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Fulton Shipyard, Antioch CA

Fulton Shipyard was started in 1924 by Frank Fulton and Angeline Fulton Fredericks on a site on the San Joaquin River that had first been developed as a shipyard in 1918, by a company called Jarvis Bros. It closed in 1999. The yard was at the foot of Fulton Shipyard Road in downtown Antioch: see it from the air on Google here. If anyone can add to the table below, please email

Most recent update: 14 January 2016.

Hull # O.N. Name Customer Type Tons Ft. Delivery Disposition
225522 Larkin No. 6 100 1926 Later Anteros, to USG 1942
225698 Helen Wilder Tug 18 1926 Later L-D No. 4, Western Pilot
225832 City of Napa Edward Mackey Freight 92 1926
225931 Stanley-Robert 152 1926
226830 RVL No. 2 Tug 23 1927 Later Pacific No. 2, California Eagle, active
227812 Merit Herman P. Miller Freight 149 1928 To USN 1942 as YF 536, later Merit
228866 RVL No. 6 Tug 36 1929 To USA as ST 798, later Pacific No. 3, Marie Lauritzen
230035 Crescent No. 3 Andrew Cobb 204 1930 To USN 1942 as YF 549, later Crescent No. 3
231023 Sutter Freighter 313 1931 Converted to floating restaurant 1961, now the San Joaquin Yacht Club
231714 Kent Tug 42 1932 Later Del Norte
232933 Henry J. Kaiser Tug 34 1934 Later Despatch No. 6, Compacco
234344 Cavalleri Vincent Cardinalli Fishing 125 1935 To USN 1942 as YP 307, returned 1946
234376 Golden Gate Tug 94 1935 Later San Antonino, Eureka
235369 Leslie J. Fulton A. L. Fulton Tug 195 1936 To USN 1941 as Waxbill (AMc 15), returned 1945, later Fulpac One
236593 Despatch No. 7 S.O. Co. of Cal. Tug 34 1937 Later James J. Fulton
241444 Despatch No. 8 S.O. Co. of Cal. Tug 54 1942
242091 Mr. Thomas Tug 15 1942 Later A. L. Fulton
Industry (AMc 86) US Navy Minesweeper 205 19-Dec-41 Wrecked in typhoon off Okinawa 1945, hulk sunk
Liberator (AMc 87) US Navy Minesweeper 205 22-Feb-42 Later IX 202, sold 1946
Loyalty (AMc 88) US Navy Minesweeper 205 17-Jan-42 Destroyed 1946
Memorable (AMc 89) US Navy Minesweeper 205 9-Mar-42 Sold 1948
Merit (AMc 90) US Navy Minesweeper 205 28-Mar-42 To Fish & Wildlife Service 1947
Observer (AMc 91) US Navy Minesweeper 205 14-Apr-42 Sold 1947 as Observer, later Sea Wolf
APc 23 US Navy Transport 100 31-Oct-42 Planned as AMc 159, sold 1947
APc 24 US Navy Transport 100 5-Nov-42 Planned as AMc 160, sold 1947
APc 25 US Navy Transport 100 19-Nov-42 Planned as AMc 161, sold 1947
APc 26 US Navy Transport 100 25-Nov-42 Planned as AMc 162, sold 1947
APc 27 US Navy Transport 100 5-Dec-42 Planned as AMc 163, sold 1947
APc 28 US Navy Transport 100 17-Dec-42 Planned as AMc 182, grounded and burnt in Okinawa 1946
252126 APc 29 US Navy Transport 100 6-Jan-43 Planned as AMc 183, sold 1947, later Nuisance IV, now Margaret Ann
APc 30 US Navy Transport 100 15-Jan-43 Planned as AMc 184, sold 1947
APc 31 US Navy Transport 100 30-Jan-43 Planned as AMc 185, sold 1947
APc 32 US Navy Transport 100 13-Feb-43 Planned as AMc 186, sold 1947
252352 APc 101 US Navy Transport 100 2-Apr-43 Planned as APc 75, sold 1947 as Klehowa, wrecked 1981
APc 102 US Navy Transport 100 16-Apr-43 Planned as APc 76, beached in Saipan 1945 and destroyed 1946
APc 103 US Navy Transport 100 1-May-43 Planned as APc 77, grounded and burnt in Okinawa 1946
APc 104 US Navy Transport 100 Planned as APc 78, cancelled
APc 105 US Navy Transport 100 Planned as APc 79, cancelled
APc 106 US Navy Transport 100 Planned as APc 80, cancelled
APc 107 US Navy Transport 100 Planned as APc 81, cancelled
251871 APc ? US Navy Transport 100 1942 Now Cape Cross
APc ? US Navy Transport 100 1943 Sold 1947 as Coastal Transport II, now Cape Scott
ATR 23 US Navy Tug 850 3-Dec-43 Disposed of 1946
ATR 24 US Navy Tug 850 9-Feb-44 Disposed of 1946
ATR 25 US Navy Tug 850 11-Apr-44 To Peru 1946 as Jose Olaya, later Olaya
ATR 26 US Navy Tug 850 9-Jun-44 To China 1946 as Pu To, later to Taiwan
ATR 27 US Navy Tug 850 1-Aug-44 Disposed of 1946
ATR 28 US Navy Tug 850 25-Sep-44 Disposed of 1946
255346 YP 619 US Navy Patrol Craft 1945 To MARAD 1947, later Mariner
256189 YP 620 US Navy Patrol Craft 1945 To MARAD 1947, later Sonja
Conflict (AM 426) US Navy Minesweeper 780 23-Mar-54 Later MSO 426, scrapped 1973
Constant (AM 427) US Navy Minesweeper 780 8-Sep-54 Later MSO 427, scrapped 2001
250223 Bear Flag A. L. Fulton Tug 53 1946 NLD
255346 Mariner Mariner, Inc. Fishing 481 1945 NLD
269899 F. L. Fulton A. L. Fulton Tug-Yacht 71 1955 Later Briana Marin, Salish Wanderer, now F. L. Fulton again
273711 Aloalo Lawrence Ernest Yacht 7 1957 NLD
276042 Linda Lee II Jack T. Killion Passenger 13 1956 NLD
286641 Redondo Ronald Ariaga Passenger 25 1961 Active
293521 Marine Surveyor City of L.A. Survey Boat 57 1963 Active
233 545436 J-Mack Cal DoT Ferry 46 1969 Active


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023