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Westport Orange, Orange TX

Westport Orange Shipyard, LLC, operates the shipyard in Orange TX that was developed by Consolidated Steel in WWII as one of the country's major builders of DDs and DEs. After the war, it operated as a U.S. Steel fabrication shop until the late 1980s, when it was acquired by Texas Drydock, Inc, (TDI). TDI later became the TDI-Halter division of Trinity Industries, then FGO International and, finally, Signal International Texas. Westport Orange acquired the assets of Signal International Texas in 2014. Visit the company at and see the yard from the air on Google here. Comments or queries, please email

Most recent update: 2019-03-01.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Vessel Type GT Ft. Delivery Disposition
Built by Texas Drydock
Venezuela Falcon 50 Falcon Drilling Drill Barge 1992 Now GP-23
Venezuela Falcon 51 Falcon Drilling Drill Barge 1992 Now GP-24
10 Venezuela Ensco VII Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Feb-93 Now GP-25
11 Venezuela Ensco IX Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Apr-93 Now GP-27
12 Venezuela Ensco XI Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Jun-94 Active
14 Venezuela Ensco XII Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Jul-94 Active
15 Venezuela Ensco XIV Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Jul-94 Active
16 Venezuela Ensco XV Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Aug-94 Active
17 Venezuela Pride I Pride International Inc. Drill Barge Nov-94 Active
18 Venezuela Pride II Pride International Inc. Drill Barge Dec-94 Active
Built by Trinity Industries
1 1050633 SH 229 Marmac LLC Tank Barge 687 195 1997 Active
2 1050634 SH 230 Marmac LLC Tank Barge 687 195 1997 Active
3 1050635 SH 231 Marmac LLC Tank Barge 687 195 1997 Active
4 1050636 SH 232 Marmac LLC Tank Barge 687 195 1997 Active
5 1050637 SH 233 Marmac LLC Tank Barge 687 195 1997 Active
6 1050638 SH 234 Marmac LLC Tank Barge 687 195 1997 Active
Built by TDI-Halter
20 U.A.E. Arabdrill 20 Arab Drilling Jack-Up Jun-98 Built in the UAE, active
21 Mexico Tonala Perforadora Mexico Jack-Up Sep-99 Now Ensco 76
22 Venezuela PRISA 101 Transocean Sedco Forex Drill Barge 1998 Active
23 Venezuela PRISA 102 Transocean Sedco Forex Drill Barge 1998 Active
24 Venezuela PRISA 103 Transocean Sedco Forex Drill Barge 1999 Active
25 Venezuela Ensco I Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Feb-99 Active
26 Venezuela Ensco II Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge Apr-99 Active
27 Venezuela Ensco III Ensco Drilling Co Drill Barge May-99 Active
28 1101145 Ensco 7500 Ensco Drilling Co Semi-Submersible 14,060 290 Dec-00 Active
Brazil Pride Portland Pride International Inc. Semi-Submersible 2004 Completed by Cianbro, later ENSCO 603, scrapped 2016
Brazil Pride Rio de Janeiro Pride International Inc. Semi-Submersible 2004 Completed by Cianbro, later ENSCO 604, scrapped 2016
Built by Signal International
1 1224814 Signet Atlas Signet Maritime Deck Barge 4,169 287 7-Apr-10 Active
2 Canada MM Newfoundland Mammoet-McKeil Deck Barge 2,165 250 9-Jun-11 Active
3 Venezuela Margarita I Waller Marine Power Barge Jun-10 Active
4 Venezuela Josefa Rufina I Waller Marine Power Barge Jun-10 Active
5 1243312 Winna Wilson Kirby Ocean Tpt. Dry Bulk ATB 11,233 461 12-Apr-13 Active
6 1243310 Jason E. Duttinger Kirby Ocean Tpt. ATB Tug 294 116 7-May-13 Active
7 1243311 Margo Dale Kirby Ocean Tpt. Dry Bulk ATB 11,233 461 2-May-13 Active
8 1243309 Captain Donald Lowe Sr Kirby Ocean Tpt. ATB Tug 294 116 26-Jun-13 Active
9 na Great Lakes Dredge Dredge ATB Cancelled
10 na Great Lakes Dredge ATB Tug Cancelled
11 1245062 Marmac 303 Marmac LLC Deck Barge 4,262 288 3-Jul-13 Active
12 1247500 Marmac 304 Marmac LLC Deck Barge 4,262 288 4-Sep-13 Active
13 1248144 Marmac 27 Marmac LLC Deck Barge 2,152 250 23-Oct-13 Active
14 1248145 Marmac 28 Marmac LLC Deck Barge 2,152 250 30-Oct-13 Active
15 1248146 Marmac 29 Marmac LLC Deck Barge 2,152 250 21-Nov-13 Active
Built by Westport Orange LLC
998 1260110 Dry Dock #2 Westport SY Eqpmt. Dry Dock 5,268 280 15-May-15 Active
995 1270125 Dry Dock #3 Westport SY Eqpmt. Dry Dock 2,634 160 29-Jun-15 Active
101 1261383 John T. Costello Higman Barge Lines Towboat 177 78 15-Sep-15 Active
102 1263519 Capt Randy Hopson Higman Barge Lines Towboat 177 78 10-Feb-16 Now Donna Furlong
103 1280393 Makenzi Haidyn NGL Marine Towboat 298 86 29-Jan-18 Active
105 1280394 Sophia Grace NGL Marine Towboat 298 86 9-May-18 Active
106 1283050 Riley Dexter NGL Marine Towboat 298 86 26-Sep-18 Active
1001 1268171 Marmac 32 Marmac LLC Deck Barge 2,152 250 4-Aug-16 Active
1003 1264718 EMS 398 Enterprise Marine Tank Barge 1,619 200 1-Feb-16 Active
1004 1264719 EMS 399 Enterprise Marine Tank Barge 1,619 200 14-Apr-16 Active
1005 1264720 EMS 500 Enterprise Marine Tank Barge 1,619 200 10-Jun-16 Active
1006 1264721 EMS 501 Enterprise Marine Tank Barge 1,619 200 30-Nov-16 Active


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023