-19 To Canada 1940 as HMCS St. Francis (I 93), wrecked and lost 1945
337 DD 257 Welles U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 2-Sep-19 To Britain 1940 as HMS Cameron (I 05), damaged in Portsmouth 1940, scrapped 1944
338 DD 258 Aulick U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 25-Jul-19 To Britain 1940 as HMS Burnham (H 82), scrapped 1948
339 DD 259 Turner U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 23-Sep-19 Later YW 56, IX 98, scrapped 1948
340 DD 260 Gillis U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 3-Sep-19 Later AVD 12, scrapped 1946
341 DD 261 Delphy U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 30-Nov-18 Built at Squantum, wrecked on Konda Point 1923
342 DD 262 McDermut U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 27-Mar-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1932
343 DD 263 Laub U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 17-Mar-19 Built at Squantum, to Britain 1940 as HMS Burwell (H 94) scrapped 1947
344 DD 264 McLanahan U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 5-Apr-19 Built at Squantum, to Britain 1940 as HMS Bradford (H 72), scrapped 1946
345 DD 265 Edwards U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 24-Apr-19 Built at Squantum, to Britain 1940 as HMS Buxton (H 96), scrapped 1946
346 DD 266 Greene U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 9-May-19 Built at Squantum, wrecked on Okinawa 1945
347 DD 267 Ballard U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 5-Jun-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1945
348 DD 268 Shubrick U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 3-Jul-19 Built at Squantum, to Britain 1940 as HMS Ripley (G 79), scrapped 1945
349 DD 269 Bailey U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 27-Jun-19 Built at Squantum, to Britain 1940 as HMS Reading (G 71), scrapped 1945
350 DD 270 Thornton U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 15-Jul-19 Built at Squantum, wrecked on Kerama Retto 1945
351 DD 271 Morris U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 21-Jul-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1936
352 DD 272 Tingey U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 25-Jul-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1936
353 DD 273 Swasey U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 31-Jul-19 Built at Squantum, to Britain 1940 as HMS Rockingham (G 58), sunk by mine off Aberdeen 1944
354 DD 274 Meade U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 8-Sep-19 Built at Squantum, to Britain 1940 as HMS Ramsey (G 60), scrapped 1947
355 DD 275 Sinclair U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 26-Aug-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1935
356 DD 276 McCawley U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 29-Aug-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
357 DD 277 Moody U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 26-Sep-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1933
358 DD 278 Henshaw U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 24-Sep-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1930
359 DD 279 Meyer U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 30-Sep-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1932
360 DD 280 Doyen U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 10-Oct-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1930
361 DD 281 Sharkey U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 20-Oct-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
362 DD 282 Toucey U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 31-Oct-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
363 DD 283 Breck U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 28-Nov-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
364 DD 284 Isherwood U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 26-Nov-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
365 DD 285 Case U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 29-Nov-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
366 DD 286 Lardner U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 10-Dec-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
367 DD 287 Putnam U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 18-Dec-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
368 DD 288 Worden U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 23-Dec-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
369 DD 289 Flusser U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 31-Dec-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
370 DD 290 Dale U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 14-Feb-20 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
371 DD 291 Converse U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 27-Apr-20 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
372 DD 292 Reid U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 6-Nov-19 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
373 DD 293 Billingsley U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 7-Feb-20 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
374 DD 294 Charles Ausburn U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 28-Feb-20 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
375 DD 295 Osborne U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,185d 315 17-May-20 Built at Squantum, scrapped 1931
1376 218436 Watertown USSB Tanker 6,408 417 16-Jul-19 Scrapped 1948
1377 218676 Baldbutte USSB Tanker 6,449 417 13-Aug-19 Scrapped 1947
1378 218915 Baldhill USSB Tanker 6,413 417 20-Sep-19 Scrapped 1948
1379 219063 Hadnot USSB Tanker 6,413 417 24-Oct-19 Scrapped 1947
1380 219287 Hagan USSB Tanker 6,413 417 25-Nov-19 Torpedoed and lost 1942
1381 219394 Trimountain USSB Tanker 6,413 417 23-Dec-19 Springwater 1947, scrapped 1954
1382 CL 7 Raleigh U. S. Navy Cruiser 7,100d 610 6-Feb-24 Scrapped 1946
1383 CL 8 Detroit U. S. Navy Cruiser 7,100d 610 31-Jul-23 Scrapped 1947
1384 219905 Cubore Ore S S Corp. Bulk Carrier 6,891 451 2-Aug-20 Cornore 1948, scrapped 1950
1385 220680 China Arrow Standard Tptn. Tanker 8,403 468 1-Oct-20 Sunk by gunfire 1942
1386 220831 Japan Arrow Standard Tptn. Tanker 8,327 468 24-Nov-20 To USN 1944 as Chotauk (IX 188), American Arrow 1946, scrapped 1947
1387 221086 India Arrow Standard Tptn. Tanker 8,327 468 17-Mar-21 Torpedoed and lost 1942
1388 221272 Java Arrow Standard Tptn. Tanker 8,327 468 24-May-21 Kerry Patch 1943, Celtic 1944, Radketch 1948, Gale 1949, Sugar 1955, scrapped 1959
1389 SS 153 S 42 U. S. Navy Submarine 906d 225 8-Aug-23 Scrapped 1947
1390 SS 154 S 43 U. S. Navy Submarine 906d 225 11-Jul-23 Scrapped 1946
1391 SS 155 S 44 U. S. Navy Submarine 906d 225 8-Jan-24 Sunk in the Kurile Islands 1943
1392 SS 156 S 45 U. S. Navy Submarine 906d 225 27-Sep-23 Scrapped 1947
1393 SS 157 S 46 U. S. Navy Submarine 906d 225 12-Nov-23 Scrapped 1947
1394 SS 158 S 47 U. S. Navy Submarine 906d 225 27-Feb-24 Scrapped 1946
1395 221354 Agwibay Atl., Gulf & W Indies SS Tanker 8,331 468 23-Jun-21 Axtel J. Byles 1927, William F. Humphrey 1927, torpedoed and lost 1942
1396 221450 J. Fletcher Farrell Sinclair Nav Co Tanker 7,061 430 6-Jul-21 Josif Stalin 1943, Bunkerovshchik 1949, scrapped in the late 1960s
1397 221508 Wm. Boyce Thompson Sinclair Nav Co Tanker 7,061 430 28-Jul-21 Torpedoed and scuttled 1943
1398 226031 Charles C. Donoghue City of Boston Ferries Ferry 684 162 23-Sep-26 Scrapped 1953
1399 226078 Daniel A. MacCormack City of Boston Ferries Ferry 684 162 21-Oct-26 Scrapped 1953
1400 BB 54 Massachusetts U. S. Navy Battleship 43,200d 684 Cancelled
1401 226250 Governor Carr Jamestown & Newport Co. Ferry 412 144 14-Feb-27 Burnt 1961
1402 No 65 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 17-Jan-27
1403 No 66 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 9-Feb-27
1404 No 67 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 9-Apr-27
1405 No 68 NY, NH & H RR Car Float 9-Apr-27
1406 Not used
1407 Not used
1408 169728 Cities Service No. 2 Cities Service Co. Tank Barge 846 194 20-Apr-27 Later Russell Poling 27, B-12
1409 169850 Cities Service No. 3 Cities Service Co. Tank Barge 464 150 23-Aug-27 Later Revere Sugar Refinery No. 1
1410 CL 26 Northampton U. S. Navy Cruiser 10,000d 600 15-May-30 Later CA 26, sunk off Guadalcanal 1942
1411 WPG 45 Chelan U. S. Coast Guard Gunboat 2,075d 42 20-Aug-28 To Britain 1941 as HMS Lulworth (Y 60), returned 1946, sold 1947
1412 WPG 46 Pontchartrain U. S. Coast Guard Gunboat 2,075d 42 10-May-28 To Britain 1941 as HMS Hartland (Y 00), sunk at Oran 1942, salvaged, scuttled 1949
1413 WPG 47 Tahoe U. S. Coast Guard Gunboat 2,075d 42 31-Oct-28 To Britain 1941 as HMS Fishguard (Y 59), returned 1946, sold 1947
1414 WPG 48 Champlain U. S. Coast Guard Gunboat 2,075d 42 12-Jan-29 To Britain 1941 as HMS Sennen (Y 21), returned 1946, sold 1948
1415 WPG 49 Mendota U. S. Coast Guard Gunboat 2,075d 42 16-Mar-29 To Britain 1941 as HMS Culver (Y 87), sunk by u-boat in the North Atlantic 1942
1416 227207 Edward F. Farrington Middlesex Tptn. Cargo Ship 492 124 22-Feb-28 COL Charles O. Zollars 1942, Edward F. Farrington 1951, scrapped 1966
1417 227565 New Bedford N.E. S S Co. Psgr./Cargo 1,117 203 19-May-28 Abandoned 1968
1418 228015 Virginia Lee Pennsylvania R R Co. Psgr./Cargo 2,158 291 25-Oct-28 Holiday 1949, roro ferry Accomac 1951, burnt 1964
1419 228037 Shawmut Massachusetts Trawling Trawler 235 115 5-Nov-28 To USN as Goldcrest (AM 80), sold as Batavia 1947, Minnie 1955, Newton 1960
1420 228040 Trimount Massachusetts Trawling Trawler 235 115 19-Nov-28 To USN as Chaffinch (AM 81), sold 1946, later Medan
1421 228089 William J. O'Brien R O'Brien & Co Trawler 215 115 18-Dec-28
1422 228674 Berwindglen Wilmore S S Co. Collier 4,411 350 23-Jul-29 Mary J. Sheridan 1950, scrapped 1954
1423 228882 Berwindvale Wilmore S S Co. Collier 4,411 350 21-Aug-29 James Sheridan 1946, scrapped 1952
1424 228531 Naushon N.E. S S Co. Psgr./Cargo 1,978 240 20-May-29 John A. Meseck 1947, scrapped 1974
1425 Seaboard No 1 Seaboard Shipping Corp. Tank Barge 442 160 19-Jun-29 E. G. B. Riley 1931, Falcon 1950, Uvero 1961, foundered 1998
1426 228957 No-Nox Gulf Refining Co. Tank Barge 982 200 20-Aug-29 Vincent Tibbetts 1959
1427 229230 Quincy R O'Brien & Co Trawler 164 102 18-Dec-29
1428 229229 Dorchester R O'Brien & Co Trawler 164 102 6-Jan-30
1429 229231 Winthrop R O'Brien & Co Trawler 164 102 26-Dec-29 Scuttled 1989
1430 CL 33 Portland U. S. Navy Cruiser 11,657d 610 23-Feb-33 Later CA 33, scrapped 1969
1431 170513 Cities Service No. 4 Cities Service Co. Tank Barge 810 200 20-Nov-29 Sank 1936
1432 230447 Borinquen NY & Porto Rico SS Psgr. Liner 7,114 414 20-Feb-31 Puerto Rico 1949, Arosa Star 1954, Bahama Star 1959, La Janelle 1969, wrecked 1970
1433 229280 Dartmouth General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 167 102 27-Jan-30 Later Billow
1434 229278 Amherst General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 167 102 7-Feb-30
1435 229279 Cornell General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 167 102 15-Feb-30 Later Breaker
1436 229699 L T C No 1 Lake Tankers Corp. Tank Barge 548 194 30-May-30 Y 126 1943, Orion 1948
1437 229771 L T C No 2 Lake Tankers Corp. Tank Barge 548 194 13-Jun-30 Y 127 1943, Veronica 1948, Rognac 1950, Antignano 1958, scrapped 1996
1438 230365 Virginia Sinclair Sinclair Nav Co. Tanker 6,151 416 20-Dec-30 Torpedoed and lost 1943
1439 230411 Harry F Sinclair Jr Sinclair Nav Co. Tanker 6,151 416 28-Feb-31 Annibal 1943, Saturn 1952, scrapped 1956
1440 231312 Mariposa Matson Line Psgr. Ship 18,017 604 14-Dec-31 Cruise ship Homeric 1954, scrapped 1974
1441 231480 Monterey Matson Line Psgr. Ship 16,017 604 29-Apr-32 Matsonia 1953, Lurline 1953, cruise ship Britanis 1970, Belofin I 1998, sank 2000
1442 229926 L T C No 3 Lake Tankers Corp. Tank Barge 548 194 1-Jul-30 Y 128 1943, Vitoria 1948, Gignac 1951, Montenero 1956, scrapped 1986
1443 230355 General Sumner City of Boston Ferries Ferry 779 164 6-Jan-31 Ralph J. Palumbo 1936, Chester 1950, scrapped 1965
1444 231465 Antigua United Fruit S S Co. Psgr./Cargo 6,983 416 1-Apr-32 Tortuga 1958, scrapped 1964
1445 231645 Quirigua United Fruit S S Co. Psgr./Cargo 6,983 416 4-Jun-32 To USN 1942 as Mizar (AF 12), Quirigua 1946, Samala 1959, scrapped 1964
1446 231755 Veragua United Fruit S S Co. Psgr./Cargo 6,983 416 5-Aug-32 To USN 1942 as Merak (AF 21), Veragua 1946, Sinaloa 1959, scrapped 1964
1447 231480 Lurline Matson Line Psgr. Ship 18,021 604 5-Jan-33 Ellinis 1963, scrapped 1987
1448 DD 348 Farragut U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,724d 341 18-Jun-34 Scrapped 1947
1449 CA 44 Vincennes U. S. Navy Cruiser 11,550d 588 24-Feb-37 Sunk off Savo Island 1942
1450 CA 39 Quincy U. S. Navy Cruiser 11,550d 588 9-Jun-36 Sunk off Savo Island 1942
1451 DD 360 Phelps U. S. Navy Destroyer 2,132d 381 26-Feb-36 Scrapped 1947
1452 DD 361 Clark U. S. Navy Destroyer 2,132d 381 20-May-36 Scrapped 1946
1453 DD 362 Moffett U. S. Navy Destroyer 2,132d 381 28-Sep-37 Scrapped 1947
1454 DD 363 Balch U. S. Navy Destroyer 2,132d 381 5-Oct-37 Scrapped 1946
1455 233499 Thomas Whalen R O'Brien & Co Trawler 163 102 9-Oct-34 Later Mara, Adama
1456 233497 Atlantic R O'Brien & Co Trawler 163 102 25-Oct-34 To USN as Arluk (WYP 167), later Atlantic
1457 233498 Plymouth R O'Brien & Co Trawler 163 102 29-Oct-34
1458 DD 380 Gridley U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,695d 341 24-Jun-37 Scrapped 1947
1459 DD 382 Craven U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,695d 341 2-Sep-37 Scrapped 1947
1460 CV 7 Wasp U. S. Navy Aircraft Carrier 16,770d 688 25-Apr-40 Sunk off Guadalcanal 1942
1461 235438 Neptune Neptune Trawling Co. Trawler 172 110 1-Sep-36 Neptune VI 1956, Neptune 1966
1462 235439 Triton Triton Trawling Co. Trawler 172 110 16-Sep-36 To USN as Arvek (WYP 165)
1463 Goethals Corps of Engineers Dredge 12,731 28-Dec-37 Scrapped 2002
1464 236797 Annapolis General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 320 134 19-Oct-37 Ocean 1939, to USN 1942 as Merganser (AM 135), Ocean 1945, scrapped 1976
1465 236803 West Point General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 320 134 29-Oct-37 Gale 1939, to USN 1942 as Hawk (AM 133), Gale 1944, wrecked 1945
1466 236804 Yale General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 320 134 26-Nov-37 Tide 1939, Ibis 1942, Tide 1945, Celia B. Putnam 1990, scrapped 2002
1467 238343 Panama Panama R R Co Psgr./Cargo 10,021 475 21-Apr-39 James Parker 1941, Panama 1946, Regina 1965, Regina Prima 1973, scrapped 1985
1468 238556 Ancon Panama R R Co Psgr./Cargo 10,021 475 16-Jun-39 To USN 1962 as State of Maine (AP 66), scrapped 1973
1469 238789 Cristobal Panama R R Co Psgr./Cargo 10,021 475 11-Aug-39 Scrapped 1981
1470 DD 421 Benson U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,818d 341 25-Jul-40 To Taiwan 1954 as Lo Yang (DD 14), scrapped 1975
1471 DD 422 Mayo U. S. Navy Destroyer 1,818d 341 18-Sep-40 Scrapped 1972
1472 238001 Harvard/Wave General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 311 134 18-Nov-38 To USN 1942 as Eagle (AM 132), Captor (PYc 40) 1942, Wave 1945, Harvard 2002, active
1473 238060 Princeton/Crest General Sea Foods Corp. Trawler 314 134 20-Dec-38 To USN 1942 as YP 418, Princeton 1945, Cape Charles 1957, Crest 1967
1474 239017 Exporter American Export Lines C3-E/34 6,737 452 28-Sep-39 To USN 1942 as Hercules (AK 41) 1942, Exporter 1946, Bostonian 194, Exermont 1949, scrapped 1971
1475 239103 Explorer American Export Lines C3-E/35 6,737 452 16-Nov-39 Scrapped 1969
1476 239263 Exchange American Export Lines C3-E/36 6,737 452 23-Feb-40 Scrapped 1970
1477 239422 Express American Export Lines C3-E/37 6,737 452 18-Apr-40 Torpedoed and lost off Madagascar 1942
1478 BB 59 Massachusetts US Navy Battleship 42,400d 681 12-May-42 Memorial in Fall River MA 1962
1479 CL 53 San Diego US Navy Cruiser 7,400d 541 10-Jan-42 Scrapped 1960
1480 CL 54 San Juan US Navy Cruiser 7,400d 541 28-Feb-42 Scrapped 1961
1481 239865 Exemplar American Export Lines C3-E/102 6,737 452 1-Aug-40 Later Empire Widgeon 1941, Dorothea L. Dix (AP 67) 1942, Exemplar 1946, scrapped 1968
1482 239997 Exhibitor American Export Lines C3-E/103 6,737 452 5-Sep-40 Scrapped 1971
1483 240104 Executor American Export Lines C3-E/104 6,737 452 22-Oct-41 To USN 1941 as Almaack (AK 27), Executor 1946, Bunker Hill 1947, Excellency 1949, scrapped 1970
1484 241036 Examiner American Export Lines C3-E/105 6,737 452 23-Jan-41 Scrapped 1970
1485 Panama Stanvac Calcutta Socony-Vacuum Co. Tanker 9,933 1-May-41 Sunk by gunfire off Pernambuco 1942
1486 Panama Stanvac Capetown Socony-Vacuum Co. Tanker 9,933 27-Jun-41 Scrapped 1960
1487 Panama Stanvac Manila Socony-Vacuum Co. Tanker 9,933 1-Aug-41 Torpedoed and lost in Pacific 1943
1488 240839 Sinclair Opaline Sinclair Refining Tanker 7,875 453 16-Aug-41 Later Eurypyle 1955, scrapped 1960
1489 240993 Sinclair Rubilene Sinclair Refining Tanker 7,875 453 20-Sep-41 Later Summit I 1955, scrapped 1959
1490 241116 Sinclair Superflame Sinclair Refining Tanker 7,875 453 7-Nov-41 Scrapped 1966
1491 241274 Sinclair H-C Sinclair Refining Tanker 7,875 453 6-Jan-42 Later Mar del Sud 1961, scrapped 1983
1492 241327 Flagship Sinco Sinclair Refining Tanker 10,795 508 30-Jan-42 Later Point Fermin 1965, scrapped 1969
1493 241494 Sheldon Clark Sinclair Refining Tanker 10,795 508 28-Mar-42 Scrapped 1973
1494 CA 68 Baltimore US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 15-Apr-43 Scrapped 1972
1495 CA 69 Boston US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 30-Jun-43 CAG 1 1952, scrapped 1975
1496 CA 70 Canberra US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 14-Oct-43 CAG 2 1952, scrapped 1980
1497 CA 71 Quincy US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 15-Dec-43 Scrapped 1974
1498 CL 64 Vincennes US Navy Cruiser 12,000d 610 21-Jan-44 Sunk as target 1969
1499 CL 65 Pasadena US Navy Cruiser 12,000d 610 8-Jun-44 Scrapped 1972
1500 CL 66 Springfield US Navy Cruiser 12,000d 610 8-Sep-44 CLG 7, scrapped 1978
1501 CL 67 Topeka US Navy Cruiser 12,000d 610 23-Dec-44 CLG 8, scrapped 1979
1502 CL 82 Providence US Navy Cruiser 12,000d 610 15-May-45 CLG 6, scrapped 1978
1503 CL 83 Manchester US Navy Cruiser 12,000d 610 29-Oct-46 Scrapped 1960
1504 CA 72 Pittsburg US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 9-Oct-44 Scrapped 1974
1505 CA 73 St. Paul US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 16-Feb-45 Scrapped 1980
1506 CA 74 Columbus US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 8-Jun-45 CG 12 1959, scrapped 1976
1507 CA 75 Helena US Navy Cruiser 15,208d 673 3-Sep-45 Scrapped 1974
1508 CV 16 Lexington US Navy Aircraft Carrier 33,300d 820 17-Feb-43 Memorial in Corpus Christi TX 1992
1509 CV 17 Bunker Hill US Navy Aircraft Carrier 33,300d 820 24-May-43 Scrapped 1973
1510 CV 18 Wasp US Navy Aircraft Carrier 33,300d 820 24-Nov-43 Scrapped 1973
1511 CV 19 Hancock US Navy Aircraft Carrier 33,300d 820 15-Apr-44 Scrapped 1976
1512 24078 Cohasset R. O'Brien & Co. Trawler 170 102 9-Oct-41 To USN 1942 as AMC 202, YP 389 1942, sunk by u-boat 1942
1513 241106 Lynn R. O'Brien & Co. Trawler 170 102 22-Oct-41 To USN 1942 as AMC 201, YP 388 1942, sold 1946 as Lynn, in collision and sank 1951
1514 241144 Salem R. O'Brien & Co. Trawler 170 102 6-Nov-41
1515 241175 Weymouth R. O'Brien & Co. Trawler 170 102 26-Nov-41
1516 DD 598 Bancroft US Navy Destroyer 1,818d 348 30-Apr-42 Scrapped 1973
1517 DD 599 Barton US Navy Destroyer 1,818d 348 29-May-42 Sunk off Guadalcanal 1942
1518 DD 600 Boyle US Navy Destroyer 1,818d 348 15-Aug-42 Sunk as target 1973
1519 DD 601 Champlin US Navy Destroyer 1,818d 348 12-Sep-42 Scrapped 1972
1520 DD 616 Nields US Navy Destroyer 1,818d 348 15-Jan-43 Scrapped 1972
1521 DD 617 Ordronaux US Navy Destroyer 1,818d 348 13-Feb-43 Scrapped 1973
1522 LST 361 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 16-Nov-42 To Britain, to China 1946
1523 LST 362 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 23-Nov-42 To Britain, sunk Bay of Biscay 1944
1524 LST 363 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 30-Nov-42 To Britain, scrapped 1947
1525 LST 364 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 7-Dec-42 To Britain, sunk off Ramsgate 1944
1526 LST 365 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 14-Dec-42 To Britain, sold private 1946
1527 LST 366 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 21-Dec-42 To Britain, scrapped 1947
1528 LST 367 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 29-Dec-42 To Britain, scrapped 1947
1529 LST 368 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 4-Jan-43 To Britain, scrapped 1947
1530 LST 369 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 8-Jan-43 To Britain, scrapped 1948
1531 LST 370 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 13-Jan-43 Sold private 1946
1532 LST 371 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 16-Jan-43 To Britain, scrapped 1947
1533 LST 372 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 23-Jan-43 Scrapped 1947
1534 LST 373 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 27-Jan-43 To Britain, scrapped 1947
1535 LST 374 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 29-Jan-43 Scrapped 1947
1536 LST 375 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 2-Feb-43 Scrapped 1948
1537 LST 376 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 5-Feb-43 Sunk in the English Channel 1944
1538 LST 377 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 8-Feb-43 Scrapped 1947
1539 LST 378 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 10-Feb-43 To Korea 1947
1540 LST 379 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 12-Feb-43 Scrapped 1947
1541 LST 380 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 15-Feb-43 To Britain, to Korea 1946, to Taiwan 1955
1542 LST 381 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 15-Feb-43 To Britain, scrapped 1947
1543 LST 382 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 18-Feb-43 To Britain, to France 1948
1544 CA 122 Oregon City US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 15-Feb-46 Scrapped 1973
1545 CA 123 Albany US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 14-Jun-46 CG 10 1958, scrapped 1990
154 CA 124 Rochester US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 19-Dec-46 Scrapped 1974
1547 CA 125 Northampton US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 28-Feb-53 CLC 1 1947, scrapped 1980
1548 CA 126 Cambridge US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 Cancelled 1945
1549 CA 127 Bridgeport US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 Cancelled 1945
1550 CA 128 Kansas City US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 Cancelled 1945
1551 CA 129 Tulsa US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 Cancelled 1945
1552 DE 675 Weber US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 30-Jun-43 APD 75, sunk as target 1962
1553 DE 676 Schmitt US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 24-Jul-43 APD 76, to Taiwan as Lung Shan (F 325) 1969, struck 1976
1554 DE 677 Frament US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 15-Aug-43 APD 77, to Ecuador as power barge 1961
1555 DE 678 Harmon US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 31-Aug-43 Scrapped 1967
1556 DE 679 Greenwood US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 25-Sep-43 Scrapped 1967
1557 DE 680 Loeser US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 10-Oct-43 Sunk as target 1968
1558 DE 681 Gillette US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 27-Oct-43 Scrapped 1973
1559 DE 682 Underhill US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 15-Nov-43 Sunk by kaiten off Luzon 1945
1560 DE 683 Henry R. Kenyon US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 30-Nov-43 Scrapped 1970
1561 DE 684 De Long US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 31-Dec-43 APD 137, sunk as target 1970
1562 DE 685 Coates US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 24-Jan-44 APD 138, sunk as target 1971
1563 DE 686 Eugene E. Elmore US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 4-Feb-44 Scrapped 1969
1564 DE 687 Kline US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 18-Oct-44 APD 120, to Taiwan as Shou Shan (F 893) 1966, struck 1976
1565 DE 688 Raymon W. Herndorn US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 3-Nov-44 APD 121, to Taiwan as Heng Shan (F322) 1966, struck 1976
1566 DE 689 Scribner US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 20-Nov-44 APD 122, scrapped 1967
1567 DE 690 Diachenko US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 8-Dec-44 APD/LPR 123, scrapped 1975
1568 DE 691 Horace A. Bass US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 21-Dec-44 APD/LPR 124, scrapped 1975
1569 DE 692 Wantuck US Navy Escort 1,550d 300 30-Dec-44 APD 125, scrapped 1958
1570 CV 47 Philippine Sea US Navy Carrier 33,300d 820 3-May-46 Scrapped 1971
1571 CA 134 Des Moines US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 15-Nov-48 Scrapped 2006
1572 CA 139 Salem US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 9-May-49 Memorial in Quincy MA 1994
1573 CA 140 Dallas US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 Cancelled 1946
1574 CA 141 US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 Cancelled 1946
1575 CA 142 US Navy Cruiser 13,700d 675 Cancelled 1945
1576 DD 850 Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. US Navy Destroyer 3,050d 390 14-Dec-45 Memorial at Fall River MA 1973
1577 DD 851 Rupertus US Navy Destroyer 3,050d 390 8-Mar-46 To Greece as Kountouriotis 1973, struck 1994
1578 DD 852 Leonard F. Mason US Navy Destroyer 3,050d 390 28-Jun-46 To Taiwan as Lai Yang (D 981) 1976, struck 1999
1579 DD 853 Charles H. Roan US Navy Destroyer 3,050d 390 12-Sep-46 To Turkey as Maresal Fevzi Cakmak 1973, scrapped 1995
1580 LST 1004 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 28-Mar-44 To Argentina 1947
1581 LST 1005 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 6-Apr-44 CTL 1946, scrapped 1947
1582 LST 1006 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 12-Apr-44 Later Solveig, (ON 261849), scrapped 1947
1583 LST 1007 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 15-Apr-44 Scrapped 1947
1584 LST 1008 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 18-Apr-44 To Argentina 1946
1585 LST 1009 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 22-Apr-44 To US Army 1946
1586 LST 1010 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 25-Apr-44 To US Army 1947, to Korea 1955 as Un Bong
1587 LST 1011 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 28-Apr-44 Scrapped 1947
1588 LST 1012 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 30-Apr-44 Scrapped 1947
1589 LST 1013 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 2-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1590 LST 1014 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 5-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1591 LST 1015 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 8-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1592 LST 1016 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 10-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1593 LST 1017 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 12-May-44 To Taiwan 1946 as Chung Chi
1594 LST 1018 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 14-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1595 LST 1019 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 17-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1596 LST 1020 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 19-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1597 LST 1021 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 21-May-44 To Britain, scrapped 1948
1598 LST 1022 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 24-May-44 Scrapped 1948
1599 LST 1023 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 26-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1600 LST 1024 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 28-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1601 LST 1025 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 31-May-44 Scrapped 1947
1602 LST 1026 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 7-Jun-44 Scrapped 1947
1603 LST 1027 No name US Navy Landing Ship 2,366d 328 7-Jun-44 Scrapped 1947
1604 CA 143 US Navy Cruiser 19,500d 679 Cancelled 1943
1605 CV 50 US Navy Carrier 33,300d 820 Cancelled 1945
1606 DDE 824 Basilone U.S. Navy Destroyer 3,050d 390 21-Jul-49 Scrapped 1977
1607 Panama Pennsylvania Texaco Tanker 18,000 580 5-Aug-49 Scrapped 1985
1608 Panama Texas Texaco Tanker 18,000 580 31-Aug-49 Scrapped 1986
1609 Panama Ohio Texaco Tanker 18,000 580 21-Oct-49 Scrapped 1985
1610 Panama Kentucky Texaco Tanker 18,000 580 26-Oct-49 Scrapped 1985
1611 Liberia World Liberty World Tankers Tanker 18,000 580 30-Nov-49 Collision 1966, scrapped
1612 CLC 1 Northampton US Navy Command Ship 17,049d 675 28-Feb-53 Scrapped 1980
1613 Panama Capsa Atlas Tankers Tanker 18,000 580 11-Jan-50 Scrapped 1976
1614 Panama Capulus Atlas Tankers Tanker 18,000 580 15-Mar-50 Scrapped 1975
1615 Panama Caperata Atlas Tankers Tanker 18,000 580 12-Apr-50 Scrapped 1976
1616 Panama Caprella Atlas Tankers Tanker 18,000 580 14-Jun-50 Scrapped 1977
1617 Panama Caprinus Atlas Tankers Tanker 18,000 580 14-Sep-50 Scrapped 1978
1618 261147 Independence American Export Lines P3-S2-DL2/2912 20,200 638 11-Jan-51 Sold 1974 as Ocean Independence, returned 1980 as Independence, scrapped 2009
1619 262027 Constitution American Export Lines P3-S2-DL2/2913 20,200 638 May-51 Sold 1974 as Ocean Constitution, returned 1980 as Constitution, sold for scrap 1997 but sank en route
1620 DD 929 Willis A. Lee US Navy Destroyer 4,855d 490 28-Sep-54 DL 4: scrapped 1973
1621 DD 930 Wilkinson US Navy Destroyer 4,855d 490 29-Jul-54 DL 5: scrapped 1975
1622 264497 Old Colony Mariner Maritime Admin. C4-S-1A/16 9,700 530 28-Oct-52 Later Oregon Bear scrapped 1980
1623 Cornhusker Mariner Maritime Admin. C4-S-1A/17 9,700 530 5-Jan-53 Wrecked 1953 and scrapped
1624 265137 Pine Tree Mariner Maritime Admin. C4-S-1A/18 9,700 530 2-Apr-53 Later Mariposa, sold foreign 1983, scrapped
1625 266185 Nutmeg Mariner Maritime Admin. C4-S-1A/19 9,700 530 9-Sep-53 wrecked 1961 and scrapped
1626 266534 Wolverine Mariner Maritime Admin. C4-S-1A/20 9,700 530 10-Oct-53 Later M. M. Dant, Arizona, scrapped 1980
1627 Liberia Failaika Afran Transport Tanker 18,000 580 3-Jul-52 Scrapped 1980
1628 Liberia La Cruz Afran Transport Tanker 18,000 580 18-Sep-52 Scrapped 1980
1629 Liberia Waneta Brilliant Transport Co. Tanker 18,000 580 11-Dec-52 Scrapped 1977
1630 Panama Chryssi Santander CN Tanker 18,000 580 26-Feb-53 Sunk 1970
1631 Panama Andros Island Rio Venturado CN Tanker 18,000 580 7-May-53 Scrapped 1975
1632 Panama Andros Hills Rio Venturado CN Tanker 18,000 580 12-Aug-53 Scrapped 1972
1633 AO 143 Neosho US Navy Fleet Oiler 11,600 655 17-Sep-54 NDRF 1999, scrapped 2007
1634 266365 Orion Comet Oil Carriers JV Tanker 18,000 580 16-Oct-53 Lost 1976
1635 Panama Master Peter Bilbao CN Tanker 18,000 580 8-Oct-54 Scrapped 1977
1636 Panama George Livanos Atlantic Oil Carriers Tanker 18,000 580 11-Jan-54 Scrapped 1976
1637 Panama Athina Livanos Atlantic Oil Carriers Tanker 18,000 580 9-Sep-54 Scrapped 1977
1638 267278 Marine Dow-Chem Marine Chemicals Chem Tanker 9,936 528 26-Mar-54 Converted to barge 1974
1639 Liberia World Glory World Tankers Tanker 28,000 708 19-Aug-54 Sunk 1968
1640 Cancelled
1641 Cancelled
1642 Cancelled
1643 Liberia Margarita Afran Transport Tanker 18,000 580 15-Jul-54 Scrapped 1979
1644 Cancelled
1645 Cancelled
1646 Cancelled
1647 268801 Socony-Vacuum Socony- Vacuum Oil Tanker 17,444 582 3-Dec-54 Later Comanche, scrapped 1985
1648 DD 936 Decatur US Navy Destroyer 4,916d 418 30-Nov-56 DDG 31: sunk as target 2004
1649 DD 937 Davis US Navy Destroyer 4,916d 418 28-Feb-57 Scrapped 1994
1650 DD 938 Jonas Ingram US Navy Destroyer 4,916d 418 10-Jul-57 Sunk as target 1988
1651 DD 943 Blandy US Navy Destroyer 4,916d 418 20-Nov-57 Scrapped 1994
1652 DD 944 Mullinnix US Navy Destroyer 4,916d 418 26-Feb-58 Sunk as target 1992
1653 Georges Bank US Air Force Radar Platform 13-Jun-56 Scrapped 1964
1654 271449 Mobilgas Charles Kurz & Co. Tanker 17,462 578 17-May-56 Scrapped 1984
1655 Liberia World Beauty World Beauty Corp. Tanker 28,000 708 18-Apr-57 Scrapped 1977
1656 DLG 6 Farragut US Navy Destroyer 5,648d 490 8-Dec-60 DDG 37: scrapped 2006
1657 DLG 7 Dewey/Luce US Navy Destroyer 5,648d 490 11-May-61 DDG 38: to be scrapped 2006
1658 DLG 8 McDonough US Navy Destroyer 5,648d 490 27-Oct-61 DDG 39: to be scrapped 2006
1659 274588 Mobil Fuel Kurz Tankers Tanker 18,700 618 Jul-57 NDRF Meacham: to be scrapped
1660 274966 Mobil Power Kurz Tankers Tanker 18,700 618 27-Sep-57 NDRF Naeco: to be scrapped
1661 Liberia Olympic Eagle Greenwich Panama Tanker 28,000 708 27-Aug-58 Scrapped 1979
1662 Liberia Olympic Falcon Occidental Shipping Tanker 28,000 708 8-Dec-58 Scrapped 1979
1663 275651 Mobil Lube Socony Mobil Oil Tanker 18,700 618 10-Jan-58 Scrapped 1983
1664 Cancelled
1665 Liberia Princess Sophie World Brilliance Corp. Tanker 43,000 18-Mar-59 Scrapped 1977
1666 Subcontracted to Sparrows Point
1667 Subcontracted to Sparrows Point
1668 279438 Transeastern Transeastern Shipping Tanker 28,000 708 30-Jul-59 Scrapped 1995
1669 CGN 9 Long Beach US Navy Cruiser 16,600d 721 1-Sep-61 Struck 1995: scrapped 2012
1670 CG 5 Oklahoma City US Navy Cruiser 15,152d 610 7-Sep-60 Conversion, sunk as target 1999
1671 284178 Mount Vernon Victory Mount Vernon Tanker Co. Tanker 28,000 708 27-Jan-61 NDRF
1672 286819 Monticello Victory Monticello Tanker Co. Tanker 28,000 708 Oct-61 Scrapped 1984
1673 Liberia Patro Hercules Tankers Corp. Tanker 28,000 708 20-Feb-59 Scrapped 1979
1674 Liberia Capulonix Hercules Tankers Corp. Tanker 28,000 708 25-Sep-59 Scrapped 1979
1675 Liberia Capiluna Hercules Tankers Corp. Tanker 28,000 708 21-Oct-60 Scrapped 1980
1676 284217 Leland I. Doan Chemical Tanker Corp. Chem. Tanker 9,557 528 3-Feb-61 Scrapped 1985
1677 CGN 25 Bainbridge US Navy Cruiser 7,982d 565 28-Sep-62 Scrapped 1999
1678 Subcontracted to Sparrows Point
1679 287253 Manhattan Manhattan Tankers Co. Tanker 65,740 899 15-Jan-62 The ship that established the viability of the Northwest Passage: scrapped 1987
1680 287156 Orion Hunter Colonial Tankers Corp. Tanker 40,000 824 20-Oct-61 Later Overseas Natalie, srapped 1989
1681 Cancelled
1682 Subcontracted to Sparrows Point
1683 Subcontracted to Sparrows Point
1684 290255 American Courier United States Lines C4-S-57A/118 11,200 531 8-Feb-63 Scrapped 1986
1685 290905 American Commander United States Lines C4-S-57A/119 11,200 531 17-Apr-63 NDRF 1981 as Commander
1686 291629 American Corsair United States Lines C4-S-57A/120 11,200 531 7-Jun-63 Scrapped 1986
1687 291698 American Contractor United States Lines C4-S-57A/121 11,200 531 24-Jul-63 NDRF 1981 as Contractor
1688 292572 American Contender United States Lines C4-S-57A/122 11,200 531 29-Aug-63 NDRF 1983 as Contender
1689 292930 American Crusader United States Lines C4-S-57A/123 11,200 531 18-Oct-63 NDRF 1981 as Crusader
1690 289745 Montpelier Victory Victory Carriers Tanker 28,000 710 25-Oct-62 Scrapped 1985
1691 293097 Mount Washington Victory Victory Carriers Tanker 28,000 710 31-Oct-63 NDRF
Built by General Dynamics
1 SSN 638 Whale US Navy Submarine 4,777d 292 12-Oct-68 Scrapped 1997
2 SSN 649 Sunfish US Navy Submarine 4,777d 292 15-Mar-69 Scrapped 1997
3 AOR 1 Wichita US Navy Replenishment 28,000d 659 9-May-69 NDRF 1998, scrapped 2013
4 AOR 2 Milwaukee US Navy Replenishment 28,000d 659 3-Oct-69 NDRF 2001, scrapped 2009
5 AOR 3 Kansas City US Navy Replenishment 28,000d 659 1-May-70 NDRF 2001, scrapped 2013
6 AOR 4 Savannah US Navy Replenishment 28,000d 659 28-Oct-70 NDRF 2001, scrapped 2009
7 AOR 5 Wabash US Navy Replenishment 28,000d 659 21-Oct-71 NDRF 1998, scrapped 2013
8 AOR 6 Kalamazoo US Navy Replenishment 28,000d 659 1-Jul-73 NDRF 2001, scrapped 2009
9 AS 36 L.Y. Spear US Navy Sub Tender 23,000d 643 11-Feb-70 Scrapped 2010
10 AS 37 Dixon US Navy Sub Tender 23,000d 643 7-May-71 Sunk as target 2003
11 LSD 37 Portland US Navy Assault Ship 13,700d 553 3-Oct-70 Sunk as target 2004
12 LSD 38 Pensacola US Navy Assault Ship 13,700d 553 1-Mar-71 To Taiwan 1999 as Shui Hai (L 188), active
13 LSD 39 Mount Vernon US Navy Assault Ship 13,700d 553 13-May-72 Sunk as target 2005
14 LSD 40 Fort Fisher US Navy Assault Ship 13,700d 553 8-Nov-72 Scrapped 2009
15 AE 26 Kilauea US Navy Ammunition 20,000d 564 10-Aug-68 Sunk as target 2010
16 AE 27 Butte US Navy Ammunition 20,000d 564 14-Dec-68 Sunk as target 2006
18 536500 Doctor Lykes Lykes Line C8-S-82A/241 21,700g 725 21-Jun-72 RRF 1986 as Cape Mendocino
19 536671 Tillie Lykes Lykes Line C8-S-82A/242 21,700g 725 26-Sep-72 RRF 1986 as Cape May
20 536672 Almeria Lykes Lykes Line C8-S-82A/243 21,700g 725 16-May-73 RRF 1986 as Cape Mohican
22 Maritime Dynamics Tanker Cancelled
23 Maritime Dynamics Tanker Cancelled
24 Maritime Dynamics Tanker Cancelled
25 Maritime Dynamics Tanker Cancelled
26 Maritime Dynamics Tanker Cancelled
27 Maritime Dynamics Tanker Cancelled
29 AGOR 16 Hayes US Navy Research Ship Refit
30 Subcontract from EB
32 Irving Sea Lion Irving Oil Tanker Repairs
34 Esso Halifax Imperial Oil Tanker Repairs
41 582506 Aquarius Energy Tptn (MA 289) LNG Carrier 90,000 913 7-Jun-77 Renamed LNG Aquarius (Marshall I.)
42 588005 Aries Energy Tptn (MA 290) LNG Carrier 90,000 913 13-Dec-77 Renamed LNG Aries
43 Energy Tptn LNG Carrier Cancelled
44 595752 Gemini Energy Tptn (MA 291) LNG Carrier 90,000 913 22-Jun-78 Renamed LNG Gemini
45 Energy Tptn LNG Carrier Cancelled
46 588006 Capricorn Energy Tptn LNG Carrier 90,000 913 22-Jun-78 Renamed LNG Capricorn
47 595753 Leo Energy Tptn LNG Carrier 90,000 913 7-Dec-78 Renamed LNG Leo
48 595754 Taurus Energy Tptn LNG Carrier 90,000 913 7-Aug-79 Renamed LNG Taurus
49 595755 Virgo Energy Tptn LNG Carrier 90,000 913 7-Dec-79 Renamed LNG Virgo
50 595756 Libra Energy Tptn LNG Carrier 90,000 913 12-Apr-79 Renamed LNG Libra
51 ARD 7 No name US Navy Dry Dock Repairs
52 LPD 1 Raleigh US Navy Assault Ship Repairs
53 619531 Lake Charles Lachmar (MA 327) LNG Carrier 87,000 909 15-May-80 Now Shell's LNG Edo
54 619532 Louisiana Lachmar (MA 328) LNG Carrier 87,000 909 25-Sep-80 Now Shell's LNG Abuja
55 630287 Bulkfleet Pennsylvania Bulkfleet Tank Barge 12,600 491 5-Feb-81 Later Everglades, inactive
56 630288 Bulkfleet Texas Bulkfleet Tank Barge 12,600 491 5-Feb-81 Later Texas, inactive
57 Zapata Western LNG LNG Carrier 87,000 909 Cancelled
58 Zapata Western LNG LNG Carrier 87,000 909 Cancelled
59 Zapata Western LNG LNG Carrier 87,000 909 Cancelled
61 678106 2LT John P. Bobo US Navy T-AK 3008 32,900 673 14-Feb-85 Active
62 678107 PFC Dewayne T. Williams US Navy T-AK 3009 32,900 673 6-Jun-85 Active
63 678108 1LT Baldomero Lopez US Navy T-AK 3010 32,900 673 20-Nov-85 Active
64 678109 1LT Jack Lummus US Navy T-AK 3011 32,900 673 6-Mar-86 Active
65 678110 SGT William R. Button US Navy T-AK 3012 32,900 673 22-May-86 Active
67 Sea Shuttle General Dynamics Jack-up Deck Barge 1,724 1-Nov--83 Active
70 Overseas Boston Maritime Overseas Corp. Tanker Repairs
73 640014 Amoco Florida Amoco Tank Barge 12,000 445 Sep-81 Later Florida Bay, now ATC 25
74 642492 Amoco Virginia Amoco Tank Barge 12,000 445 Oct-82 Later Virginia Bay, now Iguana II
75 643069 Amoco Georgia Amoco Tank Barge 12,000 445 Feb-82 Now Massachusetts
77 T-ARC 2 Neptune US Navy Cable Repair Ship Modernization
82 645759 Amoco South Carolina Amoco Tank Barge 12,000 445 Mar-82 Later South Carolina Bay, now Iguana I
85 657540 Energy Independence Energy Tptn Bulk Carrier 28,250 645 6-Aug-83 Coal-burning collier, inactive 2002
86 655332 Charles Carroll Waterman (MA 351) Sealift Ship 18,500 821 18-Apr-83 Subcontract from Sun Ship, now MAJ Stephen W.Pless (T-AKR 3007)


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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023