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Halter Equitable, New Orleans LA

This yard was originally developed as the main Higgins Industries facility: it closed in 1963. Equitable Equipment bought it in 1966 and renamed it Equitable Shipyards, with their Madisonville yard concentrating on barge building. Trinity Industries acquired Equitable in 1972 and both yards continued in operation until 1996, when Trinity spun off the New Orleans yard as part of Halter Marine Group. Halter closed it in 2000, stripped it of all its equipment and sold the lease on the property to an investment group led by John Dane. The yard was located on the west side of the Industrial Canal, just north of I-10: see it from the air on Google here. See also the tables for Higgins Industries, for Equitable Equipment and for Trinity Madisonville. If anyone can add to the table below, please email

Most recent update: 26 August 2014.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Ft. Built Disposition
Built by Equitable Shipyards in New Orleans LA (1966-1972)
C412 502295 Miss Lou Louis Chambert Passenger 40 54 1966 Active
C419 504282 Bennie Lawrence Tan Minh Pham Passenger 95 90 1966 Active
C429 505760 Thimble Express Passenger 40 54 1966 Now Citation
C431 506365 Passenger 40 54 1966 Now Cindy D
C432 504932 Passenger 40 54 1966 Now Go-Del
C438 506671 Passenger 40 54 1967 Now Margaret Cecilia
674078 Passenger 40 54 1967 Later Moanalua
C447 516955 Nicole Robin Tptn Svcs of St John Passenger 40 54 1968 Active
C491 520950 Donna K The Dengler Trust Fishing Vessel 48 60 1969 Active
1515 527276 Stellar Passenger 65 59 1968 Inactive 2002
1551 Eagle Passenger 106 1969 Later Malika 1991, Ahmed I 1992
Stellar of Gibraltar Recreational 1970 Active (Bahamas)
527662 Bluewater Cat Recreational 71 64 1970 Now Sea Cat
C502 527681 Leatherneck Passenger 48 60 1970 Active
Boats built by Trinity in the New Orleans yard (1972-1980)
1628 Barbados Barbados Port Auth. Tug 215 1972 Now Big Al (Barbados)
1631 Nana Kru Liberian Port Auth. Tug 148 1972 Later Nana Kru I, lost 1986
1638 541836 Ruth Halter Marine Inc Tug 87 60 1972
1647 Helio Ferraz Docenave Tug 208 1973 Active (Brazil)
1648 554083 Bertile Candies Otto Candies AHTS 192 162 1974 Later Bemack Six 1982, Sea Lion 1990, Striker I 1992, Arabian Tide 2000, Flamingo 2005, Pheonix 2006, scrapped 2010
1649 556510 Amelia Candies Otto Candies AHTS 192 162 1974 Later Pacific Star 1982, Pacific Empire 1989, now Pacific Star 1992
1650 561652 Martha Theriot Nolty J. Theriot Tug 173 138 1974 Later Martha, Independent Victory, now Sea Victory
1651 568498 Janet Theriot Nolty J. Theriot Tug 174 138 1974 Later Janet, Sea Venture, now Finn Falgout
1652 564374 Eliska Theriot Nolty J. Theriot Tug 173 138 1975 Later Eliska, Exxon Golden State, S/R Golden State, Ocean Venture, now Paul T Moran
1653 559292 Adele Candies Otto Candies AHTS 196 162 1974 Later Hope River 2000, now Great White 2005
1655 Reforma Portuaria Manzanilla Portuaria Tug 149 1974 Active (Mexico)
1659 566464 Nica Theriot Nolty J. Theriot Tug 173 138 1975 Later William W 1983, Exxon California 1988, S/R California 1993, Dumar V 2001, Dolphin V 2002, now Crosby Leader 2010
1660 570047 Toya Alario Nolty J. Theriot Tug 194 138 1976 Later Patricia E, now Rebel
1661 571215 Pye Theriot Nolty J. Theriot Tug 194 138 1976 Later Loretta J, now Yankee
1662 573747 Joshua T Nolty J. Theriot Tug 174 138 1976 Later Marine Voyager, Joshua, Independent Voyager, now Sea Voyager
1670 574062 Indian Seahorse Zapata Marine AHTS 285 185 1976 Scrapped 2001
1671 577561 Beaufort Seahorse Zapata Marine AHTS 288 185 1976 Active
1676 574996 Gulf Majesty Zapata Marine Tug 181 137 1976 Active
1677 576980 Gulf Commander Zapata Marine Tug 174 137 1976 Now Jimmy Smith
1680 Selat Siberut Indonesian Govt. Tug 212 1976 Active (Indonesia)
1681 Selat Laut Indonesian Govt. Tug 212 1977 Active (Indonesia)
1682 Selat Makasar Indonesian Govt. Tug 212 1977 Now Aditya (Indonesia)
1683 Selat Bali Indonesian Govt. Tug 212 1977 Active (Indonesia)
1684 Selat Bangkar Indonesian Govt. Tug 212 1977 Active (Indonesia)
1687 577910 New Roads Louisiana DoT Ferry 656 143 1976 Active
1688 582890 St. John Louisiana DoT Ferry 446 143 1977 Active
1695 582485 Gov. Edward Hyde North Carolina DoT Ferry 574 161 1978 Active
1713 629314 Aldo Moro New York City Ferry 3,335 310 1981 Renamed Andrew J.Barberi, active
1714 629315 Samuel I. Newhouse New York City Ferry 3,335 310 1982 Active
1715 610290 America Am. Atl. Shipping Cargo Ship 983 274 1979 Later Island Hope 1986, now fish factory Island Enterprise 1990
1716 622178 Amazonia Am. Atl. Shipping Cargo Ship 983 274 1980 Later Rainbow Hope 1984, Juno 1999, now Geysir 2000
1717 627433 Antillia Am. Atl. Shipping Cargo Ship 983 281 1980 Later Island Mariana 1986, Liberty 1988, fish factory Stellar Sea 1992, now R.M. Thorstenson
1723 624880 Acadia Louisiana DoT Ferry 624 143 1980 Active
1993 1084297 Susan L Selvick Marine Towing Tug 133 81 1994 Active (invalid entry?)
Boats built by Halter Marine in the New Orleans yard (1986-1999)
LG 41 Rio Puyango Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 17 Jun-86 Active
LG 42 Rio Mateje Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 17 Jun-86 Active
LG 43 Rio Zarumilla Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 17 Mar-88 Assembled by Astinave, active
LG 44 Rio Chone Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 17 Mar-88 Assembled by Astinave, active
LG 45 Rio Daule Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 17 Jun-88 Assembled by Astinave, active
LG 46 Rio Babhoyo Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 17 Jun-88 Assembled by Astinave, active
951097 Pictionary (TY 001) Halter Yachts Yacht Hull 87 74 1987 Now Akela
Mairin Tara Cargo Ship 155 1987 Now Capt. Rinel II (Honduras)
915236 J. C. Dingwall Texas DoT Ferry 94 91 Jun-87 Active
915237 B. L. DeBerry Texas DoT Ferry 94 91 Jun-87 Active
916577 Cajun Queen New Orleans Paddlewheels Passenger 86 128 1987 Now Savannah River Queen
935995 Caribe Tide Tptn Svcs of St John Ferry 93 95 1988 Active
928441 Carteret North Carolina DoT Ferry 687 207 1989 Active
Abeer Fifteen Abeer Marine Crewboat 279 1989 Now Express 50 (Panama)
115 H S B Columbia Research Corp. Interceptor May-89 Inactive
121 SAC 4 Unnamed U.S. Navy Assault Craft 77 Jan-89 Active
122 SAC 5 Unnamed U.S. Navy Assault Craft 77 Feb-89 Active
123 SAC 6 Unnamed U.S. Navy Assault Craft 77 Mar-89 Active
124 SAC 7 Unnamed U.S. Navy Assault Craft 77 Apr-89 Active
125 SAC 8 Unnamed U.S. Navy Assault Craft 77 May-89 Active
126 949139 Kalama State of Washington Ferry 99 102 Apr-90 To Tanzania 2011
129 949140 Skagit State of Washington Ferry 99 102 Apr-90 To Tanzania 2011
130 Atco Thibaih M.A.T.S.S. Security Boat 213 15-Feb-89 Active (Bahrain)
131 Atco Lama M.A.T.S.S. Security Boat 213 1-Mar-89 Active (Bahrain)
132 Atco Fida M.A.T.S.S. Security Boat 213 15-Mar-89 Active (Bahrain)
133 SOC 1 Unnamed Special Operations Assault Craft 77 Mar-89 Active
134 na Halter Yachts Yacht Hull Nov-90 Active
135 959543 Fjordland Alaskan Heritage Tours Passenger 94 81 1990 Now American Star
154 na Unnamed U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Apr-89
155 na Unnamed U.S. Navy Patrol Craft May-89
156 na Unnamed U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Jun-89
157 na Unnamed U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Jul-89
158 na Unnamed U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Aug-89
159 na Unnamed U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Sep-89
160 na Unnamed U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Oct-89
162 DF 370 Jose Andrada Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 21-Aug-90 Active
163 DF 371 Enrique Jurado Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 13-Dec-90 Active
164 DF 372 Alfredo Peckson Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 26-Apr-91 Active
165 DF 374 Simeon Castro Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 26-Apr-91 Active
170 DF 375 Carlos Albert Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 26-Apr-91 Active
171 LGC 33 5 de Agosto Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 190 15-May-91 Active
172 LGC 34 27 de Febrero Ecuadorian Navy Patrol Craft 190 19-Jul-91 Active
173 na Bogue Corps of Engineers Crewboat Active
174 RSNF 52 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 22-May-91 Active
175 RSNF 53 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 20-Jun-91 Active
176 RSNF 54 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 18-Jul-91 Active
177 Albacora Bariven Corp. Launch Apr-91 Active
178 na Culebra Panama Canal Comm. Dredge Tender Oct-91 Active
179 na William R. Porter Corps of Engineers Lock Tender 26-Apr-92 Active
180 RSNF 55 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 14-Aug-91 Active
181 RSNF 56 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 6-Dec-91 Active
182 DF 376 Heracleo Alano Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 11-Sep-91 Active
183 DF 377 Liberato Picar Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 9-Oct-91 Active
184 DF 378 Hilario Ruiz Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 6-Nov-91 Active
185 RSNF 57 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 3-Jan-92 Active
186 RSNF 58 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 29-Jan-92 Active
187 RSNF 59 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 26-Feb-92 Active
188 RSNF 60 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 26-Mar-92 Active
189 RSNF 61 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 28-Apr-92 Active
190 RSNF 62 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 20-May-92 Active
191 RSNF 63 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 17-Jun-92 Active
192 RSNF 64 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 15-Jul-92 Active
193 RSNF 65 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 12-Aug-92 Active
194 RSNF 66 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 15-Sep-92 Active
195 RSNF 67 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 14-Oct-92 Active
196 RSNF 68 Unnamed Saudi Navy Patrol Craft 25-Nov-92 Active
197 na Governador Fleury Engineering Eqpmt. Co. Fire Boat Apr-92 Active (Brazil)
198 na Comandante Cianciulli Engineering Eqpmt. Co. Fire Boat May-92 Active (Brazil)
199 na P. H. Worley Corps of Engineers Lock Tender 26-Apr-92 Active
200 981971 Chevron Snohomish Chevron Shipping Tug 168 29-May-92 Now Neptune
201 Contigo (TY 002) Trinity Yachts Yacht Hull Sep-93 Active
202 (TY 003) Trinity Yachts Yacht Hull Mar-92 Active
990868 Patrol Craft 78 1992 Now Barracuda
204 na Fred Lee Corps of Engineers Towboat 2-May-94 Active
205 na Bettendorf Corps of Engineers Towboat 25-Jul-94 Active
P 1201 Isla Coronado Mexican Navy Patrol Craft 7-May-93 Active
P 1202 Isla Lobos Mexican Navy Patrol Craft 19-Jun-93 Active
208 995207 San Juan Redondo Construction Deck Barge 874 172 Jul-93 Active
209 African Star 2 ABC Maritime OSV 290 1995 Active (St. Vincent)
1031051 Caribe Cay Tptn Svcs of St John Passenger 92 89 1995 Active
210 1027644 Queen of New Orleans Hilton New Orleans Casino Vessel 3,895 15-Nov-94 Later Grand Victoria II, now Royal City Star (Canada)
211 KS 533 McDonough Marine Deck Barge Sep-93 Active
212 KS 534 McDonough Marine Deck Barge Oct-93 Active
213 P 1203 Isla Guadalupe Mexican Navy Patrol Craft 55 82 23-Sep-93 MK VA prototype, now Sailfish
214 P 1204 Isla Cozumel Mexican Navy Patrol Craft 55 82 9-Jan-94 MK VB prototype, active
215 na Undisclosed U.S. Navy Assault Craft Apr-94 Active
216 DF 379 Rafael Pargas Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 1-Feb-95 Active
217 DF 380 Nestor Reinoso Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 1-Feb-95 Active
218 DF 381 Dioscoro Papa Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 25-Apr-95 Active
219 DF 382 Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 25-Apr-95 Active
220 DF 383 Ismael Lomibao Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 1-Feb-95 Active
221 DF 384 Leovigildo Antioque Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 1-Feb-95 Active
222 DF 385 Federico Martir Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 25-Apr-95 Active
223 DF 386 Filipino Flojo Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 25-Apr-95 Active
224 DF 387 Anastacio Cacayorin Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 25-Apr-95 Active
225 DF 388 Manuel Gomez Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 25-Apr-95 Active
226 DF 389 Teotimo Figuracion Philippine Navy Patrol Craft 25-Apr-95 Active
227 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Nov-94 Active
228 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Nov-94 Active
229 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Nov-94 Active
230 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Jan-95 Active
231 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Jan-95 Active
232 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Feb-95 Active
233 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Mar-95 Active
234 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Apr-95 Active
235 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft May-95 Active
236 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Jun-95 Active
237 na U.S. Navy Assault Craft Jul-95 Active
238 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 5-Sep-95 Active
239 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 5-Sep-95 Active
240 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 26-Jan-96 Active
241 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 26-Jan-96 Active
242 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 23-Apr-96 Active
243 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 15-Jul-96 Active
244 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 20-Aug-96 Active
245 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 17-Sep-96 Active
246 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 20-Aug-96 Active
247 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 27-Dec-96 Active
252 na Panama Canal Comm. Pilot Boat Nov-96 Active
253 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 15-Sep-97 Active
254 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 15-Sep-97 Active
255 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 15-Sep-97 Active
256 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 15-Dec-96 Active
257 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 28-Jul-97 Active
258 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 28-Jul-97 Active
259 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 3-Oct-97 Active
260 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 3-Oct-97 Active
261 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 5-Dec-97 Active
262 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft 5-Dec-97 Active
263 na B 9801 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 23-Dec-98 Active
264 na B 9802 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 23-Dec-98 Active
265 na B 9803 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-Mar-99 Active
266 na B 9804 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-Mar-99 Active
267 na B 9805 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-May-99 Active
268 na B 9806 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-May-99 Active
269 na B 9807 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-Jul-99 Active
270 na B 9808 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-Jul-99 Active
271 na B 9809 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-Sep-99 Active
272 na B 9810 Venezuelan Coast Guard Patrol Craft 30 9-Sep-99 Active
273 na PG 401 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 30-Jan-99 Active
274 na PG 402 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 30-Jan-99 Active
275 na PG 403 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 30-Apr-99 Active
276 na PG 404 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 30-Apr-99 Active
277 na PG 405 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 14-Jul-99 Active
278 na PG 406 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 14-Jul-99 Active
279 na PG 407 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 14-Sep-99 Active
280 na PG 408 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 14-Sep-99 Active
281 na PG 409 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 14-Nov-99 Active
282 na PG 410 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 14-Nov-99 Active
283 na PG 411 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 7-Nov-99 Active
284 na PG 412 Venezuelan Navy Patrol Craft 48 7-Nov-99 Active
285 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Nov-99 Active
286 na U.S. Navy Patrol Craft Nov-99 Active
287 na P 480 Sri Lankan Navy Patrol Craft 57 1999 Active
288 na P 481 Sri Lankan Navy Patrol Craft 57 1999 Active
289 na P 482 Sri Lankan Navy Patrol Craft 57 1999 Active
290 na P 483 Sri Lankan Navy Patrol Craft 57 1999 Active
291 na P 484 Sri Lankan Navy Patrol Craft 57 1999 Active
292 na P 485 Sri Lankan Navy Patrol Craft 57 1999 Active


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023