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Halter Chickasaw (Chickasaw Shipbuilding Gulf Shipbuilding), Chickasaw AL

Halter Marine acquired the Chickasaw shipyard in 1979, previously Chickasaw Shipbuilding and, before that, Gulf Shipbuilding, but closed it in 1983, when the market collapsed. See the full construction record here. The yard is now a general cargo terminal: see it from the air on Google here. If anyone can add to the table below, please email

Most recent update: 26 August 2014.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Type GT Delivered Disposition
799 601973 Maya Cudd Pressure Cont OSV 90 1979 Active
800 604101 Toltec Cudd Pressure Cont OSV 90 1979 Active
805 613059 Autumn Leaf Don F. Levy, Inc. OSV 233 Oct-79 Later E. W. Lutz, Miss Rosie, now Mr. Harlan Jr.
806 612997 Winter Wind Don F. Levy, Inc. OSV 233 Dec-79 Later Joni Bruce, Ensco Sail, Sail Tide, now Caroline Morrison
822 631787 Jacksonville Sheridan Tptn ITB Tug 1,443 May-82 Scrapped 2008
823 647320 Groton Sheridan Tptn ITB Tug 1,443 Jun-82 Scrapped 2008
851 611003 Mister Briley Briley Marine OSV 1980 Later Gulf Fleet No. 301, now Lady Rosalind
874 622756 Point Au Fer Point Marine OSV 93 Jun-80 Later Red Finch, Willy 4003, now Demas Fortune (Nigeria)
875 626141 Point T Point Marine OSV 199 Aug-80 Later HOS Secretariat, now Secretariat
887 Mooring Service Zapata Marine OSV 122 Feb-80 Active (Venezuela)
892 623437 Phyllis Briley Briley Marine OSV 186 Jun-80 Later Force Five, James A. Miers, Gulf Terra I, now Enterprise I
893 635879 Al Breaux Liftboat 92 1980 Later Superior Culture, now Pike
894 629195 D J Viator Liftboat 92 1980 Later Superior Performance, now Seabream
918 629254 Rae Lemoine Briley Marine OSV 233 Nov-80 Now Gulf Fleet No. 302
924 648935 New York Sheridan Tptn ITB Tug 1,443 Jan-83 Scrapped 2009
925 654191 Acadia Sheridan Tptn ITB Tug 1,443 May-83 Later Baltimore, scrapped 2009
926 654192 Philadelphia Sheridan Tptn ITB Tug 1,443 Jun-84 Scrapped 2010
927 654193 Mobile Sheridan Tptn ITB Tug 1,443 Aug-84 Scrapped 2010
943 649569 Moku Pahu Matson Navigation ITB Tug 1,455 Oct-82 Active
948 638342 Petromar Bravo Petromar OSV 265 Jul-81 Later Quist Tide, noq Quist Teus (Panama)
949 639679 Petromar Dorado Petromar OSV 265 Aug-81 Now Maridive 55 (Egypt)
950 641454 Petromar Explorer Petromar OSV 265 Sep-81 Later Nico Rashidya, now Lourdes (Sharjah)
951 642161 Petromar Falcon Petromar OSV 265 Oct-81 Now fishing vessel Aleutian Falcon
1028 646693 Leam Mississippi Leam Marine OSV 288 Jan-82 Later Seabulk Mississippi, now GAC Pearl (Abu Dhabi)
1029 645258 Leam Texas Leam Marine OSV 288 Jan-82 Later Seabulk Texas, Maad Hunter II, now Beverly G
1030 645686 Leam Florida Leam Marine OSV 288 Jan-82 Later Seabulk Florida, now Imiloa
1031 645964 Leam Alabama Leam Marine OSV 288 Feb-82 Later Seabulk Alabama, Maad Hunter III, now Lola
1032 644987 Leam California Leam Marine OSV 288 Mar-82 Later Seabulk California, Maad Hunter IV, now Gertie C
1065 650478 Petromar Odyssey Petromar OSV 265 Aug-82 Now Odyssey Tide, scrapped 2006
1079 662081 Petromar ? Petromar OSV 265 Dec-82 Later Osco Service II, State Defender, GMMOS Defender, Seabulk Defender, now Interocean


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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023