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Anderson & Cristofani, San Francisco CA

Anderson & Cristofani was the survivor of a group of shipbuilders who built San Francisco Bay scows, between the early 1870s and the mid-1930s, in a row of yards along Innes Avenue, in the India Basin, at Hunter's Point. Henry P. Anderson, a shipwright, arrived there from Denmark in 1893 and bought Dircks' yard on Innes Avenue, renaming it, first, H. P. Anderson Boat Building and, later, Anderson's Ways. This soon became one of the dominant yards, absorbing others as the market for scows declined. Anderson was joined by Alf Cristofani in 1926 and the name was changed again. The yard was sold to property speculators in the 1980s but acquired by the City in 1989, for the development of the India Basin Shoreline Park. The Allemand Brothers boatyard continues there today. See it from the air on Google here. If anyone can add to the table below, which is clearly far from complete, please email

Most recent update: 2 November 2014.

Hull# O.N. Name Customer Type GT Ft. Delivery Disposition
Built by H. P. Anderson
201276 Mono Schooner 142 1904
201275 Red Rock Sloop 177 1904
Snark Jack London Recreational 1907
Panacea Recreational 17 41 1910
212772 Katherine Tug 15 45 1914 Now Peterson No. 14
214173 Acme Fishing 15 45 1915 Active
Built by Anderson & Cristofani
511650 Mabel K Recreational 9 33 1927 NLD
264147 Terron Recreational 11 36 1927 Active
169857 Ohio No. 2 C. Stagnaro Recreational 17 41 1927
Henriette Recreational 11 33 1928
229106 Leonilda Recreational 16 42 1929 Inactive
252774 Sal-C Recreational 17 41 1929 Active
230164 Ohio No. 3 Frank Manaka Fishing 53 63 1930
229446 Yuba Nahum Fay Fishing 275 131 1930
Bolo Fishing 30 55 1932 To USN 1941 as YP 538, sold 1946
560369 Suds Recreational 8 34 1934 Later The Lady Jayne, now Suds
Waldero Fishing 88 84 1936 To USN 1941 as YP 153, sold 1946
234835 California Star S. C. Bruno Fishing 70 74 1936 To USN 1941 as YP 302, sold 1946
267353 Sun Beam Recreational 7 32 1936 Active
235621 New Rex Mariano Torrente Fishing 77 76 1936 To USN 1941 as YP 318, sold 1946
236550 City of Monterey Horace E. Balbo Fishing 71 73 1937 To USN 1941 as YP 297, sold 1946
236550 Telco Horace E. Balbo Fishing 71 73 1937 To USN 1941 as YP 297, sold 1946
516905 Maria Concetta Recreational 8 28 1938 NLD
553155 Keel Sloop 15 38 1938 Now Nautigal
Prestige (AMc 97) US Navy Minesweeper 228d 97 23-Dec-41 Sold 1946
Progress (AMc 98) US Navy Minesweeper 228d 97 24-Jan-42 Sold 1946
Radiant (AMc 99) US Navy Minesweeper 228d 97 11-Feb-42 Sold 1946 to Canadian owners
Reliable (AMc 100) US Navy Minesweeper 228d 97 9-Mar-42 Sold 1946, abandoned in Guam 1955
Rocket (AMc 101) US Navy Minesweeper 228d 97 25-Mar-42 Sold 1946
Royal (AMc 102) US Navy Minesweeper 228d 97 13-Apr-42 Sold 1946
AMc 150/APc 33 US Navy Transport 100d 103 31-Oct-42 Sold 1946
AMc 151/APc 34 US Navy Transport 100d 103 19-Nov-42 Grounded off New Georgia Sep-43 and abandoned
AMc 152/APc 35 US Navy Transport 100d 103 Dec-42 Grounded off New Georgia Sep-43 and abandoned
AMc 153/APc 36 US Navy Transport 100d 103 18-Dec-42 Sold 1946
AMc 154/APc 37 US Navy Transport 100d 103 12-Jan-43 Sold 1946
AMc 193/APc 38 US Navy Transport 100d 103 29-Jan-43 Sold 1946
AMc 194/APc 39 US Navy Transport 100d 103 17-Feb-43 Sold 1946
AMc 195/APc 40 US Navy Transport 100d 103 10-Feb-43 Sold 1946
APc 108 US Navy Transport 100d 103 1-May-43 Sold 1947 as f/v Iceland, NLD 1987
APc 109 US Navy Transport 100d 103 5-Jun-43 Sold 1947
APc 110 US Navy Transport 100d 103 3-Jul-43 Sold 1947 as Surprise, Capt. Jack 1975, wrecked 2004 off Edna Bay AK
APc 111 US Navy Transport 100d 103 31-Jul-43 Sold 1947 as f/v Coastal Trader, to Canada 1950
APc 112 US Navy Transport 100d 103 Cancelled
APc 113 US Navy Transport 100d 103 Cancelled
APc 114 US Navy Transport 100d 103 Cancelled
APc 115 US Navy Transport 100d 103 Cancelled
Menoquet (YT 256) US Navy Tug 400d 110 7-Jun-44 Struck 1959
Minooka (YT 257) US Navy Tug 400d 110 8-Aug-44 Struck 1947
Moanahonga (YT 258) US Navy Tug 400d 110 14-Oct-44 Struck 1965
Arivaca (YT 259) US Navy Tug 400d 110 24-Jan-45 Sold 1964
953110 C-60162 US Navy Patrol Boat 41 65 1944 Now fishing vessel Phu Quy
How many more ? US Navy Patrol Boats 65 1944
261319 Bonanza Fishing 52 60 1945 Now Saigon
258207 Harbor Pathfinder Fishing 60 60 1945 Active
261320 Mallard Passenger 34 60 1945 Inactive
253002 Rumrunner Recreational 31 49 1947 Active
252419 Southern Cal Fishing 34 60 1947 Active
254993 Stagnaro No. 2 Stagnaro Fishing Passenger 34 60 1948 NLD
271719 Cottardo Stagnaro Stagnaro Fishing Recreational 22 54 1956 Later Pa' Ina Moku, inactive
650 528016 D. E. Marsh CalDoT Fishing 43 51 1970 Now Boomer
957669 Jerry Daily Olson Family Recreational 8 36 1989 Active


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023