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United Boat Service, City Island, NY

United Boat Service was essentially a yacht repair and maintenance facility, at the foot of Carroll Street, that was drafted into boatbuilding for the war. It was sold in 1975 and converted to condominiums. If anyone can add to the table below, please send your info to

Most recent update: 14 July 2021.

Hull # O.N. Original Name Original Owner Type LDT Ft. Del'y Disposition
BTL 810 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24515
BTL 811 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24516
BTL 812 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24517
571989 BTL 813 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C-24518, sold as f/v Donna Marie, now Goodnews
BTL 814 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24519
BTL 815 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24520
BTL 816 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24521
BTL 817 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24522
BTL 818 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24523
BTL 819 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24524
BTL 820 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24525
BTL 821 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24526
BTL 822 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24527
BTL 823 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24528
BTL 824 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24529
BTL 825 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24530
BTL 826 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24531
BTL 827 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24532
BTL 828 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24533
BTL 829 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24534
BTL 830 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24535
BTL 831 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24536
BTL 832 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24537
BTL 833 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24538
BTL 834 U.S. Army Barge, Tank, Landing 50 1943 Later C 24539
41 na ST 333 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 To Italy 1948 as Nisida (Y 437), target ship 1992
42 ST 334 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 Sold 1950 as Eléonore, dismantled 1969
43 na ST 335 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 To Finland 1946 as minesweeper (DR-18), sold as tug Alpo 1952, still active
44 ST 336 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 Sold 1945, then No. 35, scrapped 1988
45 na ST 337 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 To Finland 1946 as minesweeper (DR-9), sold as tug Pantera 1948
46 na ST 338 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 To Finland 1946 as minesweeper (DR-6), sold as tug Puma 1949
47 na ST 339 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 To Finland 1946 as minesweeper (DR-14), sold as tug Ferro 1949
48 ST 340 U.S. Army Small Tug 74 Mar-44 Sold 1945, then No. 32.
334 na ST 508 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 Sold as Ostende I 1945, Pouliguen 1955, Graci 1974, scrapped 1989
335 250004 ST 509 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 Sold as Charles L Hogan 1946, K Statler 1973, Rigger II 1975
336 ST 510 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 Sold as Zulia 1948, Harrison 195x, scrapped 1998
337 na ST 511 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 Capsized and lost in the North Atlantic 1944
338 na ST 512 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 To NDRF as TD 12. later TD 36
339 na ST 513 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 To NDRF as TD 13. later TD 34
340 ST 514 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 Sold as Senator 194x
341 ST 515 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 Sold as Paul Cassin 1948, Augusteo 1958, Kerveros 1976, Andromache 1989, scrapped 1991
342 ST 516 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 Sold as Old Jo 1945, Pauillac 1950, Mancor IX 1965, Anchise 1981, scrapped 1991
343 na ST 517 U.S. Army Small Tug 86 Nov-44 To NDRF as TD 24
52SRC---- U.S. Navy Swimmer Recovery 52 1963 How many boats built?
1044050 52SRC1318 U.S. Navy Swimmer Recovery 52 1963 Sold as Nomad, later Blue Explorer, Picador, NLD 2012


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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023