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Other Dry Cargo Lighters (YCD, YCF, YCK, YFNB, YFND, YFNX, YPK)

These barges are all specialized types of lighters. Most were converted from YCs or YFs and there are many gaps in the data. If anyone can add to this table, please email

Most recent update: 4 May 2011.

Type # Shipbuilder Location Ft. Tons Built Disposition
Coaling Derricks (YCD)
YCD 1 122 Ex-YC 415
YCD 2 122 Ex-YC 416
YCD 3 Rohde & Sons Baltimore MD 85
YCD 4 Rohde & Sons Baltimore MD 85
YCD 5 Rohde & Sons Baltimore MD 85
YCD 6 Rohde & Sons Baltimore MD 85
YCD 7 Rohde & Sons Baltimore MD 85
YCD 8 Auten Engineering Albany NY 85 Wrecked
YCD 9 Auten Engineering Albany NY 85
YCD 10 Auten Engineering Albany NY 85
YCD 11 Auten Engineering Albany NY 85
YCD 12 Auten Engineering Albany NY 85
YCD 13 111 1918 Later YD 64
Car Floats (YCF)
YCF 1 Norfolk NSY Portsmouth VA 102 1904 Ex-Ammo Lighter No. 6, later YTT 8
YCF 2 Norfolk NSY Portsmouth VA 103 100 1904 Ex-Ammo Lighter No. 9, sold 1948
YCF 3 Norfolk NSY Portsmouth VA 103 100 1907 Ex-Ammo Lighter No. 12, disposed of 1946
YCF 4 Fore River SB Quincy MA 128 50 1910 Ex-Ammo Lighter No. 13, disposed of 1947
YCF 5 100 Ex Ammo Lighter No. 14, YA 18, later YO 37
YCF 6 Newport News SB Newport News VA 128 150 1912 Ex-Ammo Lighter No. 24, disposed of 1946
YCF 7 Pusey & Jones Wilmington DE 90 1913 Ex-Ammo Lighter No. 21, later YPD 33
YCF 8 Farley & Co. Chicago IL 128 150 1918 Disposed of 1946
YCF 9 Farley & Co. Chicago IL 128 150 1918 Disposed of 1946
YCF 10 To US Army
YCF 11 To US Army
YCF 12 Norfolk VA 164 1921
YCF 13 Charleston NSY Charleston SC 150 174 1940 Disposed of 1946
YCF 14 JK Welding Brooklyn NY 150 174 1941 Scrapped 1977
YCF 15 JK Welding Brooklyn NY 150 174 1941 Scrapped 1977
YCF 16 JK Welding Brooklyn NY 150 174 1942 Sold 2008
YCF 17 JK Welding Brooklyn NY 150 174 1942
YCF 18 JK Welding Brooklyn NY 150 174 1942 Disposed of 1946
YCF 19 250 400 Ex-Bush Terminal Car Float No. 32, disposed of 1948
YCF 20 Cancelled
YCF 21 Cancelled
YCF 22 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 23 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Lost in the Pacific 1944
YCF 24 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 25 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 26 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 27 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 28 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944
YCF 29 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Lost in the Pacific 1944
YCF 30 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 31 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 32 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 33 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 34 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 35 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 36 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Lost in the Pacific 1944
YCF 37 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Lost in the Pacific 1944
YCF 38 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944
YCF 39 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 40 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 41 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 42 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Lost 1945
YCF 43 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 44 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 45 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 46 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 47 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 48 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 49 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 50 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 51 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 52 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 53 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944 Split in two - see below
YCF 54 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944
YCF 55 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944
YCF 56 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 250 370 1944
YCF 57 1945 Disposed of 1947
YCF 58 1945 Disposed of 1948
YCF 59 250 370 1944 Lost off Delaware 1945
YCF 60 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 26 forward half
YCF 61 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 26 after half
YCF 62 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 27 forward half
YCF 63 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 27 after half
YCF 64 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 30 forward half
YCF 65 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 30 after half
YCF 66 Charleston NSY Charleston SC 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 31 forward half
YCF 67 Charleston NSY Charleston SC 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 31 after half
YCF 68 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 32 forward half
YCF 69 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 32 after half
YCF 70 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 39 forward half
YCF 71 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 39 after half
YCF 72 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 40 forward half
YCF 73 Boston NSY Charlestown MA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 40 after half
YCF 74 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 43 forward half
YCF 75 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 43 after half
YCF 76 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 44 forward half
YCF 77 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 44 after half
YCF 78 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 45 forward half
YCF 79 Portsmouth NSY Kittery ME 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 45 after half
YCF 80 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 46 forward half
YCF 81 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 46 after half
YCF 82 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 47 forward half
YCF 83 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 47 after half
YCF 84 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 48 forward half
YCF 85 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 48 after half
YCF 86 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 49 forward half
YCF 87 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 49 after half
YCF 88 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 50 forward half
YCF 89 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 50 after half
YCF 90 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 51 forward half
YCF 91 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 51 after half
YCF 92 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 52 forward half
YCF 93 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 52 after half
YCF 94 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 53 forward half
YCF 95 Philadelphia NSY Philadelphia PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 53 after half
YCF 96 Charleston NSY Charleston SC 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 41 salvaged half
YCF 97 Charleston NSY Charleston SC 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 41 damaged half discarded
YCF 98 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 22 forward half
YCF 99 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 22 after half
YCF 100 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 24 forward half
YCF 101 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 24 after half
YCF 102 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 25 forward half
YCF 103 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 25 after half
YCF 104 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 33 forward half
YCF 105 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 33 after half
YCF 106 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 34 forward half
YCF 107 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 34 after half
YCF 108 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 35 forward half
YCF 109 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 185 1944 Ex-YCF 35 after half
Open Cargo Barges (YCK)
YCK 1 Norfolk NSY Portsmouth VA 50 24 1936 Lost 1942
YCK 2 Island Docks Kingston NY 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 422, lost 1943
YCK 3 Island Docks Kingston NY 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 423, disposed of 1947
YCK 4 Island Docks Kingston NY 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 424, disposed of 1946
YCK 5 Island Docks Kingston NY 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 425, disposed of 1946
YCK 6 Island Docks Kingston NY 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 426, disposed of 1946
YCK 7 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 427, disposed of 1947
YCK 8 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 428, lost 1943
YCK 9 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 429, disposed of 1946
YCK 10 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 430, lost 1946
YCK 11 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 431, disposed of 1947
YCK 12 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 432
YCK 13 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 433, lost 1947
YCK 14 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 434, disposed of 1946
YCK 15 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 435, disposed of 1946
YCK 16 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 95 80 1943 Ex-YF 436, disposed of 1946
YCK 17 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Ex-YF 437
YCK 18 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Ex-YF 438, disposed of 1946
YCK 19 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Ex-YF 439, disposed of 1946
YCK 20 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Ex-YF 440, later YD 173
YCK 21 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Ex-YF 441, disposed of 1948
YCK 22 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Ex-YF 442, disposed of 1948
YCK 23 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 24 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 25 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 26 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 27 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 28 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 29 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 30 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 31 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 32 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 33 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 34 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 35 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 36 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 37 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Lost 1945
YCK 38 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 39 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Lost 1945
YCK 40 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 41 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Lost 1945
YCK 42 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 43 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 44 Bison SB N. Tonawanda NY 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 45 Island Docks Kingston NY 95 80 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 46 Island Docks Kingston NY 95 80 1943 Later YC 1350
YCK 47 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 48 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 95 80 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 49 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 50 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 51 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
YCK 52 Fort Myers SB Fort Myers FL 80 75 1943 Disposed of 1947
Big Freight Barges (YFNB)
YFNB 2 Ex-YFN 614, to DoI 1976
YFNB 4 Ex-YFN 617, to NDRF 2004
YFNB 5 Pollock-Stockton Stockton CA 261 700 1944 Ex-YFN 621, sold 2004
YFNB 6 Ex-YFN 622, scrapped 1982
YFNB 7 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 261 700 1943 Ex-YFN 752, later Royal Reefer. Magellan, NLD 2005
YFNB 8 Ex-YFN 718, scrapped 1995
YFNB 12 Everett-Pacific Everett WA 261 700 1944 Ex-YFN 723, later YDT 11, YRST 1, now YR 94
YFNB 13 Ex-YFN 727, scrapped 1982
YFNB 15 Ex-YFN 733, scrapped 1969
YFNB 16 Ex-YFN 734, scrapped 1976
YFNB 18 Ex-YFN 737, scrapped 1973
YFNB 19 Pollock-Stockton Stockton CA 261 700 1943 Ex-YFN 740, ex-YRBM 19, later YRBM 56
YFNB 21 Later YRBM 16
YFNB 22 Ex-YFN 744, scrapped 1976
YFNB 23 Ex-YFN 746, scrapped 1977
YFNB 24 Later YRBM 17
YFNB 25 Ex-YFN 749, struck 1983
YFNB 27 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 261 700 1943 Ex-YFN 752, sold 1981
YFNB 28 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 261 700 1943 Ex-YFN 753, to Vietnam 1973
YFNB 29 Tampa Shipbuilding Tampa FL 261 700 1943 Ex-YFN 755, scuttled 1958
YFNB 30 Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 261 700 1946 Ex-YFN 899, now YR 93
YFNB 31 Nashville Bridge Nashville TN 261 700 1946 Ex-YFN 900, sold 2003
YFNB 32 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1054, sold 2004
YFNB 33 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1055, OCP Seacon 1980, scrapped
YFNB 34 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1056, sold 1997
YFNB 35 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 10--
YFNB 36 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1063, sold 2003
YFNB 37 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 10--
YFNB 38 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 10--
YFNB 39 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1066, sold 2003
YFNB 40 Missouri Valley Bridge Leavenworth KS 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 10--
YFNB 41 American Bridge Ambridge PA 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1069, active
YFNB 42 American Bridge Ambridge PA 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1070, later YRBM 47, active
YFNB 43 American Bridge Ambridge PA 261 700 1945 Ex-YFN 1071, later YDT 16, struck 1995
YFNB 47 Cramp Shipbuilding Philadelphia PA 152 1943 Ex-YR 47, ex-YRR 9, sold 2003
Dry-Dock Companion Barges (YFND)
YFND 5 Associated Sbldrs. Seattle WA 110 160 1941 Ex-YF 268, now IX 530
YFND 6 Ex-YFN 366, to Colombia 1978
YFND 10 110 140 1944 Ex-YFN 588, struck 1971
YFND 16 Ex-YFN 769, scrapped 1975
YFND 19 Ex-YFN 781, to Taiwan 1978
YFND 27 Ex-YFN 706, scrapped 1981
YFND 28 Ex-YFN 909, scrapped 1981
YFND 29 Gunderson Bros. Portland OR 110 160 1945 Ex-YFN 974, sold 2006
YFND 30 General Steel Tank 110 137 1971 Ex-YFN 1253, active
YFND 31 Gretna Machine Harvey LA 110 144 1965 Ex-YFN 1209, struck 2007
Special-Purpose Freight Barges (YFNX)
YFNX 3 Contractors Service Co. Detroit MI 125 3,398 1918 Ex-YC 626, scrapped 1956
YFNX 4 JK Welding Brooklyn NY 110 170 1942 Ex-YC 734, struck 1995
YFNX 7 110 Ex-YO 37, YFN 570, sold as power barge 1995
YFNX 8 110 Ex-YFN 805, sold 1999
YFNX 13 Norfolk NSY Portsmouth VA Ex-YFN 1092, later YRST 5, YRB 29, sold 2000
YFNX 14 Ex-YC 792, YFN 1151, scrapped 1975
YFNX 15 Dravo Corp. Pittsburgh PA 110 225 1941 Ex-YNG 22, active
YFNX 19 Ex-YFN 904, to DoI 1981
YFNX 20 Burton Shipyard Port Arthur TX 110 170 1952 Active
YFNX 21 JK Welding Brooklyn NY 110 170 Ex-YFN 288, sold 1978
YFNX 22 Island Dock Kingston NY 110 160 1952 Ex-BC 6192, struck 2005
YFNX 23 110 160 Ex-YFN 289, struck 1993
YFNX 24 Harbor BB Long Beach CA 110 144 1965 Ex-YFN 1215, struck 2007
YFNX 25 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA 126 679 1965 Ex-YFN 1224, scrapped 1998
YFNX 26 Portsmouth NSY Portsmouth NH 126 679 Ex-YFN 1225, scrapped 1997
YFNX 29 Ex-YFN 913, scrapped 1976
YFNX 30 Kyle & Co. Stockton CA 110 140 1952 Ex-YFN 1186, sold 2007
YFNX 31 General Steel Tank 110 137 1970 Ex-YFN 1249, sold 2000
YFNX 35 Higgins, Inc. New Orleans LA 153 340 1954 Ex-BR 6435, YFRN 1235, YFN 1283, sold 2003
YFNX 36 Steel Style, Inc. Newburgh NY 110 144 1982 Ex-YFN 1263, sold 2002
YFNX 37 Richmond Steel Richmond CA 110 144 1964 Ex-YFN 1198, to FACSFAC Vacapes 2008
YFNX 38 Gretna Machine Harvey LA 110 144 1965 Ex-YFN 1206, struck 1996
YFNX 39 Eastern Marine Panama City FL 110 144 1988 Ex-YFN 1276, active
YFNX 40 Diamond Mfg. Savannah GA 110 110 1977 Ex-YC 1519, active
YFNX 41 110 144 Ex-YFN 274, sold 1998
YFNX 42 Steel Style, Inc. Newburgh NY 110 144 1982 Ex-YFN 1255, active
YFNX 43 Eastern Marine Panama City FL 110 144 1987 Ex-YFN 1271, active
YFNX 44 Portsmouth NSY Portsmouth NH 110 144 1973 Ex-YFN 1238, sold 2000
YFNX 45 Puget Sound NSY Bremerton WA 110 120 1942 Ex-YF 334, YC 813, active
YFNX 46 Soule Steel San Francisco CA 110 120 1945 Ex-YC 1084, active
YFNX 47 Sun Shipbuilding Chester PA 125 190 1944 Ex-YC 1321, struck 2008
Special Cargo Barges (YPK)
YPK 1 American Bridge Pittsburgh PA 122 170 1918 Ex-YCD 2
YPK 2 Chicago Bridge Chicago IL 110 145 1918 Ex-YC 475, disposed of 1947
YPK 3 Chicago Bridge Chicago IL 110 145 1918 Ex-YC 476, sold 1948
YPK 4 110 145 1918 Ex-YC 463, YF 672 1943
YPK 5 Leonard Constn. Chicago IL 110 145 1918 Ex-YC 465, disposed of 1946
YPK 6 110 145 1918 Ex-YC 538, lost 1942
YPK 7 110 145 1918 Ex-YC 539, lost 1942
YPK 8 Aetna I&S Jacksonville FL 110 100 1942 Ex-YC 794
YPK 9 110 170 1942 Ex-YC 1117


These shipbuilding pages are part of an ongoing project; new material and data is added regularly.

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Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 1 March 2023