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Hudson Shipbuilders (HUDSHIP), Pascagoula MS

HudShip was founded in 1978 by Wendle Huddleston, with Travis Short, Sr., as General Manager. The yard was on the east bank of the Pascagoula River, immediately north of Highway 90, on the site that had been F. B. Walker & Sons. See it from the air on Google here. In 1981, they acquired the H. B. Marine yard on the west bank of the Pascagoula River, immediately south of Highway 90, the yard which is now Signet Shipbuilding: this yard was acquired for construction of larger OSVs but probably only built four - hulls 89 thru 92. The company closed when the offshore market collapsed in 1983. If anyone can add to the table below, please email

Most recent update: 9 July 2015.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Type GT Ft. Built Disposition
54 584128 Clydesdale Clydesdale Corp. Towboat 170 66 1977 Launched by F. B. Walker as Virginia Cole, active
55 600161 Northern Star Fishing 155 75 Dec-78 Later Regina del Mare, Capt Mike, Casa Blanca, now Hunter
56 604472 Captain Sam South Shore Trawling Fishing 153 75 1979 Scuttled 1998
57 602406 John W. Stone John W. Stone Oil Towboat 165 66 1979 Active
58 608371 T. E. Short Hudson Marine OSV 215 112 1979 Later Lamnalco Falcon, Lamnalco 21, Lamnalco Puma, now Abuodi
59 613490 Mercurio Del Golfo Tidewater Marine OSV 215 112 Oct-79 Sank off Rio 2015
60 615175 Gulf Marlin Tidewater Marine OSV 221 110 Jan-79 Active
63 611758 Corey P Paul Vines Fishing 148 77 1979 Lost 1981
Midnight Express Fishing 148 86 1981 Active
66 622750 Alliance Alliance Fishing Fishing 197 98 1980 Active
67 618737 Gulf Tarpon Tidewater Marine OSV 208 101 1980 Later Kaknabil, now Isla de Tris
68 Gray Scout Gray Mackenzie OSV 104 102 1980 Now Grayscout (Australia)
69 624331 Wanda Louise Gerald Hebert OSV 262 109 Sep-80 Later Chris B, Orion II, Hunter, Thor Supporter, now Ary (Vanuatu)
71 Gray Search Gray Mackenzie OSV 221 102 Sep-80 Later Ocean Diamond 1, Seabulk Shari, Shamrock Petal, now Falcon Crest
72 629784 Virginia Cole Energy Transport Services Towboat 199 79 1980 Later Capt. J. B. Rawls, now Sallie Ann
73 Lamnalco Merlin Lamnalco Sharjah OSV 212 115 1981 Later Lamnalco 22, now Trust 2
74 626287 Belgian Clydesdale Corp. Towboat 165 66 1980 Active
75 Gray Track Gray Mackenzie OSV 285 112 Dec-80 Later Seabulk Tiger, now Chandra Jupiter
76 Gray Traverse Gray Mackenzie OSV 285 112 Feb-81 Later Ocean Pearl 1, Seabulk Sengali, now Moshtagh 1
77 ? 631883 Trotter Missouri River BL Towboat 167 66 1981 Now Clyde K Benjamin
78 ? 633747 Colt Missouri River BL Towboat 163 66 1981 Active
79 Gray Test Gray Mackenzie OSV 284 112 May-81 Later Ocean Opal, Seabulk Houbara, Shamrock Dream, now Falcon Wings
80 636194 Gulf Dolphin Tidewater Marine OSV 213 112 May-81 Active
81 638484 Amy Nicole Hebert Enterprises OSV 151 112 Jul-81 Later Deborah McCall, now Oso
82 640726 Charles Haun Parker Towing Co. Towboat 282 79 1981 Now Cullen Landolt
83 642578 Gulf Fleet No. 48 Tidewater Marine OSV 469 161 Nov-81 Active
84 644168 Gulf Fleet No. 49 Tidewater Marine OSV 772 177 Jul-81 Scrapped 2006
85 645690 Gulf Fleet No. 50 Tidewater Marine OSV 772 177 Mar-82 Scrapped 2006
86 647339 Gulf Fleet No. 51 Tidewater Marine OSV 772 177 May-82 Scrapped 2012
87 638911 Gulf Shark Tidewater Marine OSV 213 112 Jan-81 Active (Angola)
89 647673 Bay Service Tidewater Marine OSV 838 196 Jun-82 Active
90 Nigeria Coastal Service Tidewater Marine OSV 838 196 Oct-82 Now Acanthia
91 Vanuatu Point Service Tidewater Marine OSV 838 196 Dec-82 Active
92 Vanuatu Shore Service Tidewater Marine OSV 827 196 May-83 Later Mila Service, Atlas Luck, now Gulf Wave I (UAE)
95 Lamnalco Mallard Lamnalco Sharjah OSV 210 112 Sep-81 Now Lamnalco 26
96 Lamnalco Teal Lamnalco Sharjah OSV 209 112 Nov-81 Now Lamnalco 27
97 642876 Captain Robbie East Coast Tender Tug 45 51 1981 Later Philip A Pearse, Chris Ann, now Bonnie G Selvick
98 649289 HOS Citation Hornbeck Offshore OSV 284 171 Jul-82 Later Red River, now Mazaya 1
99 650845 HOS Centurion Hornbeck Offshore OSV 284 171 Jul-82 Later Centurion, now Pearl River (Mexico)
100 651315 Gulf Fleet No. 102 Tidewater Marine OSV 299 177 Sep-82 Active
101 652444 Gulf Fleet No. 103 Tidewater Marine OSV 777 177 Oct-82 Now Butler Promise
102 644177 Gulf Trout Tidewater Marine OSV 212 112 Jan-82 Now Dolphin 1
103 646671 PBR/371 PBR Offshore OSV 290 164 Apr-82 Later Prospect Seahorse, MZ 108, Maritide 108, Maridive 108, scrapped 2012
104 649587 PBR/372 PBR Offshore OSV 713 164 Jul-82 Later Mar 24, Reliant Seahorse, now Walvis 1
106 653111 Gulf Fleet No. 64 Tidewater Marine OSV 777 187 Dec-82 Now Pacific Crest (Nigeria)


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023