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MARC Coding for Serials


General Comments

To be used for the creation and interpretation of the Naval Marine Archive's MARC bibliographic records for serials, this guide focuses on how serial MARC records differ from records for other formats and involves an understanding of both the MARC codes and cataloging rules and practices.

This guide relied heavily on other sources, especially Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. Other sources either consulted in developing this guide or suggested as resources for further information are listed at the end of this document, see: Bibliography

Rule changes

Current rules differ from those prior to 2002. While new records should be created according to the new rules, older records inmported with Z39.50 created under older rules that were valid when they were created can still be used. Verify that the OPAC presentation is functional.

Minimal level record: details here.


Index to MARC Fields

Fixed Fields: 000 | 008
Numeric/Code Fields: 022 | 041
Main Entry Fields: 100 | 110 | 111
Uniform Title Fields: 130 | 240
Title Fields: 210 | 222 | 245 | 246 | 247
Edition Statement: 250
Descriptive Fields: 260 | 300 | 310 | 321 | 362
Series Fields: 440
Note Fields: 5xx (General Comments) | 5xx's (Major) | 5xx's (Additional)
Subject Fields: 6xx
Name Added Entries: 700-711
Title Added Entries: 730-740
Linking Fields: 76x-78x
Series Added Entry and Holding Fields: 8xx
Holdings Fields: 84x-87x
Electronic Access: 856
Local Fields: 9xx

000 Leader (Fixed Fields)

Has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.

Position 07 - Bibliographic level. Values: a=Monographic component part, b=Serial component part, c=Collection, d=Sub unit, i=Integrating resource, m=Monograph/Item, s=Serial

In Koha, ensure that position 7 uses "s" for serials, not "m" for books.

008 Fixed Fields

Not all the codes in the 008 are discussed here. For additional information, see Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data

Example: 120714c20019999oncmr         0     eng   [colours used for clarity only.]

Pos 00-05 - date entered on file YYMMDD
Pos 06 - "c" = current/continuing, "d" = dead (no longer published)
Pos 07-10 - year* of first publication
Pos 11-14 - year* of last publication (9999 id current/continuing)
Pos 15-17 - Place of publication; 'onc'=Ontario, 'xx '=No place, unknown, or undetermined, 'xxc'=Canada, 'fr '=France, 'xxk'=United Kingdom, 'xxu'=United States, etc, see Country Code List.
Pos 18 - Frequency; "m" Monthly, "q" Quarterly, etc ..., "u" Undefined (occasional, 8 per year, ...)
Pos 19 - Regularity; "r" Regular, "u" Unknown, "x" Completely irregular
Pos 20-28 - Blank
Pos 29 - Conference paper; 1 = yes, 0 = no
Pos 30-34 - Blank
Pos 35-37 - Language
Pos 38-39 - blank

*These dates are taken from the 362 (first choice) and the 260 (second choice). Be careful of mixed year pieces. The later of the years is always the one used. Examples: For 1962-63 use 1963, for 1966-69 use 1969.

022 ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)

Enter the ISSN in this field. ISSNs are assigned to titles by national ISSN centers. For more about ISSN, see the ISSN website. or the U.S. ISSN website

Notes: Indicator 1; Level of international interest - blank=not specified, 0=yes, 1=no
$a; Valid ISSN - Transcribe ISSN found on piece. For e-journals, try to verify that the ISSN is not the print ISSN.
$y; Incorrect ISSN - Use if ISSN on piece is incorrect Eg. title has changed but new title still has previous ISSN on piece, or print ISSN is being used on online version of journal, or if correcting the ISSN in a bib record
$z; Cancelled ISSN

041 Language Code

Enter in $a. Only used for articles, etc, not in main language of the publication. Language codes used can be found at: MARC Code List for Languages

100 Main Entry, Personal Name

Rarely used in Serials, but if used, this is a Koha "Authority". Information on additional subfields can be found at Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

110 Main Entry, Corporate Name

Used only when work emanates from the corporate body (Eg. annual report) not just when work published or sponsored by corporate body. If a conference name is subordinate to a corporate body it is entered as a 110. This is a Koha Authority.

Note: Indicator 1: Type of Corporate Name Entry - 0=Inverted Name, 1=Jurisdiction Name, 2=Name in Direct Order
$a; Corporate Body.


111 Main Entry, Meeting Name

Used when a conference name is determined to be the Main Entry. If a conference name is subordinate to a corporate body it is entered as a 110. Authorized (controlled) name headings ["Authorities" in Koha] must be used.

Subfields are in this order a, n, p, d, c. Make note of punctuation.

Indicator 1 - Type of Meeting Name Entry; 0=Inverted Name, 1=Jurisdiction Name, 2=Name in Direct Order
$a - Meeting Name. Punctation: Field ends in a period.
$n - Number. Punctation: Enclose text inside beginning parenthesis. Subfield on outside.
$p - Name of part (no longer in use)
$d - Date
$c - Location. Punctuation: Field ends with closed parenthesis.

111 2_ $a Southern Silvicultural Research Conference $n (12th : $d 2003 : $c Biloxi, Miss.)

130 Uniform Title

Rarely used. It serves to distinguish titles - records for publications with the same title using qualifiers. Qualifiers such as place of publication, dates or format are used to create a distingushing title. E.g:

No longer required to distinguish titles except for generic titles like "Report." [Still required for monographic series.]

Indicator 1 - Non-filing characters; Number of character positions that represent articles (the, die, la) and should be ignored during indexing. Values: 0=No non-filing characters, 1-9=Number of non-filing characters
$a - Uniform Title; Title and qualifiers are all entered in subfield a.

210 Abbreviated Title

Supplied by ISSN center based on 222 (Key Title).

222 Key Title

Unique title linked to the ISSN. Assigned by ISSN centers only. Additional information can be found at Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

240 Uniform Title

The 240 is used as a uniform title when a 1xx already exists in the record such as a corporate author.

Indicator 1 - Uniform Title Printed or Displayed; Values 0=Not printed or displayed,1=Printed or displayed
Indicator 2 - Non-filing characters; Number of character positions that represent articles (the, die, la) and should be ignored during indexing. Values: 0=No non-filing characters, 1-9=Number of non-filing characters
$a - Uniform Title: Title and qualifiers are all entered in $a. Additional subfields can be found at Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

245 - Title Statement

This field is the standard 245 field. Remember with serials the 245 is taken from the first or earliest available issue. This information is tied to the 362. When not cataloged from the first issue, it is linked to a 500 note. Many serials do not have title pages. In such cases, source of title needs to be stated in a 500 note.

Indicator 1 - Added Entry; Values 0=No added entry, 1=Added entry
Indicator 2 - Non-filing characters. Number of character positions that represent articles (the, die, la) and should be ignored during indexing. Values: 0=No non-filing characters, 1-9=Number of non-filing characters
$a - Title e.g. $a The daily news
$b - Remainder of Title; not used unless it "provides clarification or support to the title proper that otherwise might appear misleading without the other title information."
$c - Statement of Responsibility e.g. $c Proper Press

Additional subfields can be found at Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

246 - Varying Form of Title

Indicator 1 - Note/Added Entry Controller: the term "Note" can be interpreted as "Displays in OPAC." The term "Added Entry" can be interpreted as "Indexed." If you want the title to be searchable, choose either 1 or 3. Be sure to test your local system to see how titles and notes display in the OPAC. Values:

Indicator 2 - Type of Title. These values below (sometimes called "captions") may display in the OPAC. Be sure to test your local system.

Koha subfields are listed below. See Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data for additional subfields.

$a - Title proper. There are no non-filing indicators for the 246 field. When entering a varying title drop initial articles.
$b - Remainder of title
$h - Medium. e.g. [CD-Rom], [Microfiche], ...
$i - Display text. If none of the other captions are appropriate, free text can be used with second indicator # blank. See above.


247 Former Title

It should not be used with Successive Entry cataloging of Serials. In Koha, use 780. See CONSER website for more information about Integrating Resources.

250 - Edition Statement

Rarely used. For Serials the edition statement is used to distinguish different editions of the entire serial run such geographic, interest groups, formats, or languages. Examples: a North American edition from the South American edition. Statements such as "1st edition" generally are recorded as enumeration in the 362.

$a Edition statement
$b Remainder of edition statement

260 Publication, distribution etc.

Mandatory in Koha

$a Place of publication, distribution, etc. Only the first named place of publication is entered in $a. For online resources if the place of publication is available in the first few pages of the home page, record in 260 $a. If not, supply a probable place of publication in brackets or use [S.l.].
$b Name of publisher. Note: records created before 2002 may have a comma following the publisher name and before a non-existent $c, as this was the practice when cataloging was done without the first or last issue in hand.
$c Date of publication. Dates are not normall required here. See the 362 field for more information about dates.

300 Physical Description

Indicators: Both indicators are undefined. Values are blank

$a Extent of item:
$b Other physical details: such as illustrations, maps etc.
$c Dimensions: use metric e.g 28 cm.

310 Current Publication Frequency

This is tied to the fixed field Freq.

Indicators: Both indicators are undefined. Values are blank

$a Current Frequency: If no 321, spell out the number, if one or more 321's then use numbers. Example: $a Three issues yearly
$b Date of current frequency: Only used when a 321 exists and if the date of frequency is different from beginning date of publication. Subfield preceded by a comma. Angle brackets <.. > mean that the date within the brackets is the first known date, prior dates are uncertain.

321 Former Publication Frequency

Not used in Koha by the Naval Marine Archive.

362 Dates of publication or sequential designation

Beginning and/or ending designations of the run of the title. Shows the run of the title, NOT local holdings, and not usually publication dates, which are in the 260. There are two ways this information can be represented: Formatted and Unformatted. The first indicator is used to code the style used.

Indicator 1 - Format of Date: entered as Formatted or Unformatted. A record may have one of each, but not two of the same style. Values:
0=Formatted style: Designations in a specific style (Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data has examples.) We must have 1st or last issue in hand, when doing original cataloging. If the first part is a smd (special material designator) the first letter is capitalized:
1=Unformatted style: Not repeatable. Combine begin and end dates if necessary. Free text is used. Supplies numbering/dates whether or not the first issue is in hand. Examples:
Indicator 2 - Undefined. Values are blank.

$a - Dates of publication or sequential designation: Enter publication designations here. Use parentheses for chronological information if given in addition to sequential designations. See Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

440 Series Statement/Added Title Entry

Used when the series statement transcribed from the piece is the same as the authorized form of the heading. No corresponding 8xx is necessary. Do not use numbering if it changes with each issue/volume; it is used if it stays the same with each issue.

Indicator 1 - Undefined Values are blank
Indicator 2 - Non-filing characters. Number of character positions that represent articles (the, die, la) and should be ignored during indexing. Values: 0=No non-filing characters; 1-9=Number of non-filing characters

$a Title excluding numbering and part name e.g. $a Journal of urban studies
$n Number of part/section of work, usually a subseries, which goes with the part in $p. Example: $n Part B
$p Name of part/section of work. Example $p Cities
$v Volume number/sequential designation. Example $v v.2
$x ISSN e.g. $x xxxx-xxxx

5xx General Comments

Order of Note fields: according to CONSER practices 5xx notes are arranged in tag order except for 533 and 539, which follow all other 5xx notes. The Note fields have been grouped into Major fields and Additional fields below.

500 General Note

CONSER Standard Record requires the following on all records:

Indicators: Both indicators are undefined. Values are blank

$a General Note - The following are the major uses of a General Note. See the CONSER documentation for more.

505 Formatted contents note

Titles of separate works or parts of an item or the table of contents. The field may also contain statements of responsibility and volume numbers or other sequential designations.

First - Display constant controller. Values: 0=Contents, 1=Incomplete contents, 2=Partial contents, 8=No display constant generated
Second - Level of content designation. Values: #=Basic, 0=Enhanced
$a Formatted contents note. Format of the note is determined by the relevant cataloging rules.
$g Miscellaneous information
$r Statement of responsibility
$t Title
$u Uniform Resource Identifier. Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.

520 Summary etc.

Note that describes the scope and contents of the material. In serials cataloging used only for notes that are preceded by the display constant "Summary."

Indicator 1 - Display constant controller (generates the text displayed by system) Values blank=Summary, 0=Subject, 1=Review, 2=Scope and content, 3=Abstract, 8=No display constant generated
Indicator 2 Undefined. Values are blank
$a Text of the summary. e.g. $a Directory of institutions working in the field of ….
$b Expansion of summary note, can be long text in Koha
$u url of summary (NMA does not use this if 856 field is used.

521 Target audience note

Note that describes the intended audience of the serial. CONSER only uses quoted notes and specified indicators.

Indicator 1 Display constant controller. Values: # (blank), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 NOT used in CONSER records, 8=No display constant generated
Indicator 2 Undefined. Values are blank
$a Entire note in quotation marks e.g. $a "For teachers in secondary schools"

522 Geographic coverage

Records the geographic coverage of the serial, most often used with survey material. This information is also coded in the 052.

Indicator 1 Display constant controller. Values: blank=Geographic coverage, 8=No display constant generated
Indicator 2 Undefined Values are blank

$a Entire text of the note. e.g. $a Southeastern United States.

526 Study programme information note

Note giving the name of a study program which uses the title described in the record. Details about the study program data elements are also contained in the field. Field 526 is generally used for formal curriculum-based study or reading programs.

Indicators: First - Display constant controller. Values: 0=Reading program, 8=No display constant generated
Second - Undefined. Value: # (blank) =Undefined
$a - Program name
$b - Interest level
$c - Reading level
$d - Title point value

534 Original version note

Not used by NMA in Koha. Used by the Library and Archives of Canada.

535 Location of Originals/Duplicates Note

Not used by NMA in Koha. Used to record the name and address of the repository which controls the originals or duplicates of the materials described, if the repository is different from where the materials are held.

536 Funding Information

Not used by NMA in Koha. Note which includes numbers associated with funded projects.

538 System Details Note

Used for recording system requirements and mode of access notes for direct and remote access computer serials and videorecordings. CONSER Standard Record does not require a 538 note for direct access serials unless it is necessary to indicate the type of operating system or make and model of computer for which the the resource was designed.

Indicators - undefined. Values are blank.
$a System details note e.g. $a Systems requirements: Pentium III or higher computer     or $a Mode of access: Available via FTP
$i Display text Allows for the display of specific text indicated by the i. e.g. $i Selection of the:
$u Uniform resource locator e.g

539 Fixed-Length Data Elements of Reproduction

Not used by NMA in Koha. OCLC note field. Paired with the 533 and encodes in OCLC the fixed field information that is described in the 533.
In OCLC used instead of 533 subfield 7. See Bibliographic Formats and Standards for more information.

546 Language Note

CONSER Standard Record provides that if the main content is in more than one language use an 041 and only use $a. If the language information is about translations, summaries, table of contents, or accompanying material language differences, record it in a 546, paired with the 041 field and the fixed field Lang code.

Indicators - undefined. Values are blank.

$a Language Note. e.g. $a Text in English and German
$b Information code or alphabet. Name of the script or code used. Not used if it is embedded in the subfield a information e.g. $b Hebrew Alphabet

547 Former Title Complexity Note

Not used by NMA in Koha. Note is used only when 247's exist in a record. Is used when the 247 relationships are too complex to be understood just by the use of the 247. These are only used in older serial records using latest entry cataloging or current integrating resource records, but never in successive entry serial records.

6xx Subject headings

Koha gives enormous flexibility; at least the 650 should be completed

Only the differences in Subject Fields usage for Serials (as compared to Koha "books") are in the use of the subfield v and x for Periodicals.

$v - Form subdivision: Form subdivisions indicate what something is as opposed to what it is about e.g.   $v Periodicals
$x - General subdivision: This subfield is used when the title is about periodicals, such as Ulrich's e.g.   $x Periodicals

7XX - Added entries, general

Koha use in Serials is not mandatory. Usually only for editors or those responsible for issuing the serial.

700 Added Entry--Personal Editor
710 Added Entry--Corporate Editor
711 Added Entry--Meeting Name

should all be checked against "Authorities", but

720 Added Entry--Uncontrolled Name is free text

700 Added Entry--Personal Name

Indicator 1 - Type of Personal Name Entry. Values: 0=Forename, 1=Surname, 3=Family Name
Indicator 2 - Type of Added Entry. Values: blank=No information provided, 2=Analytical

$a Personal Name. Note: is an authority in Koha

710 Added Entry--Corporate Name

If a conference name is subordinate to a corporate body it is entered as a 710.

Indicator 1 - Type of Corporate Entry. Values: 0=Inverted Name, 1=Jurisdiction Name, 2=Name in Direct Order
Indicator 2 - Type of Added Entry. Values: blank=No information provided, 2=Analytical

$a Corporate Body. Note: is an authority in Koha

Information on additional subfields can be found at field 110 or Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

711 Added Entry--Meeting Name

If a conference name is subordinate to a corporate body it is entered as a 710.

Indicator 1 - Type of Meeting Name Entry. Values: 0=Inverted Name, 1=Jurisdiction Name, 2=Name in Direct Order
Indicator 2 - Type of Added Entry. Values: blank=No information provided, 2=Analytical

$a Meeting Name. Note: is an authority in Koha

Information on subfields can be found at field 111 or Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

720 Added Entry--Uncontrolled Name

Added entry in which the name is not controlled in an authority file or list. It is also used for names that have not been formulated according to cataloging rules. Names may be of any type (e.g., personal, corporate, meeting). Used when one of the other access fields (e.g., 1XX (Headings) or 7XX (Added Entries)) cannot be used because the level of control and/or structure of the name does not meet the requirements of the other access fields. Field 720 should not be used for uncontrolled names intended to provide subject access. In that case, field 653 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) is preferred.

Indicator 1 - Type of Meeting Name Entry. Values: blank=Not specified, 1=Personal, 2=Other
Indicator 2 - blank [not used.]

$a Name, $e Relator. Note: is NOT an authority in Koha

Title Added Entries

Use as additional title access points. Use a 730 when the added entry title appears in another bibliographic record or the name authority file. If the title does not appear in either, use a 740. In a 730, use the main entry form from the other record. Linking entries do not replace added entries. See AACR2. CONSER Standard Record practice gives preference to linking entries and does not require added entries that would duplicate linking entries, except for translations and language editions. See CONSER Documentation for more information.

730 Added Entry - Uniform Title

If a title does not exist in another bibliographic record, or have an authority record, a 740 could be used,however, NMA does not support this practice in Koha.

Indicator 1 - Non-filing characters. Number of character positions that represent articles (the, die, la) and should be ignored during indexing. Values are 0-9 Indicator 2 - Type of Added Entry. Values: blank=No information provided, 2=Analytical

$a Uniform Title. Title and qualifiers are all entered in $a.
$h Media qualifier. Do not use.

Information on additional subfields can be found at Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

Added Entry - Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title
If the title has an authority record or exists in another bibliographic record, use the 730 field.
CONSER Standard Record
CONSER Standard Record does not require added entries that would duplicate linking entries, except for translations and language editions. See
Title Added Entries.
Indicator 1
Non-filing characters
Number of character positions that represent articles (the, die, la) and should be ignored during indexing.
Values are 0-9
Indicator 2
Type of Added Entry
  • blank=No information provided
  • 0=Alternative entry
  • 1=Secondary entry/Added entry printed on LC cards
  • 2=Analytical
  • 3=Added entry not printed on LC cards
Subfield a
Uncontrolled related/analytical title

Title and qualifiers are all entered in subfield a.

Information on additional subfields can be found at Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

Linking entries

A Linking Entry is a field which describes and links to another title, which usually has its own record. Records can be linked to former titles which do not have bibliographic records.

CONSER Standard Record

Linking entries do not replace added entries. See AACR2. However, CONSER Standard Record practice gives preference to linking entries and does not require added entries that would duplicate linking entries, except for translations and language editions. See CONSER documentation.

The most common Linking Fields used in Serials are described below. See the MARC documentation for information on fields 760, 762, 765, 767, 775, 777, 786 to determine which may be used and their order.

770 772 773 774 776 780 785 787 770
Supplement Special/Issue Entry

Record in this field a supplement or a special issue to the title in the 245. This field is paired with the 772 Parent Entry field. This can be considered to be a child entry to the title in the 245.

Indicator 1
Note controller
  • 0=Display note
  • 1=Do not display note
Indicator 2
Display constant controller
  • #=Has supplement
  • 8=No display constant generated
For the subfields see the 780 subfields. 772
Supplement parent entry

Record in this field the parent entry to the title in the 245. In other words, the title in the 245 of the record being worked on is the supplement of the 772 title. This field is paired with the 770 Supplement/special issue field.

Indicator 1
Note controller
  • 0=Display note
  • 1=Do not display note
Indicator 2
Display constant controller
  • #=Supplement to
  • 0=Parent
  • 8=No display constant generated
For the subfields see the 780 subfields. 773
Host Item Entry

If the title being cataloged (the title in the 245 field) is a constitutent unit (part of a larger unit), use this field to record the host item. Used only if the bibl level is set to b. This field is paired with the 774 Constituent Unit Entry.

Indicator 1
Note controller
  • 0=Display note
  • 1=Do not display note
Indicator 2
Display constant controller
  • #=In
  • 8=No display constant generated
For the subfields see the 780 subfields. 774
Constituent Unit Entry

Used to record a constituent unit of the title being cataloged (the title in the 245 field). This field is paired with the 773 Host Item Entry.

Indicator 1
Note controller
  • 0=Display note
  • 1=Do not display note
Indicator 2
Display constant controller
  • #=Constituent unit
  • 8=No display constant generated
For the subfields see the 780 subfields. 776
Additional Physical Form

Used to link records for other physical forms of the title, such as microforms, or electronic resources.

Indicator 1
Note controller
  • 0=Display note
  • 1=Do not display note
Indicator 2
Display constant controller
  • #=Issued in another form
  • 8=No display constant generated
For the subfields see the
780 subfields. 780
Preceding Title

Used to record the title(s) just prior to the title being cataloged. The nature of the relationship is recorded using the indicators and/or the 580 field. There may be more than one 780 in a record when complex relationships exist, such as splits and mergers.

Indicator 1
Note Controller
  • 0=Display
  • 1=Do Not Display (use 580 note instead)

Be sure to test your local system to see how titles and notes display in the OPAC

Indicator 2
Type of relationship

Values below can display in OPAC

  • 0=Continues
  • 1=Continues in part
  • 2=Supercedes (No longer used)
  • 3=Supercedes in part (No longer used)
  • 4=Formed by the union of ... and ...

    Two or more 780's would be used depending on the number of titles involved:

    • 580 Formed by the union of: DePaul business law journal and: Commercial law journal.
    • 780 14 $t DePaul business law journal
    • 780 14 $t Commercial law journal
  • 5=Absorbed
  • 6=Absorbed in part
  • 7=Separated from


The most common subfields are listed below according to input order. Most linking entries will have subfield t, subfield x and subfield w.
Example: $t DePaul business law journal $x 1049-6122 $w (DLC) 90655044 $w (OCoLC)20064809

Additional information can be found at Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. See the CONSER Editing Guide for subfield input order. See OCLC's Bibliographic Formats and Standards for subfield w input standards.

Subfield a
Main Entry

If preceding title has a name main entry it is entered here. See Bibliographic Formats and Standards for more information.

Subfield s
Uniform Title

If preceding title has a 240, it is entered here. See Bibliographic Formats and Standards for more information.

Subfield t

Title from 245 is entered here. Be sure to test your local ILS to see how it handles the various subfields.

Subfield x
ISSN number
Subfield w
Record control number

Usually the LCCN number and the OCLC number are entered. OCLC has an input standard for subfield w. See OCLC's website, 7XX fields: Bibliographic Formats and Standards.

  • $w (DLC)sn 90033532
  • $w (DLC) 44003576
  • $w (OCoLC)5295621
Succeeding Title

Used to record the title(s) immediately following the one being cataloged. The nature of the relationship is recorded using the indicators and/or the 580 field. There may be more than one 785 in a record when complex relationships exist, such as splits and mergers.

Indicator 1
Note Controller

Be sure to test your local system to see how titles and notes display in the OPAC

Indicator 2
Type of relationship

Values below can display in OPAC

  • 0=Continued by
  • 1=Continued in part by
  • 2=Superceded by (No longer used)
  • 3=Superceded in part by (No longer used)
  • 4=Absorbed by
  • 5=Absorbed in part by
  • 6=Split into ... and ...

    Two or more 785's would be used depending on the number of titles involved:

    • 580 Split into: Anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology; and Anatomical record. Part B, New anatomist.
    • 785 16 $t Anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology
    • 785 16 $t Anatomical record. Part B, New anatomist
  • 7=Merged with ... to form ...

    Two or more 785's would be used depending on the number of titles involved:

    • 580 Merged with: Instructor (Intermediate edition), to form: Instructor (New York, N.Y. : 1999).
    • 785 17 $t Instructor (Intermediate edition)
    • 785 17 $t Instructor (New York, N.Y. : 1999)
  • 8=Changed back to

For the subfields see the 780 field. 780 Subfields 787

Nonspecific relationship

Used when none of the defined fields is appropriate. Usually a 580 note indicates the relationship.

Indicator 1
Note controller
  • 0=Display note
  • 1=Do not display note
Indicator 2
Display constant controller
  • #=Related item
  • 8=No display constant generated
For the subfields see the
780 subfields. 8xx
Series added entries

Entries for series when the traced form differs from that on the piece. Usually paired with a 490. The 830 is the most common series added entry tag used with serials. For 800, 810, 811 see Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data or other MARC documentation.

CONSER Standard Record

See 440 and 490 for CONSER Standard Record information.

Note: new MARBI standards may affect the relationships between 4xx and 8xx entries.

Series Added Entry - Uniform Title
Note: use of this field may be changing with new MARBI standards.

The most common subfields are shown below. For more see Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data or other MARC documentation.

Indicator 1

Values are blank

Indicator 2
Non-filing characters
Number of character positions that represent articles (the, die, la) and should be ignored during indexing.
  • 0=No nonfiling characters
  • 1-9=Numbers of ninfiling characters present
Subfield a
Uniform title
  • $a Bulletin (Society of &133;)
Subfield n
Number of part/section of work

Usually a subseries, which goes with the part in subfield p.

  • $n Part B
Subfield p
Name of part/section of work
  • $p Cities
Subfield v
Volume number/sequential designation
  • $v v.2
Holdings Data Embedded in Bibliographic Records

Holdings data, which is recorded in the bibliographic record. Not all systems use this.
For additional MFHD documentation see:
Marc 21 Format for Holdings Data and NASIGuide: Serial Holdings.

Electronic Location and Access

Used to access electronic information. Basic subfields are listed below. See Marc 21 Format for Bibliographic Data or other MARC documentation for greater detail.

CONSER Standard Record

CONSER Standard Records contain generally-accessible links. Local or password protected links are not recorded in national level records.

Indicator 1
Access Method
  • #=No information provided
  • 0=E-mail
  • 1=FTP
  • 2=Remote login (Telnet)
  • 3=Dial up
  • 4=HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  • 7=Method specified in $2
Indicator 2
  • #=No information provided
  • 0=Resource
  • 1=Version of resource
  • 2=Related resource
  • 8=No display constant generated
Subfield u
Uniform Resource Locator
  • $u
Subfield y
Link text
  • $y Click here to access via UM
Subfield z
Public note
  • $z An electronic book accessible via the World Wide Web
Subfield x
Non-public note

Note that does not display in the OPAC

  • $x Access is currently free through subscription to print

9xx - Locally defined fields

Fields used for local information. Check with your systems vendors to make sure they are not defined by them.






Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
E-mail: for comments, queries and suggestions.

Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised 16 December 2008