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Maritime Shipyards, Seattle WA

Maritime Shipyards, Inc., was started in 1936 by Finn Lepsoe, who had bought Maritime Boat & Engine Works and moved it to 2610 Commodore Way, in the Salmon Bay neighborhood. He was joined by Joseph C. Glass and, later, by William Garden. If anyone can add to the table below, please email

Most recent update: 20 May 2015.

Hull # O.N. Name or # Owner Type Tons Ft. Built Disposition
Ward's Cove Packing Fishing 55 1935-6
Ward's Cove Packing Fishing 55 1935-6
Nakat Packaging Fishing 55 1935-6
Nakat Packaging Fishing 55 1935-6
Nakat Packaging 5 x Fish Scows 1935-6
Nakat Packaging Pile-driver Scow 1935-6
236060 Penguin Fishing 81 1937 Active
236255 Puffin Fishing 69 1937 Later cargo. NLD
Ocean Gift Aliotti Bros Fishing 1937
173510 Petrel Fishing 70 1937 NLD
173902 N. P. Corp. No. 50 Freight Barge 119 1938 Active
Pipit Red Salmon Co Fish Tender 1938
174400 Bear Fishing 70 1939 Active
174406 Beaver Freight Barge 70 1939 Active
Buddy Nakat Packaging Fish Tender 1939
238913 Diver III Fishing 51 1939 NLD
239749 Capt. O'Brien Fish Tender 116 1940 Later Erling Jr., now Otter
240427 Viekoda Fish Tender 105 1941 Burned 2007
240506 Beaver Fishing 96 1941 Active
240507 Excursion Fishing 96 1941 NLD
Pavlof Fish Tender 1941
240529 Duchess Kadiak Fisheries Fishing 142 1941 Lost 1996
240625 Sea Otter Fishing 119 1941 NLD
240626 Walrus Fishing 101 1941 NLD
257153 Lobo Fishing 23 1941 Later Robetta-J. NLD
241454 Eyak Fishing 103 1942 Active
241524 Rolfy Nakat Packaging Fish Tender 146 1942 Active
241569 Pat B Fishing 107 1942 NLD
66 252233 BSP 134 US Army Motor Barge 147 86 1941 Sold 19xx as fishing Bobbie. NLD
251426 BSP 135 US Army Motor Barge 150 86 1941 Sold 19xx as fish carrier Menshikof. NLD
251586 BSP 136 US Army Motor Barge 144 86 1941 Sold 19xx as fishing Naknek. NLD
255504 BSP 137 US Army Motor Barge 137 86 1941 Sold 19xx as fishing Rosemary. NLD
252432 BSP 138 US Army Motor Barge 155 86 1941 Sold 19xx as fishing Comet, then Alaska Mariner. NLD
BSP 504 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
261250 BSP 505 US Army Motor Barge 196 106 1942 Sold 19xx as Mary J II, now Sally N
BSP 506 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
BSP 507 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
BSP 508 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
BSP 509 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
256492 BSP 510 US Army Motor Barge 198 106 1942 Sold 19xx as fishing Deer Harbor No. 2. Active
250612 BSP 511 US Army Motor Barge 193 106 1942 Sold 19xx as fishing Midas. Lost 1993
BSP 512 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
252090 BSP 513 US Army Motor Barge 190 106 1942 Sold 19xx as fishing Lois Anderson. Active
256491 BSP 783 US Army Motor Barge 145 106 1942 Sold 19xx as fishing Deer Harbor No. 1, then Pankof. Lost 1994
BSP 784 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
BSP 785 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
BSP 786 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
254677 BSP 787 US Army Motor Barge 117 106 1942 Sold 19xx as Reefer II, then Viva Yo, Samaqu. NLD
BSP 788 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
BSP 789 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
BSP 790 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
253631 BSP 791 US Army Motor Barge 192 106 1942 Sold 19xx as fishing Logger. Active
BSP 792 US Army Motor Barge 106 1942
251424 PB 104 Corps of Engineers Motor Barge 149 1942 To US Army as BSP 2723, sold 19xx as fishing Chicagof, now a scow
107B 251491 PB 105 Corps of Engineers Motor Barge 165 1942 To US Army as BSP 2075, sold 19xx as fish carrier Ben B. Lost 2001
251230 PB 112 Corps of Engineers Motor Barge 163 1942 To US Army as BSP 3342, sold 19xx as fishing Alex B, then Selief. Lost 1992
123D 270361 PB 116 Corps of Engineers Motor Barge 183 86 1942 To US Army as BSP 3247, sold 19xx as fishing Shuyak, Dancer, now Knot Easy
251716 PB 118 Corps of Engineers Motor Barge 174 86 1943 To US Army as BSP 1881, sold 19xx as fishing Northern Pride, then Randi Lynn, Northern Pride. Lost 2015
BSP 863 US Army Motor Barge 89 1943
274414 BSP 864 US Army Motor Barge 163 89 1943 Sold 19xx as Westward, then Deception, now Westward
296900 BSP 865 US Army Motor Barge 163 89 1943 Sold 19xx as fishing Chiswell. NLD
BSP 866 US Army Motor Barge 89 1943
BSP 867 US Army Motor Barge 89 1943
BSP 868 US Army Motor Barge 89 1943
BSP 869 US Army Motor Barge 89 1943
BSP 870 US Army Motor Barge 89 1943
BSP 871 US Army Motor Barge 89 1943
260629 BSP 872 US Army Motor Barge 186 89 1943 Sold 19xx as fishing Sand Point, then Cape Lynch. NLD
BSP 1881 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942 See PB 118 above
BSP 1909 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942
BSP 1910 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942
BSP 1913 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
BSP 1914 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
BSP 1915 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4 1949 to FWS/NOAA as Murre II. Sold 1991 for fishery training at Poulsbo WA
BSP 1916 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
BSP 1917 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
BSP 1918 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
BSP 1919 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
252152 BSP 1920 US Army Motor Barge 191 86 1943 Sold 19xx as fishery tender Katherine Kane, now Alaska Eagle
BSP 1921 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
299606 BSP 1922 US Army Motor Barge 193 86 1943 Sold 19xx as fishing Laura Lynn, then Early Jo, Laurie Lynn, Cape Sarichef. NLD
264094 BSP 1923 US Army Motor Barge 183 86 1943 Sold 19xx as fishing Nunivak. NLD
140 259592 BSP 1924 US Army Motor Barge 182 86 1944 Named Sgt. Howard L. Kimsey, sold 19xx as fishing Uzinki, now Boxer. NLD
249712 BSP 1925 US Army Motor Barge 166 86 1944 Sold 19xx as fishing Blue Bird. NLD
271628 BSP 1926 US Army Motor Barge 197 86 1944 Named Pvt. Jack Carson, sold 19xx as fishing Afognak. Active
BSP 1927 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
BSP 1928 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
249599 BSP 1929 US Army Motor Barge 164 86 1944 Sold 19xx as fish carrier Whale. Active
249514 BSP 1930 US Army Motor Barge 164 86 1942-4 Sold 19xx as fishing Ranger. NLD
BSP 1931 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942-4
BSP 2075 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942 See PB 105 above
BSP 2076 US Army Motor Barge 86 1942
BSP 2077 US Army Motor Barge 86 1943
BSP 2723 US Army Motor Barge 86 1943 See PB 104 above
BSP 2724 US Army Motor Barge 86 1943
260202 BSP 3108 US Army Motor Barge 182 89 1945 Sold 19xx as fishing Mary J, now Chisik Island
BSP 3109 US Army Motor Barge 89 1944-5
BSP 3110 US Army Motor Barge 89 1944-5
261803 BSP 3111 US Army Motor Barge 197 89 1945 Named Cpl. John O Johnson, sold 19xx as fishing Bristol Unikmak, then Unimak. NLD
BSP 3112 US Army Motor Barge 89 1944-5
251242 BSP 3113 US Army Motor Barge 163 89 1945 Sold 19xx as Kernel Korn, then Cordova. NLD
268647 BSP 3245 US Army Motor Barge 179 1942? Sold 19xx as fishing Lacloa Chief, then Kalaikh. Lost 1981
BSP 3247 US Army Motor Barge 86 1943 See PB 116 above
BSP 3250 US Army Motor Barge 86 1943
BSP 3342 US Army Motor Barge 86 1943 See PB 112 above
250971 one of above 164 1942 Sold 19xx as fishing Muskrat. Active
259472 one of above 182 1943 Sold 19xx as fishing Cirus. Active
269895 one of above 141 1943 Sold 19xx as fishing Kusko, then H.W.Stewart, tug Clo E. NLD
260174 one of above 165 1943 Sold 19xx as fishing Walter Harbala, then Harry B. NLD
249495 one of above 163 1944 Sold 19xx as fishing Solo No.1, then North Wind, now Northwind
250955 one of above 189 1944 Sold 19xx as fishing Dagney. Active
250040 one of above 170 1945 Sold 19xx as fishing Bering Beauty. Active
246619 Robert S Fishing 151 1945 Active
247862 Narwhale Fishing 123 1945 Later cargo. Active
247958 Dolphin Fishing 123 1945 Later PS Khaz Bay, Ecologic, now Dolphin
Angie Fishery Tender 1946
249301 Sea Lion Alaska Packers Fishery Tender 162 1946 Active
107B 249544 Teddy II Fishing 126 1946 Now Angie
251458 Manatee Fishing 120 1946 NLD
333 251679 African Star Bruce Afton Yacht 8 1947 NLD
252462 Orca Fishing 197 1947 NLD
37 255194 Blackfish Fishing 114 1948 NLD
40 255195 Cachalot Alaska Packers Fishery Tender 114 1948 Later Catchalot, now Cachalot
257125 N. P. Corp. No.59 Fishing 139 1949 NLD
257471 L. McN. & L. 49-46 Freight Barge 105 1949 NLD
257497 Finback Fishing 114 1949 NLD
259175 Anita Fishing 35 1949 Active
259384 Barbara Fishing 36 1950 Active
260044 Finn Fishing 42 1950 NLD
260045 Molle Nakat Packing Fishing 42 1950 Active
261080 N. P. Corp. 64 Freight Barge 47 1950 Now Beachcombers Lodge
261269 Eigil B Fishing 150 1951 Later Casey L, now Eigil B
261836 Selma-S Cargo 61 1951 NLD
262082 Laurie Fishing 46 1951 Now Shirley R
262160 Christina Nakat Packing Fishing 45 1951 Later Mildred, Julie Jolynn, now Saga
Vega 134 1954
269440 Sea Crest Fishing 9 1955 NLD
Little Goose Yacht 62 1955
Seacoma Yacht 62 1956
Gilbert Pile Driving Co Pile Driver 1957
Spray Yacht 1958 Active
499 284950 Snooks Fishing 97 1961 Active


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023