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Serodino, Guild TN

Serodino, Inc., has been in business since the 1930s but only established its shipyard in the early 1950s. Visit the company at and see it from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 2020-03-28.

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Ship Type GT Ft. Built Disposition
270639 South Eastern Sportsmen's Enterprises Towboat 71 55 1955 Active
282889 Midwestern Greenville Gravel Co. Towboat 120 70 1960 Now Mary Frances Rogers
290978 Susan Collins Serodino, Inc. Towboat 56 49 1963 Now Katie Sue
295178 Rosemary Batistella, Inc. Towboat 17 42 1963 Active
500193 Mollie J Edwards Towing Corp. Towboat 59 55 1965 Now Jesse James
Osprey Tenn. Game & Fish Comm. Towboat 1966 Active
504517 Lexington Blue Grass Barge Co. Towboat 67 55 1966 Now Miss Carole
511394 Bill Edwards Edwards Towing Corp. Towboat 67 55 1967 Now Mary Flynn
17 Midsouth Mile 25 Towing Towboat 1969 Active
18 523193 Lyne Goedecke John L. Donaldson Towboat 88 44 1969 Now Lana Sue
19 528936 East Kentucky E. Ky. Rural Elec. Coop. Towboat 68 59 1970 Active
20 533657 Cedar Grove M/G Transport Services Towboat 115 56 1971 Now Jerry Deal
21 537725 Tradewind Reserve Transportation Towboat 115 56 1972 Now Timothy Bo Taylor
22 544795 Sun Trader Revillo Corp. Towboat 74 56 1972 Active
23 554585 Delta Dawn Flowers Transportation Towboat 74 56 1974 Now Wayne McBride
24 Arkie-Okie Towboat 1974 Active
25 562164 Delta Miss Capt. Leo Hughes Towboat 83 60 1975 Now Captain Merdie
26 568457 Beverly Dixie Sand & Gravel Towboat 47 50 1975 Now Billy P
27 571099 Carl Potts Ohio River Sand & Gravel Towboat 83 61 1976 Now George N
28 572702 Lynda Lou Jones Construction Towboat 47 50 1976 Now Capt. Alex
29 578219 Midwestern Serodino, Inc. Towboat 83 61 1977 Now Ed McLaughlin
30 578220 Southeastern Southern Marine Const. Co. Towboat 83 61 1977 Now Randy L. Kanipe
31 584124 Wally Fulghum Serodino, Inc. Towboat 69 50 1977 Now Charlie West
32 590046 Donny H Dixie Sand & Gravel Co. Towboat 178 70 1978 Now Stephen P. Venable
33 1061358 Jean Marie II Calhoun Ferry Co. Ferry 18 30 1977 Active
34 599351 Maggie D McKinnon Bridge Co. Towboat 1978 Active
38 615173 Maggie B Tennessee Valley Authority Towboat 178 70 1979 Now Red Wagner
39 607011 Marge I Capital Sand Co. Towboat 59 50 1979 Active
40 613012 C. E. Price Western Kentucky Energy Towboat 69 50 1979 Now Morton Henshaw
41 617858 Gene M Martin Marietta Aggreg. Towboat 69 50 1980 Now Jean N
42 623064 Gabriel J Alberici Construction Co. Towboat 69 46 1980 Active
43 627844 Jane F Southern Illinois Sand Co. Towboat 54 40 1980 Active
44 630004 Buddy Luhr Bros., Inc. Towboat 45 46 1980 Active
45 633918 Torry Ann Downen Bros. Tptn. Towboat 55 40 1981 Now Capt. Elroy
46 637545 RW-ONE Mississippi County Fleeting Towboat 55 40 1981 Now Janet Leavell
47 641297 RW-TWO Mississippi County Fleeting Towboat 55 40 1981 Now Cindy L
48 638641 Mary D Tennessee Valley Towing Towboat 99 57 1981 Active
49 643492 Polly M Pittston Coal Towboat 55 40 1982 Now James Edwin
50 645962 Cleva Lee P. D. Harbor Service Co. Towboat 55 40 1982 Active
51 649210 Bill, Jr. Tennessee Valley Towing Towboat 108 64 1982 Active
52 647711 Buckshot W. A. Ellis Construction Co. Towboat 55 40 1982 Now Daisy Bell
53 650467 Sue Massman Contracting Towboat 63 50 1982 Active
54 653464 Volunteer Luhr Bros., Inc. Towboat 272 114 1982 Active
55 657130 Bulldog Tennessee Valley Authority Towboat 50 40 1983 Active
56 662749 Tom K Tennessee Valley Towing Towboat 159 77 1984 Now Kimberly Johnson
57 662750 Tiger Serodino, Inc. Towboat 48 40 1983 Now Dorothy E
58 673037 Razorback Lock 26 Constructors Towboat 48 40 1984 Now James E. Rhodes
60 683113 Southern Belle Chattanooga Riverboat Passenger 98 96 1985 Active
61 693321 Empress Island Queen Passenger 99 150 1985 Now Henrietta III
62 699243 River Queen Riverboats, Inc. Passenger 96 94 1986 Now Spirit of the Low Country
63 923438 Tarheel Serodino, Inc. Towboat 57 51 1988 Now Alvin M
64 927284 Thelma Jean Blythe's Ferry Ferry 75 80 1988 Active
65 Louisville Fountain City of Louisville 1988 Active
66 State of Tennessee Drill Barge 1988 Active
67 AEP Barge 1989 Active
68 AEP Barge 1989 Active
69 AEP Barge 1989 Active
70 947642 Elizabeth Benson McKinnon Bridge Co. Towboat 72 51 1989 Now Stacy Dianne
71 Serodino, Inc. Fountain 1989 Active
72 975462 Bearcat Serodino, Inc. Towboat 149 76 1991 Active
73 Heartland of America Douglas County NB Fountain 1990 Active
74 General Marion Douglas County NB 1990 Active
75 Watertown Yacht Club Pool Barge 1990 Active
76 Anne Marie City of New York Unclassified 18 36 1991 Active
77 971635 Cecelia City of New York Unclassified 18 36 1991 Active
78 969740 Falcon Tennessee Valley Auth. Towboat 64 50 1990 Now Bob Jones
79 982834 Buckeye Tennessee Valley Auth. Towboat 64 50 1992 Active
80 991650 Raider Serodino, Inc. Towboat 64 50 1993 Active
81 1033564 Miss R. Illinois DoT Ferry Barge 97 81 1995 Active
82 1033095 Miss R. A. Illinois DoT Towboat 12 26 1995 Active
83 TVA/Shawnee Dock Barge 1995 Active
84 Great Rivers Marine Pilot House 1995 Active
85 1044861 Maverick Knight Hawk Coal Towboat 55 54 1996 Active
86 TVA/Gallatin Deck Barge 1996 Active
87 TVA/Gallatin Deck Barge 1997 Active
88 1039057 The Hickman Mississippi County Ferry Barge 99 78 1996 Active
89 1059185 Col. Babe Wilson City of Tulsa Port Auth. Towboat 71 50 1997 Active
90 1071155 Red Lightning Cora Terminal Towboat 56 52 1998 Active
91 1064643 Barge 12 Illinois DoT Ferry Barge 69 115 1998 Active
92 1064642 Miss Illinois Illinois DoT Towboat 45 48 1998 Active
93 1086048 Raven Kanawha River Terminals Towboat 67 52 1999 Active
94 1081224 Capt. G. B. Harmon City of Sisterville Ferry Barge 63 72 1999 Active
95 1081223 City of Sisterville II City of Sisterville Towboat 17 32 1999 Active
96 1099682 Channahon Illinois Marine Towing Towboat 67 52 2000 Active
97 1103213 Barge 2000 Illinois DoT Ferry Barge 69 115 2001 Active
98 1103212 Belle of Calhoun Illinois DoT Towboat 45 48 2001 Active
99 1110132 Hawkeye Jotori Dredging Co. Towboat 71 52 2001 Now William K. Powell
100 Marathon Ashland Oil Dock Barge 2000 Active
101 1125328 Chris M Jeffrey Sand Co. Towboat 76 52 2002 Active
102 1136651 The Titan Teague Bros. Sand & Gravel Towboat 71 52 2003 Active
103 1152650 Panther Bray Marine Towboat 73 50 2002 Now J. L. Braden
104 Buckeye Tennessee Valley Auth. Towboat 2003 Active
105 1166136 Mary C Illinois Barge Line Towboat 73 50 2005 Active
106 1197159 Great White I Great White Towing Towboat 73 50 15-Jun-07 Now Rodney E. Settoon
107 AEP T Barge 2005 Active
108 AEP T Barge 2005 Active
109 1205590 Great White 2 Great White Towing Towboat 73 50 4-Jan-08 Now Mandy R. Settoon
109 AEP T Barge 2006 Active
110 DM Stuart Shuttle Barge 2006 Active
113 1208423 Great White 3 Great White Towing Towboat 73 50 29-Apr-08 Now Greg R. Settoon
113 1212087 Scott Alvey MBB Investments Towboat 75 51 26-Jun-08 Now Christine B
114 1213960 Carole K Serodino Inc. Towboat 75 51 10-Sep-08 Active
115 1217384 Panther Serodino Inc. Towboat 75 51 10-Feb-09 Now Keith Jacobson
116 1222584 Charger Serodino Inc. Towboat 75 51 3-Nov-09 Now William Joseph
117 1231466 Brandi Ann TPG Mount Vernon Towboat 75 51 23-May-11 Active
120 1236136 Seahawk Serodino Inc. Towboat 70 51 16-Jan-11 Now McKenzie Michelle
121 1237554 Low Bid Won Southern Marine Towboat 21 27 30-Jan-12 Active
122 1235802 Megan Dawn Luhr Bros. Towboat 82 55 3-Oct-11 Active
123 1250321 Kati M Knight Manufacturing Towboat 77 51 24-Dec-13 Active
124 1253471 Samantha Ann Knight Manufacturing Towboat 79 51 20-May-14 Active
125 1258264 Panther Serodino Inc. Towboat 82 51 26-Mar-15 Active
126 1250681 Low Bid Too Southern Marine Towboat 21 27 17-Dec-13 Active
127 1242659 Liberty Belle Illinois DoT Towboat 61 60 26-Nov-12 Active
128 1242644 Barge 2012 Illinois DoT Ferry Barge 78 131 26-Nov-12 Active
129 1255513 Blue Wing Logsdon Tug Service Towboat 90 56 28-Aug-14 Active
130 1244273 Patience State of Tennessee Towboat 43 48 6-Aug-13 Active
131 1244371 Cumberland II State of Tennessee Ferry Barge 80 77 6-Aug-13 Active
132 1244278 Volunteer State of Tennessee Ferry Barge 80 77 6-Aug-13 Active
136 1259131 Carolyn Lampley Hunter Marine Towboat 72 56 10-Apr-15 Active
137 1262984 Bobby Johnson Hunter Marine Towboat 90 56 16-Oct-15 Active
137 1265052 Incognito Incognito Charters Passenger 50 53 16-Oct-15 Active
138 1267642 Dolphin Serodino Inc. Towboat 90 56 7-Mar-16 Active
139 1281644 Viking Serodino Inc. Towboat 90 56 28-Sep-17 Active
143 1271872 G. L. Teague Teague Bros. S. & G.. Towboat 21 27 29-Sep-16 Active
144 1277992 Pintail Logsdon Tug Service Towboat 90 56 15-Jun-17 Active
145 1293260 T. R. Stone Towboat 90 56 25-Apr-19 Active
146 1285259 Lois Bidder Southern Marine Towboat 21 27 19-Apr-18 Active


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
E-mail: for comments, queries and suggestions.

Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023