formerly the Archives and Collections Society  

Victory Kids Summer 2012 - Reflections

This summer has been an adventurous time here at the Victory. This year our attendees made canoes, became a viking with their own drakkar, built a lighthouse so they could safety sail along in the dark, spent the day searching for the hidden Victory Kids treasure, made their way through dangerous waters to avoid being shipwrecked in the game Fate, went exploring in the sea of marine life and battled their way to victory in the war of 1812 before signing the Treaty of Victory Kids.

Our attendees enjoyed working on the themed packages which included: puzzles, colouring pages, mazes, quizzes and more, socializing with each other and working on constructive projects that they could take home with them. The most popular of days this year were Viking, Shipwrecks, and the War of 1812, even our shy ones joined in on all the fun. We are so honoured to have had a great turn out this year, and we encourage new comers to join us on our adventure next summer.

Parental comments show the success of this program. "This program was definitely a highlight of his summer" and "this program is a tremendous way for children to learn more about the county and its rich history."


The topics covered during the program were:

  • July 7th - Canoes: First Nations history, Loyalists and their beginnings in Canada
  • July 14th - Vikings: Raiders, Warriors and Explorers
  • July 21st - Lighthouses: Why are lighthouses important? How many lighthouses are there?
  • July 28th - Pirates, privateering and life aboard a pirate ship
  • August 4th - Shipwrecks and mysteries of Lake Ontario
  • August 11th - Marine Life
  • August 18th - War of 1812: Everything you need to know about the war

Service Canada

Revised: 31 March 2012