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Sneed Shipbuilding, Orange TX

Sneed Shipbuilding was established by Martin Sneed, in 1964, on the site in Orange that was previously the Harms-Smaihall Shipyard. He later added a large repair facility in Channelview and started building tank barges there in about 2000. The company failed in 2017 and the Channelview shipyard was sold to San Jac Marine. The Orange shipyard continues: see it from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 2020-07-31.

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Ship Type GT Ft. Delivery Disposition
Self-Propelled Vessels Built in Orange
568115 Big Lift Leroy Stanley Unspecified 383 126 1968 Active
521365 Harry H Al Johnson Const Towboat 37 42 1969 Now Mr. Bill
3 525432 Alma R B & J Inc. Towboat 18 33 1970 Active
528593 Connie S. H. LaFleur Towboat 41 42 1970 Now Trey Paul
533005 Calvin D Towboat 20 33 1971 Now Darcee Lane
534300 Captain John Towboat 21 33 1971 Active
545018 Miss Sally Port St. Lucie Towing Towboat 76 56 1972 Now Daniel Stapp
26 544006 Bantam Clary Towing Towboat 31 37 1972 Now Miss Nicole
27 545729 HMS Kim Jackson Dixie Fleet LLC Towboat 29 36 1973 Active
547523 Mary Hope II Magann Corp. Towboat 76 56 1973 Now Lady Thelma
549078 Fort Sumter Sabine River BL Towboat 33 37 1973 Now Rebel Hustler
29 552036 Miss Michelle Towboat 79 60 1973 Now Miss Kori
31 555451 Lady Mel D & S Lady Mel Towboat 97 60 1974 Later Mr. Cuz, now Macy Lynn
32 558595 Exxon Brownsville Exxon Shipping Tug 150 71 1974 Later S/R Brownsville, City of Brownsville, Capt. Larry Barks, sank 2009
34 1256324 Key Woods Corps of Engineers Towboat 62 64 1975 Active
36 561788 Miss Kathy Creole Marine Towboat 84 55 1975 Later Rita Raye, now God's Gift
39 559625 Mr. Clyde Sure Hope Towing Towboat 47 40 1974 Now Gull
40 560481 Martin Jr. Sure Hope Towing Towboat 47 40 1974 Now Mr. Nick
561650 Lissy Too Harley Marine Towboat 84 56 1974 Active
44 562290 Miss Cricket Sure Hope Towing Towboat 47 40 1975 Now Junior G
563448 Virginia C Towboat 54 1975 Active
45 563449 Shirley J Sure Hope Towing Towboat 47 40 1975 Now Sally Morrison
570877 Island Express Stevens Marine Towboat 84 56 1976 Active
574185 HMS Pelican Harley Marine Towboat 28 1976 Now Sheila B
51 576118 Rebel Tide Rebel Enterprises Towboat 52 44 1976 Now Jay Devall
582887 Mr. Arthur Alamo Barge Line Towboat 46 40 1977 Now Anita Talen
PB291 929099 St. Christopher Nguyen MD Fishing Vessel 158 80 1988 Active
PB301 662198 Shifter II Marine Fueling Towboat 50 48 1983 Active
PB302 944376 Yellowfin Nguyen MD Fishing Vessel 80 75 1989 Now Bella Skye
PB310 1078661 Mr. Vance Marine Rentals Towboat 46 40 1999 Active
PB311 1090243 David F. Stone Blessey Marine Towboat 109 65 2000 Active
PB312 1105441 Squeak Carpenter Blessey Marine Towboat 110 65 2000 Active
PB313 1111920 Mr. Butch Marine Rentals Towboat 77 60 2001 Now Wayne L. Wood
PB314 1118641 Rusty Hill Blessey Marine Towboat 77 60 2001 Active
PB315 1118642 Thomas E. Rollins Blessey Marine Towboat 279 82 2001 Active
PB316 1170293 Mr. Lange Lange Towing Towboat 65 53 2005 Active
PB317 1144608 Mr. Bennett Marine Rentals Towboat 80 2003 Active
PB318 1165346 Luke Bryan Blessey Marine Towboat 104 65 2005 Active
PB319 1188644 Gus Blessey Blessey Marine Towboat 20 26 2005 Active
PB322 1187293 Carrie Mae Lange Towing Towboat 63 53 12-Jun-06 Active
PB323 1192358 Kathy Swango Blessey Marine Towboat 83 60 10-Oct-06 Active
PB330 1225392 2501 Orion Construction Towboat 20 25 2009 Active
PB331 1225389 2502 Orion Construction Towboat 20 25 2009 Active
PB332 1225390 2503 Orion Construction Towboat 20 25 2009 Active
PB333 1225394 2504 Orion Construction Towboat 20 25 2009 Active
PB334 1225391 2505 Orion Construction Towboat 20 25 2009 Active
PB335 1225395 2506 Orion Construction Towboat 20 25 2009 Active
PB336 1225393 2507 Orion Construction Towboat 20 25 2009 Active
Dry Docks Built in Orange
300 662199 DD 1 Star Towing Dry Dock 362 120 1983 Active
DD 9 1090427 DD-9 BKM Marine Dry Dock 252 100 1999 Active
DD 19 1202396 DD-19 JB Marine Dry Dock 705 200 2007 Active
DD 25 1227753 Sienna DD No. 1 Sienna Drydocks Dry Dock 658 160 2010 Active
DD 26 1263292 Bluefish C & B Marine Dry Dock 565 160 2015 Active
Barges Built in Orange
168 671465 BWM II Brown Water Marine Tank Barge 211 120 1984 Active
DB 22 1104756 CBR 2005 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 282 2000 Active
DB 33 1128888 LMP 2002 LMP Barge Rentals Tank Barge 241 120 2002 Active
DB 34 1131653 CBR 221 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 241 120 2002 Active
DB 35 1131667 CBR 222 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 241 120 2002 Active
DB 36 1132591 CBR 223 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 241 120 2002 Active
DB 37 1132614 CBR 224 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 241 120 2002 Active
DB 39 1134176 CBR 225 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 241 120 2002 Active
DB 65 1196552 TK 101 TK Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 70 1196752 CBR 2701 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 71 1196758 CBR 2702 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 72 1199556 CBR 2703 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 73 1199554 CBR 2704 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 74 1199555 CBR 2705 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 75 1202400 CBR 2706 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 76 1202401 CBR 2707 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 77 1202394 CBR 2708 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 78 1202395 CBR 2709 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 79 1202402 CBR 2710 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2007 Active
DB 93 1226819 I 150 I-Quip LP Freight Barge 544 150 2009 Active
DB 94 1226819 I 130 I-Quip LP Freight Barge 436 130 2009 Active
DB 99 1231653 AVEC-183 Vitus Marine Tank Barge 699 176 2011 Active
DB 104 1243221 LMP 2003 LMP Barge Rentals Freight Barge 241 120 2012 Active
DB 105 1243405 CBR 817 Central Boat Rentals Freight Barge 241 120 2013 Active
DB 106 1244709 CBR 818 Central Boat Rentals Freight Barge 241 120 2013 Active
DB 110 1248518 CBR 2711 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2013 Active
DB 111 1249366 CBR 2712 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2013 Active
DB 112 1249995 CBR 2714 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2013 Active
DB 113 1250559 CBR 2715 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2013 Active
DB 114 1255967 EMS 406P Enterprise Marine Tank Barge 1,267 262 2015 Active
DB 115 1255968 EMS 407P Enterprise Marine Tank Barge 1,267 262 2015 Active
DB 118 1251267 CBR 2716 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2014 Active
DB 119 1251657 CBR 2717 Central Boat Rentals Tank Barge 211 120 2014 Active
DB 120 1254169 CBC 2152 Canal Barge Freight Barge 604 150 2014 Active


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
E-mail: for comments, queries and suggestions.

Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023