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Omni Fabricators (Valley Shipbuilding), Corpus Christi and Brownsville TX

Omni Fabricators was one of the many small shipbuilders which started in business just in time for the collapse of the industry in 1982. They operated two facilities, one in Corpus Christi and one in Brownsville, but we cannot find any indication of where they were or how the work was divided. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 2014-08-09.

Hull # Yard O.N. Original Name Original Owner Type GT Built Disposition
101 C 620509 Ingram Lay Barge 1 Freight Barge 242 1980 Later Spud Two, now DE Spud 2
102 C 620510 Ingram Lay Barge 2 Freight Barge 219 1980 Later Spud One, now DE Spud 1
107 C 625323 RD 40 Raymond Dugat Co Freight Barge 189 1980 Active
108 C 627366 RD 41 Raymond Dugat Co Freight Barge 209 1980 Active
109 C 627367 RD 42 Raymond Dugat Co Freight Barge 209 1980 Active
111 B 630013 Hannah 2801 Hannah Marine Tank Barge 1,909 1980 Active
112 B Netherlands ZP Condon Kotug Europe Tug 194 1981 Subcontracted to Cameron SB
113 B Netherlands ZP Chalone Kotug Europe Tug 194 1982 Subcontracted to Cameron SB
114 B Netherlands ZP Caymus Kotug Europe Tug 272 1982 Subcontracted to Cameron SB, now VB Boxer (Spain)
115 B Netherlands ZP Chandon Kotug Europe Tug 272 1982 Subcontracted to Cameron SB, now VB Bulldog (Spain)
116 B Netherlands ZP Montali Kotug Europe Tug 302 1982 Subcontracted to Cameron SB, now VB Teckel (Spain)
117 B Netherlands ZP Montelena Kotug Europe Tug 302 1982 Subcontracted to Cameron SB
118 B 928238 Kinsman Eagle Kinsman Towing Tug 197 1988 Subcontracted to Valley SB, completed by Tampa SY, later Delta Deanna, now Eagle
119 B 959654 Kinsman Falcon Kinsman Towing Tug 197 1990 Subcontracted to Valley SB, completed by Tampa SY, later Delta Billie, Falcon, now Washington
120 C 630262 Warren P. Dufresne DD&S Marine Towing Towing Vessel 140 1980 Now Miss Kim
122 C 629127 PRBL-1 ACL Transportation Freight Barge 209 1980 Deleted 2005
123 C 629128 PRBL-2 ACL Transportation Freight Barge 209 1980 Active
124 C 629129 PRBL-3 ACL Transportation Freight Barge 209 1980 Later MOP 14, now BTI 101
125 C 633881 Lady Ann Sun Marine Terminals Towing Vessel 90 1981 Later Harvey Explorer, now Crosby Explorer
126 C 636349 Robert A Illinois Barge Line Towing Vessel 136 1981 Later Gulf Star, now Corky
128 B 637313 JMC 1 Cashman Construction Freight Barge 2,292 1981 Now CBC 2251
129 C 645125 C C B I No. 1 Freight Barge 2,302 1981 Now George Johnson
130 C 635927 Mobro 513 Mobro Marine Freight Barge 206 1981 Withdrawn 2008


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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023