Wooden Boat collection
This is a legay page; please use the latest, updated index, or return to Wooden Boat magazine.
by date, no., articles, yachts.
Oct:1974 1 Traditional Boatbuilder's Tools, Building a Sharpie, Red & White Oaks, A Modified Friendship. tba Nov/Dec '74 2 The Lincolnville Wherry, A Smoky Mountains Dory, Electrical Installations, The Decay of Wood in Boats, The Maine Sloop. tba Jan/Feb '75 3 Racing Skipjacks on the Chesapeake, Inspecting the Bilge, The Cape Cod Catboat, ALMA, a San Francisco Scow Schooner. tba Mar/Apr '75 4 The Bath Marine Museum Apprenticeshop, Scottish Fishing Boat Conversions, Cold-Molded Construction, Pete Culler on Boatbuilding. tba May/Jun '75 5 The Mystic Seaport Small Craft, Building a Whitehall from Lofting through Finishing, Au Sable River Boats, Building a Tancook Whaler, Part I. tba July/Aug '75 6 Chesapeake Bay Log Canoe, John Gardner on Marine Museums, The Great Pacific Boatworks. tba Sept/Oct '75 7 Estimating Construction Costs, Cold-Molded Construction, The Building of a Tancook Whaler, Instant Boats, ACTIVE to England. --Note: There was no Nov/Dec '75 Issue of WoodenBoat-- tba Jan/Feb '76 8 The Original Knockabouts, Documentation Primer, Ashcroft Construction, Small Craft Restoration, St. Lawrence Yawls. tba Mar/April '76 9 Rediscovering Hackmatack, Mason Boat Works, Barbados Boatbuilding, Domestic Woods, Part I: . tba May/June '76 10 Imported Woods, Part II: , A Pro on Painting, Folkboats Revisited, Runabouts, Seasoning Science. tba July/Aug '76 11 Understanding, Appreciating, Preventing Rot, Some Thoughts on Lofting, The Nearly Forgotten Art of Making Planes, Teak Decks. tba Sept/Oct '76 12 An Intro to Refastening, The Essence of Lofting, A Winter Storage Primer, Clamps & Cleverness, The Bass Boat. tba Nov/Dec '76 13 Winter Layup, Making Molds, Leaks Are Lousy, Keeping the Structure Together, West Coast Traditions. tba Jan/Feb '77 14 The Rabbet, Saw Cuts, No Wrinkles: Canvasing the Deck, The Incredible Herreshoff Dugout, Setting Up. tba Mar/April '77 15 Watertight: A Simple Teak Deck, The Fine Art of Stripping Paint, Ribbands, Timbering Out, The Venetian Gondola, Pouring the Lead Keel. tba May/June '77 16 The Construction of GOLDEN DAZY, Repairing a Cruiser Transom, An Expert's Views on Varnishing, Planking the Maine Lobsterboat. tba July/Aug '77 17 New Frontiers: The Pacific Northwest, Evaluating Sheathing Materials, Italy's Premier Boatbuilders, Surfboating on the Jersey Shore. tba Sept/Oct '77 18 Building the Adirondack Guideboat, Another Bolger Triumph, New England's Lowells and Their Dories, ENDLESS SUMMER. tba Nov/Dec '77 19 Sailing Canoes of Polynesia, The Banks Dory, Taking Off Lines, The Wooden Boat Festival. tba Jan/Feb '78 20 Make Your Own Rudder, Repairing the Cabintop, St. Lawrence Rowing Skiffs, The Life and Times of ColinArcher. tba Mar/April '78 21 Maintaining the Seams and Topsides, How to Understand Boat Plans, A Wooden Submarine, BuildingRacing Shells. tba May/June '78 22 Deck Canvasing: The State of the Art, Practical Bottom Maintenance, Classic Cruisers: Power & Sail, The Versatile Leeboard. tba July/Aug '78 23 A Norwegian Boatbuilding School, Electrolysis-Debunking the Myths, The Classic Speedboats of LakeTahoe, Multihulls. tba Sept/Oct '78 24 A Sailing Whitehall, The Genius of Laurent Giles, Getting the Feel of Caulking, Cold Molding: APowerboat for Today. tba Nov/Dec '78 25 Living Aboard, Cornish Gigs, WHITEHAWK Under Sail, Leaking Decks. 26, Herreshoff's Rozinante, How to Build a Classic Dinghy, Surveying, Cold-Molding in the West. tba Mar/April '79 27 New England's Oldest Dory Shop, Professional Quality Maintenance, Sailing Peapods, Pete Culler's Workshop. tba Jan/Feb '79 26 Surveyors and surveying, building your own classic dinghy, how to sink and save a classic boat, sailing the Herrshoff rozinante, drascombe boats tba May/June '79 28 William Hand's Motorsailers, Norwegian Boatbuilding, Lumber Forecast, Bedding Compounds. tba July/Aug '79 29 Design Competition Results, Classic Runabouts Today, Rebuilding the Wood & Canvas Canoe, Friendship Sloops Under Sail. tba Sept/Oct '79 30 Winter Layup, The San Francisco Pelican, Bow Chocks, The Reliable One-Lunger. tba Nov/Dec '79 31 Working Sail Returns, Heating Your Boat with Wood, Falmouth Oyster Boats, Finish Off a Flat-Bottomed Skiff. tba Jan/Feb '80 32 Simple Tools for Simple Boats, Restoring a St. Lawrence Skiff, John Alden's Yachts, Understanding Marine Electrical Systems. tba Mar/April '80 33 Making Half Models, Nathanael Herreshoff, The JOHN F. LEAVITT. tba May/June '80 34 An Exquisite Yacht Tender, Festival Season, Cold-Molded Metamorphosis. tba July/Aug '80 35 Herreshoff's New York Thirties, St. Pierre Dory, Restoring a Working Skipjack. tba Sept/Oct '80 36 Understanding Marine Insurance, The Birchbark Canoe Lives On, How to Build a Seaworthy SailingCanoe, The Versatile Swampscott Dory. tba Nov/Dec '80 37 The Alaska Limit Seiner, The History of Small Yacht Design, Part I, Finishing of the Seaworthy SailingCanoe, Milling Your Own Lumber. tba Jan/Feb '81 38 The Oldest Known Boat in the World, The Preservation of Ships and Skills, The Remarkable HerreshoffMEADOW LARK, Boats to Build from a Kit. tba Mar/April '81 39 The Maine Schooner, Making Patterns for Castings, More Boats from Kits, Stem Repairs andReplacements. tba May/June '81 40 An Interview with John Gardner, Spring Outfitting with a Pro, Singlehanding an Old Gaffer, The Last Wooden Shipbuilding Boom. tba July/Aug '81 41 Yachting's Cutter Craze, Build a Classic Plywood Dory, Restoring a Runabout, Narrowboats of Great Britain. tba Sept/Oct '81 42 Planking the Plywood Dory, Sailing Workboats for the Future, Wooden Yachts That Earn Their Keep, ASurvey of Boatbuilding Schools. tba Nov/Dec '81 43 The Sea Bird Yawl Revisited, Teaching Yourself to Build Boats, Newport's First Wooden Boat Show, Finishing Off the Plywood Dory. tba Jan/Feb '82 44 A New Classic Runabout, SEA BIRD's Atlantic Crossing, Maritime Preservation, Comparing Carvel andCold-Molded Construction. tba Mar/April '82 45 Classics in Sail and Power, Boatbuilding Woods , Vic Carpenter, A Seaworthy Plywood Tender. tba May/June '82 46 Laying a Tight Deck, Details of Outstanding Craftsmanship, English Maritime Museums, Planking aPlywood Tender. tba July/Aug '82 47 Saw Sharpening, Tough Competition from Wooden Daysailers, A Penny-Pinching Power Cruiser, Craftsmanship on Deck. tba Sept/Oct '82 48 Early Runabouts, The Northwest's Frank Prothero, An Inexpensive Boat Shelter You Can Build, KeepingPower Saws Sharp. tba Nov/Dec '82 49 The Masterful Work of Malcolm Brewer, Small Boatbuilding, Norwegian Style, Quick & Dirty Boatbuilding, Replacing the Keel. tba Jan/Feb '83 50 San Francisco's Nunes Brothers, Cutting Your Own Natural Crooks, Boats and Builders in Ireland, Improving a Classic Dinghy. tba Mar/April '83 51 Conversations with Bud McIntosh, Restoring a Burned-Out Yacht, John Gardner's Plywood Bateau, Building the Wayfarer Dinghy Kit. tba May/June '83 52 Lesson from a Great Lakes Schooner, A Cold-Molded Rejuvenation, Elegant Launches from Venice, Building the Concordia Beetle Cats. tba July/Aug '83 53 Making Gaff Rig Work to Windward, Folding Boats at Sea, An Elegant Classic, Plank Repair andReplacement. tba Sept/Oct '83 54 Build AMERICA's Half Model, Plywood Boats for Oar & Paddle, Winter Covers, Auxiliary Engines: Diesel& Gas. tba Nov/Dec '83 55 L. Francis Herreshoff, The Schooner WANDER BIRD, Restoring Molded Wooden Boats, The GreatestLittle Motorboat. tba Jan/Feb '84 56 The First Planing Power Cruisers, A Classic in Lapstrake Plywood, The Sharpie for All Seasons, Restoring a Herreshoff 12 1/2. tba Mar/April '84 57 One Ultimate Wooden Yacht, Sailing the Bermuda Dinghy, Restoration to the Highest Standards, Making Your Boat Tight Again. tba May/June '84 58 Getting Into Kayaks, Sailing the Tancook Schooner, Steam-Bending as a Science, Modern Wooden Shipbuilding. tba July/Aug '84 59 An Amphibious Cat-Ketch, Outlook for World Timber, Hawaii's Koa Canoes, On Glues and Gluing. tba Sept/Oct '84 60 How to Buy a Wooden Boat, The Perfect Pram, Cold-Molded Sheathing, Celebration of Wooden Boats. tba Nov/Dec '84 61 Build a Fast Plywood Single Shell, A High-Performance River Boat, Step-by-Step Cold-Molded Sheathing, QQA Legacy of Ship Preservation. tba Jan/Feb '85 62 Step-by-Step Traditional Teak Grates, Lake Tahoe's Elegant Classics, The Forward Thinking of Henry QQScheel. tba Mar/April '85 63 Hot Ideas for Cold-Molded Boats, How to Row a Single Scull, Spring Commissioning in Just Two QQWeekends, Restoring a Fantail Launch. tba May/June '85 64 Albert Strange and the Canoe Yawl, The Arts of the Riverboat Builders, Spring Painting and Varnishing, QQUnusual Backyard Boats. tba July/Aug '85 65 Keeper of Classic Speedboats, The Boatbuilder as Artist, Making Traditional Mast Hoops, The Wooden Boat Regattas. tba Sept/Oct '85 66 In Praise of the Junk, Seasoning Your Lumber, Skiffs and Sharpies, Renewing the Deck. tba Nov/Dec '85 67 Make a Canoe Paddle, A Classic Steam Yacht, Part I, Hatches and Deck Joinery, A Plywood Sharpie. tba Jan/Feb '86 68 Celebration of Early 12-Meters, State-of-the-Art Singlehander, Renewing a Classic Outboard Launch, Leatherwork for the Sailor. tba Mar/April '86 69 Trimaran Jim Brown, Make Your Own Wooden Plane, Trailers and Cradles, Powerboat Systems. tba May/June '86 70 California Schoonerman, Build a Plywood Kayak, The British Wooden Boat Revival, Buying Used Tools. tba July/Aug '86 71 Make Your Own Oars, Speedboats from the Golden Era, Repairing Lapstrake Planks, Sailing a Gaff Cutter. tba Sept/Oct '86 72 Gulf Coast Outboards, Starling Burgess, Wooden Boat Insurance, Recovering a Teak Deck. tba Nov/Dec '86 73 Offshore Powerboats, Casting Bronze Hardware, Rod Stephens & the N.Y. 32s, How to Build a Plywood Runabout. tba Jan/Feb '87 74 Rowing the River Thames, Jack Holt's Sailing Dinghies, North Sea Trawler-Yacht, The Gunter Rig. tba Mar/April '87 75 Building a Pocket Cruiser, Maintenance Schedules, The Designs of Winthrop Warner, Looking at Boat Plans. tba May/June '87 76 High-Speed Sportfishing Yachts, Build a Locker for the Main Cabin, The Safe and Able Boats of Lyle Hess, Hot-Weather Varnishing. tba July/Aug '87 77 A Modern Northwest Classic, Deck Care, Production-Built Small Boats, Buying a Runabout. tba Sept/Oct '87 78 Canoe Restoration, Centerboards and Trunks, Exotic Rigs, Danish Spidsgatters. tba Nov/Dec '87 79 The New England Dragger, Tool Storage and Transport, Boatyard Hazards, A Woven Coracle. tba Jan/Feb '88 80 Grass Roots Outboard Racing, Celebrating Concordia Yawls, Replacing Planks, Sano Magic. tba Mar/April '88 81 Sailing a Bahamian Smack, The Art of Brightwork, . Building a Cabin Sole, 50 Years with DIABLESSE. tba May/June '88 82 Summer Festivals, Lyman Boatworks, Galvanizing Hardware, The Reelfoot Stumpjumper. tba July/Aug '88 83 Proven Proas, The Designs of Nick Potter, Wreck at Cape Ann, The Self Survey. tba Sept/Oct '88 84 Stopping Leaks, Howard Chapelle, Herreshoffs Revealed, Epoxy-Wood Connection. tba Nov/Dec '88 85 Douarnenez Festival, Tack-and-Tape Construction, Charles Francis Adams, A Cutter's Story. tba Jan/Feb '89 86 The English Coble, Scarfing Plywood, The Legendary Prowler, Collecting Marine Art. tba Mar/April '89 87 Warp Speed, Fishing Schooners, Leakproof Hatches, Good Skiffs. tba May/June '89 88 Steam Boxes, Windmill Boat, Plank-on-Frame Dugouts, Chesapeake Daysailers. tba July/Aug '89 89 Snipes, Repair Strategies, Sprit Rig Basics, Art of Wm. Gilkerson. tba Sept/Oct '89 90 Double-Paddle Canoes, The Steam Yacht ENA, Build a Dory Model, Simple Boat Details. tba Nov/Dec '89 91 Mast Building, Charter Classics, Wianno Seniors, Unleaded Gas Controversy. tba Jan/Feb '90 92 Multihull Safety, Build a Skylight, Lapstrake Repairs, Rig and Hull Performance. tba Mar/April '90 93 Special Hands-On Issue, Fitting Out, Painting, Quick Repairs. tba May/June '90 94 Fast Commuters, Louvered Doors, Blanchard Boats, Pocket Cruisers. tba July/Aug '90 95 Class without Flash, Gannon & Benjamin, Building by Eye, Squaresail Sailing. tba Sept/Oct '90 96 Building the Biscayne Bay 14, PRIDE OF BALTIMORE, Replanking a Runabout, North Woods Canoe. tba Nov/Dec '90 97 Building a Canoe Yawl, Kayak Designs, Laminated Frames. tba Jan/Feb '91 98 Olin J. Stephens II, Steamboats at Windermere, Building Crooked Drawers, A New MOBJACK. tba Mar/April '91 99 Raised-Panel Joinerwork, A Trouble-Free DC System, Build a Proper Icebox. tba May/June '91 100 Maintenance Costs: Glass vs Wood, The Hickman Sea Sled, How to Scull, Build WEE LASSIE. tba July/Aug '91 101 Winning Shells in Wood, Installing a New Diesel, Great Lakes Small Craft, The Buckboard Trailer. tba Sept/Oct '91 102 Affordable Boat Design, Build a Molded Coach Roof, The Elco Cruisette. tba Nov/Dec '91 103 The Perfect Skiff, Mahogany Classics in Italy, Patternmaking with Acrylic Plastic. tba Jan/Feb '92 104 Kayak Camp, Designing a Dream, Build Sweet Pea, Van Dam Craftsmanship, Capt. Adrian Raynaud. tba Mar/April '92 105 Cabin Tables, Epoxy & Wood, Making a New Rudder, Rope Fenders, Sweet Pea, Part II. tba May/June '92 106 The Constellation Controversy, Buying the Right Plywood, Coverting to Stitch & Glue, Lowell's Boat Shop. tba July/Aug '92 107 Build a Ship's Wheel, Rybovich, Civilized Daysailers, A Shipyard in a Box. tba Sept/Oct '92 108 Building a Double Paddle, Designer Al Mason, An Innovative Garboard Repair, The Batavia Replica. tba Nov/Dec '92 109 The Sea Bright Skiff, Knowing the Ropes, The Stone Boat Yard. tba Jan/Feb '93 110 Wave-Piercing Catamarans, Lofting Demystified, Part I, Curved Spars & Halyard Hooks. tba Mar/April '93 111 Build a Perfect Skiff, Part I, Varnishing, Mast Repair, Shipworms & Gribbles, Bottom Paints, Copper Sheathing, Lofting Demystified, Part II. , tba May/June '93 112 Skiff Craft, The Strip-Diagonal Combination, The McManuses of Boston, An Invisible Motor, Finishing the Perfect Skiff. tba July/Aug '93 113 Building the Cape Charles Kayak, Part I, Restoration of VIOLET, Edson Schock, Riva! tba Sept/Oct '93 114 An Elegant Sea Kayak, Part II, Carlo Riva, Refastening with Rivets, Sharpies, Square Meters. tba Nov/Dec '93 115 Double-Paddle Cruising, Homemade Hardware, Yacht Yards of the North Shore, The Bonding Debate. tba Jan/Feb '94 116 Shellback Dinghy, Part I, Extraordinary Launches from Minett, An Ideal Tender, Transom Repairs, Kettenburg of California. tba Mar/April '94 117 Deck Seams, Shellback II, Oars, A Grady-White Makeover, Accurate Joinerwork, Moorings. tba May/June '94 118 Sandbaggers, Shellback III, A Stealth Dinghy, Norway's Maritime Traditions, Tugs on San Francisco Bay. tba July/Aug '94 119 Canoe called Yakaboo, Putting a Shaper to Work, Building Dolly, Sheathing Fabrics for Wooden Boats, Inner-City Boatbuilding. tba Sept/Oct '94 120 A Railbird Skiff, Schooner Stories, Finishing Off a Sportfisherman, Tenacity, A Woman's Work of Art, WoodenBoat Heroes: Where are They Now? tba Nov/Dec '94 121 Grand Lake Canoes, TILIKUM: A World-Roaming Log Canoe, A Fast and Simple Garvey, Designing TAMARA, Future of Maritime History. tba Jan/Feb '95 122 Schooner BRILLIANT, Boats of the Yangtze River, Catamaran Designer James Wharram, A Retractable Skeg. tba Mar/April '95 123 PRINCIPIA Recycled, The Canoe Yawl RED HEAD, Clamps in the Boatshop, A Folding Dinghy. tba May/June '95 124 Boatbuilding Methods, Dragon Boats, Replacing a Keel and Centerboard Trunk, Building CHANTY. tba July/Aug '95 125 Understanding Hull Stress, Part I, A Modern French Fishing Lugger, Paul E. Luke and ROSA II, The 6-Hour Canoe. tba Sept/Oct '95 126 Building the Dory Skiff, Part I, Hurricane Island Boats, The Purdys of Port Washington, Whitehalls, Double-ended Daysailer LALA, Repowering CHEWINK. , tba Nov/Dec '95 127 Chesapeake Bay Log Canoes, North Carolina Sportfishing Boats, Re-decking a Philip Rhodes Yawl, Making Oars and Leathers, Beach Cruisers, Dory Skiff, Part II. , tba Jan/Feb '96 128 BLOODHOUND, Drilling Long Holes, Grey Seal, Part I, Potomac River Dory-Boats, Ideal Trainer. tba Mar/April '96 129 ZULU, Bending Wood with Dry Heat, PT Boat Design and Development, Trollers of the Pacific Northwest, The Schooner BOWDOIN, Building Grey Seal, Part II. , tba May/June '96 130 Adirondack Guideboats, Casting Bronze, Alton Wallace, The Knarr Class, Grey Seal, Part III. tba July/Aug '96 131 Build the Osprey Triple-Cockpit Kayak, Part I, Sailing Rigs for Kayaks, Claud Worth, Tale of Two Sonders, Simple Patterns, Huris, Sunbuqs, and Boatbuilders of Yemen, Tops'l to Trys'l. tba Sept/Oct '96 132 The Trumpy Story, Widgeon, Manhasset Bay One Designs, Harvesting Hackmatack Knees, Harry Bryan, McGruer's, A Triple-Cockpit Kayak, Part II. tba Nov/Dec '96 133 Aage Nielsen's Double-Enders, Building Decks and Cabins, Building a Plywood Peapod, Part I, Mathis-Trumpy, Part II. tba Jan/Feb '97 134 Wooden Rowing Shells, Japanese Tub Boats, Marinize a Subaru Engine, Plywood Peapod, Part II. tba Mar/April '97 135 Bahamian Boatbuilding, Birchbark Canoes, Refastening a Hull, Tips for Varnishing tba May/June '97 136 A Draketail Launch, Installing Gasoline Engines, Building the Mill Creek Kayak, Part I, Scarfing, Building SPITFIRE. tba July/Aug '97 137 Powerboat Designs, Setting up a Building Jig, Sharpies of North Carolina, Building the Mill Creek Kayak, Part II. tba Sept/Oct '97 138 N.G.Herreshoff s Hollow-Bowed Boats, Master Mariners Regatta, Taking Lines from Models, Build a 14' Lapstrake Sailboat. tba Nov/Dec '97 139 CONSTITUTION Sails!, A New Rowing Gig for the Northwest, Boats of Bangladesh, Build a Daysailer. tba Jan/Feb '98 140 Classic Powerboats Gather in Florida, How to Carve a Nameboard, Updated Rigging for a Traditional Daysailer, EDA FRANDSEN: The Lives of a Danish Fishing Boat. tba Mar/April '98 141 GRAYLING: Back from the Brink, Build a Cedar-and-Canvas Canoe, Part I, Essential Edge Tools, Sailing Vintage 12-Meters, Galway Hookers. tba May/June '98 142 LEZARD: 100-Year Old Racing Sloop, Longleaf Yellow Pine, SALLY: Albert Strange Canoe Yawl, Cedar-and-Canvas Canoe, Part II. tba July/Aug '98 143 Essex-Built Schooner, Waldo Howland's Life in Boats, Build a Baidarka, Cedar-and-Canvas Canoe, Part III. The Creation of BELLE MARIE. tba Sept/Oct '98 144 Sheathing Strip-Planked Hulls, York Boats, Bird Boats, Simmons Sea Skiff, Heisler and Son. tba Nov/Dec '98 145 60 Families Build 60 Boats, A One-Station Skiff, Winter Covers, Reefing Out Seams: A New Approach, The World's Fastest Boat. tba Jan/Feb '99 146 Building a Whaleboat, The Nordic Folkboat, A Nesting Dinghy that Works, Shop-Made Lapstrake Planking Clamps, A Gallery of New Boat Designs. tba Mar/April '99 147 Saving the USS CONSTELLATION, A Shop-Made Hand Plane, Teak Decks on Plywood Sub-Decks, Designer Hugh Angelman, Hobokibune, the unusual sailing trawler from Japan, Designs of Joel White, Sea Island One-Design. tba May/June '99 148 A Viking Ship Replica, Plywood Boat Design on the Computer, Ben Seaborn, Naval Architect, Ralph Stanley Builds a 28' Schooner. tba July/August '99 149 The Resurrection of an Aging Pilot Schooner, Stripping a Tired Finish, History of the Thunderbird Class, Pinky Schooners, A New Twist on Round Hollow Spars. tba Sept/Oct '99 150 25th Anniversary Issue: Jon Wilson on Founding WoodenBoat, 25 Boats from Past Issues, Build a Skiff with Hand Tools, The W-Class Sloops Race at Antigua, Ring-Andersen Shipyard. tba Nov/Dec '99 151 Building a Skiff with hand Tools (part 2), Designer Fenwick Williams, Oyster Boats at Work, Cutting Station Molds: A New Way, Oregon's Drift Boats. tba Jan/Feb 2000 152 Venetian Gondolas, A Leak-proof Centerboard Trunk, Building a Skiff with hand Tools (part 3), HM Bark ENDEAVOUR, An Electric Launch. tba Mar/April 2000 153 The Crosbys of Osterville, Build a Lightning, Importing Lumber from Suriname, Shop-made Counterbores, EASTWIND: Pragmatic World Voyaging. tba May/June 2000 154 Wooden Tour Boats of Southeast Alaska, Pushing the Limits: Powerboat Speed, Pilot Holes for Screws, Lightning-class, Build, Part 2, Boatbuilding: French & Webb, Windfall: Harvesting Timber. tba July/August 2000 155 A Wooden Boat Festival in Norway, Maintaining an Island Mail Boat, San Francisco's Rowing Clubs, Restoration of a San Diego Pilot Boat. tba September/October 2000 156 Build a 12' Sailing Dinghy, SPIRIT the Legendary Sloop, Pacific Voyaging Canoes, Hodgdon Yachts, Topsail Schooner Sea Training. tba November/Dec 2000 157 The Research Behind Restoration, Runabouts: A builder of contemporary classics, Troubleshooting Planes: Part 1, Shoal Draft and Self-Righting, The Genesis of DEVA, Building Ellen Part 2, How to Make a Rabbeting Chisel. , tba Jan/Feb 2001 158 Brest/Douarnenez 2000, Mackinaw Boats, The Rhodes Sloop KIRAWAN, Hand Planes and Their Use: Part 2, Building a Schooner Hull in Australia. tba Mar/Apr 2001 159 Building Handy Billy: Part 1, . Loss of the JOHN F. LEAVITT, Farallone Clippers, Capt. Robert Douglas, The Lyman King, Flatfish Lead Ballast, Getting Out a New Plank. tba May/June 2001 160 The Evolution of Robb White, Shipworms, Raising CHRISTIANIA, The Heir Island Sloop, Cantieri Navale dell'Argentario, The Ranger boats of Southeast Alaska, Building Handy Billy, Part II. tba July/August 2001 161 The Penbo Boats, The Humble Tenon Block, F. Spaulding Dunbar, Alastair Garland - Restoration, Lobstering Under Sail - Friendship Sloop, Jessie - Rough Water Daysailor tba Sept/Oct 2001 162 ELLY a Scandanavian Workboat, Vincent J. Serio, Sr. and the Hampton One-Design, A New Lead Keel for California Schooner Spike Africa, Reviving an Elco Launch, A Murray Peterson schooner, The Steamboats of South Australia's Murray River, The wrecks o tba Nov/Dec 2001 163 George Calkins bartenders, yacht america, laid decks, camp cruising surf dory, Rabbet plane, tba Jan/Feb 2002 164 88 class st Lawrence skiffs, rotating daggerboards, Ralph Stanley, runabouts switzerland, schooner pacific grace, tba Mar/Apr 2002 165 Schooner SULTANA, Epoxy surfaces, fair deck lofting, Oregon surf dories, tuning sprit rig, May/June 2002 166 Winefield Lash, Freda, F. Williams dinghy, wwod screws, jim stevens, painting boats July/August 2002 167 Sam Crocker, Recycling Teak, Britt Brothers Boat Builders, The Legacy of Sam Crocker, Preparing a Wooden Hull for Sea, A Laser for Lines Taking, Cockpit Sole Repair. Sept/Oct 2002 168 Riverside dinghy, repairs, rob roy, john macgregor, vacuum bag, Atkin, Dolphin, rebecca, hother, Nov/Dec 2002 169 Herreshoff P-boat, salmon trollers, Atkin design, Adney collection birch bark canoe Caribou, Joyant, Madrigal, Guardian, Mini Rose, Lark,Namaki Jan/Feb 2003 170 faring with epoxy, designs of William James Roué, South Carolina workboats, Greenland kayak, Herreshoff's Q-boats, Maine lobster boats, fuel consumption, wood strengths Questa, Nor'easter V, Rambler, Babson Island 35, Zetes, Haligonian, Bluenose Junior, Maud II, Bluenose Mar/Apr 2003 171 whaleboat, mystic, duck-hunting, barnegat bay A-cats, Elcos May/June 2003 172 removing kellbolts, replica ships, steam bending, Sparkman &Stephens, lapstitch boatbuilding Buzzards Bay 25, Vitessa, Flying Dream, Bagatelle July/August 2003 173 High -performance sailing, replica yachts, v-bottoms, vinyl fender, Fellows & Stewart, classic sails, Dough Shumpert Olympias, Batavia, Jeanie Johnston, Dunbrody Sept/Oct 2003 174 wooden shells, moels Rod Napier, marine plywood, Poulsbo boat, J class boats, replicas, Robert Stephens design -58' Cygnus II, Jenny, Prestige,Valiant, Windward, Avatar, Islalena, Friendship of Salem, Fame, Spirit of South Carolina, Gotheborg Lois McClure, Kalmar Nyckel, Utrecht Statenjacht Nov/Dec 2003 175 A Jet-Driven Flyfisherman, Replicas, Part 4, Sailing Cruiser Design, Jig for Scarfing Plywood, NECTAR: from Montgomery Alger, Legendary Yachts, Stephens Brothers Jan/Feb 2004 176 Rowing dory for circumnavigaton, Tom Cat, Family Island regatta - Bahamas, Irving Johnson, Exy Johnson, Swift of Ipswich March/April 2004 177 Luder 16, Gil Smith designer, Shannon one design, cornerposts, floating docks, Concordias, bunker and Ellis power boat, brightwork care, Henwood and Dean, Lug-riided dinghy, designer Paul Gartside, C.A. Thayer, Sara Frances, Sumurun,Selina II, Desparate Lark, Weetamoe, Voodo, Silohouette, Storm, Ladt Helen, Madigan, Moonbeam,Edna, Lucile, Gay B, May/June 2004 178 Coriolis, Fire Safety, Traditional Lapstrake Plank Scarf, Shrimp Boats, Education of Myles Thurlow, Twig Bower and the schooner Heron, Kirawan's, painting top-side, Wooden Bilge Pump jul/Aug 2004 179 spirit of tradition, olin stephens, camp cruiser, birdwatcher, shop-made-vise wild horses, Sept/Oct 2004 180 Redwing 18 camp cruiser, Juniata 35 commuter cruiser, Cahpelle's Melson seed, St. Tropez, Eirka -folkboat, Lutr flyfisher, Pleione -eight meter, bona Fide nov/dec 2004 181 birchbark canoe, daysailer, ornamental carvings, alan payne, vanished coast, gretel, intrepid, jan/feb 2005 182 ice boats, bunting, half model, wanderer III, windjammers wanderer, slipper, March/April2005 183 Crowninshield classic -Stella, Concordia, Caledonia yawl, New York 30 Alera, Gull II, Norway ship preservation, dovetails Secret, Tinkerbelle, Vital Spark, Marilee, Hilda Willing May/June 2005 184 New York 30's. rebuilding wooden boat, B.B. Crowninshield "Martha", Australia's sailing skiffs Martha, Linnet, Nautilus, Cara Mia, Banzai, Hindu, Viajero July/August 185 Caledonia yawl, Fife - Mariquita , Dennis Conor's Q-boat Cotton Blossom, Nomad III sun-powered Vitessa, Gertrude Sept/Oct 2005 186 West coast lumber schooner -C.A.Thayer, Musketaquid- thoreau's boat,Simmons sea skiff,classic sea chest, Kingston lobster boat and modern adaptation, LaDonne's YNOT crusier moterboat.24' sharpie ketch drawings Nov/Dec2005 187 Coquina - Nat Herreshoff's cat-ketch, yacht restoration, Sweden, Simmons sea skiff, Cape Henry 21, Davy wood shell blocks, Pride of Baltimore,America, Marité, Glorybe, Olinka, William B, Mayan, Odessey Jan/Feb2006 188 Schooners of Canadian Maritimes, hurricane damage,Internation Yacht Restoration School, simmons skiff, steaming frames, Linnet, Son of a Gun, Ocean Planet,,Alera, Rumbleseat, goose Lodge, Nimbus, Mar/Apr2006 189 rescuing vintage yachts -Tiedemann collection, Janet Dear 20, sailboaat restoration, Haiti's sloops, workiing sail -british, building RIFF -sailing dinghy Wawona, Glorious, Old Ironsides May/June 2006 190 birth of Bermuda race, part 2 RIFF, amphibious timber tugs of Canada, International Yacht Restoration School, Knockabout class - Crowninshield designs,Mower, alden, Triangle class, racing scows, New Zealand diesel launch, sailboat restoration. Nancy, Cock Robin, Tunipoo, Outlook, Chewink, Little Haste, Miss Modesty Jul/Aug 2006 191 camp cruising in baja, new galway hooker, wooden surfboards scottish herring drifter Sept/Oct2006 192 R class boat, Joshua Solcum, ketches of L. Franis Herreshoff,David Roberts design Wooden Shoe,making oars and paddles, Ed Cutts boats, wooden plane Pirate, Curio, Silver Lining fall/winter'87 193 Wooden Boats of the Centennial Bermuda Race, wood technology, South Coast Company, McGuiggan Clamp C.C Hanley, PT-15, An Reamon, Mermaid, Bangalore, Black Watch, Dame of Sark, Goshawk, Gusto, Lindy, Restive, Siren, Solution, Sonny, Synergy, Ticonderoga, Van Ki pass, Wester Till, Westray Feb:2007 194 Long edge joints, Chalanas, Puerto Rico, photography, Benjamin Mendlowitz, restored yachts, Krebs Shipyard, unsolved mysteries, currents, beveling and chamfering with hand tools, wood technology, ventilation, launchings, chalanas Hadlock 23, Valora, FOTO, ALANA, Apr:2007 195 Argentina, splicing wire, passanger launches, Van Dam Custom Books, Alaska, poison alert, wood technology Lanchas Colectivas, Conduit Skiff, David C. McIntosh, Willow, Mystic, Escapades, Susan C, Jacqueline Jun:2007 196 Small boat design, vintage yacht restoration, family boatbuilding, America's Cup, Manuel Campos, teak Willow, Bernice, Mary Rose, Brilliant, Scherzo, Phoenix, Sure Dave, Crusader Aug:2007 197 Pine tar and european union law, Creation of the Turtle Dove, Willow Part 3, Simon Sadubin, Dust control strategies, Felicity and Apple Pie, Destined Creation of Kate, Van Blerck Motor Company Turtle Dove, sea kayak, Merlin, Sao, Windward, Hoana, Felicity, Apple Pie, Kate Oct:2007 198 jet power lobster boat, Pocock rowing shells, mark a boot top, Norman Fortier photography, intor into strip planking Dec:2007 199 Bluenose !V, building Nymph, Commuter 36, private signals, Bermuda fitted dinghies, vacuum bagging, Winfield M.Thompson reporter sailor, Paul Gartsode design 30' cruiser. Feb:2008 200 yacht interiors, Neith - Herreshoff sloop, SS boats, rebuilding Neith, Callahan Seneca, Nymph, Truant II, Apr:2008 201 restoration of Dorade, Jun:2008 202 multihulls, P-399 sea horse wartime, Peggy Bawn Jul:2008 203 guide to wood selection, innovations of Penn Yan, four Herrshoff sloops restored, handling a hull in the shop, new england's last catboat fisherman, Oct:2008 204 Buzzard Bay 30's, Oceanus -Garden design, Asahel Curtis photography, Veteran, Roann Dec:2008 205 James Dodds artist, Wingnut II - dirt boat Tioga, Spirit of south Carolina Jan:2009 206 viking voyage, town class (marblehead), Harry Pidgeon,toolbox, fuel efficient powerbaot, Apr:2009 207 "Q" class,, Newfoundland dory, Trumpy man Jim Moores, Peter Freebody Jun:2009 208 Great lakes schooners, down the Mackenzie river, -Penelope, Sea brigt skiff Maggie B Jul:2009 209 lance lee, icon boats, George Luzier, sharpie for 21st century, 1888 lawley sloop, rivival of Cutty Sark, Sep:2009 210 Strip epoxy skiff, small boats coastal cruising, virtues linseed oil, kit boats, removing old screws, Dec:2009 211 Norways rescue boat Stavanger, McCoy brothers boat builders, and rum runners Jan:2010 212 coast guard greatest rescue, scotland's fishing boats, peapod, john and WilliamAtkin, Hugh Saint, Mar:2010 213 double enders, oldest marine engine, michigan boatbuilder, backyard builder alaska Rozinante (canoe yawl), May:2010 214 29' Gannon and Benjamin, woodenmastand hardware, gold leaf, fractional ownership 215-227 MISSING Oct:2012 228 Hermione launched in Rochefort France, workbenches, a square rigged wagon on the desert, the Concordia - Halcyon, San Juan Sharpie schooners, redesigning a 41 Ohlson sloop Gyre, folding saloon table, Sam Devlin designed power boats, Holland's Botters, Car 229 to ... to be indexed 2003/2004 Store 2005/2006 Store Jan:2007 Wooden Boats Small Boats Jan:2008 Wooden Boats Small Boats Jan:2009 Wooden Boats Small Boats Jan:2010 Wooden Boats Small Boats