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Bollinger Shipyards, Lockport and Amelia LA

Bollinger Shipyards is a privately held corporation that operates two construction yards, in additionto several repair yards. The original Bollinger Machine Shop yard, in Lockport, builds high-value, high-complexity small ships, while Bollinger Marine Fabricators, in Amelia, builds simpler vessels. The Amelia yard was formerly McDermott Shipbuilding, acquired by Bollinger in 1998: to see its construction record as McDermott, click here. Bollinger also acquired GretnaMachine & Iron Works, in Gretna LA, in 2001 but closed it and razed the property in 2011: to see Gretna's prior record of shipbuilding, click here. In 2015, the business was sold to a third-generation member of the Bollinger family, Ben Bordelon, with additional investment by the Chouest family. Visit Bollinger at and see an aerial view on Google of the Lockport yard here and the Amelia yard here. In the table below, the yard codes are L for Lockport, A for Amelia, G for Gretna, C for Calcasieu, H for Houston and M for Matthews. See also more Bollinger data here. If anyone sees any errors or omissions in the table below, please email

Most recent update: 23 Janurary 2022.

Hull# O.N. Yard Original Name Original Owner Ship Type GT Ft. $mm Delivery Disposition
265263 L Etienette Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 23 45 1953 Later Hot-Shot
265768 L Denise D. Defelice DeFelice Marine Tug 46 51 1953
295911 L Ingram Dredge No. 3 Ingram Construction Dredge 377 130 1953 Later Mr. Bill
267734 L Blackie Don Bollinger Launch 10 31 1953
269195 L Pappy Boyd Acme Towing Tug 31 46 1953
1 268839 L Moss Bluff Coyle Lines Pushboat 100 62 1954
2 269627 L DOC II Tug 70 56 1955
3 269910 L ITCO I Independent Towing Tug 72 58 1955
4 270508 L Lloyd M. Defelice DeFelice Marine Tug 98 66 1955
5 270682 L Margaret B Belcher Towing Tug 72 58 1955 Later Patsy L
6 270752 L Ralph Bollinger B & B Marine Pushboat 47 47 1955
7 270806 L Lamarco I Louisiana Marine Tug 98 66 1956 Later Kanawha, Capt Edward F. Smith
8 271228 L Daisy McDermott II Tug 118 70 1956 Later Alex Barker
9 271537 L ITCO II Independent Towing Tug 72 58 1956
10 271590 L Offshore Lafourche Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 98 85 1956 Later Pan Tide
11 272578 L Offshore Leeville Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 98 85 1956 Later Lee Tide
12 271964 L Offshore Lockport Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 98 85 1956 Later Lock Tide
13 272827 L Offshore Lafitte Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 98 85 1956 Later Lafitte Tide
14 272150 L Miss Lana Peter Kiewit Tug 95 72 1956
15 273077 L George Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 72 58 1956 Later George H, now Vigorous
16 273286 L Dick Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 72 58 1956
17 273638 L Don Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 72 58 1957
18 L C.D.W. No. 1 Barge 1957
19 ? 274315 L Rosalie Paula Barge 185 110 1957
20 L M.A.D. No. 1 Barge 1957
21 274373 L Bill Miller Tug 38 45 1957
22 L 1957
23 L Alex Spud Barge 1957
24 L Lester Spud Barge 1957
25 L BCW #2 Barge 1957
26 L Barge 1957
27 L S-80 Spud Barge 1958
28 L Carol M Tug 1958
29 L Jane S Tug 1958
30 L LLML #6 Barge 1958
31 L LLML #7 Barge 1958
32 L LLML #8 Barge 1958
33 L Brant Tug 1959
34 L AG-1 Barge 1959
35 L AG-2 Barge 1959
36 L AG-3 Barge 1959
37 L AG-4 Barge 1959
38 L AG-5 Barge 1959
39 281063 L Bud Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 72 58 1960
40 286701 L Alamo II Louisiana Tugs Tug 141 70 1961
41 287403 L J. J. Griffin Griffin Towing Tug 109 68 1962
42 287681 L ITCO IV Independent Towing Tug 32 47 1962 Later Cherokee Warrior
43 290717 L Robert Frank Hunter & Pitre Tug 82 65 1963
44 289737 L Nick V. Candies Otto Candies Tug 143 76 1962
45 291466 L ITCO V Independent Towing Tug 32 47 1963 Later James Bordelon, Sandy Dyess
46 292718 L Todd Rick Galliano Tugs Tug 193 84 1963 Later Coastal Gulf Stream, now Cindy E
47 294962 L Lionel Tim Leeville Tugs Tug 193 84 1964 Now Sea Rock
48 297369 L Andy Martin Tug 202 85 1964
49 297072 L Dolly Ann II Hebert Boat Rental Tug 77 56 1964
50 L Friendship II Utility Boat 1965
51 L Georgia Supply Boat 1965
52 298942 L Dad Delta Towing Tug 99 75 1965 Now John Francis
53 L A. W. Martin Tug 1965
54 L Ralph Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 1965
55 502116 L Gulf Tiger Tug 178 88 1966 Now Tiger
56 505746 L Bayport Bayport Inc. Tug 40 47 1966 Now Coastal Challenger
57 504524 L Donald Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 147 70 1966 Now Ybor City
58 508462 L Etienette Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 147 70 1967 Now Atlantic Raider
59 ? 502913 L Doris Tug 96 87 1966 Active
60 506455 L Elfer Guidry Tug 199 99 1966 Later Gwen Anne, Sea Tern, now Patriot
61 L Bay Port Tug 1966
62 L Rosita II Tug 1966
63 513008 L Mike and Harry Ferry 113 69 1968 Now Mary Cody, inactive
64 L Dusty Dawn Fishing Vessel 136 1967 Active
65 514546 L Nelly Rose Joe Viet Tran Fishing Vessel 118 72 1968 Now St. Mary I
66 516240 L Mr. Tommy Martin & Kiff Fishing Vessel 123 72 1968 Now Clint G
67 518571 L Capt. Timmy Timmy J. Guidry Fishing Vessel 123 72 1969 Now Cajun Mama
68 L W. K. Boyd Leesville Tugs Tug 180 1969 Scrapped
69 ? L Mary Theresa Fishing Vessel 123 1969 Active
70 522048 L ITCO VIII Ind. Towing Tug 119 56 1969 Now M/V Alexis Alanie
71 523973 L David F. Kadinger David F. Kadinger Tug 98 65 1969 Now F. Dawson
72 L Jonas H
73 531320 L George Castigliola Fishing Vessel 186 85 1971 Later Tam Ran, now Bon-Su-Mar
74 L Steffi
75 536877 L Admiral Lee Adm. Lee Towing Tug 195 91 Jan-72 Active
76 L North Queen Seafman C.A. Fishing Vessel 232 1973 Active
77 L Bordelon Marine Work Barge 1972
78 541812 L D-32 Steven D & B Boat Rentals Supply Boat 81 111 1972 Active
79 L Jennifer Anne Drilling Rig 1972
80 543871 L Lady Mary Lady Mary, Inc. Passenger 88 61 1972 Active
81 L Rebstock Drilling Drilling Barge 1972
82 545067 L Romanda Sue S & K Offshore Supply Boat 91 94 1972 Active
83 546937 L Timmy Danos Timmy Danos Supply Boat 91 94 May-73 Active
84 549994 L Portilla Supply Boat 142 86 Aug-73 Now Muzon
85 L Pacific Sun Alba S.A. Fishing Vessel 300 1973 Active
86 554079 L Dick Bollinger A-1 Towing Tug 195 91 Jan-73 Now Captain D.
87 552660 L Wilken A. Falgout Falgout Bros. Tug 183 91 Jan-73 Later Night Eagle, now Delta Faith
88 556118 L Charlotte Supply Boat 97 94 1974 Later Emily Sue, now Tiffany Louisa
89 ? 560543 L Kim Lee Lee Boats, Inc. Tug 98 55 1974 Now Capt. Leroy
90 559788 L James Danos James Danos Tug 189 91 Sep-74 Now Spence
91 566365 L Captain Martin Tug 183 98 Jun-75 Later Danielle 1985, now Thomas Dann
92 566364 L Mister M Tug 183 98 Jun-75 Later New Jersey, now Tradewind Service
93 L 2R Drilling Drilling Barge 1975
94 L 1975
95 L Quetzacoatl Govt of Mexico Tug 313 1975 Active
96 L G. A. Bollinger B & B Marine Tug 165 1975 Later Cetta 1976, now Franco P 1998
97 L Bourg 10 Deck Barge 1975
98 572625 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 23 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 189 158 May-76 Later Reliance I, now American Victory
99 575255 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 24 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 189 158 Jul-76 Now Melinda B. Adams
100 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 25 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 189 158 Aug-76 Now Gulf Diver III
101 577629 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 26 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 189 158 May-77 Later Goliad, sank 2000
102 578598 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 27 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 189 158 Jan-77 Now Sea Brooke
103 581312 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 29 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 189 158 Apr-77 Now Ms Robin
104 585710 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 30 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 189 158 Sep-77 Now Sea Cecile
105 588434 L Reed Danos Reed Danos Tug 180 98 Dec-77 Active
106 L 2R Drilling Drilling Barge 1977
107 L Captain Jake Tug 1977
108 589286 L J. A. Belcher, Sr. Belcher Towing Tug 191 106 1977 Now Valentine Moran
109 591048 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 31 L. & M. Bo-Truc Rentals Supply Boat 189 157 Apr-78 Now Jambon Supplier
110 593341 L Ocean Carrier I Offshore Specialty Fab. Deck Barge 2,282 250 Jun-78 Active
111 599608 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 32 L. & M. Bo-Truc Rentals Supply Boat 198 156 Nov-78 Now Roseanna
112 L Eagle Liftboat 1978
113 596738 L George Bollinger B & B Marine Crew Boat 99 95 Jan-78 Later Sea Cat, now Triton Liberty
114 600265 L Marc G. Gilbeau Marine Tug 187 101 Dec-78 Now M/V Calusa Coast
115 596737 L Captain Tracy II L. K. Cardenas Fishing Vessel 56 60 May-78 Active
116 598078 L Shoreline I Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 99 58 Feb-78 Now Diamond 30
117 L Shoreline II Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 99 58 1978
118 599907 L Shoreline III Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 99 58 1978 Now Superior Result
119 L Odom Sea Trac Supply Boat 100 1979 Now Sea Hopper
120 L Falcon Liftboat 1979
121 L Gerry Bordelon Bordelon Marine Utility Boat 1979
122 610097 L Midnight Crusader Supply Boat 187 171 Aug-79 Now Buffalo River
123 L Ventura Supply Boat 654 Nov-79 Now Spurn Haven II
124 612291 L Little Indian Quality Lift Svces Supply Boat 99 58 May-79 Now Global Lift 5
125 L W. J. 1 Supply Boat 1980
126 L June Bollinger B & B Marine Supply Boat 1980
127 624365 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 35 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 200 160 Jul-80 Now Emily G
128 625263 L Katrina G Tug 181 92 1980 Now Katrina
129 620039 L Mr. Lefty Towboat 99 62 1980 Active (Venezuela)
130 L Gov. David Treen Utility Boat 1980
131 625823 L Shoreline V Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 144 58 1980
132 626734 L Shoreline VI Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 144 60 1980 Later Wolverine, OCS 1, Russell W. Peterson, now L/B Vision
133 628315 L Shoreline VII Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 144 63 1980 Active (Nigeria)
134 626695 L Falcon Rig 28 R & B Falcon Drilling Rig 2,493 220 Nov-80 Now Hercules 28
135 637906 L Todd Danos Todd Danos Tug 141 98 Jul-81 Active
136 633211 L Domar Lieutenant Dome Petroleum Tug 194 95 Apr-81 Later Rob Roy, Bayridge Service, now Carly Michelle
137 L Alianza Panama Canal Tug 347 1981 Active
138 638103 L Shoreline X Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 144 75 Sep-81 Active
139 L Ryan Bollinger Supply Boat 1981
140 635947 L Falcon Rig 29 R & B Falcon Drilling Rig 2,510 220 Nov-81 Now Hercules 29
141 L Progreso Panama Canal Tug 347 1981 Active
142 L Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 36 L. & M. Bo-Truc Supply Boat 200 160 1981
143 640197 L Shoreline XI Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 144 75 1981 Active (Nigeria)
144 L D & C 19 Danos & Curole Work Barge 1981
145 643830 L Falcon Rig 30 R & B Falcon Drilling Rig 2,510 220 Nov-81 Now Hercules 30
146 640675 L Blue Max Schlumberger Supply Boat 90 57 Jul-81 Active
147 640676 L Shoreline XIV Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 90 57 Sep-81 Deleted
148 643706 L Shoreline XVII Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 90 58 May-81 Active
149 L Shoreline XVIII Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 90 58 1981
150 644062 L Stella Eymard & Co. Supply Boat 90 63 Aug-81 Active
151 Not used
152 L Booker Rig #951 Booker Oil Platform Rig 1981
153 L Booker Rig #952 Booker Oil Platform Rig 1981
154 637905 L Top Trooper Bollinger Larose Tug 44 42 Dec-81 Active
155 647661 L Falcon Rig 31 R & B Falcon Drilling Rig 2,510 220 Nov-82 Now Hercules 31
156 652390 L Falcon Rig 32 R & B Falcon Drilling Rig 2,510 220 Nov-82 Now Hercules 32
157 647935 L Mona G. Gilbeau Marine Tug 185 120 May-82 Now East Coast
158 653464 L Energy Altair Energy Tptn Tug 272 113 Dec-82 Now Volunteer
159 L Booker Rig #953 Booker Oil Platform Rig 1982
160 L Amistad Panama Canal Tug 347 1982 Active (Panama)
161 647329 L Shoreline XIX Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 110 62 Sep-82 Active (Nigeria)
162 647330 L Shoreline XX Shoreline Liftboats Liftboat 110 62 Sep-82 Now Jasper
163 653737 L Nolty Theriot II Theriot Tug 175 114 Dec-82 Now Crosby Trojan
164 655036 L Edmund A. Curole Sea & Sea Marine Tug 175 114 Mar-83 Now Crosby Admiral
165 655583 L Danielle B. Offshore Tugs Tug 413 114 Jul-83 Now La Sauvage
166 L No name Otto Candies Houseboat 1983 Active
167 L Big D Bollinger Shipyards Drydock 1984 Active
168 L No name Panama Canal Drydock 1984 Active
169 692844 L Lili Bisso Bisso Marine Deck Barge 1,533 187 Jun-86 Active
170 WPB 1301 L Farallon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 21-Feb-86 Active
171 WPB 1302 L Manitou U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 28-Mar-86 Stretched 2005, struck 2007
172 WPB 1303 L Matagorda U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 2-May-86 Stretched 2004, struck 2007
173 WPB 1304 L Maui U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 6-Jun-86 Active
174 WPB 1305 L Monhegan U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 11-Jul-86 Stretched 2004, struck 2007
175 WPB 1306 L Nunivak U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 15-Aug-86 Stretched 2004, struck 2007
176 WPB 1307 L Ocracoke U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 19-Sep-86 Active
177 WPB 1308 L Vashon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 24-Oct-86 Stretched 2004, struck 2007
178 WPB 1309 L Aquidneck U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 28-Nov-86 Active
179 WPB 1310 L Mustang U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 2-Jan-87 Active
180 WPB 1311 L Naushon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 6-Feb-87 Active
181 WPB 1312 L Sanibel U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 13-Mar-87 Active
182 WPB 1313 L Edisto U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 17-Apr-87 Active
183 WPB 1314 L Sapelo U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 22-May-87 Active
184 WPB 1315 L Mantinicus U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 26-Jun-87 Active
185 WPB 1316 L Nantucket U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 31-Jul-87 Active
186 WPB 1317 L Attu U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 117d 110 7 5-Sep-88 Stretched 2004, struck 2007
187 WPB 1318 L Baranof U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 10-Oct-88 Active
188 WPB 1319 L Chandeleur U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 14-Nov-88 Active
189 WPB 1320 L Chincoteague U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 19-Dec-88 Decommissioned 2014
190 WPB 1321 L Cushing U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 23-Jan-89 Active
191 WPB 1322 L Cuttyhunk U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 27-Feb-89 Active
192 WPB 1323 L Drummond U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 3-Apr-89 Active
193 WPB 1324 L Key Largo U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 8-May-89 Active
194 WPB 1325 L Metomkin U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 12-Jun-89 Stretched 2004, struck 2007
195 WPB 1326 L Monomy U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 17-Jul-89 Active
196 WPB 1327 L Orcas U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 21-Aug-89 Active
197 WPB 1328 L Padre U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 25-Sep-89 Stretched 2004, struck 2007
198 WPB 1329 L Sitkinak U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 30-Oct-89 Active
199 WPB 1330 L Tybee U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 4-Dec-89 Active
200 WPB 1331 L Washington U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 8-Jan-90 Active
201 WPB 1332 L Wrangell U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 12-Feb-90 Active
202 WPB 1333 L Adak U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 19-Mar-90 Active
203 WPB 1334 L Liberty U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 23-Apr-90 Active
204 WPB 1335 L Anacapa U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 28-May-90 Active
205 WPB 1336 L Kiska U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 2-Jul-90 Active
206 WPB 1337 L Assateague U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 107d 110 7 6-Aug-90 Active
207 L No name Bollinger Shipyards Dry Dock 1990 Active
208 968591 L Doc Candies Otto Candies Tug 482 112 Dec-90 Later Tecumseh, S/R Providence, Emma M. Rochrig, now Greenland Sea
209 964536 L Marcel Danos Danos & Curole Liftboat 190 79 Oct-90 Now Pilot Fish
210 M 36LCPL901 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
211 M 36LCPL902 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
212 M 36LCPL903 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
213 M 36LCPL904 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
214 M 36LCPL905 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
215 M 36LCPL906 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
216 M 36LCPL907 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
217 M 36LCPL908 U.S. Navy Landing Craft 10 36 1990 Active
218 965698 L L/B Bobby Montco Offshore Liftboat 173 79 Apr-90 Now Alliance I
219 968587 L L/B Christie Montco Offshore Liftboat 173 79 Jan-90 Now Alliance II
220 WPB 1338 L Grand Isle U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 14-Dec-90 To Pakistan 2016
221 WPB 1339 L Key Biscayne U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 18-Jan-91 To Pakistan 2016
222 WPB 1340 L Jefferson Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 22-Feb-91 To Georgia 2015
223 WPB 1341 L Kodiak Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 29-Mar-91 Active
224 WPB 1342 L Long Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 3-May-91 To Costa Rica 2017
225 WPB 1343 L Bainbridge Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 7-Jun-91 Sold 2014
226 WPB 1344 L Block Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 12-Jul-91 Sold 2014 as Jules Verne
227 WPB 1345 L Staten Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 16-Aug-91 To Georgia 2015
228 WPB 1346 L Roanoke Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 20-Sep-91 To Costa Rica 2017
229 WPB 1347 L Pea Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 25-Oct-91 Sold 2014 as Farley Mowat
230 WPB 1348 L Knight Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 29-Nov-91 Active
231 WPB 1349 L Galveston Island U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 153d 110 7 3-Jan-92 Active
232 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
233 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
234 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
235 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
236 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
237 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
238 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
239 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
240 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
241 M No name Tidewater Marine Work Boat 1990 Active
242 972233 L Hoku-Loa Young Brothers Tug 477 108 Feb-91 Active
243 973434 L Hoku-Kea Young Brothers Tug 477 108 Apr-91 Active
244 PC 1 L Cyclone US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 7-Aug-93 To USCG 2000, to the Philippines 2004 as General Mariano Alvares
245 PC 2 L Tempest US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 21-Aug-93 Active
246 PC 3 L Hurricane US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 15-Oct-93 Active
247 PC 4 L Monsoon US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 22-Jan-94 Active
248 PC 5 L Typhoon US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 12-Feb-94 Active
249 PC 6 L Scirocco US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 11-Jun-94 Active
250 L ECO-100 Ecomarine Oil Skimmer 1991 Prototype
251 L ECO-200 Ecomarine Oil Skimmer 1991 Prototype
252 PC 7 L Squall US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 4-Jul-94 Active
253 PC 8 L Zephyr US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 11 15-Oct-94 To USCG 2004 as WPC 8
254 980381 L Aimee Danos Danos & Curole Liftboat 183 79 Oct-91 Now Rudderfish
255 L No name Saudi Govt. Patrol Boat 1991 Prototype
256 L Warlock Yacht Not built
257 PC 9 L Williwaw US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 9 26-Jan-95 Active
258 PC 10 L Chinook US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 9 10-Jun-95 Active
259 PC 11 L Torrent US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 9 1-Jul-95 Active
260 PC 12 L Lightning US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 9 7-Oct-95 Active
261 PC 13 L Shamal US Navy Patrol Ship 341d 178 9 27-Jan-96 Active
262 L Enforcer US Navy Patrol Boat 1992 Prototype
263 M 30RB9301 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
264 M 30RB9302 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
265 M 30RB9303 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
266 M 30RB9304 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
267 M 30RB9305 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
268 1183583 M 30RB9306 US Navy NSW RIB 13 30 1993 Now Gus
269 M 30RB9307 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
270 M 30RB9308 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
271 1225860 M 30RB9309 US Navy NSW RIB 13 30 1993 Now Zeus
272 M 30RB9310 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
273 M 30RB9311 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
274 M 30RB9312 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
275 M 30RB9313 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
276 M 30RB9314 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
277 1201669 M 30RB9315 US Navy NSW RIB 13 30 1993 Now Odin
278 M 30RB9316 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
279 M 30RB9317 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
280 M 30RB9318 US Navy NSW RIB 30 1993 Active
281 L Unnamed Mersea Ships Ferry Cancelled
282 L Unnamed Mersea Ships Ferry Cancelled
283 1025598 L Micky Gilbert G. & B. Marine Supply Boat 97 129 Jan-94 Now Rosite G
284 1029108 L Joyce Bollinger Shipyards Supply Boat 97 129 Jan-95 Now Int'l Courage
285 L Lady Luck Casino Lady Luck Casino Casino Vessel 1995 Active
286 L Irish Sea Pioneer Halliburton Liftboat 2,692 179 29-Mar-96 Active (Panama)
287 L Vibra-Ram Liftboat 1994
288 M No name Al-Safe RIB 1994
289 M No name Al-Safe RIB 1994
290 1042005 L Sean Candies Otto Candies Tug 662 115 1-Jul-96 Now Patriot Service
291 1046029 L Grant Candies Otto Candies Tug 195 115 15-Nov-96 Now Eagle Service
292 1032269 L Andre Danos Danoe Marine Supply Boat 167 79 Jun-95 Deleted 2006
293 1037187 L Dutra Dipper Dutra Dredging Dredge 571 150 Oct-95 Now Maricavor (Panama)
294 1040774 L Antone Dutra Dredging Dredge 1,259 191 Jul-96 Later Tauracavor (Panama), sank 2007
295 1045921 L Man-O-War Global Industries Liftboat 188 128 7-Jan-97 Active
296 1049274 L Kingfish Global Industries Liftboat 188 128 15-Jan-97 Active
297 L Hull only North American SB Supply Boat 15-Feb-96 Active
298 L Hull only North American SB Supply Boat 15-Aug-96 Active
299 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 1996 Active
300 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 1996 Active
301 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 1996 Active
302 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 15-Apr-96 Active
303 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 15-Apr-96 Active
304 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 15-Nov-96 Active
305 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 15-Nov-96 Active
306 M No name Ambar Marine RIB 15-Nov-96 Active
307 1050508 L Celeste Elizabeth Cheramie Boats Supply Boat 90 131 15-Mar-97 Active (Saint Vincent)
308 1052663 L Sea Horse I Seacor Marine Supply Boat 90 131 15-Jun-97 Now Rana Miller
309 1059402 L Hilton Joseph Gilco Supply Boats Supply Boat 90 131 15-Dec-97 Out of registry 2011
310 DB 6800 L Keystone State U.S. Army Derrick Barge 1,999 200 15-Mar-98 Active
311 DB 6801 L Sacketts Harbor U.S. Army Derrick Barge 1,999 200 20-Jun-98 Active
312 1052392 L L/B Juan Montco Offshore Liftboat 128 122 15-May-97 Active
313 1062037 L L/B Tammy Montco Offshore Liftboat 128 122 15-Mar-98 Active
314 WPB 87301 L Barracuda U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 9 7-Apr-98 Active
315 1052662 L Betty C. Cheramie C. & E. Boats Supply Boat 93 131 15-Jul-97 Now Int'l Brave
316 1056274 L Captain Bud United Tugs Tug 88 86 15-Aug-97 Active
317 1052908 L D. L. Hanson Superior Energy Liftboat 177 122 15-Jun-97 Later Superior Challenge, now Seacor Intervention
318 1059404 L Dean Andrew Gilco Supply Boats Supply Boat 90 131 15-Dec-97 Active (Marshall Islands)
319 1059403 L Sea Horse II Seacor Marine Supply Boat 90 131 15-Dec-97
320 1060683 L W. Lopez Superior Energy Liftboat 139 122 Jan-98 Later Superior Endeavor, now Seacor Endeavor
321 1062039 L P. G. Jones Superior Energy Liftboat 139 122 Feb-98 Later Superior Vision, now Seacor Supporter
322 1062038 L Sea Horse III Seacor Marine Supply Boat 90 131 17-Mar-98 Now Max Cheramie
323 DB 6802 L Saltillo U.S. Army Derrick Barge 1,999 200 15-Nov-99 Active
324 WPB 87302 L Hammerhead U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 29-Jul-98 Active
325 WPB 87303 L Mako U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 9-Sep-98 Active
326 WPB 87304 L Maklin U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 2-Dec-98 Active
327 WPB 87305 L Stingray U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 13-Jan-99 Active
328 WPB 87306 L Dorado U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 24-Feb-99 Active
329 WPB 87307 L Osprey U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 7-Apr-99 Active
330 PC 14 L Tornado US Navy Patrol Ship 360d 178 23 30-Apr-00 Active
331 L Egyptian Egyptian Navy Fast Patrol Boat 1998 Prototype
332 1064590 L Sea Horse IV Seacor Marine Supply Boat 90 131 30-Jun-98 Now Poppa John
333 DB 6803 L Springfield U.S. Army Derrick Barge 1,999 200 Mar-00 Active
334 1064603 L Sea Horse V Seacor Marine Supply Boat 90 131 1-Jul-98 Now Elliott Cheramie
335 WPB 87308 L Chinook U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 19-May-99 Active
336 WPB 87309 L Albacore U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 30-Jun-99 Active
337 1075801 L Harry Joseph Gilco Supply Boats Supply Boat 90 131 8-Jan-99 Now Gis-Bianca
338 1077092 L Emelie Ann Gilco Supply Boats Supply Boat 90 131 26-Feb-99 Now Todd G
339 1077091 L Gary John Gilco Supply Boats Supply Boat 90 130 1-Apr-99 Now Clean Ocean
340 1074504 L Ben Transport Sources Deck Barge 209 115 1998 Now SD 1203
341 1074505 L Max Transport Sources Deck Barge 209 115 1998 Now SD 1204
342 1086279 L Vera Bisso Bisso Marine Tug 98 100 22-Nov-99 Active
343 DB 6804 L Delaware U.S. Army Derrick Barge 1,999 200 Nov-00 Active
344 1082131 L Crosby Express Crosby Marine Tug 88 86 11-Jun-99 Active
345 1082754 L Crosby Knight Crosby Marine Tug 88 86 15-Jul-99 Active
346 WPB 87310 L Tarpon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 11-Aug-99 Active
347 WPB 87311 L Cobia U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 08-Sep-99 Active
348 WPB 87312 L Hawksbill U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 06-Oct-99 Active
349 WPB 87313 L Cormorant U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 03-Nov-99 Active
350 WPB 87314 L Finnback U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 01-Dec-99 Active
351 WPB 87315 L Amberjack U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 29-Dec-99 Active
352 WPB 87316 L Kittiwake U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 26-Jan-00 Active
353 WPB 87317 L Blackfin U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 23-Feb-00 Active
354 WPB 87318 L Bluefin U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 22-Mar-00 Active
355 WPB 87319 L Yellowfin U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 19-Apr-00 Active
356 WPB 87320 L Manta U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 17-May-00 Active
357 WPB 87321 L Coho U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 14-Jun-00 Active
358 WPB 87322 L Kingfisher U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 12-Jul-00 Active
359 WPB 87323 L Seahawk U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 09-Aug-00 Active
360 WPB 87324 L Steelhead U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 06-Sep-00 Active
361 WPB 87325 L Beluga U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 04-Oct-00 Active
362 WPB 87326 L Blacktip U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 01-Nov-00 Active
363 WPB 87327 L Pelican U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 29-Nov-00 Active
364 WPB 87328 L Ridley U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 27-Dec-00 Active
365 WPB 87329 L Cochito U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 24-Jan-01 Active
366 WPB 87330 L Manowar U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 21-Feb-01 Active
367 WPB 87331 L Moray U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 21-Mar-01 Active
368 WPB 87332 L Razorbill U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 18-Apr-01 Active
369 1092132 L Ocean Intervention II Oceaneering Supply Boat 2,255 227 29-Jun-00 Active
370 1093265 L Helen III Maybank Shipping Deck Barge 3,780 299 24-Jul-00 Now Crimson Tide
371 WPB 87333 L Adelie U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 16-May-01 Active
372 WPB 87334 L Gannett U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 13-Jun-01 Active
373 WPB 87335 L Narwhal U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 11-Jul-01 Active
374 WPB 87336 L Sturgeon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 08-Aug-01 Active
375 WPB 87337 L Sockeye U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 05-Sep-01 Active
376 WPB 87338 L Ibis U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 03-Oct-01 Active
377 WPB 87339 L Pompano U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 31-Oct-01 Active
378 WPB 87340 L Halibut U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 28-Nov-01 Active
379 WPB 87341 L Bonito U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 26-Dec-01 Active
380 WPB 87342 L Shrike U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 23-Jan-02 Active
381 WPB 87343 L Tern U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 20-Feb-02 Active
382 WPB 87344 L Heron U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 20-Mar-02 Active
383 WPB 87345 L Wahoo U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 17-Apr-02 Active
384 WPB 87346 L Flyingfish U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 15-May-02 Active
385 WPB 87347 L Haddock U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 12-Jun-02 Active
386 1103037 L Jean Gilbert G. & B. Marine Supply Boat 96 151 16-Jan-01 Active
387 1105951 L Clay Ella G. & B. Marine Supply Boat 96 151 23-Apr-01 Active
388 1100026 A Lytal Ashley Lytal Supply Boats Supply Boat 90 131 5-Oct-00 Later Odyssea Explorer, now MS Sophia Rose
389 1104088 A Lytal Andre Lytal Supply Boats Supply Boat 90 131 19-Mar-01 Later Odyssea Endeavor, now MS Emelie Rose
390 1109622 L Bootsie B. Riverway Co. Towboat 828 177 May-01 Active
391 1103038 L Sea Horse VI Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 131 15-Dec-00 Active
392 1100670 A Marmac 400 McDonough Mar. Deck Barge 340 383 Mar-01 Active
393 A TS 117 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 Nov-00 Active (Colombia)
394 A TS 118 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 Nov-00 Active (Colombia)
395 1108177 L Taylor R. Martin AMT Marine Supply Boat 86 131 23-Mar-01 Now Odyssea Mariner
396 1105786 A WB-100 North American SB Water Barge 655 195 2001 Active
397 1105789 A WB-200 North American SB Water Barge 655 195 2001 Active
398 1120898 A Superior Storm Superior Energy Liftboat 174 132 Apr-02 Now Seacor Storm
399 1124970 A Superior Gale Superior Energy Liftboat 173 132 Dec-02 Now Seacor Gale
400 1111783 L Wes Bordelon Bordelon Marine Supply Boat 90 131 6-Jun-01 Active
401 1111784 L Terry Bordelon Bordelon Marine Supply Boat 90 131 5-Jul-01 Active
402 1113614 L Bunny Bordelon Bordelon Marine Supply Boat 90 131 2-Aug-01 Active
403 Not used
404 1107318 A EM 1004 Kristra Investments Deck Barge 1,072 192 Mar-01 Active (Canada)
405 1107319 A EM 1005 Kristra Investments Deck Barge 1,072 192 May-01 Active
406 1107320 A EM 1006 Kristra Investments Deck Barge 1,072 154 Apr-01 Active
407 1107321 A EM 1007 Kristra Investments Deck Barge 1,072 154 May-01 Active
408 1113563 L Ms. Caroline Guilbeau Marine Supply Boat 449 131 24-Aug-01 Active
409 1116283 L Chad G. Guilbeau Marine Supply Boat 449 131 21-Sep-01 Active
410 1128392 L Savannah Crescent Towing Tug 290 92 10-Sep-02 Active
411 Not used
412 1125196 L L/B Myrtle Montco Offshore Liftboat 173 132 Jul-02 Active
413 1120138 L Andi N. Martin AMT Marine Supply Boat 86 131 12-Dec-01 Now Odyssea America
414 1116282 L Seacor Eagle Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 131 6-Nov-01 Now Isla Colorada (Mexico)
415 1117746 L Seacor Hawk Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 131 16-Nov-01 Now Isla Verde (Mexico)
416 1119760 G DBL 101 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 7,159 381 24-Jul-02 Active
417 1132231 G DBL 81 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 5,896 321 31-Jan-03 Active
418 WPB 87348 L Brant U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 10-Jul-02 Active
419 WPB 87349 L Shearwater U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 07-Aug-02 Active
420 WPB 87350 L Petrel U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 6 04-Sep-02 Active
421 1137538 G DBL 82 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 5,896 321 23-Jun-03 Active
422 1146491 G DBL 102 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 7,159 381 19-Dec-03 Active
423 1131594 L Ms Sarah Jane MNM Boats Supply Boat 1,544 185 6-Dec-02 Active
424 1135442 L Ms Jolie MNM Boats Supply Boat 1,544 185 27-Feb-03 Active
425 1114610 A Gracie B Big R Enterprises Deck Barge 1,072 192 Sep-01 Now Bisso 201
426 1120887 L A. A. Martin AMT Marine Supply Boat 86 131 9-Jan-02 Now Odyssea Atlas
427 1125202 A Alec Scott Seahorse Marine Liftboat 109 122 Sep-02 Active
428 1134269 L Joel Paul Gremillion Marine Supply Boat 96 150 18-Dec-02 Now Andi Nicol
429 1125197 L Seacor Master Seacor Marine Supply Boat 140 131 21-Jun-02 Now KC Commander (Canada ON 842944)
430 1131239 L Seacor Mariner Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 131 13-Sep-02 Active
431 1139762 L Jane A. Bouchard Bouchard Tptn. Tug 293 125 20-Jun-03 Active
432 1139764 G B. No. 225 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 8,799 411 29-May-03 Active
433 1154328 L Morton S. Bouchard IV Bouchard Tptn. Tug 293 125 5-May-04 Active
434 1154327 G B. No. 242 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 11,089 487 30-Apr-04 Active
435 1136167 L Seacor Madison Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 187 4-Jun-03 Active
436 1141431 L Seacor Washington Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 187 24-Sep-03 Active
437 1132802 L Seacor Merchant Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 131 24-Dec-03 Active
438 1145388 L Donny Paul Scott Seahorse Marine Liftboat 109 122 Dec-03 Now L/B Donny Paul
439 1145691 L Seacor Jefferson Seacor Marine Supply Boat 86 187 7-Jan-04 Active
440 1145048 L Lousteau Tide Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 1,624 187 19-Dec-03 Active (Mexico)
441 1043875 L Deville Tide Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 1,624 187 8-Jan-04 Active (Vanuatu)
442 1151073 L Jonathan Rozier Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 1,624 187 6-Feb-04 Active
443 1151985 L Bourgeois Tide Tidewater Marine Supply Boat 1,624 187 29-Apr-04 Active
444 WPB 87351 L P-51 Maltese Mar. Sq. Patrol Boat 91d 87 13-Nov-02 Active (Malta)
445 Not used
446 A No name US Navy INLS Barge 2002 Prototype
447 WPB 87352 L Sealion U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 19-Nov-03 Active
448 WPB 87353 L Skipjack U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 17-Dec-03 Active
449 WPB 87354 L Dolphin U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 14-Jan-04 Active
450 WPB 87355 L Hawk U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 11-Feb-04 Active
451 1147704 H OC 4126 Otto Candies Deck Barge 9,480 384 19-Jan-04 Active
452 1155957 L Cheramie Botruc No. 38 L & M Botruc Supply Boat 198 180 20-Jul-04 Active
453 1160676 L Cheramie Botruc No. 39 L & M Botruc Supply Boat 198 180 14-Oct-04 Active
454 WPB 87356 L Sailfish U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 10-Mar-04 Active
455 WPB 87357 L Sawfish U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 7-Apr-04 Active
456 A TS 119 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 2004 Active (Colombia)
457 A TS 120 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 2004 Active (Colombia)
458 WPB 87--- L P-52 Maltese Mar. Sq. Patrol Boat 91d 87 2004 Active (Malta)
459 Not used
460 Not used
461 Not used
462 1150188 A Leftovers 2 LA Generating Hopper Barge 407 115 15-Nov-04 Active
463 A TS 122 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 2004 Active (Colombia)
464 A Big Bo Bollinger Gulf Repair Dry Dock 2004 Active
465 A TS 123 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 2004 Active (Colombia)
466 1162736 L Capt. Rudy Seahorse Marine Supply Boat 92 149 17-Nov-04 Active
467 WPB 87358 L Swordfish U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 15-Mar-05 Active
468 WPB 87359 L Tiger Shark U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 12-Apr-05 Active
469 WPB 87360 L Blue Shark U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 10-May-05 Active
470 WPB 87361 L Sea Horse U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 7-Jun-05 Active
471 WPB 87362 L Sea Otter U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 5-Jul-05 Active
472 WPB 87363 L Manatee U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 2-Aug-05 Active
473 WPB 87364 L Ahi (ex-Diamondback) U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 30-Aug-05 Active
474 WPB 87365 L Pike (ex-Piranha) U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 27-Sep-05 Active
475 WPB 87366 L Terrapin (ex-Skate) U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 10 25-Oct-05 Active
476 1164529 A Horizon 3030 Horizon Maritime Asphalt Barge 1,754 297 Jan-05 Now CTCO 3030
477 1165911 A Horizon 3031 Horizon Maritime Asphalt Barge 1,754 297 Feb-05 Now CTCO 3031
478 1165910 A Horizon 3032 Horizon Maritime Asphalt Barge 1,754 297 Mar-05 Now CTCO 3032
479 1167591 A Horizon 3033 Horizon Maritime Asphalt Barge 1,754 297 Apr-05 Now CTCO 3033
480 na H Guadalupe-Blanco Guadalupe-Blanco River Deck Barge 9,480 2004 Active
481 1161359 A Weeks 229 Weeks Marine Crane Barge 224 78 17-Jul-04 Active
482 1170370 G GCS 238 Gellatly & Criscione Tank Barge 3,130 285 20-Jul-05 Now Chemoil New York
483 1176595 L L/B Kayd Montco Offshore Lift Boat 173 132 21-Dec-05 Active
484 A TS 124 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 Jun-05 Active (Colombia)
485 A TS 125 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 Jun-05 Active (Colombia)
486 A TS 126 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 Jul-05 Active (Colombia)
487 A TS 127 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 Aug-05 Active (Colombia)
488 A TS 128 Transport Services Hopper Barge 1,544 Sep-05 Active (Colombia)
489 1181626 G B No. 280 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 6,496 382 28-Apr-06 Active
490 1170633 A DBL 103 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 7,132 381 9-Dec-05 Active
491 Not used
492 1191747 G B No. 205 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 11,089 411 5-Jan-07 Active
493 1174839 L Sarah Bordelon Bordelon Marine Supply Boat 498 149 7-Oct-05 Active
494 1175352 L Marcelle Bordelon Bordelon Marine Supply Boat 498 149 13-Dec-05 Active
495 1178527 L Irene B JCH Marine Supply Boat 498 149 18-Jan-06 Active
496 1178813 A DBL 28 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 14-Mar-06 Active
497 1180995 A DBL 29 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 10-May-06 Active
498 1181446 A Montville Moran Towing Dry Bulk Barge 7,153 402 4-May-06 Active
499 1173547 A Horizon 3034 Horizon Maritime Asphalt Barge 1,754 297 7-Oct-05 Now EMS 3034
500 1189191 L Linda Lee Bouchard Bouchard Tptn. Tug 687 125 5-Jan-07 Active
501 1185952 L Mary Martin AMT Marine Supply Boat 98 180 1-Sep-06 Now Odyssea Leader
502 Not used
503 Not used
504 1184523 A DBL 26 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 9-Aug-06 Active
505 1188127 A PBL 3002 Progressive BL Tank Barge 1,754 297 31-Oct-06 Active
506 1187774 A Long Island Moran Towing Tank Barge 4,887 334 11-Oct-06 Active
507 1193988 A DBL 27 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 5-Jan-07 Active
508 1196471 A Energy 6506 Hornbeck Off. Tank Barge 5,778 346 8-Aug-07 Active
509 1196549 A Energy 6507 Hornbeck Off. Tank Barge 5,778 346 10-Aug-07 Active
510 1196474 A Energy 6508 Hornbeck Off. Tank Barge 5,568 346 10-Apr-08 Active
511 1204610 G B No. 282 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 7,132 382 25-Oct-07 Active
512 Not used
513 1187672 A GCS 239 Gellatly & Criscione Tank Barge 3,130 297 22-Nov-06 Now Stone Navigator
514 1193787 A DBL 104 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 7,132 381 14-Mar-07 Active
515 1196599 L Eagle Edison Chouest Lift Boat 196 132 11-Jun-07 Now Seacor Eagle
516 1200276 L Hawk Edison Chouest Lift Boat 196 132 10-Sep-07 Now Seacor Hawk
517 1198669 A DBL 22 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 18-Jun-07 Active
518 1203120 A DBL 23 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 20-Sep-07 Now DBZ-1
519 1205954 A DBL 24 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 12-Dec-07 Active
520 1207733 A DBL 25 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 29-Feb-08 Active
521 1195773 L First and Ten Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 173 12 6-Aug-07 Active
522 1200748 L Double Eagle Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 173 12 19-Sep-07 Active
523 1203989 L Triple Play Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 173 12 5-Nov-07 Active
524 1204678 L Grand Slam Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 205 12 7-Dec-07 Active
525 1204681 L Slam Dunk Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 205 12 14-Jan-08 Active
526 1204682 L Touch Down Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 205 12 14-Feb-08 Active
527 1204683 L Hat Trick Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 173 12 1-Apr-08 Active
528 1204684 L Slap Shot Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 205 12 6-May-08 Now Jermaine Gibson
529 1204685 L Home Run Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 205 12 18-Jun-08 Active
530 1204686 L Knock Out Rigdon Marine PSV 1,702 205 12 5-Aug-08 Active
531 1200667 A RTC 26 Reinauer Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 26-Sep-07 Active
532 1200668 A RTC 27 Reinauer Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 1-Nov-07 Active
533 1209866 A DBL 76 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 5,221 322 29-May-08 Active
534 1212984 A DBL 77 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 5,234 322 29-May-08 Active
535 1198671 A B No. 231 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 3,759 285 31-Jul-07 Active
536 1209484 A B No. 233 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 3,759 285 13-May-08 Active
537 1219893 A DBL 106 K-Sea Tptn. Tank Barge 7,132 382 31-Mar-10 Active
538 WPB 87367 L Sea Devil U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 11-Jan-08 Active
539 WPB 87368 L Sea Dragon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 20-Jun-08 Active
540 C Mr. Brett Bollinger Shipyards Dry-Dock 31-Dec-08 Active
541 G Bollinger Shipyards Dry-Dock 2008 Active
542 1210060 G B No. 260 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 5,706 334 30-Jun-08 Active
543 1212792 A RTC 28 Reinauer Tptn. Tank Barge 1,754 297 17-Sep-08 Active
544 A Bollinger Shipyards Dry-Dock 2008 Active
545 1217693 L Busy Bee Bee Mar LLC 210-ft PSV 1,596 197 23-May-09 Now Harvey Wind
546 1217694 L Worker Bee Bee Mar LLC 210-ft PSV 1,596 197 1-Jul-09 Now Harvey Rain
547 1214462 A GCS 235 Gellatly & Criscione Tank Barge 3,130 285 5-Nov-08 Active
548 1218566 A GCS 236 Gellatly & Criscione Tank Barge 3,130 285 29-Jul-09 Active
549 Not used
550 WPB 87369 L Crocodile U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 13-Aug-08 Active
551 WPB 87370 L Diamond Back U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 17-Sep-08 Active
552 WPB 87371 L Reef Shark U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 22-Oct-08 Active
553 WPB 87372 L Alligator U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 26-Nov-08 Active
554 WPB 87373 L Sea Dog U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 4-Feb-09 Active
555 WPB 87374 L Sea Fox U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 11-Mar-09 Active
556 1214647 L Odyssea Champion Odyssea Marine 193-ft PSV 98 180 19-Dec-08 Active
557 1214648 L Odyssea Defender Odyssea Marine 193-ft PSV 98 180 24-Dec-08 Active
558 1215084 A M 6000 Martin Midstream Tank Barge 4,550 334 20-Apr-09 Active
559 1222436 L Mister B Bollinger Shipyards Pushboat 83 60 18-Aug-09 Active
560 1216336 A B No. 262 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 5,720 334 27-Mar-09 Active
561 1225718 A B No. 264 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 5,720 334 20-May-10 Active
562 1216341 G B No. 284 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 7,132 382 9-Jun-09 Active
563 1217695 L Honey Bee Bee Mar LLC 210-ft PSV 1,596 197 11-Aug-09 Now Harvey Seas
564 1218414 L Bayou Bee Bee Mar LLC 210-ft PSV 1,596 197 8-Oct-09 Now Harvey Storm
565 1218415 L Bee Sting Bee Mar LLC 210-ft PSV 1,596 197 8-Dec-09 Now Harvey Hurricane
566 1218416 L Bumble Bee Bee Mar LLC 234-ft PSV 1,786 221 30-Mar-10 Now Harvey Rover
567 1218417 L Queen Bee Bee Mar LLC 234-ft PSV 1,786 221 25-May-10 Now Harvey Pioneer
568 1218418 L Bee Hive Bee Mar LLC 234-ft PSV 1,786 221 1-Sep-10 Now Harvey Leader
569 1218419 A Drone Bee Bee Mar LLC 234-ft PSV 1,786 221 22-Jul-11 Now Harvey Legend
570 1218420 A Mason Bee Bee Mar LLC 234-ft PSV 1,786 221 21-Dec-11 Now Stimstar Arabian Gulf
571 A Bollinger Shipyards Dry-Dock 2011 Active
572 A Bollinger Shipyards Dry-Dock 2011 Active
573 1240445 A Hunts Point City of New York Sludge Carrier 2,828 280 28 24-Dec-13 Active
574 1240446 A Port Richmond City of New York Sludge Carrier 2,828 280 28 29-May-14 Active
575 1240447 A Rockaway City of New York Sludge Carrier 2,828 280 28 2-Sep-14 Active
576 1231889 A Ocean Wave Crowley Maritime Ocean Tug 1,258 136 3-May-12 Active
577 1231890 A Ocean Wind Crowley Maritime Ocean Tug 1,258 136 17-Oct-12 Active
578 WPB 87375 L Sana'a U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 14 2011 Active (Yemen)
579 WPB 87376 L Aden U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat 91d 87 14 2011 Active (Yemen)
580 A Bubba Dove Terrebonne Parish Flood Gate 2013 Active
581 1231891 A Ocean Sun Crowley Maritime Ocean Tug 1,258 145 15-May-13 Active
582 1231892 A Ocean Sky Crowley Maritime Ocean Tug 1,258 145 18-Jun-13 Active
583 1235496 A B. No. 250 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 4,361 304 14-Aug-12 Active
591 1247944 A Ms Charlotte Edison Chouest PSV 3,117 300 5-Jun-14 Active
592 1247945 A Honey Bee/Rene Edison Chouest PSV 3,117 300 5-Feb-15 Active
601 WPC 1101 L Bernard C. Webber U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 88 10-Feb-12 Active
602 WPC 1102 L Richard Etheridge U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 47 26-May-12 Active
603 WPC 1103 L William Flores U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 47 15-Aug-12 Active
604 WPC 1104 L Robert Yered U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 47 17-Nov-12 Active
605 WPC 1105 L Margaret Norvell U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 41 21-Mar-13 Active
606 WPC 1106 L Paul Clark U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 41 21-May-13 Active
607 WPC 1107 L Charles David Jr U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 41 16-Aug-13 Active
608 WPC 1108 L Charles Sexton U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 41 10-Dec-13 Active
609 WPC 1109 L Kathleen Moore U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 45 28-Mar-14 Active
610 WPC 1110 L Raymond Evans U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 45 25-Jun-14 Active
611 WPC 1111 L William Trump U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 45 25-Nov-14 Active
612 WPC 1112 L Isaac Mayo U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 45 13-Jan-15 Active
613 WPC 1113 L Richard Dixon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 14-Apr-15 Active
614 WPC 1114 L Heriberto Hernandez U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 14-Jul-15 Active
615 WPC 1115 L Joseph Napier U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 20-Oct-15 Active
616 WPC 1116 L William Griesser U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 23-Dec-15 Active
617 WPC 1117 L Donald Horsley U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 5-Mar-16 Active
618 WPC 1118 L Joseph Tezanos U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 2-May-16 Active
619 WPC 1119 L Rollin Fritzch U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 15-Aug-16 Active
620 WPC 1120 L Lawrence Lawson U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 20-Oct-16 Active
621 WPC 1121 L John McCormick U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 17-Dec-16 Active
622 WPC 1122 L Bailey Barco U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 7-Feb-17 Active
623 WPC 1123 L Benjamin Dailey U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 20-Apr-17 Active
624 WPC 1124 L Oliver Berry U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 27-Jun-17 Active
625 WPC 1125 L Jacob Poroo U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 5-Sep-17 Active
626 WPC 1126 L Joseph Gerczak U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 9-Nov-17 Active
627 WPC 1127 L Richard Snyder U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 8-Feb-18 Active
628 WPC 1128 L Nathan Bruckenthal U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 29-Mar-18 Active
629 WPC 1129 L Forrest Rednour U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 7-Jun-18 Active
630 WPC 1130 L Robert Ward U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 43 21-Aug-18 Active
631 WPC 1131 L Terrell Horne U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 25-Oct-18 Active
632 WPC 1132 L Benjamin Bottoms U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 8-Jan-19 Active
633 WPC 1133 L Joseph Doyle U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 21-Mar-19 Active
634 WPC 1134 L William Hart U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 30-May-19 Active
635 WPC 1135 L Angela McShan U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 1-Aug-19 Active
636 WPC 1136 L Daniel Tarr U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 7-Nov-19 Active
637 WPC 1137 L Edgar Culbertson U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 6-Feb-20 Active
638 WPC 1138 L Harold Miller U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 53 30-Jul-20 Active
639 WPC 1139 L Myrtle Hazard U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 48 28-May-20 Active
640 WPC 1140 L Oliver Henry U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 48 31-Jul-20 Active
641 WPC 1141 L Charles Moulthrop U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 48 22-Oct-20 Active
642 WPC 1142 L Robert Goldman U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 48 21-Dec-20 Active
643 WPC 1143 L Frederick Hatch U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 48 10-Feb-21 Active
644 WPC 1144 L Glen Harris U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 48 22-Apr-21 Active
645 WPC 1145 L Emlen Tunnel U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 49 1-Jul-21 Active
646 WPC 1146 L John Scheuerman U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 49 21-Oct-21 Active
647 WPC 1147 L Clarence Sutphin U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 49 6-Jan-22 Active
648 WPC 1148 L Pablo Valent U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 49 Building
649 WPC 1149 L Douglas Denman U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 49 Building
650 WPC 1150 L William Chadwick U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 49 Building
651 WPC 1151 L Warren Deyampert U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 50 Building
652 WPC 1152 L Maurice Jester U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 50 Building
653 WPC 1153 L John Patterson U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 50 Building
654 WPC 1154 L William Sparling U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 50 Building
655 WPC 1155 L Melvin Bell U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 50 Building
656 WPC 1156 L David Duren U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 50 Building
657 WPC 1157 L Florence Finch U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 51 Building
658 WPC 1158 L John Witherspoon U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 51 Building
659 WPC 1159 L Earl Cunningham U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 51 Building
660 WPC 1160 L Frederick Mann U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 51 Building
661 1247946 A Honey Bee/Gemi Edison Chouest PSV 3,400 300 21-Oct-14 Active
662 1247947 A Bayou Bee/Brooke Edison Chouest PSV 3,400 300 15-May-15 Active
WPC 1161 L Olivia Hooker U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 Building
WPC 1162 L Vincent Danz U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 Building
WPC 1163 L Jeffrey Palazzo U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 Building
WPC 1164 L Marvin Perrett U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Craft 353d 153 Building
671 1258838 A Robin Edison Chouest PSV 2,500 250 6-Nov-15 Active
672 1258842 A Lucy Edison Chouest PSV 2,500 250 16-Apr-19 Active
673 1258843 A Millie Edison Chouest PSV 2,500 25 2-Feb-21 Active
684 1274226 L Cole Guidry Lorris G. Towing Towboat 192 78 16-Dec-16 Active
690 1281896 A OSRB-4 Alaska Ventures OSR Barge 8,522 382 3-Apr-18 Active
691 1292046 A B. No. 252 Bouchard Tptn. Tank Barge 4,361 304 8-Mar-19 Active
693 1285078 A Rodanthe North Carolina DoT Ferry 552 183 10 2-May-19 Active
694 1286017 L Aveogan Crowley Fuels ATB Tug 756 128 31-Mar-20 Active
696 1296706 A Oliver Leavitt Crowley Fuels Tank Barge 8,164 384 31-Mar-20 Active
699 1303224 A Holland GDEB SP Barge 8,364 369 2021 Active
A GDEB Floating Dock 618 2021 Building


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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023