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Barracks Ships and Barges (APB, APL)

As the names imply, Barracks Ships (APB) were self-propelled and Barracks Barges (APL) were not. The standard APB design was based on an LST, while the standard APL design was based on a YF. The APB numbers start at 35 because the first six were initially designated APLs 35 through 40. There is some uncertainty as to the final disposition of some of these vessels, although it's hard to imagine losing track of anything as large or as distinctive: if anyone can fill any of the gaps in the table below, please email

Most recent update: 5 August 2020.

Type # Name or "Nickname" Shipbuilder Location LDT LOA Delivery Disposition
Barracks Ships (APB)
APB 1-34 Numbers not used
APB 35 Benawah Boston NSY Charlestown MA 2,190 328 9-Mar-46 Ex-APL 35, to the Philippines 1974, reefed 1975
APB 36 Colleton Boston NSY Charlestown MA 2,190 328 27-Sep-46 Ex-APL 36, scrapped 1973
APB 37 Echols Boston NSY Charlestown MA 2,190 328 1-Jan-47 Ex-APL 37, sold 2003
APB 38 Marlboro Boston NSY Charlestown MA 2,190 328 18-Aug-45 Ex-APL 38, scrapped 1963
APB 39 Mercer Boston NSY Charlestown MA 2,190 328 18-Sep-45 Ex-APL 39, active
APB 40 Nueces Boston NSY Charlestown MA 2,190 328 29-Nov-45 Ex-APL 40, active
APB 41 Wythe Mo. Valley Bridge Evansville IN 2,190 328 24-Jun-44 Ex-LST 575, scrapped 1959
APB 42 Yavapai American Bridge Ambridge PA 2,190 328 20-Jun-44 Ex-LST 676
APB 43 Yolo American Bridge Ambridge PA 2,190 328 30-Jun-44 Ex-LST 677, scrapped 1960
APB 44 Presque Isle American Bridge Ambridge PA 2,190 328 30-Jun-44 Ex-LST 678, to Indonesia 1959 as Teluk Tatai (LST 509), scrapped 2011
APB 45 Blackford Mo. Valley Bridge Evansville IN 2,190 328 May-45 Ex-LST 1111, ex-AKS 16, sold 1960, sunk as target in South Africa 1970
APB 46 Dorchester Mo. Valley Bridge Evansville IN 2,190 328 Jun-45 Ex-LST 1112, ex-AKS 17, sold 1974 as Pacific Pride, Alaska Packer 2002, active
APB 47 Kingman Mo. Valley Bridge Evansville IN 2,190 328 Jun-45 Ex-LST 1113, ex-AKS 18, sold 1980
APB 48 Vanderburgh Mo. Valley Bridge Evansville IN 2,190 328 Jun-45 Ex-LST 1114, ex-AKS 19, scrapped 1972
APB 49 Accomac JeffBoat Jeffersonville IN 2,190 328 Jul-44 Ex-LST 710, scrapped 1959
APB 50 Cameron Bethlehem Steel Hingham MA 2,190 328 Jul-44 Ex-LST 928, sold 1959
APB 51 DuPage Oregon SB Portland OR 4,023 441 9-Jan-43 Ex-John W. Weeks, acquired 1953, scrapped 1959
Barracks Barges (APL)
APL 1 Amerika Harland & Wolff Belfast (U.K.) Assigned as APL 1 but never commissioned
APL 2 Puget Sound NSY Bremerton WA 1,300 261 25-May-45 Active
APL 3 Puget Sound NSY Bremerton WA 1,300 261 30-Jul-45 Scrapped 1974
APL 4 Puget Sound NSY Bremerton WA 1,300 261 21-Sep-45 Active
APL 5 Puget Sound NSY Bremerton WA 1,300 261 5-Nov-45 Active
APL 6 Puget Sound NSY Bremerton WA 1,300 261 Cancelled
APL 7 Puget Sound NSY Bremerton WA 1,300 261 Cancelled
APL 8 Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 1,300 261 6-Oct-44 Scrapped 1974
APL 9 Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 1,300 261 24-Nov-44 Scrapped 1974
APL 10 "Casa Marina" Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 1,300 261 6-Jan-45 Scrapped 1974
APL 11 "New Yorker" Boston NSY Charlestown MA 1,300 261 10-Oct-44 Sunk as target 1973
APL 12 "Biltmore" Boston NSY Charlestown MA 1,300 261 24-Sep-44
APL 13 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 1,300 261 20-Nov-44
APL 14 "Ritz-Carlton" Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 1,300 261 29-Jun-44 Ex-YF 608, grounded in Okinawa 1945 and abandoned
APL 15 Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 1,300 261 22-Jul-44 Ex-YF 609, active
APL 16
APL 17 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 20-Sep-44 Ex-YF 628, sold 1971
APL 18 "Astor" Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 29-Sep-44 Ex-YF 629, active
APL 19 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 14-Oct-44 Ex-YF 630, sunk as target 2002
APL 20 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 2-Nov-44 Ex-YF 631, later Northern Shell, Northern Alaska, scrapped 1974
APL 21 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 16-Feb-45 Ex-YF 632, sold 1973
APL 22 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 24-Mar-45 Ex-YF 633, later Foss 251, Afognak, active
APL 23 Pollock Stockton Stockton CA 1,300 261 1945 Scrapped 1974
APL 24 Pollock Stockton Stockton CA 1,300 261 24-Jul-45 To MARAD 1962 as NDRF HQ barge
APL 25 Pollock Stockton Stockton CA 1,300 261 1945 Scrapped 1973
APL 26 "Green Apple" Pollock Stockton Stockton CA 1,300 261 18-Jan-46 To Vietnam 1971 as HQ-9050
APL 27 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 9-Apr-45 To Vietnam 1971 as HQ-9051
APL 28 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 30-Apr-45 Sold 1960
APL 29 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 1,300 261 14-May-45 Active
APL 30 Everett-Pacific Everett WA 1,300 261 11-Apr-45 Scrapped 1975
APL 31 "Happy Acres" Everett-Pacific Everett WA 1,300 261 14-Jun-45 Reefed off New Jersey 2001
APL 32 "Statler" Boston NSY Charlestown MA 1,300 261 17-Jan-45 Active
APL 33 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 1,300 261 5-Apr-45
APL 34 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 1,300 261 15-May-45 Sold 2004
APL 35 Benawah Reclassified APB 35
APL 36 Colleton Reclassified APB 36
APL 37 Echols Reclassified APB 37
APL 38 Marlboro Reclassified APB 38
APL 39 Mercer Reclassified APB 39
APL 40 Nueces Reclassified APB 40
APL 41 "Waldorf-Astoria" Willamette I & S Portland OR 1,300 261 24-Mar-45 Scrapped 1973
APL 42 Willamette I & S Portland OR 1,300 261 30-Apr-45 Active
APL 43 Willamette I & S Portland OR 1,300 261 31-May-45 To Panama 1993
APL 44 Willamette I & S Portland OR 1,300 261 28-Jul-45 Sold 1992
APL 45 Willamette I & S Portland OR 1,300 261 1-Jul-45 Active
APL 46 Willamette I & S Portland OR 1,300 261 1945 Left in Vietnam
APL 47 Puget Sound Bridge Seattle WA 1,300 261 1945 To Turkey 1987
APL 48 Puget Sound Bridge Seattle WA 1,300 261 1945
APL 49 Puget Sound Bridge Seattle WA 1,300 261 1945
APL 50 Puget Sound Bridge Seattle WA 1,300 261 2-Jan-46 Active
APL 51 Puget Sound Bridge Seattle WA 1,300 261 Cancelled
APL 52 Puget Sound Bridge Seattle WA 1,300 261 Cancelled
APL 53 Tampa SB Tampa FL 1,300 261 1945 To Turkey 1974 as Binbasi Metin Sulus (Y-1205)
APL 54 Tampa SB Tampa FL 1,300 261 1-Jun-45 Sold 2001
APL 55 Tampa SB Tampa FL 1,300 261 1945 Later YRBM 18, to Vietnam 1972
APL 56 Tampa SB Tampa FL 1,300 261 1945 To US Army 1960
APL 57 Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 1,300 261 19-May-45 Sold 2001
APL 58 Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 1,300 261 16-Jul-45 Active
APL 59 Dravo Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA 1,780 Jul-54 Ex-LST 53, to Korea 1955 as Chang Su (LST 811)
APL 60 Bargeman Dredge & Marine 300 1-May-77 Pursuivant 1983, scrapped 1997
APL 61 Halter Port Bienville Pearlington MS 360 17-Oct-97 Active
APL 62 Halter Port Bienville Pearlington MS 360 26-Mar-98 Active
APL 63 360 Cancelled
APL 64 360 Cancelled
APL 65 Marinette Marine Marinette WI 2,647 269 6-Dec-00 Active
APL 66 Marinette Marine Marinette WI 2,647 269 17-Nov-00 Active
APL(S) 67 VT Halter Marine Pascagoula MS 269 2020 Building
APL(S) 68 VT Halter Marine Pascagoula MS 269 2020 Building
APL(S) 69 VT Halter Marine Pascagoula MS 269 2021 Building
APL(S) 70 VT Halter Marine Pascagoula MS 269 2021 Building
APL(S) 71 VT Halter Marine Pascagoula MS 269 2022 Option
APL(S) 72 VT Halter Marine Pascagoula MS 269 2022 Option


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023