Naval Marine Archive - The Canadian Collection
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Yachting Collections

Please note that our collections are expanding regularly; these lists should unfortunately not be considered as necessarily up-to-date or definitive.

Our OPAC (Public Access Catalogue) contains all books that are publicly available to consult as well as those that are maintained in our Rare Book room where the assistance of our librarian staff is required; regular visitors can undertake specific training for more convenient access to our rare books and other documents.

Robert W. "Bob" Davis Collection: and a short biography.
Robert "Bob" Todd Collection: and a short biography.
Wooden Boat - complete collection
The Stephen R. de Chene Collection: and a short biography.
Nautical Quarterly - complete collection
General and Stormy Weather collection:
American Neptune - complete collection
Argonauta - complete collection
Boating magazine
Boatman magazine - complete collection
Canadian Sailings
Canadian Yachting
Chasse-Marée - extensive collection - including new publications, reprints and artwork
Classic Boat - complete to 9/99, incomplete after that
Cruising World magazine
Deep-Sea Research
Fair Winds
Fisherman Life - complete collection
GAM On Yachting
Good Old Boat
Great Lakes Fisherman - a complete set
L'escale - revue maritime
Log of Mystic Seaport
Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors
Mariner's Mirror - complete collection
Mariner Life - complete collection
Maritime Life and Traditions - complete collection
Motor Boating and Sailing formerly Motor Boating - partial collection
Motor Ship
Nautical Magazine
The Northern Mariner - complete collection
Oceans Magazine - complete collection
Ontario Sailor
Ports and Harbours
The Royal Cruising Club Journal - nearly complete collection
The Rudder - extensive collection
Sail magazine
Sailing Canada
Sea Breezes Magazine - near complete collection
Sea Chest - complete collection
Sea Classics - complete collection
Sea Frontiers - near complete collection
Seahorse - the official magazine of the Royal Ocean Racing Club
Seaport - the magazine of South Street Seaport
Seaports and the Shipping World
The Skipper
Small Boat Journal - complete collection
Stem to Stern
West Coast Mariner
Yachting World magazine
Yachting - very extensive collection

[The Society holds some 250,000 journals, magazines, periodicals etc. Others, not listed above include Boat Building, Boat International, Canadian Tall Ships, Classic Yacht Regatta (Antigua, Pamphlets), Der Yacht, Latitudes and Attitudes, Life Boat, Lifeboat, Light House, Model Boats, Model Engineer, Motor Boating (and Sailing), Naval Architect, Neptune, Neptune-nautisme, Ocean Navigator, Ocean Voyager, Practical Sailor, Professional Mariner, Professional Navigator, Seafarers, Ship and Boat International, Ships And Ship Models, Ships in Scale, Ships Monthly, Sports Afield, Tallships, The Yacht, Voiles et Voiliers, Yachting Monthly, Yachts And Yachting]


Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 4 May 2011