Quinte ferries, bibliography
This bibliography covers many references in Early History of the Glenora Ferry and Later Glenora Ferries, but does not pretend to be definitive.
An asterisk * signifies that the Society holds a copy.
- * A.F. Hunter, 'Probated Wills', OHSPR, Vol. 23, 1926, pp. 336-7
- Act for the Regulation of Ferries, 37 G.III C.10 1797 (Second Provincial Parliament of Upper Canada), repealed, 12 V. c.80, 1849.
- * Adam Shortt, ed., 'Early Records of Ontario' Queen's Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 1; Vol, 8, No. 3, 1899-1900;
- * Adam Shortt, ed., 'Early Records of Ontario', Queen's Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1900, p.67.
- * Adam Shortt, ed., 'Early Records of Ontario, Queen's Quarterly, January, 1901, Vol. 8, No. 3, p.226.
- Advertisement issued by John Small, Clerk of the Executive Council, York, March 4, 1824, op. cit., p. 88, PAC.
- * Alexander Campbell Osbourne 'Pioneer Sketches and Family Reminiscences', OHSPR, Vol. 21, 1924
- Alva Stephens Ledger, Cherry Valley Women's Institute, p. 187 etc.
- British Whig, Feb. 21, 1834, p.2 and Oct. 20, 1835, p.3.
- Casey Scrapbooks, Lennox and Addington County Museum, Napanee, Ontario
- * County Magazine #17, Fall 1980, early history of Glenora ferry
- * County Magazine #10, Winter 1978 for Allens mill in Marysburgh
- * Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. 9, pp. 69-72.
- * E.A. Cruikshank, 'Captain John Walden Meyers, Loyalist Pioneer', OHSPR, Vol. 31, 1936
- * E.A. Cruikshank, 'The Settlement of United Empire Loyalists', Toronto, 1934, pages 100-101, reprinted OHS 1966
- * Edwin C. Guillet, 'Early Life in Upper Canada', University of Toronto Press, 1933, p.516.
- * Edwin C. Guillet, Pioneer Inns and Taverns, Ontario Publishing Co.,
- * Volume I - 1954, Ontario, with detailed reference to Metropolitan Toronto and Yonge Street to Penetanguishene. With 235 illustrations selected and arranged by the Author.
- * Volume II - 1956, The Province of Quebec, the Ottawa Valley, and American Inns, with special reference to the New York-Buffalo route via the Hudson River and the Erie Canal. 256 illustratoins.
- * Volume III - 1958, Quebec to Detroit, with a detailed coverage of the Province of Ontario. 232 illustrations.
- * Volume IV - 1958, Continuing the detailed coverage of Ontario, with a concluding estimate of the position of the innkeeper in community life. 200 illustrations.
- * Volume V - 1962, The origin of tavern names and signs in Great Britain and America. 148 illustrations.
- Eula Lapp, To Their Heirs Forever, Mika, 1977
- * G. de P. Glazebrook, The History of Transportation in Canada, Vol. 1, Carleton Series, McClelland and Stewart, p. 67.
- G.A. Neville, 'The Quakers of Adolphustown', Families, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1980.
- H. C. Burleigh, The Loyalist Settlement of Prince Edward County, United Empire Loyalist Association, p. 4.
- Hazel Matthews, Mark of Honour, University of Toronto Press, 1965.
- Horace Hume Van Wart, 'The Loyalist Settlement of Adolphustown; A Short History of Peter Van Alstine and His Company', The Loyalist Gazette, Vol. 2, No. 2, August 1932.
- Jacob Spelt, 'The Development of South Central Ontario', Carleton Library, McClelland and Stewart, p. 66.
- * Jane B. Goddard, 'Hans Waltimeyer', Grafton, 1980
- Kingston Chronicle, April 12 1822, p.3
- * Leslie R. Gray, 'Robert's, Diary of a Quaker Missionary's journey to Upper Canada', OHSPR, Vol. 42, No. 1, January, 1950.
- * Margaret McBurney and Mary Byers, 'Homesteads; Early Buildings and Families from Kingston to Toronto', University of Toronto Press, 1979, page 3.
- Marysburgh Township Papers, Public Archives of Ontario (PAO)
- * Mika, Nick and Helma, The settlement of Prince Edward County, Mika Publishig, 1984
- * Mika, Nick and Helma, Community Spotlight, Mika Publishig, 1974
- Mill and Mill Sites, 1792-1825, Vol. 47, Upper Canada State Papers, RG1E3, PAC.
- Prince Edward County Land Registry Office, North Marysburgh Abstracts, First Concession, South Bay of Quinte, Lots 7 and 8, 1827-1831
- * R.V. Rogers, 'The First Commission of the Peace for the District of Mecklenburg', OHSPR Vol. 8, 1907, pp. 62-64;
- Robert Gourlay, A Statistical Account of Upper Canada, Vol. 1, 1822, p.97
- * Robert McDowall, Rev., 'A Register of Baptisms', OHSPR, Vol. 1, 1899, p. 80.
- T.W. Casey, 'Old Time Records: More Early District Court Records', Napanee Beaver, July 20. 1900
- T.W. Casey, 'Personal Notes on the People of Adolphustown' in Appendix to the Report of the Ontario Bureau of Industries, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, 1897, p.60
- Tender for Ferry No. 76, York, Oct. 12, 1833, Upper Canada State Papers, Vols. 29-30, RG1E3, PAC.
- Upper Canada Land Petitions 'U-V', Bundle 1, 1792-1796, RG1E3, Vol. 514, No. 22, Microfilm C2842, Public Archives of Canada
- Upper Canada State Papers, Vol. 27, p.78, RG1E3, PAC.
- Washburn Family Papers, 1801-1876, W 3104, and Ledger of the Estate of Eliphalet Adams, 1817-1834, W 3106, Folio 12, Washburn Family Papers, MU 3106, PAO.
- * William C. Canniff, The Settlement of upper Canada, Belleville, Mika reprint of 1869 ed., 1971, page 226
- * Willis Metcalfe, Canvas and Steam on the Bay of Quinte, Picton Gazette, p12